North Des Moines High School
Class of 1953/ 50th Reunion
Friday, June 20, 2003
Page 2 of photos taken

waveland golf course club house Friday, June 20, 2003
Waveland Golf Course Club House
49th and University, Des Moines

Photos taken on Friday, June 20. (*please help identify or send corrections to
Claradell at [email protected])
toga-clad man  in Romebone,murphys,elmore
Roman banquet/Latin Club Norman Bone, Murphys, Bob Elmore (back)
lass, adamshockenberrys
JoAnn Lass Adams/Maury Jon and Lorraine Hockenberry
Loy and Ellie Brooks Bob/Louise Morlock Gisler, Jim Bailey,
Craig/Shirley Winslow Cramer
male teacherfemale teacher
After all of these years, which instructor do you remember most? Why?
Claradell Gergely Shedd,
Louise Morlock Gisler
Photo By Eleanor Barton Knold
Eleanor Barton Knold,
Darlene Jones Quinn/Tom
Photo supplied by Eleanor Barton Knold
Yeah, I fell into that pole vault pit, but we won anyway!Nancy Madison/(Bob), Judy Haller
April 13, 1952 (from left) John Nichols, Dan Nelson, Lanny Patten, Ben Nefzger,
Tom Fellman, Leo Trovas, Bob Klisares, Bruce Nelson, Don Werner, and Carla Courter
From scrapbook of Rosemary Brynie
Sally McClure Rhoads
Bill/Marilyn Munzenmaier Grother
Beverly Collins Johnson/Richard
Nanette Bradley Coon,
Bob Thornton
*, Nancy Campbell Manhart,
Sharron Hilgenberg Cordaro
Familiar Call Letters Sears CatalogTinkertoysBlue Flash (now$45) Washer/
hand wringer
Tabletop Music
Ann Lawdahl Tharnish/Larry;
JoAnn Lass Adams/Maury
Waveland golfers before Friday evening event
John Murphy, Bob Elmore, Jon Hockenberry,
Larry Shepard (Jackie's brother),
Ken Springate, Darwin Marchant
Photo by Mary Jean Dunphy Dunley
The Lineup:
Marchant, Rhoads, Brooks, Smithson, Austin

Photo by Ellie Brooks
Hutchins, Stiles, Romeo, Hummel, McClure
Photo by Ellie Brooks
(from left) Claradell Gergely Shedd, Louise Morlock Gisler, Eleanor Barton Knold,
Sally Munzenmaier Fuller, Shirley Winslow Cramer, and Rosemary Brynie Lind
Photo: Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
Eleanor Barton Knold,
Jackie Shepard Murphy
Photo supplied by Eleanor Barton Knold
Sharon Willcockson McGraw,
Dick Johnson (Ilene Overton);
Bill Grother (Marilyn Munzenmaier)
Photo by Eleanor Barton Knold
fletcher, gabrielhockenberry, barton
Bob Fletcher, Beverly Gabriel Whipple
Photo by Eleanor Barton Knold
Jon Hockenberry, Eleanor Barton Knold--
Together since kindergarten in
Jefferson, IA in 1940
Photo supplied by Eleanor Barton Knold
charles quinerrhoads,savage,romeo,bailey
Charles Quiner Rod Rhoads, Janice Savage Bailey,
Rosalee Romeo Klisares, Jim Bailey
harry and claradell shedd
Harry and Claradell Shedd
Photo: Stover Photographic Services
(515) 981-4217
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