North Des Moines High School
Class of 1939
66th Reunion
May 6, 2005

Class Meetings:
Meets second Monday of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., and November at lunch at 12:30PM

Cozy Cafe
3855 121st Street
Urbandale, IA 50323
(515) 278-8899

66th Reunion
May 6, 2005

11:30am; seating at 12:00Noon
Des Moines Golf & Country Club
Candlelight Dining Room
1600 74th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266-5833

Valet parking. Suit or sports coat. Ties not required.
$17.00/ea. Chicken or Iowa pot roast

65th Reunion
May 8, 2004
Des Moines Golf & Country Club
1600 74th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266-5833

Jane Spencer Howard Jane Spencer Howard
Jane Spencer Howard Jane Spencer Howard
Martha Curtiss Welch
Martha Curtiss Welch
Audrey Devine Willcox and Robert Scott Audrey Devine Willcox and Robert Scott
Audrey Devine Willcox and Robert Scott Audrey Devine Willcox and Robert Scott
Eva Weiser Ewing, Bill Henderson Martha Curtiss Welch Audrey Devine Willcox,
Robert Scott, Bill Andrus (Betty)
last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish
last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish last person in back is Lela Sutton Janish
Evelyn George Chambers
Evelyn George Chambers
Evelyn George Chambers
Evelyn George Chambers in rear Evelyn George Chambers in rear Evelyn George Chambers in rear
Evelyn George Chambers in rear Evelyn George Chambers in rear Evelyn George Chambers in rear
Jonesy and Dan Lamb,
Frank Farao,
Lela Sutton Janish
Evelyn George Chambers Lorraine and John Hall,
Thelma Guthrie Cornwell,
Lela Bennett Hokel,
Evelyn George Chambers
unidentified unidentified
unidentified unidentified
unidentified unidentified
unidentified unidentified
Max and Helen Cooper Allen Maralyn Boland
Jeanne Spencer's sister
Jeanne Spencer Howard
Mary Severino Tursi
Photos Above: Compliments of Martha Curtiss Welch
Identification provided by Evelyn George Chambers
Class of 1939-50th Reunion taken 1989
Class of 1939-50th Reunion taken 1989
Left side of picture starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Josephine Silk Arenson, Dan Lamb, Maxine Jacobsen Shaw, Helen Riley Hoke, Gloria Griffith McConnell, Cleone Knode Oberg, Genevieve Dunn Woerdman, Betty Spencer McGrew, Audrey Devine Willcox, Mary Steen McCloud, Josephine Adams Segar, Leila Bennett Hokel, Jeanne Petersen Mehalovich, Mary Weidner Bowers, John Hall, Alice Gallaugher McNatton, Marshall Moorehead, Betty Howard Larson, Bob Bumgardner
2nd Row John Mikesell, Carmen Ware Moshier, Evelyn George Chambers, Thelma Guthrie Cornwell, Vesta Stewart Filby, Betty Rogers Waterhouse, Dorothy Olson Gustafson, Betty Johnson Noon, Phyllis Litchfield Youngberg, Barbara Rogers Cook
3rd Row Audrey Channon Wingfield, Dorothy Dennis Pogue, Celia Pearl Tobis, Sylvia Zavatsky Polonsky, Earle Hibbs, Marian Liddy Hibbs, Russell Barcroft, Palmer Lowry (teacher), Enid Fisher Freeman, Loren Fluke, Camille Smith Davis, Vivian Kisky Wolfe, Betty McCoy Brasher, Elwood Smith, Lela Sutton Janish, Helen Quick Lajko, Marialice Smith, Eleanor Eby Hintz
4th Row Lillian Fees Lourens, Bill Smalley, Jay Mehaffey, Norma Bent Broad, Ed Broad, Jeanne Spencer Howard, Kendall Urion, Lyle Shaffer, Wally Rock, (?) behind Lyle, Frank Farao, Bernard Arenson, James Gibson, Charles Ed Bullington, John Ede, George McMaster, Don Newburn, George Roberts, Leonard Lindquist, Warner Webster, Ethel Row Loftin, Donald Webb
Class of 1939-50th Reunion taken 1989
Right side of picture starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Justine Price Abraham, Bruce Abraham, Ed Prescott, Richard Peterson, Erna Brindle Pentico, Marvin Bierma, Helen Cooper Allen, Rose Caplan Jacobs, Betty Gardner Andrus, James Barnett, Martha Curtiss Welch, Marcella Malin Leibow, Virginia Walkup Gilbert, Barbara Shreves Cooper, Harold Taylor, Clifford Vermeulen, Warren Lueder, Julian Guerro, Paul McCarthy
2nd Row Arlene Richardson Brulotte, Bob Melone, Glee Armstrong Tennihill, Isabelle Byers Swanson, Betty Atkinson Satterlee, Frances Peterson Moats, Jean Mason Miller, Tom Cooper, Roland Snell
3rd Row Ruth Poush Robertson, Irene Thompson Gustaveson, Betty McPhee Wirt, Virginia Anderson, Elinor Shaw Rogers, Jean Gwinn McCoy, Helen Berkemann Bixby, Leland McCoy, Marcella Boughsty Mason, Bob Hewitt, Doris Shelton Shoning, Charles Howard, Mary Ellen Sparks Sandle, Nadyne Robinson Ware, Pat Woods Englund, Marijane Johnson Torjesen, Patricia Sheehan Reynolds, Loran Fleming, Frieda Bassman Levin, Jane Hill Fuller, Ruth Hunter Hammer, Jack Shoup
4th Row Bob Scott, Herb Albach, Bob Kissick, Rolla Kilgore, Ken Gamble, Don Bridenstine, Harold Morrow, Frank Gilliland, Bernard Brady, Robert Fuller, Harry O'Leary, Joseph Billings, George Gaekle, Don Helvig, Opal Parkis Bradley, Bill Parker, Robert Brennan, Frederick Graham, not visible
Present, but not pictured:
Virginia Burns Jensen, Robert Jensen, Robert Harper, Nancy Forrest Fagan, Betty Lewis McAfee, Dorothy Pflanz Mahanna, Shirley Steelsmith Derr
Photo Above: Compliments of Evelyn George Chambers
and Audrey Devine Willcox
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th Reunion in 1964 - Class of June, 1939
Photo from personal memorabilia of the late Jay Mehaffey
Row 1 Robert Bumgardner, Dale Chenoweth, Jay Mehaffey, Marijane Johnson (Jan.), Marian Liddy, Betty McPhee, Jean Gwinn, Earl Hibbs, Jr.
Row 2 Mary Anne West, Katherine Bode (Jan.), Erna Brindle(Jan.), Julian Guerrero, Arlene Fletcher, Virginia Wheeler, Charlotte Schneider, Dardenell Eaton, Warner Webster
Row 3 Vincent Gray, Charles Howard, Helen Malon, Shirley Steelsmith, Betty Gardner, Lela Sutton, Arthur DeCarlo
Row 4 Vesta Stewart, Robert Garrett, Warren Lueder, Jeanne Spencer, Juanita Jones
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class 25th reunion in 1964; June Class
25th Reunion in 1964 - Class of June, 1939
Photo from personal memorabilia of the late Jay Mehaffey
Row 1 Kenneth Gamble, Robert Bumgardner, Earl Hibbs, Jr., Jean Gwinn, Betty McPhee, Marian Liddy, Shirley Steelsmith, Marijane Johnson
Row 2 Bob Melone, Arlene Fletcher, Betty Gardner, Virginia Wheeler, Charlotte Schneider, Vesta Stewart
Row 3 Robert Garrett, Warren Lueder, Warner, Webster, Jeanne Spencer, Juanita Jones, Dardenell Eaton, Mary Anne West, Lela Sutton
Row 4 Julian Guerrero, Vincent Gray, Art DeCarlo, Jay Mehaffey (behind), Dale Chenoweth, Charles Howard, Erna Brindle, Katherine Bode, Helen Malone
1939 Classmates Selected for Extreme Makeovers!
Frank Farao
Aged photo papers simply do not withstand the test of time. Necessarily, whenever I receive a photo, I often
spend considerable time on restoration. Above are examples of individuals from a 1939 group graduation
photo I am presently restoring. There are about twelve wide white breaks in the photo surface (top to bottom)
and many surface scratches/blemishes, etc. where images of 38 individuals affected will have to be recreated.
...Extreme Makeover with Photoshop tools!

January 1939
Class Officers

Orson Holland
Robert Scott
Irene Thompson
Robert Harper
Gloria Griffith
Helen Berkemann
Cleone Knode
Daniel Storms
Class of January, 1939
Class numbered 145
Photo: 1939-by J.M. Houlette, 1703 16th Street, Des Moines, IA; Phone: 5-8470
Photo: Compliments of Jo Silk Arenson
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row  
2nd Row  
Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939
Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939 Class of June, 1939
Graduation Class of 1939 Graduation Class of 1939 Graduation Class of 1939 Graduation Class of 1939 Graduation Class of 1939
Class of June, 1939
Class numbered 326
Photo: 1939-by J.M. Houlette, 1703 16th Street, Des Moines, IA; Phone: 5-8470
Photo: Compliments of Audrey Devine Willcox
and Lela Sutton Janish
(Very enlarged June graduation photos; scroll to bottom of the page)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row  
2nd Row  
First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football
First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football
First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football
First Team Football Squad (Fall, 1938)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Stan Little, Art DeCarlo, Herb Albach, Dick Olsen, Bob Scott, Lloyd Morrison, Bill Milne
2nd Row Freeman Votruba, Bob Kerr, August Gruening, Ike Miller, Bill Parker, Bob Kissick, James Nichols, Ed Broad, Dan Storms, Ed Albright
3rd Row Charles Sanders, Hugh Harn, Orson Holland, Dick Russell, Charles Howard, Dan Karloff, Ed Morningstar, Coach McClain
Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams
Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams Boys and Girls Golf and Tennis Teams
Golf and Tennis Teams (January, 1939)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Elinor Shaw, Doris Popple, Elinor Eby, Norma Jean Bent, Mary Jane Godshall
2nd Row Carolyn Stanzel, Mary Ellen Van Maren, Betty Van Cleave, Ruth Chase, Marilyn Whitmer
3rd Row Conrad Lindquist, Ed Cohen, Paul Williams, Jerry Kilgore
4th Row John Miksell, John Dawson, James Slate, Wilbur Bridges
not shown Wilford Stone, Bob Rebuschatis, Margaret Duke, Sara JeanGibson, Bette Atkinson
Secretarial Club (January, 1939)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Evelyn Chapman, Janice Carrick, Helen Berkeman, Miss Swem, Mary Weidner, Marilyn Marshall, Leona Cox, Lois Beougher
2nd Row Betty McCoy, Dorothy Smith, Mary Warren, Margaret Hartsook, Doris Porter, Mildred Wise, Charlene Stoffle, Arlene Hicks, Juanita Smith
3rd Row Dorothy Kesky, Margaret Newsom, (not a member), Janet Roth, Mildred Linquist, Maureen Shepard, Arlene Richardson, Vesta Stewart, Pat Woods (not a member), Ruth Jenkins, Lavonne Warrell, Marjery Morris, Mary Ellen Marlin, Marijane Johnson
Student Council (January, 1939)
Bill Alkire, Betty Baker, Jim Barnett, Bob Bumgardner, Orval Burns, Virginia Burns, Marceline Carlson, Dale Chenoweth, Ed Cohen, Jack Conroy, Dwight Crosby, Dean DeWitt, Betty Doyle, Leatrice Edling, Clark Fifield, Bill Findley, Fred Fischer, Bob Fuller, Bob Garret, Evelyn George, Elaine Gilmore, Theo Creig, Joanne Hamilton, Jean Harvey, Joe Herbner, Earle Hibbs, Charles Howard, Ruth Josephs, Jerry Kilgore, Dan Kroloff, Floyd Lampman, Donna Lem, Mariam Liddy, Warren Lueder, Betty McCartney, Arliss McDonald, Helen McGrevey, Bill Massman, Jack Mastrofski, Glen Matson, Jewel Mayne, Kenneth Miller, Mary Ellen Miller, Marshall Moorehead, Jerome Morlock, Charles O'Connor, Bill O'Hare, Opal Parkis, Eddy Prescott, Glen-na Rawlings, Betty Lou Reed, Carol Roberts, Wallace Rock, Lyle Shaffer, Rolland Snell, Mary Ellen Sparks, Jeanne Spencer, Carolyn Stanzel, Vesta Stewart, Avonelle Strawn, Anna Mae Tharnish, Bob Weddell, Virginia Walkup, Thurman Warner, Mary Ann West, Donelle Willis, Jeanette Winnick, Jeanne Wise
Note: In a national survey conducted throughout two-hundred leading high schools of which North was one, the student-governing body known as the North High Student Council was considered fourth among those schools surveyed throughout the nation.
Now playing...hit song in 1939...
"Over The Rainbow "
Graduates - January, 1939 (numbered 145)
Abraham, Bruce H. Eby, Elinor Ruth Hoff, Paul Olson, Edward Donald
Adams, Josephine Ede, John Holland, Orson Omdahl, Jean
Albach, Herbert Clifton Edwards, Thomas Charles Hoos, Jessie Perry, Francella
Alexander, Carl Edward Elliott, William Richard House, Maxine Betty Peterson, Frances Elaine
Allen, Wayne Eugene Elliston, Gertrude Francis Hubbard, Philip Gamaliel Peterson, Richard Phillips
Anderson, Linnea Erickson, Thomas A. Hufnagel, Helen Pidgeon, Abe
Anderson, Virginia Evans, Marybelle Hunt, Ross Pigneri, Lucille
Arenson, Bernard R. Felse, Doris Hunter, Ruth Poush, Ruth
Armstrong, Glee Fergus, Dara Lorraine Johnson,Charles Christopher Rollins, Earl
Ashby, Evelyn Fisher, Warren Johnson, Dwight Ross, Rose Frances
Bailey, Cecil Otis Flanders, Robert P. Johnson, Helen Marie Roth, Janet
Beardsly, Dorothy Mae Fleming, Loran Irvin Johnson, Marijane Row, Ethel
Bechtel, Dorothy G. Frandsen, Robert Lee Johnston, Virginia Royal, Richard Johnstone
Bent, Norma Jean Frost, Maxine M. Jones, William G. Scott, Robert Ray
Berg, Frank, Jr. Fuger, Donna Karp, Sylvia Shafer, Harlan
Berkemann, Helen Mae Garland, Verona Louise King, Maxine Shaw, Elinor
Bode, Katherine Jean Gibson, Emmadell Knode, Cleone Mae Shepard, William M.
Boger, Phyllis Louise Gibson, James D. Lawhead, Mildred Aline Silk, Josephine
Bradshaw, June Gifford, George Richard Leicht, Harriet Ruth Spargur, John A.
Breneman, Lawrence R. Gilkerson, Dixie Little, Stanley Max, Jr. Spencer, Betty Jane
Bridenstine, Donald B. Ginsberg, Nellie Long, Bette Stadlan, Igal
Brindle, Erna Ruth Godshall, Mary Jane Macomber, Mary H. Stanton, Robert Eldon
Broad, Edwin Earnest Gore, Ruth Malin, Marcella Stattuck, John
Brown, Marian Elaine Griffin, Robert John Martin, Jerold Irving Steen, Mary Alice
Caplan, Rose Griffith, Gloria Marx, Romona Storms, Daniel
Carrick, Martha Janice Gruening, August F. Mason, Jean Sweem, Robert Jack
Cook, Robert Gunderson, Gordon G. Matheny, Richard Tempores, Lenore
Cooper, Thomas Edward Hagen, James Arthur Mathis, Dale Marvin Thompson, Edwin
Cooper, Wiley Hall, John Vernon McCoy, Leland C. Thompson, Irene
Cox, Leona Ruth Hansen, Howard Meyerhoff, James Webb, Donald Edward
Davis, Lucy Hargrove, Margery Milne, William Weidner, Mary Catherine
Devine, Rose Evelyn Harper, Robert George Mitchnick, Bernice West, James Louis
Dillon, Robert Eugene Hayward, Albert L. Morrison, Lloyd Wickland, Leone Marie
Dishman, Wayne Ellsworth Henrickson, Maurine A. Newsom, David Willis Woods, Patricia Carolyn
Duff, Ralph J. Hewitt, Robert Paul O'Leary, Harry Zeller, Robert L.
Dunn, Genevieve M. Hites, June Olsen, Richard Zimmerman, Evelyn
Easter, Daisy Ruth x x x
Graduates - June, 1939 (numbered 326)
Adams, Jean Dolores Farnsley, Jack Nevins Liddy, Marian Frances Rehder, Eileen Marie
Adams, Robert Jack Fees, Lillyan Christian Lindquist, Leonard Leroy Richardson, Arlene
Alkire, William K. Fergus, Dona LaVelle Lindquist, Mildred Nelina Ridgway, Anna Mae
Anderson, Mary Jean Filowin, Molly Litchfield, Phyllis Marie Rife, Eugene B.
Atherton, William Verle Findley, William Scott Lueder, Warren Edwarde Riley, Helen Norine
Atkinson, Betty Marie Fisher, Enid Marcella Lugar, Beulah Louise Robbins, Bette Jean
Bachman, Robert Fletcher, Arlene Ruth Lyons, Denis A. Roberts, Carol Ruth
Baird, Carl Loren Ford, Lillian Mae Malone, Helen Joyce Roberts, George Harold
Baker, Betty Jean Forrest, Nancy Jane Marlow, James William Robinson,Nadine Ramona
Baker, Helen Elsie Frette, Florence Marshall, Marilynn Marie Rock, Wallace Willard
Bales, Betty Fern Fuller, Robert Rex Martin, William Lewis, Jr. Rogers, Barbara Gene
Ballard, Mary Almeda Gaekle,George Wilfred, Jr. Matheny, Raymond S. Rogers, Betty Ann
Barcroft, Russell Ankeny Gallaugher, Alice Anne Matson, Glen H., Jr. Rothman, Bertha
Barnett, James Aaron Gamble, Kenneth Omer Mayne, Frances Jewel Rowan, Joseph James
Barrett,Genevieve Joan Gammill,Frances Marcelle McCall, Harry Elmo Schmeltzer,James Howard
Bassman, Frieda Gardner, Betty Marie McCarthy, Paul Eugene Schmitt, Helena
Beeghley, Ruth Barbara Garmon, Robert Merwin McCoy, Betty E. Schneider,Charlotte Elise
Bennett, Leila Jane Garrett, Robert O. McCutchan, Virgil Ray Schlotman, Emerald
Bennett, Shirley Geitz, Gilda Helena McGee, James Isaac Scoonover,Kathleen Virginia
Benson, Marion Arnold Gillette, Robert Weed McGrevey, Helen Ann Severino, Mary Ann
Beougher, Lois Maxine Gilliland,Franklyn Wells McIntire, Agnes Louise Shaffer, Lyle Byron, Jr.
Bierma, Marvin Leroy Ginn, Eugene Lyle McMaster,George Frederick Sheehan,Margaret Patricia
Billings, Joseph Andrew Gordinier,Harold Raymond McMullen, Fred William Shelton, Doris Elaine
Blackwell, Lauretta Virginia Graham, Fred Mitchell McNeal, Barbara Jean Shelton, Edward Leroy
Blair, Margaret Jean Graves, Lelia Pearl McPhee, Betty Jean Shepard,Maureen Katherine
Bloom, Jean Carolyn Graves, Margaret Mae McPherson, Bartus Francis Short, Wilmer Dale
Bougsty, Marcella Lillian Gray, Margaret Jane McVey, Martha Anne Shoup, John William
Bradshaw, Herbert DeWitt Gray, Vincent Paul Medd, Ruth Eileen Shreves, Barbara Geneva
Brady, Bernard Greenwell, Ruanne Mehaffey, Jay Howard Slack, Barbara Jo
Brennan, Robert John Guerrero, Julian Peery Miksell, John Smalley,William R. Jr.
Brennan, Vera Jeanne Guthrie, Thelma Arlene Miller, Kenneth Paul Smith, Bernice Emaline
Bridges, Wilbur Ivan Gwinn, Jean Miller, Louise Smith, Camille Rose
Brown, June Beverly Hale, Louise Marceil Minear, Christina Luella Smith, Eleanor Lorraine
Bullington, Charles Edward Hamilton, Joann Helene Miner, Richard Martin Smith, Elwood Parker
Bumgardner,Robert Edward Hammond, Helen L. Moore, Halcyon Rosalie Smith, Juanita E.
Burdick, Deloris Constance Hankins, Wilwa Maxine Moorehead,Robert Marshall Smith, Loren Alvin
Burns, Orval M., Jr. Harvey, Elizabeth Jean Morlock, Jerome Franklin Smith, Marialice
Burns, Virginia Mae Haskins, Velma Grace Morris, Margery Eloise Snell, Rolland Arthur
Byers, Isabelle Izetta Heefner, Paul Roland Morrow, Harold Alexander Snorf, Doris Eloise
Caldwell, Virginia Gayle Heger, Catherine Anne Moyer, Harry Hector Snyder, Iris Athalie
Carlson, Marcelene LeVon Helvig, Donald Fredrick Mueller, Waunnetta Sparks, Mary Ellen
Carr, Evelyn Claudine Henry, Doris Ann Mulcahy, Elizabeth Jean Spencer, Jeanne Aileen
Chamberlin, Clarice Mae Herbner, Eleanor Marie Myklebust,Kenneth Norman Stanley, Burl William
Chambers, Emily Helen Herman, Doris Fern Naumann, Ivan Willard Stanzel, Carolyn Mildred
Chandler, Mary Jane Hibbs, Earle L., Jr. Nelson, Thelma B. Stark, Wilma June
Channon, Audrey Barbara Hicks, Ila Laniece Newbern, Robert Oren Steelsmith, Shirley Irene
Chapman, Evelyn Mildred Hill, Jane Newsom, Margaret Alice Stevenson, Bonnie Jeanne
Chenoweth, Dale G. Holt, Esther Mae Noftsger, Jean Louise Stewart, Marjorie Eleanor
Chenoweth, Thelma LaVon Hood, Beth Ellen Nowels, Ruby Grace Stewart, Vesta K.
Chrenen, Sadie Hough, Virginia Nell Olson, Dorothy Ellen Stone, Wilford Lloyd
Christensen, Carol Jean Howard, Bette Jean Olson, Sumner James Strawn, Floris Avonelle
Christensen, Lillian Ruth Howard,Charles Preston, Jr. Overton, Pauline Lucille Sutton, Lela Mae
Coll, Robert E. Hughes, William W. Pace, Earl Darwin Taylor, Herbert A.
Colles, Alvin Robert Huss, Edith Edna Parker, C. William Thompson,Bonnie Darlene
Collins, Ann Cathleen Jackson, Lawrence Parkis,Charles Alfred, Jr. Urion, Kendall Dwight
Conroy, John Edward Jacobsen, Neva Maxine Parkis, Opal Arleen VanMaren,Clarence Ray
Cooper, Helen Louise Jay, Robert Ainsworth Parsels, Odette Marcelle Vermeulen,Clifford Lawrence
Crosby, Charles Donald Jenkins, Pauline Virginia Patrick, Walter LeRoy Vuper, Amelia Jane
Crowell,Gwendolyn Esther Jensen, Robert DeWitt Pearl, Celia Walkup, Virginia Helen
Crumley, Jean Naomi Johnson, Elizabeth Jane Pedersen, Myron Edward Ware, Carmen Faith
Curtiss,Martha Washington Johnson, Lacie Mae Peery, Virginia Ann Ware, Eustace John
Darlington, John William Jones, Elsie Juanita Pender, Ralph LeRoy Warner, Thurman C.
Davies, Molliedelle Joseph, Ruth Eileen Petersen, Irma Jeanne Warrell,Pauline LaVonne
Day, Cara Frances Kakos, Angeline G. Peterson, Jeanne Edith Webster, Warner Francis
DeCarlo, Arthur Kaldenberg,Elaine Gloria Pflanz, Dorothy Anne Weiser, Eva Estelle
DeGrotte,Bernice Maxine Kean, Marjorie Ada Pigneri, Rachel Marie Welch, Charles William
Dennis, Dorothy Jane Kerr, Marilyn C. Pilkington, Marijane Welch, John Douglas
Dennis, Malcolm LeRoy Kilgore, Rolla C. Polsky, Hortense West, Mary Anne
Devine, Audrey Maxine Killebrew,Kathleen Louise Powers, Vernon LeRoy Westing, Eunice Dorene
DeWitt, Dean Lyle King, John Robert Pray, Donald Charles Weyand, George Franklyn
Dohrmann, Clifton E. Kisky,Vivian Marybelle Prescott, Edward Howard Wheeler, Virginia Mae
Draves, Virginia Rae Kissick, Robert L. Price, Justine LaRue White, Bob Eugene
Dunshee, Fairy Mae Knudsen, Ruby Maxine Prior, Lloyd Harry Williams, Paul Godfrey
Esterling, Barbara Jean Kothenbeutel,Charles Edwin Quick, Helen Elizabeth Williby, Delores Audrey
Ebert, Wilma Evelyn Lamb, Dan Richard Quincy, Launa Winget, Zynn Oliver
Eckholdt, Eunice Dorothy Lampman,Leslie Floyd, Jr. Randelman,Richard Wayne Winick, Jeanette
Edling, Leatrice Joy Lane, Earl Cummings Rasler, Lorraine Florine Wise, Floyjeanne
Edling, Lois Catherine Lang, Betty Jeanh Rasmussen, Shirley Anne Wise, George William
Elefson, Robert D. Laun, Richard James Rawlings, Glen-na Maxine Wolfe, George Lorin
Emery, Harold Joseph Lawson, Vern J. Rebuschatis, Robert J. Young, Kay Elizabeth
Erlanson,Beverly Ernestine Lawyer, George William Reed, Betty Lou Zavatsky, Sylvia
Farao, Frank Samuel Lewis, Betty Marie x x
Graduates - August, 1939 (numbered 36)
Bell, Gordon Keith Gilmore, Hester Loucille Hubbard,Melba Elizabeth Mullins, Lial Arless
Brotchi, Celestine Margaret Gowey, Ethel Jeanette Jones, Anna Wright Pallwitz, Heinz Gustaf
Callison, Virginia Lee Gray, Robert Thomas Josusch, Russell P. Pellegrino, Mary Thersa
Campbell, Richard Keith Griffin, Delores Pindell Keller, Keith Eugene Robinson, Phillip Eugene
Clement, William A., Jr. Handley, Gerald Guy x Kisky, Dorothy x Smith, Earl West x
Fluke, Loren O. Harter, Dorothy Kanpp, Robert H. Taylor, Harold Wayne
Francisco, Maurice Higdon, Harry Stanton Larsen, Vivian Gladys Tomes, Tressa Arlene
Funk, Floyd W. Hindal, Paul Ellis Maulsby, Earnest Earl Williams, J. Paul
George, Evelyn Dora Horton, Thomas Rhea Miller, May Ella Zarifes, Edna Z.
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1939
January, 1939 (total class numbered 145)
Abraham, Bruce H. (d.05/13/98) 1999 Hayward, Albert L.  
Adams, Josephine (Seger) 1995 Hewitt, Robert Paul (d.10/08/03) 2003
Albach, Herbert Clifton (d.12/19/01) 2001 Hites, June
Alexander, Carl Edward Hoff, Paul (d.01/74) 1974
Allen, Wayne Eugene Holland, Orson (d.07/71) 1971
Anderson, Linnea S. (Johnson) (d.10/24/95) 1995 House, MaxineBetty(Chapman) (d.05/17/05) 2005
Arenson, Bernard R. (d.02/13/09) 2009 Hubbard, Philip Gamaliel (d.01/10/02) 2002
Armstrong, Glee (Tennihill) (d. 03/18/03) 2003 Hufnagel, Helen
Beardsley, Dorothy Mae (Fatino) (d.04/92) 1992 Hunt, Ross (d.10/28/96) 1996
Bent, Norma Jean (Broad) (d.06/28/17) 2017 Johnson, Charles Christopher (d.12/14/04) 2004
Berkemann, Helen Mae (Bixby) (d.07/07/06) 2006 Johnson, Marijane Auten (Torjesen) (d.04/14/11) 2011
Bode, Katherine Jean (Foscarini) (d. 01/13/06) 2006 Karp, Sylvia (Gaynor) (d.01/10/92) 1992
Bridenstine, Donald B. (d. 07/26/04) 2004 King, Maxine (Wines) (d.10/03/02) 2002
Brindle, Erna Ruth (Pentico) (d.06/11/15) 2015 Knode, Cleone Mae (Oberg) (d.06/23/13) 2013
Broad, Edwin Earnest (d.09/15/89) 1989 Macomber, Mary H.
Cooper, L. Wiley (d.12/85) 1985 Matheny, Richard (d.06/85) 1985
Cooper, Thomas Edward (d.06/08/03) 2003 McCoy, Leland C. (d.09/24/91) 1991
Cox, Leona Ruth 1991 Milne, William
Devine, Rose Evelyn (Berg) (d.01/28/04) 2004 Morrison, Lloyd (d.01/15/94) 1994
Dillon, Robert Eugene (d.03/06/93) 1993 Newsom, David Willis (d.12/01/00) 2000
Dishman, Wayne Ellsworth (d.09/86) 1986 Olson, Edward Donald (d.06/87) 1987
Duff, Ralph J. (d.01/26/99) 1999 O'Leary, Harry K. (d. 03/22/06) 2006
Dunn, Genevieve M. (Woerdeman) (d. 07/23/06) 2006 Perry, Francella 1986
Eby, Elinor Ruth (Hintz) (d.05/02/08) 2008 Pidgeon, Abe (d. 08/80) 1980
Erickson, Thomas A. (d.12/72) 1972 Rollins, Earl 1979
Felse, Doris (Love) 2001 Ross, Rose Frances (Whetzel) (d.11/12/11) 2011
Flanders, Robert P. (d.12/75) 1975 Row, Ethel (Loftin) 1998
Fleming, Loran Irvin (d.03/25/01) 2001 Scott, Robert Ray (d.10/03/05) 2005
Frandsen, Robert Lee (d.12/05/03) 2003 Shaw, Elinor (Rogers) 1994
Frost, Maxine M. (Snow) (d.05/05/93) 1993 Spargur, John A. (d.12/06/92) 1992
Garland, Verona Louise Spencer, Betty Jane (McGrew) (d.11/28/14) 2014
Gibson, James D. (d. 03/21/06) 2006 Stanton, Robert Eldon (d.01/80) 1980
Gifford, George Richard (d. 10/70) 1970 Steen, Mary Alice (McCloud) 2001
Griffin, Robert John Storms, Daniel (d.04/85) 1985
Gruening, August F. (d.05/21/96) 1996 Webb, Donald Edward (d.04/09/08) 2008
Gunderson, Gordon G. (d.10/02/00) 2000 West, James Louis (d.05/30/89) 1989
Hagen, James Arthur (d.04/74) 1974 Wicklund, Leone Marie (Niendorf) (d.08/19/14) 2014
Hanson, Howard Zeller, Robert L. (d.12/24/95) 1995
Harper, Robert George (d. 03/23/06) 2006 Zimmerman, Evelyn
June, 1939 (total class numbered 335)
Adams, Jean Delores (Wilkenson) Martin, William Lewis, Jr. (d.11/12/98) 1998
Adams, Robert Jack (d.02/03/95) 1995 Matheny, Raymond S. (d.09/86) 1986
Atherton, William Verle (d.09/21/96) 1996 McCall, Harry Elmo (d.06/84) 1984
Atkinson, Betty Marie (Satterlee) (d.09/16/99) 1999 McCarthy, Paul Eugene (d. 02/07/07) 2007
Bachman, Robert (d.10/56) 1956 McCutchan, Virgil Ray (d.07/16/09) 2009
Baker, Helen Elsie (Vaughan) (d.10/98) 1998 McGee, James Isaac 2002
Bales, Betty Fern 1978 McGrevey, Helen Ann (Hermann) (d.11/17/02) 2002
Ballard, Mary Almeda (Kolva) 1995 McMaster, George Frederick (d.10/28/03) 2003
Barnett, James Aaron (d.08/01/96) 1996 McMullen, Fred William (d.09/10/94) 1994
Bassman, Freida (Levin) (d.02/19/10) 2010 McNeal, Barbara Jean (Rabe) (d.04/06/00) 2000
Bennett, Leila Jane (Hokel) (d.12/26/14) 2014 McPherson, Bartus Francis (d.11/20/95) 1995
Benson, Marion Arnold (d.06/17/44) 1944 Medd, Ruth Eileen
Beougher, Lois Maxine (O'Hare) 2001 Mehaffey, Jay Howard (d.03/02/01) 2001
Bierma, Marvin Leroy (d.02/21/93) 1993 Melone, Robert Edward (d.11/14/02) 2002
Billings, Joseph Andrew (d.02/05/12) 2012 Miksell, John (d.03/92) 1992
Brady, Bernard 1997 Miller, Kenneth Paul (d.10/87) 1987
Bridges, Wilbur Ivan Miller, Louise (Miller)
Bumgardner, Robert Edward (d.04/30/97) 1997 Miner, Richard Martin (d.05/75) 1975
Byers, Isabelle Izetta (Swanson) 2003 Moorehead, Robert Marshall (d.04/28/16) 2016
Carr, Evelyn Claudine (Holt) (07/22/00) 2000 Morlock, Jerome Franklin 1992
Chamberlin, Clarice Mae (Wyant) (d.09/21/10) 2010 Morrow,HaroldAlexander (d.10/02/06) 2006
Chenoweth, Dale G. (d.05/77) 1977 Mueller,Waunnetta (Morrow) (d.04/25/07) 2007
Chrenan, Sadie Mulcahy,Elizabeth Jean (Gottner) (d.05/15/10) 2010
Christensen, Carol Jean (Radeke) (d.02/07/05) 2005 Naumann, Ivan Willard (d.11/23/01) 2001
Conroy, John Edward (d.01/26/07) 2007 Newbern, Robert Oren (d.01/18/01) 2001
Crosby, Charles Donald (d.07/75) 1975 Newburn, Don Jay (d. 07/17/06) 2006
Cooper, Helen Louise (Allen) (d.10/23/11) 2011 Noftsger, Jean Louise
Crumbley, Jean Naomi Nowels, Ruby Grace (Freed) (d.07/17/91) 1991
Curtiss, Martha Washington (Welch) (d.05/31/09) 2009 Olson, Dorothy Ellen (Gustafson) (d.01/17/01) 2001
Damon, Don Warren Overton, Pauline Lucille (Ketman) (d.06/27/16) 2016
Darlington, John William (d.03/06/05) 2005 Pace, Earl Darwin (d.10/27/96) 1996
DeCarlo, Arthur (d.08/77) 1977 Pearl, Celia (Tobis) (d.04/03/13) 2013
DeGroote, Bernice Maxine Pedersen, Myron Edward (d.03/85) 1985
Dennis, Dorothy Jane (Pogue) (d.10/31/97) 1997 Pender, Ralph Leroy (d.11/25/03) 2003
Devine, Audrey Maxine (Willcox) (d.03/31/14) 2014 Peters, Ford Selene
Dunshee, Fairy Mae (McCurnin) 1987 Petersen, Irma Jeanne (Mehalovich) (d.02/22/16) 2016
Easterling, Barbara Jean (Moore) (d.10/94) 1994 Pigneri, Rachel Marie (Tantillo) (d.02/02/97) 1997
Edling , Leatrice Joy 1991 Polsky, Hortense
Edling, Lois Catherine 1992 Prescott, Edward Howard (d.03/04/03) 2003
Erlanson, Beverly E. (DeWitt) (d.09/25/98) 1998 Price, Justine LaRue (Abraham) (d.11/21/98) 1998
Farao, Frank Samuel (d.09/03/10) 2010 Randlleman, Richard Wayne (d.01/01/99) 1999
Farnsley, Jack Nevins (d.11/07/08) 2008 Rassmussen,Shirley T. (Mehlmann) (d.01/17/91) 1991
Findley, William Scott (d.04/21/89) 1989 Reed, Betty Lou
Fletcher, Arlene Ruth (Keyser) (d.03/80) 1980 Rehder, Eileen Marie
Fuller, Robert Rex (d.02/26/10) 2010 Ridgway, Anna May
Gaekle, George Wilfred, Jr. (d.05/24/10) 2010 Rife, Eugene B. (d.12/25/94) 1994
Gamble, Kenneth Omar (d.08/25/96) 1996 Riley, Helen Norine 1998
Gardner, Betty Marie (Andrus) (d.09/01/09) 2009 Roberts, Carol Ruth
Garmon, Robert Merwin (d.01/21/97) 1997 Roberts, George Harold (d.01/03/92) 1992
Garrett, Robert O. (d.12/28/84) 1984 Robinson, Nadine M. (Ware) (d.02/06/97) 1997
Gillette, Richard Weed (12/44) 1944 Rock, Wallace Willard (d.07/05/91) 1991
Gilliland, Franklyn Wells (d.03/23/15) 2015 Rogers, Barbara Gene (Cook) 1998
Graham, Frederick M. (d.11/28/91) 1991 Schmeltzer, J. Howard 1999
Gray, Vincent Paul 1995 Schneider, Charlotte Elsie
Guerrero, Julian Peery (d.07/15/04) 2004 Severino,Mary Ann (Tursi) (d.11/01/08) 2008
Guthrie, Thelma Arlene (Cornwell) (d.03/12/19) 2019 Shaffer, Lyle Byron, Jr. (d.10/21/10) 2010
Gwinn, Jean (McCoy) 1993 Sheehan,Margaret Patricia (Reynolds) (d.12/15/08) 2008
Hamilton, Joann Helene (Thomas) 1975 Shelton,Doris Elaine (Shoning) (d.04/11/08) 2008
Hankins, Wilma Maxine Shepard, Maurine Katherine (Coash) (d.08/15/12) 2012
Heger, Catherine Anne Short, Wilmer Dale (d.08/10/08) 2008
Helvig, Donald Fredrick (d.09/12/08) 2008 Slack, Barbara Jo 1987
Hill, Jane H. (Fuller) (d.07/90) 1990 Smalley, William Russell, Jr. (d.08/02/98) 1998
Holt, Ester Mae 1981 Smith, Bernice Emaline
Hood, Beth Ellen (Hicks) (d.09/12/11) 2011 Smith, Juanita E. (Cuff) (d.10/92) 1992
Hough, Virginia Nell (Phipps) (d.05/03/13) 2013 Smith, Loren Alvin (d.10/15/80) 1980
Hughes, William W. Smith, Marialice 1999
Huss, Edith Edna Snorf, Doris Eloise
Jacobsen, Neva Maxine (Shaw) (d.01/03/06) 2006 Spencer, Jeanne Aileen (Howard) (d.02/14/19) 2019
Jensen, Robert DeWitt 1995 Stanzel, Carolyn Mildred
Johnson,Elizabeth (Betty) Jane(Noon) (d.01/09/08) 2008 Stark, Wilma June
Johnson, Lacie Mae Stevenson, Bonnie Jeanne (Florin) (d.04/95) 1995
Jones, Elsie Juanita (Soppeland) (d.08/11/98) 1998 Stewart, Marjorie Eleanor
Joseph, Ruth Eileen (Kagin) (d.07/02/98) 1998 Stewart, Vesta K. (Filby) (d.11/29/94) 1994
Kaldenberg,Elaine Gloria (Denny) (d.06/15/92) 1992 Sutton, Lela Mae (Janish) (d.01/23/08) 2008
Kerr, Marilyn C. (Roff) (d. 06/19/06) 2006 Thompson, Bonnie Darlene
Kilgore, Rolla C. 1998 Treon, Ruth Elizabeth (Phares) 2001
Killebrew, Kathleen L. (Chapman) (d.11/26/88) 1988 Van Maren, Clarence Ray (d.08/02/00) 2000
King, John Robert (d.11/10/01) 2001 Vermeulen, Clifford Lawrence (d.07/31/04) 2004
Kisky, Vivian Marybelle (Wolfe) (d.02/28/02) 2002 Vuper, Amelia (Boofter) Jr.
Kissick, Robert L. (d.06/15/91) 1991 Walkup, Virginia Helen (Gilbert) (d.01/31/01) 2001
Kothenbeutel, Charles Edwin (d.01/26/89) 1989 Ware, Eustace John (d.03/72) 1972
Lamb, Dan Richard (d.09.07/04) 2004 Warrell, Pauline LaVonne (Fisher) (d.12/15/98) 1998
Lampman, Leslie Floyd ,Jr. (WWII; France) (d.04/28/44) 1944 Webster, Warner Francis (d.04/23/03) 2003
Lane, Earl Cummings Welch, Charles William (d.06/11/01) 2001
Lawson, Vern J. 1968 West, Mary Anne (Lampman,Nichols) (d.02/13/85) 1985
Lewis, Betty Marie (McAfee) (d.04/13/12) 2012 Weyand, George Franklyn (d.02/78) 1978
Lindquist, Leonard Leroy (d.04/21/13) 2013 White, Robert Eugene (d.03/03/13) 2013
Litchfield, PhyllisMarie(Youngberg)(d.04/11/08) 2008 Winget, Lynn Oliver (d.12/73) 1973
Lugar, Beulah Louise 1986 Winick, Jeanette (Grispan)
Malone, Helen Joyce 1967 Wise, Floyjean
Marlow, James William (d.11/06/12) 2012 Young, Kay Elizabeth (Robertson) (08/15/06) 2006
Marshall, Marilyn Marie 1969 x 2006
August, 1939 (total class numbered 35)
Bell, Gordon Keith (d.02/93) 1993 Higdon, Harry Stanton (d.11/29/98) 1998
Brotchi, Celestine M. (Nosbisch) (d.04/22/98) 1998 Hubbard, Melba E. (Comancho) 1994
Funk, Floyd W. (d.10/31/97) 1997 Jobusch, Russell P. (d.03/83) 1983
George, Evelyn Dora (Chambers) (d.11/14/12) 2012 Pallwitz, Heinz Gustaf 1989
Gilmore, Hester Loucille Robinson, Phillip Eugene (d.04/25/95) 1995
Handley, Gerald Guy (d.01/31/95) 1995 Tomes, Tressa Arlene (Burke) (d.11/88) 1988
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
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Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
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Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
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