North High School Wall of Honor
Links to World War I Graduates

A veteran is someone who, at one point, wrote a blank check made payable to "the United States of America" for an amount up to and including his/her life.
Years of Graduation: 1903-1918
Last Name, First Name Branch, Rank Address
Fickel, Jacob Earl MG/Major General Philippines; 142 13th Street SE, Washington, D.C.; Died 08/07/56.
x x x
x x x
x x x
Fagen, Dr. Rodney Captain Hospital Division, France
Pickrell, Claude Lt. c/o Col. William Lyster, Adastral House Victoria Embankment, London
Still in active military service in 1919.
Craig, Dan S. x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
DePuy, Clifford x Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 06/73; Des Moines, IA 50312
Van Meter, Neil x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Cooper, Albert x x
Morehouse, Dr. Cecil x Medical Corps, France. Still in active military service in 1919.
Barngrover, Walter John US Army Date 6 Jun 1917 indicates Officer Training Camp, Fort Snelling, MN. Active in military service in 1919. Died 09/25/71. Tampa, FL 33609
Dobson, Vernon Clancy x 162nd Medical Division, Camp Cody, NM. Died 10/01/56.
Fruitt, Rolland S. Lt. 126th Field Artillery, France
Jayne, Harry Loyd x Canadian Troops. Still in active military service in 1919. Died 1960.
Blaise, Karl Philip x Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 06/71; Cedar Rapids, IA 54202
Carpenter, Ralph Waldo x Active in military service in 1919. Died 09/15/55 in Los Angeles, CA.
Henry, John x M.O.P.C., Co. H, No. A, Ft. Riley, KS. Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 1926; Des Moines, IA.
Lansley, John Blair x Active in military service in 1919.
Marshall, Don x Hdqtrs. Troop, 88th Division, Camp Dodge, IA. Active in military service in 1919.
McCreight, George x Active in military service in 1919.
Perry, Merrill x In Navy. Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 10/66; Lucas, IA 50151
Reel, Russell x Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 01/86; Des Moines, IA 50313
Riddell, Harry W. Corporal Battery C, 338th Field Artillery, Camp Dodge, IA
Simons, Glen x Address unknown. Active in military service in 1919.
Sterret, Dwight x Replenishment Dept.,2d Mech.Repair Shop, Unit 303, GMCNAAEF Active in military service in 1919.
West, Roger x Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France. In active military service as of 1919.
France, George x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Griswold, Dale x Kelley Field, San Antonio, TX. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Henry, Will x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Holden, Claire x In active military service as of 1919.
Irish, Horace Private Field Hospital No. 12, 1st Div. AEF Regular Army via NY. In active military service as of 1919.
Morrison, Donald x In active military service as of 1919.
Osborne, Proctor K. x 1st Co. Q, Feg. Motor Mechanic, Signal Corps AEF via NY. In active military service as of 1919.
Royal, Paul Lt. Base Hospital, Camp Logan, Houston, TX . Active in military service in 1919.
Senden, Carl x 163d Depot Brigade, Infirmary, Camp Dodge. Active in military service as of 1919.
Voegtlin, Clyde E. x Co.B, 168th Infantry, 84th Brigade, 42d Div. AEF. Hon. dis. as of 1919. Died 1956.
Carr, Will F. x Officers' Training Camp; Camp Lee, VA. In active military service as of 1919.
Cooper, Harold x In active military service as of 1919.
Farquharson, Robert x Forestry Engineers; A.E.F., France. Died 11/65; WA. In active military service as of 1919.
Horne, Robert x In active military service as of 1919.
McKay, Noble Lt. Signal Corps, Ft. Oglethorpe
Murphy, Will Mess Sergeant Truck Co.,No.3,109th Mtr Ammunition Train, Camp Cody, NM
Shearer, Ralph xx Co.E, 16th Regiment, Railway Engineers, A.E.F.; Hon. Dischg. as of 1919.
Woodard, Floyd Olin USArmy Officers' Training Camp; Camp Lee, VA ; Hon.discharged .as of 1919. Died 07/18/81.
Anderson, HoraceL. US Army/LTC Graduated 1911. Died 03/01/44.
Barnum, Edwin Frederick US Army/
Chemical Service
Chemical Service Section, National Army, E.E. F. via New York. Died February 12, 1919.
Brannen, Lawrence x Division Hdqtrs., Camp Cody. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Caywood, Cecil Grant x In active military service as of 1919.
Cooper, Raymond B. Lt. 104 Broad Street, New York City, NY. Hon. discharged as of 1919.
Diltz, Volney E. 1st Lt., Infantry Camp Lewis, American Lake, WA. In active military service as of 1919.
Graf, Homer Lt. US Naval Academy. Battleship Florida, NY Post Office. In active military service as of 1919.
Hawks, Joe Lt. Field Artillery, Hdqtrs. Co. 163d Brigade, Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919.
Lively, John David x In active military service as of 1919.
Murphy, Will x In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Reese, Vincent x In active military service as of 1919.
Smith, J.B. x Address unknown. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Barnes, Walter x 346th Motor Truck Company, Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919.
Cassidy, Hugh Lt. Foresters Unit, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Danielson, Jesse x 2d Depot Battalion, Co.B, Signal Corps, Ft. Leavenworth, KS. In active military service as of 1919.
Decker, Paul x Officers' Training, Deming, NM. In active military service as of 1919.
Easton, Evan x In active military service as of 1919.
Ellingson, Victor x In active military service as of 1919.
Fredrick, Chester x In active military service as of 1919.
Gaynor, Reginald Lt. Dividion Hdqtrs., Camp Dodge, IA
Grefe, Raymond x In active military service as of 1919.
Knowlton, Vail x In active military service as of 1919.
Merchant, Don x Panama. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Morris, Will x In active military service as of 1919.
Ray, Harvey x Aviation, Waco, TX. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Risser, Raymond x In active military service as of 1919.
Waller, Don x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Antes, Herbert 1st Lt. 40th Regiment, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Bennett, Ward x 109th Ammunition Train, Co.C., Deming, NM. In active military service as of 1919.
Blackburn, Mortimer x Aviation, Waco, TX
Bridges, Wilbur x In active military service as of 1919. Died 08/80.
Carr, Arthur x In active military service as of 1919. Died 03/63.
Carrell, Ross Lt. 161st Infantry, 41st Division, France, A.E.F. In active military service as of 1919. Died 10/68.
Cook, Roger x In active military service as of 1919.
Cooper, Glenn x Address unknown. In active military service as of 1919. Died 06/68.
Easton, Evan x Address unknown.
Ellingson, Victor x Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France
Elliott, Dale x In active military service as of 1919.
Farnsworth, Henry x Aviation, Italy. In active military service as of 1919.
Hammond, George Corporal Co. C., 109th Engineers, Deming, NM. In active military service as of 1919.
Hammond, Mott x Naval Training Station, Great Lakes
Hartsook, Fred x x
Hartsook, Robert Hon.dis. as of 1919 U.S. Naval Aviation Forces, Foreign Service, 4 Place-Diena, Paris, France
Knowlton, Vail x Balloon Reserve, Omaha. Died 12/65.
Murphy, Donald x Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919.
Riegelman, Alfred x Reclamation Branch, Camp Quartermaster, Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919. Died 04/73.
Slocum, Irvin x In active military service as of 1919.
Taake, Howard x Truck Co. No. 3, 109th Motor Ammunition Training, Camp Cody. In active military service as of 1919.
Turner, Charles x Engineers Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Myer, VA. In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Watters, Phil x Medical Corps, Lincoln, NE
Cooper, Ralph x Coast Guard, San Francisco, CA. In active military service as of 1919.
Cravens, John x Co.B, 323d Field Signal Battalion, Camp Stanley, TX. Hon.dis. as of 1919.
Davie, Paul US Army Co. 32, Prov. Recruit Regiment, Camp Logan, TX
Decker, Frank x Medical Reserve, Iowa City, IA. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Eckerman, Mattherw Dale US Army/1st Lt. Machine Gun Company, Camp Dodge, IA. KIA November 10, 1918.
Elwell, Ambrose x In active military service as of 1919.
Everett, Huber x Coast Guard, San Francisco, CA. In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Graefe, Raymond x Forestry, Engineers, France
Harlan, Virgil 2nd Lt. unassigned. Camp Dodge, IA
Heckert, Leon C. US Army Army Chemical Warfare Service in 1918. Died: 09/21/87.
Henry, Fred x Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 04/66. Des Moines, IA 50315.
Lawson, Leland D. US Army/CPL 1st Iowa Band, Deming, NM. Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died: 04/10/87.
Levey, Abe x 13th U.S. Marines, France. In active military service as of 1919.
MacRae, Donald H. Corporal Lorraine, France (KIA; March 5, 1918)
Miller, Frederic 1st Lt. Cavalry, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Mitchell, Philip x In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Rehmann, Theodor W. x Forestry Engineers, Jefferson Barracks, MO. In active military service as of 1919.
Ruhl, David 2nd Lt. Camp Field Artillery, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Selby, Herbert x Co.A, 313th Field Signal Battalion, Camp Dodge, of 1919.
Sherman, Olney C. x Naval Radio Training School, Cambridge, MA. In active military service as of 1919. Died 02/83; Des Moines, IA; 50312
Slocum, Joe H. US Army Address unknown. In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Van Ginkel, Joe x 337th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919.
Whelan, John x In active military service as of 1919. Died; 06/63; IA.
Close, Lawrence x Ordnance Corps
Gerberich, Carl x Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Hawkes, Vincent x In active military service as of 1919.
Hutchinson, Charles x Quartermaster Corps, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Kirch, Walter x Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO
Kirkwood, Leonard x Naval Hospital Corps. In active military service as of 1919.
Lauer, Albert x US Naval Academy. Co. A, 109th Engineers, Camp Cody, NM. In active military service as of 1919.
Moore, Emmett x In active military service as of 1919.
Moore, Wallace x Tank Corps, Gettysburg, PA
Savage, Perry x Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France. In active military service as of 1919.
Van Ginkel, Charles x U.S. Naval Reserve. In active military service as of 1919.
White, Lynn x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Brown, Edgar Hon.dis. as of 1919. Machine Gun Co. 168th Infantry, AEF France via New York City, NY
Cooper, John x Co. C, Engineers, Deming, NM
Cox, Herbert Hildreth x Chicago Naval Training Station. In active military service as of 1919. Died 01/05/82.
Eide, Clark x 64 Co. F, 109th Ammunition Train, Camp code, NM. In active military service as of 1919.
Gemmill, John x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Gerberich, Carl Lyman US Army/2nd Lt Graduated June, 1916. Died 11/19/58.
Greene, Alfred x Tank Corps, Gettysburg, PA. In active military service as of 1919.
Hallquist, Victor Emanuel x Balloon Corps, Omaha, NE. In active military service as of 1919. Died 08/81.
Henderson, Tasker US Army/2nd Lt Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France. In active military service as of 1919. Ded 10/19/50.
Higgins, Wilson B. Cadet U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY. Died 01/17/71.
Locke, John x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Lorey, Paul Richard US Army/Cpl Bakery Co., 335th U.S. Quartermaster Co.,National Army, AEF, France. In active military service as of 1919. Died 10/03/57.
Stevenson, Boyd Core x In active military service as of 1919. Died 08/01/77. Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tenny, Edwin Lloyd x Honorably discharged as of 1919. Died 05/62.
Thomas, Harold Kinnel x In active military service as of 1919.
Weitz, Harold x 2 M. C., Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919. Died 09/70.
Yarowsky, Dave x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Zea, Sherman Lloyd US Marine Corps/
In 1917: Paris Island, SC. U.S. Marines. Died 06/18/54. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Ashby, Ray Mervin x 664th Aero Squadron, Kelly Field No. 2, South San Antonio, TX. In active military service as of 1919. Died May, 1963.
Carothers, John x Field Artillery. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Darling, Paul W. US Army Quartermaster Department, Camp Dodge, IA. In active military service as of 1919. Died 06/24/74.
Devendorf, Charles x Co. 13, Guard Co., Regiment 15, Camp Paul Jones, Great Lakes, IL. In active military service as of 1919.
Elliott, Karl x Aviation. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Ellis, Ora Hawkins x 255th Aero Squadron, Service Field No. 2, Garden City, Long Island, NY. In active military service as of 1919.
Evans, John x Battery F, 126th Field Artillery, France. Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Heckert, Merle D. x Signal Corps, Training, Harvard. In active military service as of 1919. Died 09/75.
Horsburgh, James x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Moore, Bruce Midshipman U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
Ruhl, Graham Hon.dis. as of 1919. Co. 3, 3d Motor Mechanics Regiment, Camp Greene, Charlotte, NC
Schuler, William x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Slothower, Harold x 354th Aero Squadron, Aviator Branch, Waco, TX
Stevenson, John Howard x In active miltiary service as of 1919. Died 09/80.
Trow, Leonard x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Wagner, Karl x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Watters, George x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Wells, Gould x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Wright, Roy x Co. K, 31st Infantry, Corregidor, Philippine Islands. In active miltiary service as of 1919.
Adams, Burtis x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Benson, Carl x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Bristow, Burton x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Broad, Stanley x In active military service as of 1919. Died 09/78.
Gill, Manford Arthur x In active military service as of 1919. Died 08/85.
Howard, Dwight x In active military service as of 1919.
Hummer, Aubrey x In active military service as of 1919.
Jenney, Norman x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Lloyd, LeRoy x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Lorey, Frank Carson (Sr) US Army/2nd Lt. Honorably discharged as of 1919. Seen on US Army roster dated 1923.
Minassian, Julian Bruner x Died 06/20/97.
McDaniels, Lee x In active military service as of 1919.
Panos, Elias x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Penn, Thornton x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Slater, Clarence J. x In active military service as of 1919. Died 04/03/72.
Slothower, Harold H. x In active military service as of 1919. Died 04/09/84.
Stebbins, Harold F. x Honorably discharged as of 1919.
Toulouse, Julian x Honorably discharged as of 1919. /dued 05/74.
Music: "Wind Beneath My Wings"
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