United States Military Academy
Class of 1958 - 52nd Mini Reunion
Company G-2

  1958 Crest
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 
Denver Events
The Brown Palace  
 The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa
 321 17th Street
 Denver, CO 80202
(303) 297-3111
 fax: (303) 312-5900
 map  http://www.brownpalace.com/index.cfm
The Comfort Inn Comfort Inn - Downtown Denver
 401 17th Street
 Denver, CO 80202
(303) 296-0400
 fax: (303) 297-0774
 map  http://www.denvercomfortinn.com/
 Contact for info: 
 Richard K. Clements (H-2)
1721 South Parfet Court
Lakewood, CO 80232
(303) 986-0917
[email protected]
Emails from Richard Clements can be viewed at:
Hotel reservations for the 2010 mini will be accepted with the cutoff date of September 9, 2010. Mention you are with the West Point Class of 1958.
0630-0930Full Breakfast BuffetOnly at Comfort Inn;
No breakast included at the Brown
0815-1600Air Force Academy Tour
0800-0900?Coors BreweryYour own transportation.
Lunch?In Golden, COWhere and when? On your own.
0100-1800Benny Havens Open
The Brown Palace
2nd Floor; Large room off of the wide balcony; with large windows on three sides overlooking South Broadway Street
1800-2130Your own entertainmentOn your own
2130-2200Benny Havens Open
The Brown Palace
2nd Floor; Large room off of the wide balcony; with large windows on three sides overlooking South Broadway Street
The Air Force Academy
Air Force Academy Bus Tour of the AF Academy at Cadet Chapel
Cadet Chapel at the Air Force AcademyOrgan in Cadet Chapel
Cadet Chapel Organ in Cadet Chapel
Catholic ChapelJerwish Chapel
Catholic Chapel Jewish Chapel
Typical Cadet RoomTypical Cadet Room
Cadet Room Cadet Room
We had run with the Wing in the Mess.We had lunch with the Wing in the Mess.
Mess Hall Mess Hall
The tour group at the Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel
Tour Group Photos: Compliments of Mike Dugan
Enlarged left side of photo: tour group at the Air Force Academy Chapel
Enlarged right side of photo: tour group at the Air Force Academy Chapel
Hugh Morgan, Heather Crawley, Harry and Claradell shedd, Rachel and Jack Bujalski, Wayne WeissWayne Weiss
G2ers at Dinner Wayne Weiss
Harry and Claradell SheddWe were all fascinated
by Wayne's dinner selection at
Vesta Dipping Grill.
Photo on right
by Heather Crawley.

Harry & Claradell
Wayne' dinner selection
Photos taken on Tuesday, October 12, 2010. (*please send corrections/additions to
Claradell at [email protected])
  (Photos by Claradell Shedd)

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