Warren Harding Junior High School
Class of 1949

Warren Harding Junior High School

(now Warren G. Harding Middle School)
203 East Euclid Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 242-8445
Warren G. Harding Middle School District website

(for those who went to North High School)
Claradell Gergely Shedd
2313 Sahalee Drive East
Sammamish, WA 98074
(425) 868-0260
[email protected]

(or for those who went to East High School)
I need a contact person.

(or for those who went to Tech High School)
I need a contact person.
Warren Harding Junior High - 1949
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged left side of June, 1949 graduation photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 graduation photo
June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class
June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class
June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class June, 1949 Class
9A Class of June, 1949
enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers
enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers
enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers
Warren Harding: enlarged left side of graduation photo with numbers
enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers
enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers
enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers
Warren Harding: enlarged right side of graduation photo with numbers
Warren Harding: According to numbers assigned (total of 189)
(Letter after graduate's name indicates which high school attended) E=East High N=North High T=Tech High
A yellow-shaded cell indicates deceased.
1/Marlene Joy Ward/N 50/Nancy Ann Gordon/N 99/ 147/Lila Lee Baumann/N
2/Elizabeth Rundberg/N 51/ 100/


3/Patricia Ann Duncan/N 52/ 101/ 149/Richard Dean Barrett/N
4/Jane Louise North/N 53/ 102/Ritchhart, Richard " Dickie" 150/Frederick Clark Petrie/N
5/Sharon Sue Dunbar/N 54/ 103/ 151
6/ 55/ 104/ 152/
7/ 56/ 105/ 153/
8/ 57/Joyce Jane Stephens/N 106/ 154/
9/ 58/ 107/ 155Larry Robert Boger/N
10/Nancy Kay Wagner/N 59/ 108/ 156/
11/Ida Belle Winget/N 60/ 109/ 157/Kenneth Bryce Colburn/N
12/Jo Ann Trisler/N 61/ 110/ 158/Benny D. Nefzger/N
13/Carol Nadine Law/N 62/ 111/ 159/Richard Louis Porter/N
14/ 63/ 112/John Daniel Nelson/N 160/
15/Joann Routson? 64/ 113/Vera Ann Booton/N 161/
16/Bonnie Jean Efkamp/N 65/ 114/ 162/
17/ 66/Marie Alice Zilm/N 115/ 163/
18/ 67/ 116/ 164/
19/ 68/ 117/ 165/
20/Robert (Bob) Ritchhart 69/ 118/Sally Lou Richardson/N 166/
21/ 70/ 119/ 167/
22/William Carl Ketch/N 71/ 120/ 168/
23/Jerry Neal Thorpe/N 72/ 121/ 169/
24/ 73/ 122/Sheila Marlene Westberg/N 170/
25/ 74/ 123/ 171/John Louis McNeley/N
26/Barbara Eklund/N 75/ 124/ 172/
27/ 76/George Eldridge/E 125/ 173/
28/ 77/ 126/B 174/
29/ 78/ 127/ 175/Barbara Mae Grandstaff/N
30/ 79/ 128/ 176/
31/Sandra Lee Rice/N 80/Raymond Charles Hayes/N 129/ 177/Donald David Ainley/N
32/ 81/ 130/ 178/Eugene Gray/N
33/Karen Lou Quick/N 82/ 131/George McFarland Price/N 179/
34/Charlotte Bea Norstrum/N 83/ 132/ 180/
35/Phyllis Terry/N 84/ 133/ 181/
36/ 85/Sarah Marie Olsan/N 134/ 182/Robert Watson/N
37/ 86/Mary Lou Reid/N 135/ 183/Richard Patrick Gilliam/N
38/ 87/Janet Ann Lawson/N 136/Richard Paul Smith/N 184/
39/ 88/ 137/ 185/James Dale Knapp/N
40/ 89/ 138/ 186/
41/Colleen McWilliams/N 90/ 139/ 187/
42/Jackie Kay McCracken/N 91/Evelyn Ruth Van Gorkom/N 140/ 188/
43/ 92/ 141/ 189/
44/Marcia Jean Ruemper/N 93/ 142/Joann Routson/N? 190/
45/ 94/ 143/Joyce Lucille Arlaud 191/James Louis Griffiths/N
46/ 95/ 144/ 192/Daryle Vernon Winder/N
47/ 96/ 145/Jerry Lou Thatcher/N 193/Rodney Lee Murtle/N
48/ 97/ 146/ 194/
49/Betty Kay Pickett/N 98/
Names of some of the 9th grade class (probably not a complete list/106 names below)
yellow shaded = deceased    white =indicates January, 1949 green=June, 1949 list
Ainley, Donald David/N Fellman, Carl Mattson, Ruth Ann Sheets, Ruth
Allie, Kenneth Floyd, Eleanor McClain, Dorothy Sheridan, Dwight
Anderson, Carol Forbes, Larry McCracken, Jackie/N Shoffner, Bob
Arlaud, Joyce Lucille/N Foster, Bill McDougal, Ernest Sidoner, Frances
Armstrong, Jeanne Franklin, Delores McElroy, Don Singer, John
Baldridge, Janet Frederick, Mary Lou/N McGriff, Ed Sloan, Sally
Ballard, Norma French, Clarence Matlick/N McKee, Gloria Smith, William Daniel "Bill"
Balman, Sheldon Gallagher, Bob McNeley, John Louis/N Smith, Richard Pau/N
Barrett, Richard Dean Ganzley, Charles McWilliams, Colleen Rita/N Snyder, Harold
Bates, Joyce Gardner, Carolyn McWilliams, Jack L./N Spowart, Patty
Baumann, Lila Lee/N Garmon, Carolyn Mongar, Harry Richard/N Spratt, Luann
Beard, Ruth Anne (Jan) Gilliam, Richard Patrick/N Moore, Ray Stein, Beverly
Bernard, Beverly Givant, Berle/T Murtle, Rodney Lee/N Stephens, Joyce Jane/N
Berry, Donna Good, Bob Nefzger, Benny D./N Stevens, Sherma
Bills, Gary Gordon, Nancy Ann/N Nelson, John Daniel/N Stevenson, Carolee
Bjork, Carol Goreham, Fritz Newman, Anson Sewart, Carol
Boger, Larry Robert/N Gould, Bill Newman, Carol Jean Stookey, Marvin
Booton, Vera Ann/N Graham, Darlene Nicholson, Otie Storm, Ted
Boyce, Carole Graham, Bill Norris, Don Strait, Nancy
Bradford, Allen Grandstaff, Barbara Mae/N Norstrum, Charlotte Bea/N Stromberg, Nancy
Bradley, Jim/N Gravengaard, Sonja North, Jane Louise/N Swanson, Margery Ellen/N
Briggle, Jo Anne Gray, Eugene Olauson, Norma Swinehart, Pat
Broswell, Mayme Greenwood, Jim Olsan, Sarah Marie/N Terrell, Beverly
Brown, Janiece Griffiths, James Louis Packard, Deloris Terry, Phyllis/N
Brown, Marilyn Gross, Jerry Page, Bill Thatcher, Jerry Lou/N
Buckman, Beverly Grout, Margaret Palmer, Don Thompson, Barbara
Butler, Carolyn Gustafson, Gail Palmer, Kenneth E. Thornton, Wilma
Cairney, Barbara Hart, Ralph Palmer, Norlene Thorpe, Jerry Neal/N
Cameron, Gary Harvey, Georgia Papich, Mary Catherine/N Tipton, Bill
Campbell, Willard Hayden, Wendell Eugene/T Parrott, Gene Trisler, Jo Ann/N
Carley, Kenneth Duane Hayes, Charles Pender, Betty Trotter, Marilyn
Carlson, Marlene Hayes, Raymond Charles Pentico, Audrey Tucker, Lloyd
Cebuhar, Barbara Hays, Richard Peper, Gladys Turner, John
Christenson, Karl J. Hazen, Norma Peters, Louis Underwood, Wanda
Clark, Donald Heckart, Darrell E. Peterson, Beverly Upchurch, Paul Harvey/N
Clark, Patty Henderson, Jim Peterson, Jane Van Gilder, Terry
Clark, Randall Hensley, Phyllis Petrie, Frederick Clark/N Van Gorkom, Evelyn Ruth/N
Colburn, Kenneth Bryce/N Hodges, Jean Pickett, Betty Kay/N Van Hon, Marie
Cook, Helen Holloway, Patricia Clair/N Pinegar, Pauline Van Houten, John
Cook, Jack Holmgren, Myron Porter, Richard Louis/N Van Velson, Shirley
Cooper, Billie Hooks, Lloyd Price,George McFarland/N Venn, Chuck R.
Courtney, Charlotte Hubbart, Karol Jo/N Priest, Bob Wagner, Nancy Kay/N
Cowan, Margie Hudson, Mary Lou Quick, Karen Lou/N Ward, Marlene Joy/N
Cowles, Bill Illingsworth, Jack Range, Robert J./E Watson, Robert/N
Cram, Norma James, Frances Reid, Mary Lou/N Webb, Margaret
Cubbage, Juanita Jones, Vivian Reynolds, Danny Werner, Donald Kaceil/N
Davis, Darlene Kalar, Pauline Rice, Sandra Lee/N West, Marv
Dawson, JoAnn Keith, Myra Richards, Bill Westberg, Sheila Marlene/N
Dilse, Fern Ketch, William Carl/N Richardson, Sally Lou/N Weter, Dorothy
Dirth, Betty Klemme, Darrell Ritchhart, Richard (Dick) White, Robert Lee "Bob"/N
Dobson, Diane Klisares, Robert Lee/N Ritchhart, Robert (Bob) Wignton, Loren
Downing, Carolyn/N Knapp, James Dale/N Robertson, Sari Wilkens, Glenda
Dray, Jack Larson, Larry Robinson, Janice Williamson, James
Dunbar, Sharon Sue/N Lass, Jerry Arnold/N Routson, Joann Willis, Audrey
Duncan, Patricia Ann/N Law, Carol Nadine/N Rowland, Jack Wilson, Bill
Dungan, Norma Lawson, Janet Ann/N Ruemper, Marcia Jean/N Williams, Bud
Easter, Janice Lettington, Harriett Ruby, Leslie Winchell, Pat
Efkamp, Bonnie Jean/N Lindsay, Jim Rumage, Jerry Winder, Daryle Vernon/N
Eklund, Barbara/N Long, Marian Rundberg,Elizabeth Ann/N Winget, Ida Belle/N
Eklund, Dick Loy, Duane Russell, Nancy Winick, Marlene Harriet/N
Eldridge, George/E Lundy, Geraldine Samo, Charles Wisler, Chuck
Ellgaard, Egon Malley, Saundra Sawin, Bob Wistrom, Wayne
Ellis, Earl Marchant, John Sears, David Witzenburg, Richard
Erickson, Jerry Martin, Alice Shaw, Ethel Wright, John
Frederick, Mary Lou/N Masteller, Jeanann Smith, Suzanne Zilm, Marie Alice/N
Photo Identification: Compliments of _________ and Claradell Gergely Shedd
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty 1949 Faculty
Faculty - June, 1949 Broadcaster
1st Row Mr. Snyder, Miss Bollwine, Miss Eddy, Miss Anderson, Mr. Russell, Miss Comiskey, Mrs. Tallman
2nd Row Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Hunter, Miss Hagen, Mr. Casady, Mr. Burnham, Mr. Rush, Mrs. Hagy
3rd Row Mr. Gray, Mr. Pratt, Miss Rittgers, Mr. Hosfelt, Mrs. Nelson, Mr. Whitlatch, Miss Forkner, Mr. Sterrett, Miss Dolliver, Mr. Iliff Shepherd
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents 1949 Class Presidents
Class Presidents - June, 1949 Broadcaster
1st Row X, Marlene Ward, Charlotte Norstrum, X, Vera Booten, X, Duane L. McIntyre, X
2nd Row Joe Van Arkel, Dick Smith, Barbara Anderson, Jo Ann Trisler, Sarah Olsan, Duane Moss, Ben Nefzger, Dick Porter, Robert Lee White?
Broadcaster Staff - June, 1949 Broadcaster
(included students from the 1949, 1950, and 1951 classes)
1st Row Ann Lawdahl, Ileane Gnade, Carole Ledford, Jean Anderson, Grace Johnson, Jane North, Luann Spratt, Sondra McDole, Jackie McCracken
2nd Row Carolyn Downing, Jo Ann Dawson, Harriett Letington, Nancy Russell, Sarah Olsan, Mary Reid, Norma Olouson, Joyce Stevens, Norma Dungan, Joyce Bates
3rd Row Jerry Lou Thatcher, Wilma Thornton, Sherma Stevens, Jack McWilliams, Jerry Lass, Dick Onnen, Jim Bradley, Ruth Anne Beard, Lila Baumann
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue 1949 January Holiday Revue
1949 January Holiday Revue
(included students from the 1949, 1950, and 1951 classes)
1st Row Patricia Clair Holloway, Joan Dawson, Karol Jo Hubbart, Juanita Cubbage, Mary Papich, Wilma Thorton, Darrel Heckart, Nancy Stromberg, Larry Davidson, Luann Spratt, Jack McWilliams, Clarence French, Jerry Lass, Don Werner
2nd Row Mary West, Joyce Bates, Marlene Carlson, Mary Lou Frederick, Margery Swanson, Sherma Stevens, Pauline Kalor, Dorothy Weter, Marlene Winnick, Norma Dungan, Carole Boyce, Harriett Lettington, Nancy Russell, Carolyn Downing
3rd Row John Turner, Charles Venn, George Eldridge, Myra Keith, Kenneth Palmer, Wendell Hayden, Sari Mae Robertson, Don Clark, Bob Klisares, Billy Smith, Ruth Anne Beard, Joann Briggle
4th Row Karl Christensen, Jerry Erickson, Jim Bradley, Buddy Williams, Bob White, Duane Loy, Bob Range, Don Olsen, Dick Onnen, Bruce Nelsen, Loren Wigton, Kenneth Carley, Harry Mongar. Not pictured is Paul Upchurch.
Washington Irving Junior High - June, 1949
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo enlarged left side of June, 1949 photo
Washington Irving: enlarged left side of June, 1949 graduation photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo enlarged right side of June, 1949 photo
Washington Irving: enlarged right side of June, 1949 graduation photo
Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949
Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949
Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949 Washington Irving; June, 1949
Washington Irving: 9th grade Class of June, 1949
Washington Irving: enlarged left side of 1949 graduation photo with numbers
Washington Irving: enlarged right side of 1949 graduation photo with numbers
Washington Irving: According to numbers assigned (total of 173)
(Letter after graduate's name indicates which high school attended)
E=East High N=North High T=Tech High R=Roosevelt
A yellow-shaded cell indicates deceased.
1/ 46/ 90/ 130/
2/ 47/ 91/ 131/
3/ 48/Dean Schultz 92/ 132/
4/Ronald Douglas Gauld/N 49/Leslie Covil Billings/T/E 93/Patricia Lou Burke/N 133/
5/ 50/ 94/

134/Marylan Norma Vidis/N

6/ 51/Herbert William Montis/N 95/ 135/Diane
7/Charles Roosevelt Riccio/N 52/Richard Ralph Hadden/N 96/Sandra Rae Levin/N 136/Beverly Janice Oliver/N
8/ 53/ 97/ 137/Roberta Margery Cochrane/N?
9/ 54/ 98/ 138/
10/Donald David Greenfield/N 55/ 99/ 139/Gwyen Paulette Bigham/N
11/Peter Riley Blair, Jr./N 56/ 96/ 140/Helen McDonald/N
12/ 57/ 97/ 141/
13/ 58/James Franklin Elmore/N 98/ 142/
14/ 59/ 99/ 143/
15/ 60/ 100/ 144/
16/ 61/Ronald Eric Veverka/N 101/Ethel Lea Shaw/N? 145/
17/Arthur Floyd Jefferson/N 62/ 102/ 146/Marilyn Colleen Dingeman/N
18/ 63/Anita Jane Hickman/N 103/ 147/Barbara Janette Oliver/N
19/ 64/ 104/

148/Marty Jane Miller/N

20/ 65/Mary Lou Maltas/N 105/ 149/
21/Byron G George 66/Sandra Rae Kurtz 106/ 150/
22/ 67/Ruth Anne? 107/ 151/Clell Len Hemphill/N
23/ 68/Marilyn Jane Donovan/N 108/ 152/Richard Allen Delk/N

69/Patricia Anne Duncan/N

109/ 153/
25/ 70/Margaret Jean Webb/N? 110/Emily Anne Wallukait/N 154/
26/ 71/Betty Lou Ritzman/N? 111/ 155/John Raymond Nichols/N
27/Dennis Gust Lindstrom/N 72/Gloria Jeanne Courtney/N 112/Beverly Highland 156/
28/Hollis Craig Argo/N 73/ 113/ 157/Lawrence Andrew Graves/N
29/Albert Laurence Jennings/N 74/ 114/ 158/David Milten Glazer/N
30/Manfred Kiess/N 75/ 115/ 159/
31/ 76/Carolyn Jean Holtz/N 116/ 160/
32/ 77/ 117/Fanny Anne Greaves/N 161/
33/ 78/ 118/Rosalie Ann Geiger?/N 162/
34/ 79/ 119/Marlene Joan Wellington/N 163/
35/ 80/ 120/ 164/Shirley Garvin?
36/ 81/ 121/JoAnn Robison/N 165/
37/ 82/ 122/Ruth Elaine Ray/N 166/
38/ 83 123/Coleen Kay Martin/N 167/
39/ 84/ 124/ 168/
40/ 85/ 125/ 169/
41/ 86/Antoinette Marie Farao/N 126/ 170/
42/Betty Lou Smothers/N 87/ 127/ 171/
43/Dorothea JoAnn Still 88/ 128/ 172/
44/Carla Joan Courter/N 89/Gayle Louise Winters/N 129/ 173/
45/Richard Wyatt Russell/N x x x
Photo: Compliments of Jo Ann Robison Petrie
Photo Identification: Marilyn Surles and Claradell Shedd
In Memoriam
(of those who graduated from North High in 1952)

Class of January/June/August, 1949
January, 1949 (total class numbered ?)
North High
East High
June, 1949 (total class numbered ?)
North High
East High
August, 1949 (total class numbered ?)
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
North High Hall of Fame Inductees
North High Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
North High Wall of Honor (tribute to North High military)
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