11/28/15: Space Needle; Seattle | 01/17/16: Statue of Liberty; New York |
01/18/16: Rockefeller Center; New York | 01/20/16: Empire State Building; New York | |
09/24/16: Engaged in San Francisco | 09/24/16: Engaged! | |
At Disneyland | 11/01/16: Halloween | |
Ole Hanson Beach Club, San Clemente, CA | Beach Club Reception and Dinner Area | |
Roger with his mother, Eng Hua Rainey | Denise with her mother, Linda Smaldino | |
Are you prepared for this? | Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rainey | |
Reception table assignments | Reception table favors | |
03/25/17: Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rainey | 03/25/17: Roger and Denise with Pica | |
03/25/17: Lyrics to "At Last" (first dance) at Reception | 03/26/17: Mr. & Mrs. at Disneyland | |
April, 2016 | Home Sweet Home! |
Many happy years ahead !
March 2, 2019; 2:03pm; Baby's face straight on with both hands up |
March 13, 2019 | |
Roger and Ryan: March 13, 2019 | March 14, 2019 | |
Home at last! March 15, 2019 | A walk in the park: March 23, 2019 | |
March 19, 2019; 6:00pm: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNcgDMsKL6alUu0t0lMM2exy5JsA0Pv6794-podN0cjx3JSk0eMWfts3RgA3DgvAg?key=ZVl5bXdndDlTQ2lhamlscWFBVDQwWGFycnplbnJR |
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