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This month we are profiling a group organized and dedicated to furthering the causes of graphic artists in the publishing and computing industries, The Graphics Arts Guild.

The Graphic Artists Guild is a national union of illustrators, designers, web creators, production artists, surface designers and other creatives who have come together to pursue common goals, share their experiences, raise industry standards, and improve the ability of visual creators to achieve satisfying and rewarding careers.

We do this through democratic and egalitarian means within a structure open to all working artists. Every Guild member is guaranteed a voice and the opportunity to actively participate.

About the Guild
Guild News
Guild Chapters
Guild Forums

We Wrote the Book
When you need information about copyright, contracts, industry pricing or trade practices, chances are you turn to the Graphic Artists Guild's Handbook of Pricing & Ethical Guidelines. We're the organization behind this indispensable resource and, more than just writing about it, we actively promote and uphold the standards and ethical practices the book is all about. (Read About the Code of Fair Practice.)


Our Members
The Graphic Artists Guild is made up of individuals who work in many disciplines, including illustration, graphic design, photography, cartooning, web design, multimedia, surface design, and others. The experience, wisdom, and activism of our members, accumulated over 32 years, is by far our greatest resource.


Our Community
The Guild gives you a direct connection to your peers. Workshops and events sponsored at the Local Chapter level provide colleagues an opportunity to meet in a noncompetitive environment, network, and take action on issues of concern.

Our active members appreciate a community where information on business practices, employment opportunities, clients, vendors, and technology is shared.

We have Chapters in Albany, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis, New York City, Northern California, Southern California, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, DC/Baltimore, and several that are currently forming. In areas where there is no geographic chapter, members are served by the At-Large Chapter. If there is no Guild chapter where you live but you would like to form one, we will help you make it happen.


Our Efforts
Equipping artists with the skills they need is what we do best, but helping artists cope with today's market isn't enough. The Guild is organized as a union so that we may act collectively and advocate for artists' rights in the political arena, making sure that we are respected and treated fairly by local, state, and federal governments.

The Guild has an impressive history of obtaining favorable change for artists, and our ongoing contact with the US Copyright Office insures that we have input into the laws that affect visual creators most.

The Graphic Artists Guild Legal Defense Fund puts our money on the line to support artists when they are involved in legal disputes, especially when the issues involved have the potential to affect the way artists will work in the future.


Join Us
If you earn over half your income from your graphic work, and agree with the Guild's basic purposes, you're eligible for membership. There is no portfolio review, no other entry requirements. Interested nonartists are welcome as associate members, with all membership privileges except voting rights. Meetings are open to all members, and any member may introduce resolutions.

The vitality of any organization lies in its members—that's where you fit in! Artists and designers who wish to succeed in business, improve their industry, and advance their rights as creators recognize the necessity of having a strong organization at work. That's why thousands have joined The Graphic Artists Guild. Your membership and involvement will help us succeed.

Make 2002 a great year for your career. Give yourself a well-deserved gift this year and become a Graphic Artists Guild Member today! [join here!]


The Graphic Artists Guild and Theispot-Showcase Reach Agreement Licensing Venture
New York, NY, December 17, 2001 - The Graphic Artists Guild (Guild) and Theispot-Showcase have reached an agreement in principle to work together in operating a licensing agency for the direct benefit of illustrators. The final details of the agreement will be worked out over the next 60 days.

The Graphic Artists Guild is a national organization that can help your employment needs
If you are looking to place an advertisment for a job opportunity or if you are looking for high-quality job employment look no further . . .

Do you need a job? http://www.gag.org/jobline/index.html

Do you need an artist or designer?
Browse Guild members portfolios. http://portfolios.gag.org/
Post a Job listing in the Guild's Jobline News.



The Graphic Artists Guild
90 John Street, Suite 403, New York, NY 10038-3202
voice: 800-500-2672 fax: 212-791-0333 [email protected]
Copyright © 1995-2000 - Graphic Artists Guild.

Members from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and New York meet at the National Convention. (Photo by Mark Monolux)
The above article courtesy of The Graphics Artists Guild......http://www.gag.org/
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