Photoshop 1; Spring, 2001

artist of the year        dancing in the dark
   Rie Munoz, artist of the year
          from Juneau, Alaska;
               Collage Project
Dancing in the Dark;
Invitation Project


Claradell in a stag leap; Poster Project

Claradell in a stag leap



20's, 30's, 40's, and the Saturday Night Dance;
Project 1


Mr. and Mrs. John Gergely; circa 1911;
Rural Route, Eddyville, IA
Compilation of numerous jpegs (36 layers)
memories of Grandma's kitchen
Song: "I Want to be With You"

50th Wedding Anniversary (Summer, 1936) - John and Anna Gergely
The above photo was taken at the 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration of John and Anna Gergely at their farm in Eddyville, IA. They were married October 12, 1884 in Nizna Mysla, Kosice, Czechoslovakia. This is a photo of the grandchildren, and there were many more to follow. I have created roll-overs to identify the respective grandchild and/or individual. In this 1936 picture, there are 35 first cousins shown, 4 first cousins once removed. As of 2009, there were 51 first cousins (alive and deceased). In 2009, there were 136 first cousins, once removed.
FrontHenry Irvin Stuchel, Verna Adams, Leo Durbala, Claradell Gergely
2ndMargaret Ann Stuchel, Anna Adams, Theresa Gergely, Helen Adams, Teresa Durbala, Mary Ann Rossi, Annabelle Gergely, Edward Adams, Therese Trenshaw, Paul Kurimski
3rdRoseanne Trenshaw (baby being held by), Catherine Sereg, Dorothy Sereg, Pauline Rossi, John Sereg, Mike Adams, Mike Kurimski, Anna Marie Gergely, Frank Rossi
4thJohn Kurimski, Pete Sereg, Anna Kurimski holding baby, Joe Kurimski
5thTom Sereg (baby being held by), Andy Sereg, Irvin Sereg (baby being held by), Joe Sereg, John Gergely holding baby, Steve Gergely, Jr., Irvin Durbala
BackMary Rossi holding baby, Josephine Rossi, Tom Kurimski, Wilfreda Durbala

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All images and content are © copyright of their respective copyright owners.
Henry Irvin Stuchel Margaret Ann Stuchel Anna Adams Theresa Gergely Leo Durbala Claradell Gergely Helen Adams Helen Durbala Verna Adams Mary Ann Rossi Annabelle Gergely Pauline Rossi Mike Adams John Sereg Anna Kurimski Edward Adams Therese Trenshaw Paul Kurimski Catherine Sereg Dorothy Sereg Roseanne Trenshaw Frank Rossi Anna Marie Gergely Mike Kurimski Joe Kurimski Peter Sereg John Kurimski Irvin Durbala Steve Gergely, Jr. John Gergely Joe Sereg Freda Durbala Tom Kurimski Irving Sereg Andy Sereg Tom Sereg Mary Rossi Josephine Rossi