of 1965
(names of deceased in bold
blue font) |
Communion; May, 1958
Photo: compliments of Jane Moran |
Communion; May, 1958 |
1st Row |
1-16: John Polito, Mike
McCann, Marty Boyd, Jimmy Maitre, Loras Friburger, John
Zawistowski, Louise Faber, X, X, Teresa Shaw, X, David Polito,
Gerald Lindgren, John Hearn, Fred Glas, Jim
2nd Row |
17-30: Debbie Hoover, boy, boy,
girl, girl, Greg Smith, Steven Bennett, Bill Black, Timothy Walsh,
Sally Whitecotton, Nancy Anderson, boy, Mike Comito, Jane Moran
3rd Row |
31-47: Bev Hogan, Delores McHugh,
girl, girl, Angela Lavia, Kathy Grgurich, Kathy Steinbach?, Theresa
Lewis, girl, Kathy Eagleson, girl, girl, Colleen Lydon, Marita
Schnaidt, Susan Steinbach, girl, Jean Arlaugh |
4th Row |
48-63: girl, girl, Patricia Couch,
Kathy Conconnan, Charlene Walker, girl, Darlene Walker, girl,
Vernona Westphall, Janelle Waddell, Diana Hardy, Christine Brandser,
Tim Quinn, boy, girl, girl |
5th Row |
Father Frederick Wilson Reece, boy, Janet Oetker,
Christine Hayes, Sue Catronich, girl, Ann Cunningham, Rita
Lydon, girl, girl, girl, boy |
6th Row |
boy, boy, Jerry Coash, boy, Tim
Vincent Novak, boy, Mike Richter, Sister Sharon |
7th Row |
85-88: boy, boy, boy,
girl |
8th Row |
Father James Cronin Maher |
left side of photo |
right side of photo: First Communion; May, 1958 |
1st Row |
1-8 names: John Polito, Mike
McCann, Marty Boyd, Jimmy Maitre, Loras Friburger, John
Zawistowski, Louise Faber, X |
2nd Row |
17-24 names: Debbie Hoover, boy,
boy, girl, girl, Greg Smith, Steven Bennett, Bill Black |
3rd Row |
31-39 names: Bev Hogan, Delores
McHugh, girl, girl, Angela Lavia, Kathy Grgurich, Kathy Steinbach?,
Theresa Lewis, girl |
4th Row |
48-54 names: girl, girl, Patricia
Couch, Kathy Conconnan, Charlene Walker, girl, Darlene Walker |
5th Row |
64-70 names:
Father Frederick Wilson
Reece, boy,
Janet Oetker, Christine Hayes, Sue Catronich, girl, Ann Cunningham |
6th Row |
76-80 names: boy, boy, Jerry Coash,
boy, Tim Loehr |
7th Row |
85-86 names: boy, boy |
8th Row |
James Cronin Maher |
right side of photo |
right side of photo: First Communion; May, 1958 |
1st Row |
8-16 names: X, X, Teresa Shaw,
X, David Polito, Gerald Lindgren, John Hearn, Fred Glas Jim
Hohl |
2nd Row |
24-30 names: Bill Black, Timothy
Walsh, Sally Whitecotton, Nancy Anderson, boy, Mike Comito, Jane
Moran |
3rd Row |
39-47 names: girl, Kathy Eagleson,
girl, girl, Colleen Lydon, Marita Schnaidt, Susan Steinbach, girl,
Jean Arlaugh |
4th Row |
54-63 names: Darlene Walker, girl,
Vernona Westphall, Janelle Waddell, Diana Hardy, Christine Brandser,
Tim Quinn, boy, girl, girl |
5th Row |
70-75 names: Ann Cunningham, Rita
Lydon, girl, girl, girl, boy |
6th Row |
80-84 names: Tim
Loehr, Vincent
Novak, boy, Mike Richter, Sister Sharon |
7th Row |
87-88 names: boy, girl |
8th Row |
James Cronin Maher |
May, 1958; from
left; Patricia Couch and Christine Brandser |
of 1965 as 6th Graders
Photo: compliments of Gary L. Glas |
Grade; 1963 |
Top |
Charlene Walker, Nancy
Anderson, Marty Boyd, Kathy Grgurich, Louise Faber, Luigi Greco,
Jim Hohl, John
Polito, Susan Steinbach |
2nd Row |
Jane Moran, Mike Comito,
Debbie Hoover, Ann McCarthy, Bill Black, Jim Kuhlman, Steve Bennett,
Tim Walsh, Teresa Shaw |
3rd Row |
Brad Riccio, Fred Glas, Tim
Loehr, Gerald Lindgren, Colleen Lydon, Marita Schnaidt,
Patricia Couch, Janelle Waddell, Jerry Coash |
4th Row |
John Zawastowski, Sue
Catronich, Teresa Lewis, Vernona Westfall, Delores McHugh, Elma
Rabe?, Mary Tichey, Christine Hayes,
Darlene Walker |
5th Row |
Dave Shomer, Tim Quinn,
Rita Lydon, Kathy Conconnan,
John Harrington, Mike Richter |
19? |
photo |
Bishop Bergan officiating. |
1st Row |
names |
2nd Row |
names |
3rd Row |
names |
4th Row |
names |
Crowning, May, 1958
This picture contains members of the
1965 All Saints Graduation class when they were first graders. |
Crowning; May, 1958 |
1st Row |
names: 1-16: boy, boy, boy, boy,
boy, boy, boy, girl, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy |
2nd Row |
names: 17-28: girl, girl, girl,
girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl |
3rd Row |
names: 29-32: girl, girl, girl,
boy |
4th Row |
names: 33-35: girl, girl (Queen),
girl |
5th Row |
names: 36-41: girl, girl, girl,
girl, girl, girl |
6th Row |
names: 42-43: girl, girl |
7th Row |
names: 44-48: girl, girl, girl,
girl, girl |
Crowning, May, 1965 |
Crowning; May, 1965 |
1st Row |
train bearer ?, crown bearer? |
2nd Row |
names: 1-9: Jane Moran,
Rita Lydon, Christine
Hayes, Colleen Lydon, Debbie Hoover, Kathy Grgurich, Pat Couch,
Ann McCarthy, Nancy Anderson |
3rd Row |
names: 10-17: Monsignor John J.
Reynolds, Teresa Lewis, Susan Steinbach, Marita Schnaidt, Louise
Faber, Teresa Shaw, Mary Tichey, Vernona
Westphall |
4th Row |
names: 18-19: Angela
Lavia, Janelle Wadell |
5th Row |
names: 20-24: Kathy
Conconnan, Darlene Walker, Christine Brandser, Delores McHugh,
Charlene Walker |
version of May Crowning, 1965 |
May, 1965
Photo: compliments of Jane Moran |
May, 1965
Below: have added enlarged photos with numbers
on individuals because the rows are so random it is difficult
to follow appropriate identification. |
1st Row |
Mike Comito, Debbie Hoover, Jane
Moran, Tim Loehr, Tim Walsh, Bill
Black, Steve Bennett, William Mike McCann,
Gerald Lindgren, Nancy Anderson, Ann McCarthy, Christine Hayes |
2nd Row |
John Harrington, Brad
Riccio, Colleen Lydon, Rita Lydon,
Katy Grgurich, (empty spaces, Patricia Couch, John
Polito |
3rd Row |
Brad Riccio,
Lydon, Jim
Hohl, Marita
Schnaidt, Susan Steinbach, Louise Faber, Theresa Shaw, Mary
Vernona Westphall, Jim Kuhlman |
4th Row |
Luigi Greco,
Marty Boyd, Angela Lavia, Theresa Lewis, Msgr. John J. Reynolds,
Janelle Wadell, Kathy Conconnan, Darlene
Walker, Christine Brandser, Charlene Walker, Delores McHugh, Fred
Glas |
5th Row |
Dave Shomer, Jerry Coash, Tim
Quinn, John Zawastowski, Mike Richter |
left side of photo with numbers |
May, 1965 (with numbers) |
1st Row |
1-6: Mike Comito, Debbie Hoover,
Jane Moran, Tim Loehr, Tim Walsh,
Bill Black |
2nd Row |
13-15: John Harrington,
Colleen Lydon, Kathy Grgurich |
3rd Row |
18-21: Brad
Riccio, Rita
Lydon, Jim
Poppy Hohl, Marita
Schnaidt, Susan Steinbach, Louise Faber, Theresa Shaw, Mary
Vernona Westphall, Jim Kuhlman |
4th Row |
28-34: Luigi
Greco, Marty Boyd, Angela Lavia, Theresa Lewis, Msgr. John J.
Reynolds, Janelle Wadell, Kathy Conconnan, |
5th Row |
40-41: Dave Shomer, Jerry Coash |
right side of photo with numbers |
May, 1965 (with numbers) |
1st Row |
6-12: Bill Black, Steve Bennett,
Mike McCann, Gerald Lindgren,
Nancy Anderson, Ann McCarthy, Christine Hayes |
2nd Row |
16-17: Patricia Couch,
John Polito |
3rd Row |
21-27: Marita
Schnaidt, Susan Steinbach, Louise Faber, Theresa Shaw, Mary Tichey,
Vernona Westphall, Jim Kuhlman |
4th Row |
35-39: Darlene
Walker, Christine Brandser, Charlene Walker, Delores McHugh, Fred
Glas |
5th Row |
41-44: Jerry Coash,
Tim Quinn, John Zawastowski, Mike Richter |
(potential list of) Names of 1965
graduates. Believe there were 35 in the class. Five are deceased. |
Boys: Steve P. Bennett, Bill Black,
Marty Boyd, Jerry Coash, Sr., Michael Tony Comito, Frederick (Fred)
Glas, Luigi Fedele Greco, John Harrington, Jim
Poppy Hohl, Timothy John, Jim M. Kuhlman, Gerald Lindgren,
Tim Loehr(NHS), William Mike McCann,
Richard Petithory?, John Polito,
Tim Quinn, Mike Richter, Jon Michael Zawistowski
Girls: Nancy Anderson Webb, Christine Brandser, Kathy Conconnan, Patricia
A. Couch-Lynch, Christine Hayes, Angela Marie Lavia Rodenkirk, Rita
Ellen Lydon, Ann McCarthy, Delores McHugh, Elma Rabe, Jane
Moran Sukup; Marita Schnaidt, Theresa Shaw, Susan Marie Steinbach-Johannnsen,
Mary Tichey Sullivan, Janelle Wadell,
Charlene Walker, Darlene Walker, Vernona Westphall |
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