United States Military Academy
Class of 1958 - 50th Reunion
Company G-2

Sunday, May 25, 2008 
New York City Events
 Westchester Mariott Tarrytown Hotel
 670 White Plains Road
 Tarrytown, NY 10591
 (914) 631-2200
 0700-0900Breakfast on your own 
0800-1000RegistrationWMH (Westchester Mariott Hotel)
1st Floor Lobby
0900-1000Catholic MassWMH - Salon A 
0900-1000Protestant ServiceWMH - Salon D 
1000Load BusesWMH - Grand Ballroom Entrance
1030Bus depart to West Point  
1200-1300Buffet LunchIke Hall Ballroom 
1200First Class Club
open all afternoon
Within walking distance of
Ike Hall
1300Bus to Cadet ChapelBusses load between
Ike Hall and FCC
1330-1430Memorial ServiceCadet Chapel 
1440Bus to Eisenhower Hall  
1550-1600USMA Band ConcertIke Hall Auditorium 
1600-17301st Reg:Tour B-MichieBuses load between Ike & FCC 
2nd Reg:Tour A-The PlainWalking tour ends-West Point Club
1730Cocktails and Dinner1st Reg - Kimsey Center 
2nd Reg - West Point Club
2000Buses return to hotel/WHMWill drop off at both hotels 
2130Benny Havens Room openWMH - Sleepy Hollow Rm (2nd Flr) 
Harry Shedd, Wayne Weiss
at Ike Hall
Edgie & Marianne Waller
at Ike Hall
Ike Hall Ike Hall
Lee & Marion Fay
Inside replica of ring
Bob & Pat Julian in Ike Hall
Harry Shedd, Jim McCauley Harry & Claradell Shedd
Betty Donovan & family Heather Crawley & Hugh Morgan
Frank and Connie Wright George Huff & Katie Beauregard
Pat Julian,
Jack & Rachel Bujalski
Bob & Pat Julian
and Donovan Family
Memorial Service/Cadet Chapel**** Cadet Chapel****
Chapel Chimes by Bob Shellenberger, L-2
Remembering... This is where the sentry box should be located.
First Class Club First Class Club-The stories were incredible!
First Class Club First Class Club
1958 National Lacrosse Champions/Brad Eliot, #10 George Huff in First Class Club
Bob & Pat Julian in
front of First Class Club
Harry & Claradell Shedd
Honor Ring Replica/Ike Hall
Photos taken on Sunday, May 25, 2008. (*please send corrections/additions to
Claradell at [email protected])
*Pics/Julian      **Pics/Bujalski       ***Pics/Herren       ****Waller      (others/Claradell Shedd)

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