United States Military Academy
Class of 1958 - 55th Reunion
Company G-2

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 
Reunion Events
 Park Ridge Marriott
 300 Brae Boulevard
 Park Ridge New Jersey 07656
 (201) 307-0800
 0600-0800Continental BreakfastSalons A-D, Park Ridge Marriott  
0800-0830Load BusesPark Ridge Marriott 
0830Bus to West PointPark Ridge Marriott 
1005Alumni AssembleGraduates - Thayer Walk;
Guests-Section C, Review Stands
1920-1050Alumni Exercise Thayer Statue 
1100-1200Cadet ReviewPlain 
1200-1210Class PhotoSection C, Review Stands
1215-1315Alumni LuncheonCadet Mess Hall; D Wing  
1330-1530First Class Club Open House First Class Club 
1530Buses Depart for HotelBehind Review Stands 
1630Last Bus Departs for Hotel Behind Review Stands 
1830Cocktail HourGrand Ballroom Foyer
Park Ridge Marriott
1930-2230Class DinnerGrand Ballroom, Park Ridge Marriott 
Class Dinner
Benny Havens RoomJunior Ballroom, Park Ridge Marriott 
To West Point for Alumni Parade and Review
*Off to West Point Jack and Rachel Bujalski Family
Marion Fay, Mary Jane Lawton
 Marianne WallerMarion Fay
*Alumni March (It was 90 degrees!) *Alumni Review
George Lawton
 Harry Shedd Cadet Mess: George Huff and
Cadet Andrew McLucas
Jerome and Marjorie Prochaska, B2 Mike and Grace Dugan, I2
George and Mary Jane Lawton Harry Shedd and Wayne Weiss
Cadet Mess: Jaimi Julian Thompson and
Cadet Kevin Mathew Updike
Cadet Kevin Mathew Updike,
Harry and Claradell Shedd
May 21, 2013: 1958 Class after Alumni Review Parade
Tuesday, May 21, 2013: Left section of 1958 Class after Alumni Review Parade
Tuesday, May 21, 2013: Center section of 1958 Class after Alumni Review Parade
Tuesday, May 21, 2013: Right section of 1958 Class after Alumni Review Parade
Jack and Rachel Bujalski Connie Wright with her father,
Court Kruger (WWII; Army Air Corps)
Photos taken on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. (*please send corrections/additions to
Claradell at [email protected])
*Pics/Julian      **Pics/Bujalski       ***Pics/Herren       ****Waller      (others/Claradell Shedd)

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George Huff Harry Shedd Lee Fay Jack Bujalski Frank Wright Palmer McGrew Bill Parks John Herren Don Paladino Edgie Waller Wayne Weiss George Lawton Frank Wright Harry Shedd Lee Fay George Huff Jack Bujalski John Herren Bill Parks, H2 Stan Bacon, I2 Palmer McGrew, I2 Don Paladino, F2 Edgie Waller Wayne Weiss George Lawton Jerome Prochaska, B2 Jerry Mitchell, C1 Alan Salisbury, L1 Otto Thamasett, M1 Tom Morgan, A2 Otto Thamasett, M1 George Robertson Terry Connell, F1 Dick Graves, M1 Garry Roosma Mike Dugan, I2