North High School Wall of Honor
Osmund Albert Brynie
Class of June, 1946
Osmund Albert Brynie; 1946
Research done by Claradell Shedd, class of 1953.
Osmund Albert Brynie
Ozzie enlisted February 8, 1946 before graduating from North High in June, 1946, but he was assured he would receive his diploma with the June, 1946 graduating class. At the time, his next of kin was Mrs. Lois Erwin, 1415 5th Street, Des Moines, IA. His service number is 17185729.
Osmund Albert Brynie
Year   Rank   Status
February 8, 1946 x Enlisted x Enlisted in US Army, Des Moines, IA. Enlisted in the US Army at the age of 17 (before he would have graduated in June, 1946). With the high school credits he already had and the credit North High would give to students entering the military, he was assured he would be entitled to 30 months of GE Bill eligibility and would receive his diploma with the June, 1946 graduating class.
June, 1946 x Graduated x Graduated from North High, Des Moines, IA. Ozzie's mother was given his diploma for the June, 1946 graduation class.
February, 1946   US Army x 63rd Infantry Division, *Fort Snelling, MN
February, March, 1946   Enroute x Traveling from Fort Snelling to Camp Robinson, AR: From a letter I wrote to my Mom..."About 250 recruits were on board on the troop train. We had Pullman cars with berths and a chow hall (the diner). At a stopover in St. Louis, we were greeted by USO Ladies with flags, cookies, and drinks (coffee and sodas). Arrived March 15, 1946."
March 15, 1946 x US Army x **Camp Robinson, AR
date x US Army x Traveling from Camp Robinson to Fort Benning, GA. Probably took the bus to save money.
August 7, 1947 x Discharged/T5 x ***Fort Benning, GA. Paratroop and glider training.
Aug 7, 1947-
Aug 29, 1950
x US Army Reserves x Discharged from US Army Reserves. Service ER 17185729.
Sept 1947-
March, 1948
x Schooling x Attended Milwaukee School of Engineering, Refrigeration technical training
March, 1948-
Sept 1948
x Employment x Ahrens Refrigeration Company, Rock Falls, IL. Refrigeration technician
June 27, 1948 x Married x To Barbara Jeanne Brooks, Class of North High, June, 1946, in Sterling, IL. Married in hospital after a truck accident caused a broken back.
Jan 1949-
Jan 1952
x Schooling x Attended Oklahoma A&M. BS Mechanical Engineering
June 1952-
Sept 1953
x Employment x York Corporation; York, PA. Engineer Trainee Program
Sept 1953-
July 1955
x Employment x York Corporation; Houston, TX. Project Engineer and Sales Engineer
July 1955-
Feb 1958
x Employment x York Corporation; San Antonio, TX. Sales Engineer and Branch Manager
Feb 1958-
June 1968
x Employment x Civil Service. USAF at various locations; all with family: Frankfurt, Germany, San Antonio, TX, Honolulu, HI. Mechanical and Utility Engineer; GS11-GS13
June 1968-
Jan 1970
x Employment x W.F. Guyton, Consulting Engineers. Water Well Engineer
Jan 1970-
Jan 1989
x Employment x San Antonio City Water Board. Various positions from Director of Production to Operations Branch Manager. Retired as Assistant General Manager. Received an MS in Environmental Management from the University of Texas, San Antonio.
1955-Present x Civilian x Have maintained our home in Helotes (suburb of San Antonio) and in 2007 moved to a house we owned in San Antonio.
Sept 2, 2020 Deceased San Antonio, TX
**Camp Robinson, AR
Camp Robinson in North Little Rock (Pulaski County) is home to the Arkansas National Guard and is the principal training area for the Arkansas Army National Guard. It is also used by a number of other military and civilian agencies.

During the time between World War I and World War II, the post served as the headquarters of the Arkansas National Guard. Facilities to support the use of the post in this capacity were funded by sales of unneeded materials from the original camp. In addition, a large Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) unit was stationed on the post, and the post hosted Citizen's Military Training Camps (CMTC) each summer. Future president and then-colonel Harry Truman commanded the 1933 CMTC. In 1937, Camp Pike was renamed for the late U.S. senator Joseph Taylor Robinson of Arkansas.

In early 1940, the United States reclaimed the post and began construction on a temporary cantonment for the Thirty-fifth Division, a National Guard division being called to active duty for one year of training. Elements of the Thirty-fifth began arriving in early January 1941. Called to active duty for one year, the Thirty-fifth was scheduled to be released from active duty on December 23, 1941.

With the start of World War II, the post took on a new role as a replacement training center. Initially, there were two centers, one for basic training and the other for medics. In 1944, the two were combined into the Infantry Replacement Training Center.

In addition to its role in training soldiers, Camp Robinson also housed a large German prisoner of war facility, with a capacity of 4,000 prisoners.

Fort Snelling MN left above: Basic Training at *Fort Snelling, MN
left below: **Camp Robinson, AR
below: ***Fort Benning, GA
Camp Robinson, AR Fort Benning, GA
"Airborne Walk", Fort Benning, GA
"A tribute to every person who has been or
will be airborne qualified."
"Airborne Walk" Jump Towers,
Fort Benning, GA
(And remember full field pack jumps at night?)
below: 1946
right: 1946; Ozzie Albert Brynie and
Nels August Bergstrom
1946: Ozzie Brynie and Nels Bergstrom
Ozzie Brynie; 1946
The marriage of Jeanne Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Brooks, 1500 Douglas Avenue, and Osmund A. Brynie, of Rock Falls, IL, son of Mrs. Earl Erwin, 1415 Fifth Avenue, took place Sunday evening, June 27, at the Sterling Public Hospital, Sterling, IL.
The dougle ring ceremony was perfomred at the bedside in the presence of the immediate families by Dr. Harry C. Shiffler of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Brynie suffered a back injury in an auto accident on June 12. It is expected that he will make a complete recovery, but he will be in the hospital for several months.
Thyra Brynie Grazier, sister of the groom, was matron of honor. Ruth Brynie of Clifton, TX, was ring bearer. Charles Forst, 3842 Tenth Street, served his friend as best man.
Both young people are graduates of North High School.
June 27, 1948; Sterling Public Hospital, Sterling, IL

US Army Seal

63rd Infantry Division; Fort Snelling, MN

35th Infantry Division, Camp Robinson, AR
Osmund Albert Brynie
Technician 5th Grade
US Army

Infantry Insignia

Ozzie A Brynie; 1946

Glider's Badge

Parachutist's Badge

WWIi  Victory Medal; Good Conduct Medal

WWII Victory Medal; Good Conduct Medal
The comprehensive list of names from North High's 1893-2018 graduation classes are from Claradell Shedd's North Des Moines High School website. The names of all North High School graduates can be found online at Osmund Albert Brynie's 1946 class page can be viewed at
Osmund Albert Brynie
07/29/11: Living in TX. Deceased: San Antonio, TX; 09/02/20.
Music: "Wind Beneath My Wings"
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