| Snow
Village (ceramic), Dickens (porcelain), and North Pole Village (porcelain)
Counters, Miniature Village in Cake Container Ceiling mounted animated
arrangement |  |
 | Snow
Village, circa 1950's
(youtube video) We always served sparkling cider, cookies, and sometimes
sandwiches |
 | Dickens
Village miniature vignette inside cake plate container. With tiny batteries,
I was able to illuminate the street lights. Photo: 1996 |
 | North
Pole Village; We always served sparkling cider, cookies,
and sometimes sandwiches. Chocolate coach, horses. Photo: 2002 |
 | North
Pole Village; Poor photo quality, but shows North
Pole buildings on candy-striped dishes. Photo: 2002 |
 |  | North
Pole Village; battery-activated ceiling ornament | North
Pole Village |
"You're the Cream in My Coffee" (circa 1929) |
| Newspaper | Entrance
| Upstairs | Main Floor
| Downstairs | Handout
| Contact
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