North Des Moines High School
Class of 1929

January 1929 Graduation Class
Compliments of Roger Raines, '50 (Roger's mother is front row, sixth from left.)
front row: 6th from left Ruth M. Killinger
2nd row: 2nd from right Doris L. Young ( in pic below)
  11th from left Harriet H. Muelhaupt
3rd row: 11th from left Could be Ruth Sayre, but not listed
   with graduates.
4th row: 8th from left Bernice L. Thelan
9th from left Eunice M. Schroeder
January 1929 Graduation Class
Photo taken by Showers and Showers
NOTE: 1929's graduation class was the last class at North High where the "class" had been at
North for a full four years; i.e., from 9th grade through seniors in high school. Thereafter, the students
entered at the 10th grade level, utilizing other junior high schools in the area for the 9th grade --
Warren Harding and Washington Irving.

June 1929
Class Officers

Walter W. Straley
Burtyce J. Lincoln
Alice Helen Jansen
Robert W. Kaufmann
Dorothy Irene Gruber
Frederick S. Lichty
National Honor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society
National Honor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society
National Honor Society (June, 1929 Yearbook Supplement)
Members of the Aelioian Chapter of the National Honor Society. The above are listed alphabetically and not in row sequence.
Morton Adler, Fannie Aliber, Jeanette Anderson, Florence Bell, Jack Bercovitz, Ethelyn Brown, Bernice Betz, Lucille Burt, Isabell Carson, Ethel Christiansen, Zenella Clayton, Henry Corn, Frank Crane, Maxine Davis, Arthur Dewey, Louise Elder, Virginia Epperly, Evan Evitts, Vergil Fogdall, Kathryn Glass, Letha Greene, Mary Griffiths, Dorothy Gruber, Elizabeth Build, Ramone Hall, Harrison Harding, Margaret Hatch, Ruth Hobson, Frances Huff, Marion Huncke, Alice Jansen, Harold Kersey, Irene Kirstein, Chestine Kurtz, Julia Lamb, Lilly Landis, Burtyce Lincoln, Rachel Meyers, Marion Nece, Gladys Ogden, Grace Ogden, Hazel Patten, Inman Perkins, George Raines, Jacquetta Reese, Frank Robinson, Albert Schatz, Raymond Stewart, Walter Straley, Martelle Wallace, Ora Lucy Wheeler, Valeria Windler, Nina Stevens
Faculty; June, 1929 Faculty; June, 1929
Faculty; June, 1929 Faculty; June, 1929
Faculty (June, 1929 Yearbook Supplement)
Members of the faculty are listed alphabetically and not in row sequence.
Miss Helen Grace Adams, Miss Nellie L. Baldwin, Mrs. Grace M. Behr, Miss Floretta Bidwell, Miss Gertrude Bishop, Miss Elizabeth L. Butler, Miss Blanche Calvert, Miss Grace Campbell, Miss Louise Cotnam, Miss Mildred Craig, Miss Theodora Dodds, Miss Mable L. Eichhorn, Miss Clara Foss, Mr. F.E. Goodell, Miss Helen Halbersleben, Miss M. Pearl Hansen, Mr. A.P. Heald, Mr. Harvey Hill, Mr. Joseph S. Hofer, Mr. A.H. Horsburgh, Miss Inez Hovey, Miss Martha Hutchinson, Mr. M.A. Jencks, Miss Edith Johnson, Mr. Raymond Jones, Miss Mary B. Kasson, Miss Ruby D. Lucas, Mr. H.D. McCullough, Miss Irene Moroney, Miss Olive Morris, Miss Frances Pickrell, Miss Ethel Richards, Miss Marguerite B. Robert, Miss Lois Scott, Miss Agnes Sears, Mr. Iliff Shepherd, Mr. W.T. Sherman, Mr. C.R. Stewart, Mr. F.H. Stewart, Mr. A.A. Swilley, Mr. S.E. Thompson, Miss Litta Tumbleson, Miss Essie Whirry, Miss Rachel Williams, Mrs. A.B. Wilson, Miss Nellie E. Wilson, Mr. E.E. Lory, Mr. H.T. Steeper, Mr. S.E. Thompson, Mrs. Anna C. West, Miss Vera Swanson
Graduates - January, 1929
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools

Combined East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
122 graduating from North High
January 24, 1929
Alvord, Harry Devotie Koufer, Lillian Schroeder,EuniceMagdalene
Amos, Josephine E. Kramer, Alice E. Schwarts, Martin Richard
Balderson, Ellen Bernice Levin, Charlotte C. Shankland, Kathleen Louise
Ballard, Harold C. Lipson, Jack I. Shaw, Thomas Irwin
Barger, Aileen M. Lutz, John Gorman Shostrom, Orville E.
Beverlin, Jas. M. McCabe, Evelynn Maxine Wilson, McGilvery
Biondi, C. Glenn McCabe, Stuart E. Silke, Blanche C.
Bloomquist, Ethel Ruth McCarty, Lillie Mae Sloan, Vivian
Chambers, Ruth Frances Newcomb, Marguerite V. Smith, Helen Lucille
Coellner, Louise A. McKeon, Alyce Frances Sneddon, Frances Elizabeth
Combs, Virginia Faith Mains, Glenn E. Soldat, Ann Shirley
Cunningham, Ruthe Marsh, Elmer James Sommer, Earl Roy
Derickson, Stewart May, Edna Southern, Dorothy L.
Deuben, Charles Edward Meyrat, Tell G. Spear, Elwyn B.
Dixon, Helen Mikesell, George Edward Spencer, Jane Christine
Drake, Helen E. Milligan, Ruby E. Stevens, Marye Elizabeth
Dutton, Madelin Elouise Millslagle, Don R. Stewart, Ward
Davis, Ruth Belle Elizabeth Moffatt, B.A., Jr. Stone, Wilfred H.
Finney, Clela Mae Morgan, Merle D. Thelan, Bernice Lenoir
Fisher, R. Raymond Morse, Lucille Jayne Thielking, Edmund L.
Francisco, Kenneth J. Muelhaupt,Harriet Helen Thompson, Frances E.
Fry, Kessel Myers, Norvin Berry Thompson, Wilkin L.
Frye, Kathryn B. Nash, Allie E. Thornton, Ruth Lydia
Garrett, Dorothy Pearl Nicholson, Mary Marguerite Van de Venter, T. Arnold
Goldberg, Edith Florence Nish, Marguerite D. Wagoner, Ora Anna
Grant, Donald S. Norton, Lillian Wallace, Helen Lucile
Grimm, Donald L.   Nuzum, Myldred Posy Walrod, Esther Ann
Hardin, Ruth E. Olmsted, Ruth Waters, Charlotte May
Haynes, Dorothy Catherine Orland, Jack C. Westpfahl, Everett J.
Heaps, Annamae Orsini, Lorenzo Whetzel, Ramona Blair
Heinrich, Julia C.   Page. Edith N. Whorton, Eunice Ione
Hohl, Hildreth J. Peters, Pauline E. Williams, Ralph R.
Holmes, Blanche A. Perkins, Edward Wilbert Winkelstein, li P.
Hurley, Russell E. Pidgeon, Rudolph R. Wixson, Clifford Sperry
Jewell, Dee Earl, Jr. Ralston, Gertrude Marie Wray, Lucille Lynn
Johnstone, Hazel A. Robinson, Letha Leona Wright, Nadine Blanche
Kautzky, Robert Otto Rush, Ola L. Wynkoop, Myrtle P.
Keeney, Frances May Sackett, John E. Young, Arnoldine E.
Kendall, W. Kenyon Sands, Thoburn Young, Doris Leone
Killinger, Ruth Marie Schenck, Kenneth F. Youngerman, Jack R.
From January, 1929 Graduating Exercise Program of Ruth Marie Killinger,
(supplied by her son, Roger Raines; North: June, 1950)
Graduates - June, 1929 (numbered 229)
Ahern, Leland F. Epstein, Joe F. Kurtz, Chestine Ann Roberts, Wilbur C.
Albert, Olive Mae Erickson, Mildred M. Lamb, Julia Woodroffe Robinson, Bessie Edith
Alden, Frederick G. Estes, Opal B. Lange, Albert H. Robinson, Frank B.
Allen, James S. Evitts, Charles Evan Lawhead, Robert E., Jr. Roddy, Walter Francis
Alter, Esther K. Farland, Leonore Lee, Helen G. Rosenberg, William
Anderson, Jeanette I. Feige, Conrad G. Levine, Martos Rowen, Margaret L.
Anderson, Kathryn Flatley, Eldred G. Lewis, Henry Whisler Rowland, Scottie John
Ashby, Kathryn M. Fletcher, Mildred Eleanor Lichty, Frederick S. Rudek, Julia
Ashby, Warren C. Fogdall, Vergil Svendsen Lincoln, Burtyce J. Rushing, Loftin G.
Baker, Helen L. Frost, Worlie H. Lindquist, Earl Samo, Mildred I.
Balthis, Bertram Ganschow, Roland Ernst Lorimore, Bethine Schatz, Albert C.
Banta, Ethel Garsh, Anna S. Lowe, Clifford B. Schofield, Mabel Etta
Bell, Florence Garsh, Joseph MacPhail, Alma Seuferer, Blanch
Bemis, Mildred M. Gegner, Josephine Marshall, Mildred Lillian Sherriff, Dorothy Agnes
Benedict, Ralph F. Giegold, John G. Mason, Bernard Lee Shoreson, Diana Beverly
Bercovitz, Jack L. Gilmore, J. Eileen Maurer, Raymond J. Shouse, Florence M.
Betz, Bernice Ginsberg, Joe R. McDonough, Mary Helen Simcoke, Merritt Glenn
Bloom, Gladys Louise Goheen, Dolores M. McGowan, Audrey C. Simon, Sara
Bognanno, Joe Grayce, Australia McGowan, William Joseph Smith, Alene M.
Bollen, Clifford Maurice Green, Letha Irene McKinley, William J. Smith, Grace M.
Brandvold, Oris J. Greenlaw, Marguerite Meyers, Rachel H. Smith, Maxine B.
Brewster, Margaret Gruber, Dorothy Irene Millard, Mary Lorena Sommer, Hilda
Brown, Ethelyn F. Guild, Elizabeth Milton, Kathryne Marie Sparks, Leonard Wheeler
Brown, Walter B. Guthrie, LaVerne Morain, Velma Steincamp, Merrill William
Bullard, Ida C. Hall, Ramona Louise Morgan, Zelma Stevens, Nina Irene
Bumpilori, Anthony J. Halsey, Mildred Elizabeth Myers, R. Lowell Stewart,LawrenceC.Raymond
Burns, Phillip L. Hamburger, Moie Mordecai Nece, Marian Straley, Lawrence Allen
Burris, Ross Harlan, Maxine C. Neislar, Weldon R., Jr. Straley, Walter William
Burt, Lucille O. Hartman, Raymond R. Norman, Edward Taylor, Evelyn
Caldbeck, Phil Hatch, Margaret A. Northrup, Hazel Paulyne Televich, Lady Gay
Canepa, Edna Estelle Hatch, Robert Henry Northup, Frances Templeman, Hildreth
Carson, Isabell Ann Hayes, James L. Norton, Doris Nqdyne Twitchell, Virginia
Cebuhar, Frank J. Heath, Maxine E. O'Brien, Kathryn Twombley, Helen
Christensen, Ethel L. Hill, Thomas F. Odgen, Gladys Winifred VanOosten,LuciusLawrance
Christenson, Lowell B. Hobson, Ruth L. Ogden, Grace Corrine

Vidis, Yale Yoel Widuska

Clark, Dorotha Gail Holloway, Jean Edward Olds, Mary Catherine Wade, Dorothy Lenore
Clayman, Pauline Betty Hope, Freda B. Olsen, Nellie B. Walker, Eloise
Clayton, Zenella Horner, Merle Jackson Owens, Agnes Marie Wallace, E. Martelle
Cleveland, Max Oliver Hoth, Margaret E. Patten, Hazel Emma Walton, Kenneth F.
Collinson, William H. Hougham, Daisy D. Peresman, Jeannette Shirley Ward, Hazel C.
Cooper, Thelma Elizabeth Hummell, Roger A. Perkins, Inman L. Watkins, Marion
Corn, Henry Herman Ivera, Helen M. Pettit, Wendell E. Webb, Robert Ralph
Cornell, Floyd W. Jacobs, Beulah Phillips, Dorothy June Wertsch, Rudolph F.
Crittenden, Clarice Azora Jacobson, Sol Picray, Edward Jerry Weston, Ruth
Culver, Helen D. Jansen, Alice Helen Pottinger, Roy D. Weyer, Gerry D.
Currens, Velma B. Jensma, Celia Bess Rambo, Grace Patricia Weyrauch, Lois Maxine
Davis, Philip J., Jr. Jessen, Dorothy c. Ratcliffe, May Wheeler, Ora Lucy
Dennis, Verna Jobe, J. Burton Reese, Jacquetta White, Sylvia May
Denny, Pauline I. Johnson, Forrest Harold Reichenbach, Frederick B. Wilde, Charles W.
Denton, Edna J. Johnson, Virginia Ione Reynolds, Margaret Ann Wilkins, Veda
Devine, Nita Lucile Kauffman, Robert W. Rice, Clifford B. Winegar, Harold F.
Devine, Opal Dean Kendall, Richard Phillip Rice, Herbert L. Winkler, Valeria
Diehl, Lyle E. Kersey, Harold E. Rice, Kathryn Woods, Lavana B.
Dunn, Ruth Emma King,Edgar Junior Charles,Jr. Ridgley, Cecelia I. Wray, Robert
Eaton, Velma Josephine Kinney, Margaret Riegelman, Ralph H. Yazman, Harry M.
Edwards, Mildred Anne Kirstein, Irene Jeanette Rielly, Helen G. Youngerman, Evelyn Marie
Elder, Louise Knight, F. Wayne Rissien, Dorothy Illa Youngquist, Florence A.
Epperly, Mary Virginia x x x
From North High June 1929 Oracle Supplement of the late Opal Dean Devine (Knipfer),
(supplied by her sister, Audrey Devine Willcox; North: June, 1939)
Graduates - August, 1929
Diehl, Donald Allen x x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1929
January, 1929
Alvord, Harry Devotie (d.02/20/80) 1980 Morgan, Merle D. (d.02/01/94) 1994
Deuben, Charles Edward (d.02/15/81) 1981 Spencer, Jane Christine (Barton) (d.07/30/12) 2012
Francisco, Kenneth J. (d. 05/14/86) 1986 Stone, Wilfred H. (d. 12/22/06) 2006
Heaps, Annamae (d.02/23/03) 2003 Thielking, Edmund L. (d. 05/73) 1973
Holmes, Blanche A. (Harper) (d.07/11/83) 1983 Wallace, Helen Lucile (Ashby) (d.09/05/05) 2005
Jewel, Dee Earl, Jr. (d.09/27/02) 2002 Wright, Nadine (Phillips) (d.04/09/02) 2002
Killinger, Ruth Marie (Raines) (d.01/31/02) 2002 x  
June, 1929
Ahern, Leland F. (d.04/82) 1982 Jacobson, Sol (d.06/06/00) 2000
Alden, Frederick G. (d.1997) 1997 Johnson, Forrest Harold (d.11/05/96) 1996
Ashby, Warren C. (d.08/26/02) 2002 Kersey, Harold E. (d.03/04/97) 1997
Balthis, Bertram (d.06/08/86) 1986 King, Edgar Junior Charles, Jr. (d.01/15/69) 1969
Benedict, Ralph F. (d.07/1981) 1981 MacPhail, Dorothy V. (Wright) 2004
Bognanno, Joe (d.12/05/00) 2000 McDonough, Mary Helen (Stoline) (d.11/06/13) 2013
Bollen,Clifford Maurice (d.12/31/88) 1988 McGowan, William Joseph (d.09/15/76) 1976
Bumpilori, Anthony J. (d.09/62) 1962 Odgen, Gladys Winifred (Sharp) (d.08/01/05) 2005
Burns, Phillip L. (d.08/19/01) 2001 Odgen, Grace Corrine (VanCamp) (d.12/07/00)
Burris, Ross (d.03/87) 1987 Peresman, Jeannette Shirley (d.04/81)
Caldbeck, Phil (d.09/27/03) 2003 Perkins, Inman L. (d.07/06/44) WWII; Italy 1944
Cebuhar, Frank J. (d.10/13/95) 1995 Pettit, Wendell E. (d.12/30/88) 1988
Christenson, Lowell B. (d. 01/87) 1987 Picray, Edward Jerry (d.05/15/94) 1994
Cleveland, Max Oliver (d.09/01/99) 1999 Pottinger, Roy D. (d.03/80) 1980
Corn, Henry Herman (d.12/10/13) 2013 Reichenbach, Frederick B. (d.03/08/93) 1993
Cornell, Floyd W. (d.12/14/59) 1959 Riegelman, Ralph H. (d.10/21/83) 1983
Culver, Helen D. (d. 01/79) 1979 Robinson, Bessie Edith (d.07/74) 1974
Devine, Nita Lucile (d.01/87) 1987 Robinson, Frank B. (d.07/17/89)
Devine,Opal Dean (Knipfer) (d.03/21/08) 2008 Roddy, Walter Francis (d.08/10/03) 2003
Diehl, Lyle E. (d.07/02/97) 1997 Rosenberg, William (d.03/15/01) 2001
Elder, Louise (Guenzler) (d. 02/87) 1987 Rowland, Scottie John (d.05/80) 1980
Epstein, Joseph F. (d.10/13/92) 1992 Schatz, Albert C. (d.12/06/94) 1994
Erickson, Mildred M. (Stitzell) (d.02/10/06) 2006 Simcoke, Merritt Glenn (d.07/09/02) 2002
Feige, Conrad G. (d.02/19/89) 1989 Sparks, Leonard Wheeler (d.02/28/69) 1969
Flatley, Eldred Gerald (d.12/76) 1976 Steincamp, Merrill William (d.05/14/02) 2002
Fogdall, Vergil Svendsen (d.07/17/99) 1999 Stewart, Lawrence Charles Raymond (d. 2001) 2001
Frost, Worlie H. (d.1995) 1995 Straley, Lawrence Allen (d.02/08/97) 1997
Ganschow, Roland Ernst (d.08/10/37) 1937 Straley, Walter William (d.04/14/99) 1999
Garsh, Joseph (d.05/28/82) 1982 Taylor, Evelyn R.? (d.09/22/97) 1997
Giegold, John G. (d.10/03/90) 1990 Twitchell, Virginia (Hatcher) (d.08/23/05) 2005
Hall, Ramona Louise (d.08/81) 1981 VanOosten, Lucius Lawrance (d.02/14/93) 1993
Hamburger, Moie Mordecai (d.10/20/96) 1996 Vidis, Yale Yoel Widuska (d.01/15/01) 2001
Hartman, Raymond R. (d.09/79) 1979 Walton, Kenneth F. (d.11/76) 1976
Hatch, Robert Henry (d.07/82) 1982 Webb, Robert Ralph (d.02/10/73) 1973
Hayes, James L. (d.10/22/04) 2004 Wertsch, Rudolph F. (d.06/87) 1987
Holloway, Jean Edward (d.03/21/93) 1993 Wray, Robert M. (d.11/05/88) 1988
Horner, Merle Jackson (d.10/25/93) 1993 Yazman, Harry M. (d.08/15/94 1994
Jacobs, Beulah (d.02/1980) 1980 Youngerman,EvelynMarie (Jones) (d.06/21/89) 1989
August, 1929
Diehl, Donald Allen (d.09/22/07) 2007 x



Hit song in 1929...
Now playing..."With a Song in My Heart"
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Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
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Ruth M. Killinger Ruth M. Killinger Bernice L. Thelan Eunice M. Schroeder Harriet H. Muelhaupt Ruth Sayre? Doris L. Young Gladys Winifred Ogden Grace Corrine Ogden