Strawberry Juice
Most fruits we know are the result of years of constant improvement by human beings. The strawberry is a good example. The fruit as we know it wouldn't have been as big, tasty and nutritious as it is today if it hadn't been cultivated and crossed with other fruits for years.
- Strawberry juice reputedly frees the skin of all unsightly blemishes and has cleansing properties.
- The Journal of Food Science (Vol41:1013 1976) advises that strawberry juice taken internally helps to eliminate toxic accumulations in the blood and is beneficial in the treatment of acne, blackheads, and rough, unhealthy skin.
- Many ancient cultures used it as an excellent burn/sunburn treatment.
- Strawberries are rich in Vitamin P, the bioflavonoids, rutin, hesperidin, as well as plentiful quantities of vitamin C and iron. These nutrients are able to affect on-site repair work to damaged miniscule blood vessels. As a result, skin discolorations eventually disappear.
- Strawberry Juice is also believed to be useful in deactivating both the polio and herpes virus. Many drink strawberries juice as an excellent cold/flu preventative treatment.
- An allergic reaction to the eating of strawberries is usually caused by the little hairs on the fruit. There is a good chance that the strawberries will be less irritable if you rinse them with hot water before eating.
- Strawberries should be eaten within one or two days because they are most commonly picked when they are ripe.
- Strawberries whiten the teeth.
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