Credit Where Credit is Due....

These pages have been created for your information, entertainment, and usage by: Terra Kramer, Eileen Newsom, and Claradell Shedd in fulfillment of an HTML II Cooperative Project at Lake Washington Technical College, Kirkland, WA during the Spring Quarter, 2001, and instructed by Marie Willsey.

three smiling faces

For articles, graphics, clip art, and support/assistance: "Thank You!"

There are many graphics as well as volumes of high quality material on the network...and a lot of generous people who have either created that data or compiled it into one place and made it available. This list is dedicated to those who make their graphics and tools available for us to access and utilize.
Main Links:
Mission/About UsMenuAdditivesWondermanApple Juice
Banana JuiceCarrot JuiceLemon JuiceContact Us

Additional Links:
Grapefruit JuiceKiwi JuiceMango JuiceOrange Juice
Peach JuicePear JuicePurple Grape JuiceRed Cherry Juice
Red Tomato CocktailStrawberry JuiceTomato Juice
Copyright© The Main Squeeze...Juice for Life 2001