Short biographical sketches were requested of all graduates earlier this year. Those sketches have been made into a directory which were available at the reunion on Saturday, June 21, 2003.
Please send all additions and corrections for this directory to:
  Claradell (Gergely) Shedd  
  2313 Sahalee Drive East  
  Sammamish, WA  
  (425) 868-0260  

JANUARY GRADUATES-Aller through Hilgenberg
ALLER, Patricia Anne
Deceased 12/18/17
611 West 28th Street South; Newton, Iowa 50208
(641) 792-2546
Married Name: Spellman
Spouse's Name: Bill
Email address: [email protected]
Bill and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last November. Our kids planned a wonderful afternoon which included a limo ride to Red Lobster in DM. Our kids are now 41-48 years old and we have two wonderful granddaughters 23 and 19. We still live in the same home we moved to in 1965 - only the address has changed somewhat over the years. Retirement is fun and don't know where all the time goes. I like to read and quilt and am involved with church circle and attend a craft class.
2013 Reunion Questionnaire Input
Fondest Memories of High School:
Comments (since graduation):
Most significant happening in my life?
BAILEY, James (Jim) Eli
Deceased 05/10/05
631 South Front Royal Drive; Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 722-1455
Married Name:  
Spouse's Name: Janice (Savage) Bailey
Email address: [email protected]
Jim is married to Janice Savage, NHS Class of 1954. They will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary July 20th this year. Jim is a retired United States Air Force Colonel. He and Janice have four children, all married, and four grandchildren. He is a graduate of Drake University, the Air Command and Staff College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. They have lived in 12 locations since high school in various parts of the country and overseas. Jim served in Viet Nam, the Philippine Islands, Canada, Germany, Iran, the USAF Academy, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. He is the recipient of the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Joint Services Commendation Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, USAF Commendation Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation and the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. He was also named as the USAF Senior Supply Manager of the Year. Jim and Janice plan to continue to travel during the summer months, especially to see their grandchildren.
COHEN, Jack Bernard
Deceased 11/21/11
3251 Crystal Palm Ct, Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 876-3195
Married Name:  
Spouse's Name: Betty
Email address: [email protected]
Jack and Betty have two sons, Steven and Douglas, and several grandchildren. They own and operate Dura-Kool Aluminum Products, Inc. They were in the Air Force in France from 1953-1956; Los Angeles from 1957-1966; and in Las Vegas since 1966. Their special interests include tennis and race horses.
DE GROOTE, Marilyn Jean 4211 62nd Street, #2, Urbandale, IA 50322
(515) 255-2357
Married Name: Elliott
Spouse's Name: Dale (div.)
Email address: [email protected]
Marilyn attended our 50th! She is a holistic practioneer and has been on contract at Mercy Hospital for the last four years in this work. She works with hospice patients.
DUDLEY, Phillip Norman
Deceased: 10/17/22
3242 West Farmdale Road, Englewood, CO 80110-5222
(303) 798-8498
Married Name:  
Spouse's Name: Annette
Email address: [email protected]
Married Annette who graduated from East High.
ELMORE, Bob Eugene
Deceased 04/13/22
903 Main Street, Ackley, IA 50601
Married Name:  
Spouse's Name: Teri
Email address: [email protected]
Attended University of Northern Iowa. Taught and coached four years at Carlisle, IA; Monroe, IA, and Lincoln High School in Des Moines. Worked in insurance claims 31 years during which we lived in Des Moines and Bettendorf, IA; Los Angeles, CA; Omaha, NE; and Philadelphia, PA. During that time I was married three times for two years, 17 years and 18 years and continuing. Have five children: Kevin, 42; Rob, 40; Mindy, 38; Shawn, 36; and Missy, 33. Have three grandchildren: Chelsey, Dylan, and Jacilyn. Retired in February 1993 and have worked part time since then in building trade and consulting. 50 years in one paragraph!!
2013 Reunion Questionnaire Input
School teacher and coach at Carlisle, IA, Monroe, IA, and Des Moines Lincoln from 1957 to 1961. Joined the Insurance Company of North America in their Claim Department in 1961. I worked with INA in Des Moines, Bettendorf, Omaha, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia where I retired in 1993 as a Manager of Environmental Claims.
Fondest Memories of High School:
My fondest memories are made up of the relationships that developed with friends, classmates, and team mates that I met and connected with during my time at North.
Comments (since graduation):
Following graduation from North, I attended ISTC where I participated in football and baseball, and made friendships that continue to this day.
Most significant happening in my life?
In October of 1984, while living in Southern California, I met and married the wonderful wife I am married to today. Also significant has been the birth of my five wonderful children. Sad time occurred a couple of years ago with the death of my youngest son, Shawn, who died in an auto accident two days prior to his 44th birthday. Happy times and sad times, but all significant.
Deceased: June, 1978
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Married Name: Yeaman
Spouse's Name:  
Email address: none
Died in Scottsdale, AZ in July, 1978. Cancer.
GRIFFITHS, Sally Ann 32 White Bridge Road; #425; Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 662-9305
Married Name: McDowell
Spouse's Name: Doug (deceased)
Email address: [email protected]
I graduated, got married, and had five children, who have been my life.
I have traveled extensively, lived on both coasts, and finally moved to Nashville, TN ten years ago. I bought a condo in a retirement community and love being here where my two youngest children reside with two adopted grandsons. I have six grandchildren in all and one great granddaughter. I have a daughter in Knoxville, TN, a daughter in Denver, and my oldest son in Des Moines. All five are married.
I love working part time at Vanderbilt Hospital and I love living in Nashville, It is absolutely beautiful here. Life is good. I do miss all my friends in Des Moines but I do hope you will come to visit. I love company!
GROSSMAN, Jody 1392 Hollyberry Place, The Villages, FL 32159
(515) 480-4991
Married Name: Currie. now Colletier (Pierre Colletier)
Spouse's Name: Edward Joseph Currie (div.) Kenneth Lepley (dec.)
Email address: [email protected]
Jody recently moved to The Villages in Florida, but still maintains her dance studio in Des Moines at Jody Currie Dance Studio, 3840 70th Street in Urbandale, IA 50322; (515) 276-7475. At The Villages, is busy teaching dance, polo cheerleading, swimming, golfing, shuffleboard, pickle ball, bocce, "dancing at the Square" everynight, etc. Des Moines address is 14100 Pinnacle Pointe, Clive, IA 50325
HALLER, William Robert
Deceased: 02/22/24
8114 NW Beaver Drive, Johnston, IA 50231
Spouse's Name: Judy
Email address: [email protected]
HARNER, Ronald Leslie
Deceased: 01/26/23
501 Rainbow, Livingston, TX 77399
Deceased: Beaufort, SC
Married Name:  
Spouse's Name: tbd
Email address: tbd
Locates between South Carolina, Texas, and Minnesota.
2013 Reunion Questionnaire Input
USAF for 28 years. Worked in classroom for Northwest Airlines for 14 years.
Fondest Memories of High School:
Comments (since graduation):
Most significant happening in my life?
HARPEL, Nancy Mae
Deceased 03/16/18
1241 Pheasant Valley Street; Iowa City, IA 52246-8682
(319) 354-5454. Deceased: Grimes, IA 50263
Married Name: Jeffries
Spouse's Name: Orland
Email address: [email protected]
Attended University of Iowa. Graduated with B.S. in Nursing in 1957. Worked as public health nurse in DM -- moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, taught NSG. Married in 1962 and moved to Kansas City, MO. Taught NSG until son was born in 1964. Was first woman to be elected to city council in Westwood, KS. Moved to Morris, IL in 1985. Husband retired three years ago. We are avid Hawkeye fans. Daughter, Diane is married and lives in DM. Son, Peter lives in McLean, VA and is married with son 2-1/2 years old. Orland and Nancy moved to Iowa City in mid-2005.
  Sharron Josephine
Deceased: January, 2017
P.O. Box 170, Ninole, HI 96773
New phone number coming.
Deceased: Riverside, CA 92509
Married Name: Cordaro
Spouse's Name: George (divorced)
Email address: [email protected]
Bachelor's and Master's in Music Education, Music Specialist , Riverside, CA schools fourteen years; 4th grade teacher, 8 years; 1st violin, Riverside and other orchestras, and fiddle in folk music groups. Married George Cordaro, 1958; divorced, 1995. Two children: Christopher died in accident at age 18; Anne Marie teaches high school PE. Family trips to Europe and most states. Year of college in environmental studies in India, Thailand, Malaysia, New Zealand, Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Yucatan, and Belize. Taught workshops for teachers for Iowa State Department of Education in connection to nature with writing, drawing, music, and folk dances and Dances of Univeral Peace; Conservation Chair, Sierra Club Ex-Com; founded Inland Empire Chapter of EarthSave International. Vegetarian since 1983; vegan since 1997. Made CD with songs I wrote and performed at national conferences and Toronto World Vegetarian Congress. Finished 26.6 mile LA Marathon, 2002; crossed line at SAC base, Omaha, and nuclear test facility near Las Vegas, and participated in Code Pink Women for Peace and ANSWER Coalition rallies recently in Washington, D..C. Moving to Hawaii (09/03) to start peace center for workshops, yoga, meditation. Will use alternative power and raise organic foods. Sharron moved to Hawaii in 02/04. New address above.

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