United States Military Academy
Class of 1958

G-2; Then and Now; 2004
Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955
Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955
Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955
Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955 Plebes, 1955
Plebes, 4th Class, 1955
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Pointer RW; Day WD; Breton HJ, Jr.; Knebel JA, Jr.; Shunk P; Bowers RF; Loughborough DS
2nd RowForman TA; Gal JJ; Fay LG; Holladay WN; Julian RH; Tierney RE
3rd RowMcCauley JW; Conrad CW; Wright FM; Harrington DB; Bujalski JP; Waller JE; Depew DE
4th RowEveleth BP; Donovan CB; Lawton GC; Weiss WA; Palmer JL; Shedd HL
5th RowHuff GC; Easley FO,III; Eliot BF; Morgan HW
AbsentCraft DR
Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956
Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956
Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956 Third Class, 1956
Third Class , 1956
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Eveleth BP; Eliot BF; Forman TA; Waller JE; Pointer RW; Shedd HL
2nd RowHuff GC; Smith CR; Lawton GC; Morgan HW; Tierney RE; Donovan CB; Bujalski JP
3rd RowLoughborough DS; Julian RH; Gal JJ; Fay LG; Easley FD
4th RowDay WD; Weiss WA; McCauley JW; Depew DE; Palmer JL
AbsentConrad CW; Shunk P; Wright FM
Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957
Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957
Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957 Second Class, 1957
Second Class , 1957
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Palmer JL; Weiss WA; Herren, JD; Wright FM; Day WD; Huff GC
2nd RowShunk P; Waller JE; Easley FO; Eliot B; Donovan CB; Smith CR
3rd RowMcCauley JW; Tierney RE; Depew DE; Julian RH; Morgan HW
4th RowLoughborough DS; Fay LG; Lawton GC; Forman TA; Conrad C
5th RowShedd HL; Eveleth BP; Pointer RW, Bujalski JP
G2; Cow Class, Taken where? Taken October 13, 1956
Note from George Lawton: You usually have five officers in each company (the CO, XO, and three platoon leaders). The picture clearly shows only 4 officers.
According to the "Official Register of Officers and Cadets" For the Academic Year Ending 4 June 1957 (our Cow Year), the following were Corporals: Bujalski, Conrad, Day, Fay, Herren, Huff, Julian, Lawton & Palmer.
However, according to this same document, both Conrad and Smith were discharged from the Academy in January 1957 for deficiency in academics, so I'd say they could have been in this picture. I there believe, the person I named as Smith in the picture is probably Jim Waller.
Claradell notes: When I restored the left side of the photo, I supplied that cadet with a tar bucket. Perhaps I should have placed a Shakeo or plume on that person's hat. I noticed that all in the front row except Wright were wearing plumes. Does that mean that Morgan's headgear should bear a shakeo?
06/25/13: Note from Jack Bujalski:
G-2 Cow Class Photo in Full Dress Gray. Morgan's tar bucket should indeed have a feathered plume on it. Note that all the cadets with sabers have the feathered plume on on their tar bucket, which means they were officers. Those with white straps over both shoulders were not officers and had the standard tar bucket plume. The only time this could have happened is in the Fall when the Firsties were all at the Army-Michigan football game. With respect to George Lawton's comment that a company only had 5 officers, I cannot contradict him. However, cadets that served on battalion or higher staffs returned to their company for class photos when they were taken.
Note: 06/25/13: I put a plume on Morgan's tar bucket. Claradell
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Morgan HW, Palmer JL; Bujalski JP, Fay LG, Wright FM, Lawton GC, Shedd HL, Day WD, Julian RH
2nd RowEveleth BP, Easley FO, Tierney RE, Smith CR or Waller JE?, Weiss WA
3rd RowForman TA, Herren JD, Depew DE, Shunk P, Loughborough DS, Eliot BF
AbsentDonovan, Huff, McCauley, Pointer, Waller
Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958
Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958
Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958
Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958 Firsties, 1958
Firsties, 1958
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Palmer JL; Weiss WA; Depew DE; Fay LG; Pointer RW; Eliot BF
2nd RowShedd HL; Lawton GC; Easley FO; Donovan CB; Tierney RE; Bujalski JP
3rd RowJulian RH; Wright FM; Eveleth BP; Herren JD; Morgan HW; McCauley JW; Huff GC
4th RowDay WD; Loughborough DS; Forman TA; Waller JE; Shunk P
San Antonio Mini - 46 Years Later,
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Palmer JL; Julian RH; Easley FO, III; Wright FM
2nd RowShedd HL; Depew DE; Bujalski JP; Tierney RE; Eliot BF; Morgan HW
3rd RowFay LG; Weiss WA; Waller JE; Lawton GC
Drags/San Antonio Mini - 46 Years Later,
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Shedd, Claradell; Depew, Susan; Lawton, Mary Jane; Bujalski, Rachel
2nd RowDonovan, Betty; Eliot, Janet; Fay, Marion; Julian, Pat; Tierney, Sally; (Easley) Grattan, Pam
3rd RowPalmer, Barbara; Wright, Connie; (Morgan) Crawley, Heather; Waller, Marianne
Please send corrections/additions to Claradell at [email protected])
  (Pictures by Claradell Shedd)

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