North Des Moines High School
Class of 1953
50th Reunion
Friday and Saturday, June 20-21, 2003

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waveland golf course club house Friday, June 20, 2003
Waveland Golf Course Club House
49th and University, Des Moines

  You are invited...
Sticks, Inc. photo
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Social Hour: 5:30-6:30PM; Dinner Buffet: 6:30PM
Sticks, Inc.
3631 SW 61st
Des Moines, Iowa
Class of January, 1953 Class of January, 1953 Class of January, 1953
Class of January, 1953 Class of January, 1953 Class of January, 1953
Can you find yourself in this January, 1953 graduating class? (49 pictured)
If not...starting first row, bottom left
(these are the faces I could identify the first time through)
1st Row Loretta Zebbs, Suzanne Richardson, Anita Winick, Sally Griffiths, Patricia Lewis, Norma Graeber, Marlene Burrell, Rose Marie Gaithers, Jacqueline Stoops
2nd Row Dixie Meyer, Jody Grossman, Phyllis Miller, Patricia Aller Spellman, Sally Miller, Mary Tschantz, Florabelle Gilmore, Dolores Overton, Harold Whitmore, Janet Fridlington, Shirley Switzer
3rd Row Brandon Martin, Wanda Sweeten, Beverly Collins, Pearl Dennis Van Fleet, Nancy Harpel, Janice Maupin, Phillip Dudley, Marilyn De Groote, Marilyn Richardson, Duane Moss
4th Row Betty Nye, Patricia Heritage, Sharron Hilgenberg, Norma Schreck, Margarit Kjuts, Jacquelyn Banta, Joe Van Arkel, Carmen Riccio, John Nichols, William Whitman
5th Row Sidney Zinn, James Bailey, Ron Harner, Jack Cohen, Dick Smith, John Bennett, Bob Elmore, James Willittes, Kenneth Springate
Not pictured or identified: Doris Aiken, Phyllis Carr, Norma Cram
** Need identification. Corrections welcomed. Please email me at [email protected]
Program from Graduation Exercise
Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953
Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953
Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953 Class of June, 1953
Can you find yourself in this June, 1953 graduating class? (156 pictured)
If not...starting first row, bottom left
(these are the faces I could identify the first time through)
1st Row Claradell Gergely, Shirley Winslow, Phyllis Keener, Fran Stokes, Georgia Norton, Arlene Mohr, Nadine Nourse, Sue Braden, Mary Lou Anderson, Pat Chastain, Marilyn Benton, Donna Ables, Peggy Stiles, Ruth Rundberg, Jacqueline Estey, Genevieve Wood, Norma Jean Bailey
2nd Row Donna Carney, Shirley Brown, Sharon Willcockson, Alice Glazer, Celia Kaplan, Kaye Cunningham, Edith McBride, Sandra Hutchins, Joan Hummel, Jean Klingaman, Evelyn Savage, Eunice Gordon, Annette Akes,Phyllis Thomas,Jerine Goltry,Jeanne Forrer, Donna Doughman, Mary Jones,M Boys
3rd Row Jo Hanna Boling,Margaret Woolsey,Sally McClure,Elvira Flores,Anne McCormack,Janet Sylvester,Sally Munzenmaier,Rosalee Romeo,Sally Jo Menzter,Shirley Goslin,Mary Wallukait,Shirley Tait,Jacqualyn Brayton,Gary Godfroy,James Lang,Thomas Logan,Charles Fletcher,William Frey,M Boys
4th Row Darwin Marchant,Roger Stuart,James Boals,Patricia Barnett,Joan Lory,Marilyn Munzenmaier,Joanne Kircher,Donna Diehl,Florence Ann Baker,Darlene Jones,Mildred Ramsey,Nancy Campbell,Joan Dowell,Gary Caplan, Virginia Milius,David Marchant,Beverly Gabriel,Geraldine Brown,Norma Marker
5th Row June Hutton,Patricia Andrews,Jack Thomas,Jo Pike,Gene Geissinger,Anna Lee Myers,Gleneta Wichael,JoAnn Lass,Ann Lawdahl,Patricia Schneider,Ramona Weishaar,Louise Morlock,Peggy Seitz,Lee Sheets,John Murphy,Norman Bone, Kathleen Battrell,Judith Stroh,Patsy Pugh
6th Row Dan Marin,Ruthanne Bodensteiner,Dean Geissinger,Terry Crawford,Margaret McGowan,Mary Jean Dunphy,Eleanor Barton,Joy Blanchard,Patricia Kohls,Sandra Schlatter,Darlene Scott,Rosemary Brynie,Ilene Overton,Mildred Ramsey,Jerrine Goltry,Sharon Berkey,Roberta Stevens,Imogene Proctor,Shirley King
7th Row Thomas Dart, Clarke Cochrane,Ernest Matheny,Dennis Endicott,Richard Allen,Richard Cartwright,Bob Hammer,David Bailey,David Stookey,Bob Madison,Rodney Rhoads,Loy Brooks,Anthony Scarcello,John Brewbaker,George Augspurger,David Davis,David Knutson,Donald DeVore,Richard Sherman
8th Row Robert Lancaster,Eloise Martin,Mark Ritter,**,Jerry Cruitt,William Berry, Charles Quiner,Norman Farley,Bill Osterquist,Gary Bryan,Robert Butler,Jim Elmore,Roger Black,William Haller,Robert Fletcher,Jerry Torrence,Eugene Pratt,Jon Hockenberry,James Scott,Don Browning,Frank Bowers,Leland Smithson,Kenneth Trotter,Jo Ann Wells,Jacqualine Shepard
** Need identification. Corrections welcomed. Please email me at [email protected]
left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo
left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo
left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo left side of June, 1953 graduation photo
enlarged left side of June graduation photo
right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo
right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo
right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo right side of June, 1953 graduation photo
enlarged right side of June graduation photo
Jody Grossman
*Bob Elmore,*James Bailey,*Anita Winick,Jody Grossman,*Ronald Harner,*Florabelle Gilmore,*Dick Smith

January 1953 Class Officers
  Florabelle GilmoreDick Smith
June 1953 Class Officers
Norman BoneSally MunzenmaierClair Austin
Ann LawdahlDavid MarchantPatricia Barnett
*Norman Bone,James Snodgrass,Sally Munzenmaier,*Clair Austin,Annette Akes,Ann Lawdahl,David Marchant,*Patricia Barnett
Graduates - January, 1953 (numbered 53) *=deceased
Aiken, Doris Mae Fridlington, Janet Carol* Meyer, Dixie Diane Marie* Springate, Kenneth Albert
Bailey, James Eli* Gaiters, Rose Marie* Miller, Phyllis Eileen* Stoops, Jacqueline Lynn
Banta, Jacquelyn Kay* Gilmore, Florabelle* Miller, Sally Leanore* Sweeten, Wanda Lou
Bennett, John Marvin* Graeber, Norma Jean* Moss, Duane Edward Switzer, Shirley Ellen*
Burrell, Marlene Nancy* Griffiths, Sally Ann* Nichols, John Raymond* Tschantz, Mary Emaline*
Carr, Phyllis Louise Grossman, Jody Nye, Betty Louise* VanArkel, Johannes, Jr.*
Chambers, Janice Lee* Harner, Ronald Leslie* Overton, Dolores Gail* VanFleet, Pearl Dennis*
Cohen, Jack Bernard* Harpel, Nancy Mae* Riccio, Carmen Roosevelt* Whitman, William Walter
Collins, Beverly Ann* Heritage, Patricia Jean* Richardson, Marilyn Ann* Whitmore, Harold Ray*
Craig, Lucille Violet* Hilgenberg, Sharron Josephine*. Richardson, Suzanne* Willittes, James Loren
Cram, Norma Jeanne* Kjuts, Margarit* Schreck, Norma Louise* Winick, Anita Rose*
DeGroote, Marilyn Jean Lewis, Patricia Joann* Smith, Dick Alvin* Zebbs, Loretta Mae*
Dudley, Phillip Norman* Martin, Brandon Leigh Spellman,Patricia Aller* Zinn, Sidney Michael
Elmore, Robert Eugene* Maupin, Janice Mearl x x
Graduates - June, 1953 (numbered 173) *=deceased
Ables, Donna Marie* Collins, Elizabeth Ann Keener, Phyllis Jean* Ramsey,Mildred Louise*
Akes, Annette Lea* Craig, Mae Burris King, Shirley AnnaBell Rhoads, Rodney Ellsworth*
Allen, Richard Wayne Crawford, Terry Paul* Kircher, Joanne Irene* Ritter, Mark Alan*
Anderson, Mary Lou Cruitt, Jerry Trent* Klingaman, Wilma Jean* Romeo, Rosalee*
Andrews, Patricia Marie Cunningham, Kaye Marlene* Knutson, David Allen* Rundberg, Ruth Marie*
Augspurger, George Elliot* Currie, Margaret Delores* Kohls, Patricia Ann* Savage, Evelyn Mardell*
Austin, Clair Dean* Dart, Thomas Everett* Lancaster, Robert Joseph* Scarcello, Anthony Louis*
Bailey, David Lloyd* Davis, David Wendell Lang, James Luke Schlatter, Sandra Lee
Bailey, Norma Jean DeVore, Donald Howard* Lass, Jo Ann Louise Schneider, Patricia Kay*
Baker, Florence Ann Diehl, Donna Mae Lawdahl, Ann Dee Scott, Darlene Louise*
Barnett, Patricia Maudeline* Doughman, Donna Lee* Logan, Thomas Eugene* Scott, James Iver*
Barton, Eleanor Virginia Dowell, Barbara Joan Loomis, Donald James Seitz, Peggy Lou
Battrell, Kathleen Joanne Dunphy, Mary Jean Lory, Joan Dianne Sheets, Lee Irene*
Benton, Marilyn Gertrude Elmore, James Franklin* Madison, Robert Charles Shepard,Jacqueline Ann*
Berkey, Sharon Lynne* Endicott, Dennis Jerome* Marchant, Darwin Sherman, Richard Bardwell
Berry, William Cole Estey, Jacqueline Lorraine* Marchant, David Sims, Katherine JoAnn*
Black, Roger Wade* Farley, Charles Norman* Marin, Danny Michael* Smithson, Leland Denny
Blanchard, Joy Lou Fletcher, Charles Earle, Jr*. Marker, Norma Jean Snodgrass, James Forrest*
Boals, James Richard* Fletcher, Robert Hughes Martin, Eloise Marie Stevens, Roberta Carol
Bodensteiner,Ruthanne* Flores, Elvira Matheny,Ernest Andrew, Jr.* Stiles, Peggy Lea
Boling, Jo Hanna Flores, Mary Lucille McBride, Edith Mae Stokes, Frances Gayle*
Bone, Norman Lee* Forrer, Jeanne Frances* McClure, Sally Ann* Stookey, David James*
Bowers, Frank Wallace, Jr. Frey, William Wakefield McCormack, Anne Louise* Stroh, Judith
Boys, Margaret Ruth Gabriel, Beverly Ann* McDonald, Mary Janice* Stuart, Harold Roger*
Boys, Martha Grace* Geissinger, Dean Edward* McGowan, Margaret Louise* Sweeten, Barbara Ann*
Braden, Cynthia Sue* Geissinger, Gene Edwin* Mentzer, Sally Jo Sylvester, Janet Marie*
Bradley, Esther Mae* Gergely, Claradell Milius, Virginia Helena* Tait, Shirley Jean
Brayton, Jacqualyn Ann* Glazer, Alice Evelyn* Mohr, Arlene Joann* Thomas, Jack Alan*
Brewbaker, John Edward* Godfroy, Gary Edward* Morlock, Louise Elizabeth* Thomas, Phyllis Jeane
Brooks, Loy Goltry, Jerrine Joy Munzenmaier,Marilyn Louise Torrence, Jerry Melville*
Brothers, Richard Edward* Gordon, Eunice Elaine Munzenmaier, Sally Lou Towey, William Joseph
Brown, Georgia Eleanore Goslin, Shirley Diane* Murphy, John James* Trotter, Kenneth Ivan*
Brown, Geraldine Rae Greif, Marilyn Meeks* Myers, Anna Lee Walker, Bonnie Cannon
Brown, Shirley June Haller, William Rober*t Norton, Georgia Ann* Wallukait, Mary Eva*
Browning, Donald Joe* Hammer, Bob Lee Nourse, Nadine Kay* Watson, Robert Leo*
Bryan, Gary Gene* Hockenberry, Jon Byron* Osterquist, Bill Eugene* Weishaar, Ramona Jean*
Brynie, Rosemary Christine* Hummel, Joan Edette Overton, Ilene Claire Wells, Jo Ann Undine
Butler, Robert Leroy Hutchins, Sandra Louise* Perry, Russell Melvin Whiteside, Carolyn Ann*
Campbell, Nancy* Hutton, Lois June Pike, Joann Wichael, Gleneta Joanne
Caplan, Gary Gene Jones, Darlene Nancy Pratt, Eugene Carroll Willcockson,H. R.Sharon
Carney, Donna Jean* Jones, Mary Jean Proctor, Imogene Evelyn* Winslow, Shirley Ann*
Cartwright, Richard Lin* Kaplan, Celia Pugh, PatsyAnn Wood,Genevieve Edith*
Chastain, Patricia Louise* Katzenberger, Bonnie Lee Quiner, Charles Walter* Woolsey, Margaret LaVerne*
Cochrane, Clarke Harris* x x x
Graduates - August, 1953 (numbered 11) *=deceased
Barr, Merton Addison* Duncan, Chiquita Marie Gallatin, Norman William* Weathers, Mariellen*
Bracelin, Nancy Lee* Elings, Eileen Amanda Gren, Mary Grace Wilcots, Lois Ann
Craig, Sharon Francis Forrest, LeRoy David* Thompson, Edith Irene* x
For complete list of 1953 deceased classmates, click here.

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