Unknown as of 03/29/13
Aikin, Doris Mae*Bailey, Norma Jean (Carter)Craig, Sharon Francis
Burrell, Marlene NancyBrown, Georgia EleanoreElings, Eileen Amanda (Shaw)
Carr, Phyllis Louise (Williams)Gordon, Eunice Elaine*Wilcots, Lois Ann (Newcomb)?
Craig, Lucille Violet*Greif, Marilyn Meeks
Hutton, June
Jones, Mary Jean (Sales)
*Kaplan, Celia (Booth)
King, Shirley AnnaBell
Marker, Norma Jean (Johnson)
McKenzie, Kenneth Earl
Myers, Anna Lee
Schlatter, Sandra Lee
*Seitz, Peggy Lee (Grover)
Sims, Katherine Joanna
*Tait, Shirley Jean (Michener)
Wells, JoAnn Undine
*I have mailing address for some of the above classmates and will be mailing hard copies of the 60th reunion material, but over the years, I have not had personal contact with the classmate.
Please help us find these classmates. This is current "missing" list as of 03/21/13. If you have information which updates this data, please inform: (or email to: [email protected]
 Claradell Gergely Shedd  
2313 Sahalee Drive East
Sammamish, WA
(425) 868-0260

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