
1954--a short enternity ago. Thirty-two strong, we descended on the Lost Fifties and Gung-two, amid clothing displays, company boards, and cries of "Take Brigade." Four years, three upper classes, two tacs, and one heck of a lot of friends later, we're separating again--ready for what lies ahead because of what has gone behind. The twenty-four who made it have a lot of memories--Biff's constructive criticism, Weezy's brown boy, Shunk's "Hey Hugh,", Edgie's 20-20, Guspadene's teeth, Herren's pipe, the amours of Huff, Easley, and Forman. Hugh's Sunday School classes, Palmer's Rebel yell, and Fay's "This place leaves something to be desired." No one will forget Kosciusko, Fatty Arbuckle, Moose Arbruster, Doctor McCauley, Herr Depew, Bird-dog, Fluffy, Tubby, Wing-Ding, Looney, Bellie, Lump Lump, and the last, but not least, Spuds and Ollie.

Please review the "Roommates" chart at hyperlinked button below to assure accuracy. For additions/corrections, please email Claradell at shedd@hshedd.com Also under construction, is a linking page which will detail "stories" told by various roomies. Then your G-2 company classmate's name will be linked to his respective "story."

Tac Officers
Major Edward J. Mason
 Captain George S. Oliver
West Point: June 3, 1957
Herren, Julian, Palmer, Fay, Lawton, Smith (Will) of B2
Link to reunion history book project for John Herren
John Herren Pat Donovan
West Point, 2003: G2 Group Singing
Pointer, Lawton, Wright, Eliot, Depew, Fay, Julian, Herren, Weiss, Waller, Easley
West Point: Abt September 10, 2003   San Francisco: October 19, 2005
West Point: May 27, 2008   New York: May 27, 2008
Tucson: October 26, 2009   Tucson: October 28, 2009
Washington, D.C.: October 7, 2012   Park Ridge, New Jersey: May 18, 2013
Park Ridge, New Jersey: May 19, 2013; Sally and John Herren, Bob Julian

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