All Saints Various Events
(Link showing various Highland Park/Oak Park/Snooseville area locations)
1915 Tithing Letter
1930 Spring School Program
Friday, May 30, 1941
A Double Deck Truck and Car Crash, 6 Hurt
Nine Children and Nuns in Auto
A car carrying nine children and three adults collided Friday in Des Moines with a double-deck automobile transport truck.
Two Catholic nuns riding in the car and four of the children were injured.
One of the automobiles on the upper deck of the transport fell, striking and partly crushing one side of the steel top of the other car.
The accident haoppened at 10:40am at Seventeenth Street and Euclid Avenue.
All of the children except one were members of the girls softball team from All Saints Parochial School, Third Street and Ovid Avenue.
Seriously injured were Ruth Anderson, 14, of 4014 Cambridge Street, who suffered a brain concussion and a possible fractured shoulder, and her 5-year-old sister, Mary Lou, who suffered deep head cuts.
Driver of the car in which the children rode was Alfred M. Anderson, 42, father of Ruth and Mary Lou.
All of the injured were taken to Mercy Hospital.
Head Cuts
The two nuns, Sister Mary Imelda and Sister Mary Paula, teachers at the parochial school, suffered head cuts. Sister Mary Imelda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fitzpatrick, 2619 Thirty-fifth Street.
Others injured are Jeane Anderson, 13, of 619 Oak Park Avenue, who suffered a broken arm and other injuries; and Phyllis Davitt, 14, of 3000 Bowdoin Street, who suffered a cut arm.
Other children who were riding in the car but who escaped injury are Joan Davitt, 12, sister of Phyllis; Mary Joan Schroudt, Evelyn Imes, Theresa Lydon, and Patty Boatright.
Sister Mary Paula was seated in the front seat, holding Mary Lou Anderson. Sister Mary Imelda nd the other eight children were in the rear seat of the automobile, according to police.
Driving West Sister Mary Paula Sister Mary Imelda Ruth Anderson
The accident happened as Anderson, driving west on Euclid, was making a left hand turn into a small ball park where Euclid Avenue crosses Seventeenth Street, which is an unopened street at that intersection.
"I put out my hand as I began the turn, making the signal in compliance with the law," Anderson told police.
Driver of the truck, a six-ton vehicle, was Gerald Franks of Deer Grove, Illinois, who was taking the load of cars from Detroit, Michigan to Omaha, Nebraska. The truck also was headed west.
Franks said Anderson had signaled for a turn, but insisted the latter had given the signal a considerable distance from the place where he began the turn, according to police.
"Changed His Mind" Mary Lou Anderson Alfred M.Anderson Scene of Crash
Franks said he believed Anderson, after signaling for a turn, had "changed his mind" and decided to proceed forward, police reported. Believing the car ahead was going on, Franks started to pass it, according to his report to police.
The truck struck the left side of the car in which the children rode, pushing it forward about 175 feet. Franks said he had jammed on his brakes. Police said the sudden stop presumably threw off the car from the top deck.
Above Photos:
Sister Mary Paula Radosevich,
Sister Mary Imelda Fitzpatrick
Ruth Anderson, 14, brain concussion and possible fractured shoulder
Mary Lou Anderson, 5, serious head cuts
Alfred M. Anderson, driver of one vehicle

Photo left above:
Two of the passengers in the car which was in collision with a double-deck auto transport truck in Des Moines Friday were Joan Davitt (left), 12, of 3000 Bowdoin Street, and her sister, Phyllis, 14. Phyllis suffered a cut arm.

Photo left below:
Jeane Anderson, 13, of 619 Oak Park Avenue, was taken to Mercy Hospital suffering a broken arm and other injuries.
They said the car which fell was chained to the truck only at the front.
At the time of the accident, Anderson had begun the left hand turn to enter a drive to the ball field.
The 1941 legislature passed a bill to bar the double-deck transports from Iowa Highways, but Governor Wilson vetoed it.

This newspaper article furnished by "Red" Evelyn Imes Giudicessi who was in the car involved in the crash. Red graduated in the 1941 All Saints class.
1943 BSA Charter for All Saints
As can be best determined, there are some participants from the class of 1946, so this Christmas Program must have been held in December, 1945. Photo contributed by Michael Edward Couch, AS '53. As Santa in "A Joke on the Toymaker", he was then six years old.
This photo was dated 1946, so it might have been a spring production, "Paints and Patches". From left in front row: Billy Radnich, X, X, Jackie Fettkether, Jack Dice, Katie Richards, X, X, X, Katie Warren. Jeri Lea Jerome is behind Katie Warren. Believe fellow "above" Katie Richards is Jack Francis Leonard. The above photo may have been part of the December, 1945 Christmas program, as detailed above.
In fellowship they meet,
Their long days to invest,
Snipping and sewing, only slowing,
To visit, eat, or rest.
Heads bent to the task, you needn't ask,
If these ladies love to quilt.
Their talented touch, expresses as much,
As stitch after stitch it is built.
Friends try to perceive who will receive,
Each quilt that is stitched from the heart,
With needlework fine, the patterns entwined,
It is a treasure, a true work of art.
2004: The All Saints "Happy Quilters" are quilting their "last hurrah!" Althought they will continue to meet, this will be their final quilt to be donated to the parish--and it is a beauty!

The queen-size black and jewel-toned "Courthouse Steps" quilt has a floral appliqued border. Chances are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing wikll be held at the Omelet Breakfast on October 3.

This group started stitching together in 1982 at the home of Betty Walsh. Over the years, they have met in various locations including the old All Saints School, the convent, and the homes of Marie Lindgren and Florence Moran, until settling in at their current "home" in 1997 in the basement of the Highland Park Funeral Home. They like to say they "add life" to the place!

These ladies have been busy! They have quilted over 125 quilts, including 23 for the parish and 18 for the Dowling High School Guild. The proceeds from the raffles of their beautiful creations--estimated at over $40,000--have been donated to the parish. Their generosity doesn't stop there. The group donated $2,200 for a parish refrigerator and $300 to the Altar and Rosary Society the one year that they didn't donated a quilt. They also bake cookies at holiday time for our homebound and nursing home parishioners.

The Happy Quilters meet on Thursdays and welcome new members. They have quilts set up in two different rooms and enjoy their times spent together. Current members are Teresa Bishop, Verla Boyle, Rubena Chebuhar, Vi Couch, Mary Fazio, Neva Hogan, Eunice Morris, Wilma Morrow, Ethel Rearnes, Judy Sims, and Bettie Stiles. Marianna Bryan, Alice Lamberti, Mary Smith, and Betty Walsh have also been members, but no longer quilt with the group.

Seven members have passed away since the group began, but their stitches live on: Joan Hayes, Marie Lindgren, Florence Moran, Marvel Pease, Sophie Polito, Virginia Talarico, and Evelyn Walker.
2004: Courthouse Steps
Verla Boyle and Ethel Reames working on Courthouse Steps
Mary Fazio working on Courthouse Steps
10/13/94: Bow Tie
Eunice Morris, Alice Lamberti, Vi Couch
Bow Tie (Florence Moran's home)
Front: Virginia Talerico, Vi Couch, Neva Hogan,
Back: Rubena Chebuhar, Eunice Morris, Joan Hogan,
Marie Lindgren
, Verla Boyle
1991: Dowling Silent Auction; they made $525.00
Vi Couch, Sophie Polito, Evelyn Walker, Virginia Talerico, Marie Lindgren, Verla Boyle, Neva Hogan, Alice Lamberti, Eunice Morris, Florence Moran
1998: Bear's Paw; donated to North High
Joan Hayes, Judy Sims, Teresa Bishop,
Marianna Bryan, Marie Lindgren, Verla Boyle
1999: Kaleidoscope
Teresa Bishop, Vi Couch, Judy Sims
Wedding Ring
Evelyn Walker, Judy Sims
2006: Starry Night
Seated: Neva Hogan, Ethel Reames, Rubena Chebuhar; Standing: Verla Boyle, Bettie Stiles, Mary Fazio,
Teresa Bishop, Eunice Morris
1989: Church Quilt Raffle
Won by Steve & Jan Bishop ('75) Tuil,
daughter of Jim & Theresa Bishop
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