Fabric Specifics Used on Quilt Patterns


Block of
the Month

Quilt Size
(Before binding)
"94" x 113"

Fabric Source,
Quantity, & Date Purchased

Purchased:   10/10/14
       Begun:    00/00/00
Completed:    00/00/00


Main Print
Blank Fabrics
Style: Pansy Passion M6771 White
5 yds. @$9.99=$49.95
Havasu Quilts online;10/10/14
Expressing the creativity of
Block of the Month 2015 Fabrics
 (1) Accent - medium purple 
Style 183; Purple Pink Rain (medium)
1yd. @12.49 less 10%=$11.24
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
(2) Accent - cornflower
Hoffman Bali Batik Handpaints
Style 1895;Watercolor Cornflower 451
Ben Franklin; Monroe; 11/10/11
(3) Accent - dark green
Hoffman Bali Batik Handpaints
Style 1895;Watercolor Aventurine 237
2 yds. Online
(3+) Accent - dark green (might use Black Forest)
Gemstones by Fabri-Quilt, Inc.
Style #864542; Black Forest
Mad About Quilts; 04/21/15
(4) Accent - light green
Hoffman Bali Batik Handpaints
Style 1895; Watercolor Mint 74
Ben Franklin; Monroe; 11/10/11
(5) Accent - light gold
Clothworks/Fresh Batiks/Minerals
Style FBT 01-8
1yd.@$13.49 less 10%=$12.14
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Block Points Timeless Treasures/Tonga
B7900; Petunia (light purple)
1yd. @$10.49 less 10%=$9.44
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Style GALJAB-0311
3 yds. @12.99 less 10%=$35.07
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Block BackgroundGalaxy; Pearl Essence
Style: GAL 103W
6 yards=$39.00
Roxanne Carter; 05/13/15
Block Background
Michael Miller
White Pindot; CX1065; Snow
9-1/2 yds. @ $12.49=$129.93
Gathering Fabrics;Woodinvle; 03/24/12

Floral border (flowers)Timeless Treasures/Tonga
B7900; Petunia (light purple)
1yd. @$10.49 less 10%=$9.44
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Style 183; Purple Pink Rain (medium)
1yd. @12.49 less 10%=$11.24
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Flower Centers Clothworks/Fresh Batiks
Style FBT 01-8
1yd.@$13.49 less 10%=$12.14
Quiltworks NW; Bellevue; 11/11/14
Floral border
(leaves, stems)
Hoffman Bali Batik Handpaints
Style 1895; Watercolor Mint 74
Ben Franklin; Monroe; 11/10/11
Hoffman Bali Batik Handpaints
Style 1895;Watercolor Cypress 580
Ben Franklin; Monroe; 11/10/11
Gemstones by Fabri-Quilt, Inc.
Style #864542; Black Forest
3 yds.=$29.75
Mad About Quilts; 04/21/15
Outside borderBlank Fabrics
Style: Pansy Passion M6771 White
5 yds. @$9.99=$49.95
Havasu Quilts online;10/10/14
BindingBlank Fabrics
Style: Pansy Passion M6771 White
5 yds. @$9.99=$49.95
Havasu Quilts online;10/10/14
Roxanne Carter
(425) 742-6318
Block of the Month 2015 is a custom pattern by Roxanne Carter.
[email protected]
Purchased fabrics from Havasu Quilts and Quiltworks NW.
Roxanne Carter PatternPattern/Roxanne Carter

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