United States Military Academy
Class of 1958 - 51st Mini Reunion
Company G-2

Monday, October 26, 2009 
Tucson Events
 Doubletree Hotel Tucson at Reid Park
 445 South Alvernon Way
 Tucson, AZ 85711-4198
 (520) 881-4200
 fax: (520) 323-5225
 Contact for info: 
 Arthur W. Meyer (K-2)
1940 South Oak Park Drive
Tucson, AZ  85710-9736
(520) 290-1313

[email protected])
Reservations for the 2009 mini will start being accepted by the hotel on October 25, 2008. Mention you are with the West Point Class of 1958.
 0630-0930Full Breakfast BuffetMain Dining Room
0900-1500Pima Air & Space Museum/AMARG(Bone Yard) Tour
1000-1800Benny Havens OpenPresident's Suite 
1600-1800Late Registration 
1800-2130Group DinnersOld Pueblo Grille 
2130-2000+Benny Havens OpenPresident's Suite 
The Museum opened in 1976 with 75 aircraft as part of the nation's bicentennial celebration by the Arizona Aerospace Foundation. Today, the 200-acre Pima Air & Space Museum exhibits 300 of the most important aircraft in the history of flight and 125,000 artifacts.

This size and diversity of the museum's collection is second only to the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum collection. Aviation history is brought to life for visitors by museum volunteers who have first-hand knowledge about many of the planes on display. Additionally, museum visitors can actually touch many of the aircraft on display because there no barriers around them.

The museum attracts more than 150,000 local and international visitors annually. It has an aircraft restoration shop, volunteer and membership programs, and hosts student tours free of charge. The museum is the exclusive provider of docent led tours to the world's largest military aircraft storage facility at the Aerospace Maintenance Regeneration Group (AMARG) located on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.
History of the Pima Air & Space Museum Harry and Claradell Shedd,
Jack and Rachel Bujalski
G2 Company Dinner at Old Pueblo Grille;
Bujalski, Jack and Rachel
Eliot, Brad and Janet
Herren, John and Sally
Lawton, George and Mary Jane
Morgan, Hugh and Heather Crawley
Palmer, John and Barbara
Shedd, Harry and Claradell
Wright, Frank and Connie
The greatest gift to all of us was
witnessing Frank's miraculous recovery!
Frank and Connie Wright
It was Frank's birthday.
John and Sally Herren Hugh Morgan and Heather Crawley
Jack and Rachel Bujalski-2009 George and Mary Jane Lawton
Barbara Palmer, John Herren Jan, Jack, Sally, Brad, Hugh
Photos taken on Monday, October 26, 2009. (*please send corrections/additions to
Claradell at [email protected])
  (Photos by Claradell Shedd)

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