North Des Moines High School
Class of 1962
60th Reunion; June 3-4, 2022
20th, 30th, and 40th and 55th Reunions
June, 1982; August 8, 1992; August 17, 2002, August 12, 2017
Put this date on your calendar for
our 60th Reunion:
June 3-4, 2022

Details will follow.
Friday, June 3, 2022
Time: 5:00pm until Close Chuck's Italian & American Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
  Des Moines, IA 50313
  (515) 381-3118
Dinner and Social at your own cost.   map
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Time: TBD Hotel Renovo
  11167 Hickman Road
  Urbandale, IA 50322
  (515) 276-1126
6:00PM-? ??Pictures will be taken by classmates. No professional group photos to be taken.
6:00PM Dinner. Cost of buffet is $50.00/person (cash bar)
Questions? Contact Karen Elliott Dewey, 1515 South 5th Street, Carlisle, IA 50047 [email protected] . No refunds after May 15, 2022.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Time:1:00-9:00pm Pavilion at Prairie Meadows Racetrack
1 Prairie Meadows Drive
  Altoona, IA 50009
  (800) 325-9015
Dinner and Social   map
6:00PM-? Pictures. TBD
7:00PM? Dinner
55th Reunion; Prairie Meadows
Class of 1962 taken August 12, 2017
Photo by Stover Photographic Services (515) 321-6691 (now/2022: (515) 321-6691)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Linda Kay Rogers Michael, Julie Maltas Kennedy, Connie Marlene Hopkins Cretsinger, Chris Lantzy Bertone, Judith Fong Mitchels, Sandra Jean Strong Crabb, Betty Parish Snodgrass, Donna Jeanne Nye Rodine, Myrna Parks Nelson, Kathy McConnell Brown, Linda Webb Lenley, Betty Gamble Tiernan, Maureen Seaboch Jenkins
2nd Row Dan Boyd, Mary Kay Hinkle Grodt, Jim Mayse, Michael Callahan, Karen Elliott Dewey, Janet Arlaud Kelly, Patricia Allen Kingery, Lorraine McCoy Winget, Mary Bogenrief Parker, Vickie King Patterson, Lynne Crowder Kinyon, Joyce Youngberg Brewster, Jack Eugene Gordon
3rd Row Jim Leseney, Arthur Arnett, James Aycock, Gerald (Gary) Wright, Ken Boatwright, Don Bobenhouse, Bob Williamson, Steve Cervi, Ron Brewster
Absent names coming (classmates who might attended Friday evening get-together)
Enlarged left side of 55th reunion photo (2017)
Enlarged right side of 55th reunion photo (2017)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Time: ?pm until Close Chuck's Italian & American Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
  Des Moines, IA
  (515) 244-4104
Dinner and Social   map
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Time: ?pm-? West End Architectural Salvage
  22 Ninth Street
  Des Moines, IA 50309
  (515) 243-4405
6:00PM-? Pictures will be taken by classmates. No professional group photos to be taken.
7:00PM? Dinner
20th Reunion/Class of 1962 taken June, 1982
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Murriel (Bishop) Rudzik, Joyce (Rice) White, Faith (Lambertson) Huitt, Linda Marshall, Nancy (Stout) Prizant, Dorothy (Leinen) VanDenBerg, Lorraine (McCoy) Winget, Sharon (Foster) Surber, Judi (Royal) Smith
1-A Row Marilyn (Adair) Porter, Barbara (Hanke) Riggs, Ernie Fisher
2nd Row Linda (Wyant) Reynolds, Dennis N.Jackson, Pat (Allen) Kingery, Kay (Harjehausen) Illian, Linda (Rogers) Michael, Carol (Musso) Grimm, Carolyn (Smith) Carlson, Betty Joe (Parish) Snodgrass, Mary Beth (Hardin) Moore, Diane Wing
3rd Row Marsha (Free) James, Julie (Maltas) Kennedy, Doug Henwood, Sandy (Wayne) Barberio, Ruth (Pickett) Graham, Lora (Barton) Ridout, Carol (Johnson) Ames, Kathy (Lorenz) Morrison, Mary Jo (Hammill) Vande Venter, Terry Prettyman
4th Row Don Bobenhouse, Karen (Lingwall) Williams, Sharon (Sinclair) Graham, Steven A. Cervi, Lary Prewitt, Ken Boatwright, Mike Eakins, Steve Schneckloth, Margaret (Reynolds) Cubbage, Sharon (Oltrogge) Born, Diane (Lamberti) Cahalan, Pam (Bradley) Harrison
5th Row Mike Callahan, Carolyn (Blake) Collins, Barb (Dann) Tetmeyer, Janet (Arlaud) Kelly, Karen (Elliott) Dewey, Mary Kay (Hinkle) Grodt, Penny (Parson) Hirschman, Linda (Gambrel) Vander Linden, Donna (Savage) Smith, LeAnn (Sutherland) Miller, Sandy (Divelbiss) Booten
6th Row Beth (Jacobe) Roush, Judy (Jasper) Rowland, Jane (Suchy) Knowles, Karna (Lingwall) Lennes, Bill Hillyard, Mary (Tyler) Elefson, Nancy (Stone) Carey, Judy (Fitzgibbon) Bertrand, W.E. "Joe" Page, Barb Emanuel, Chris (Lantzy) Neely, Steve Leslie
7th Row Richard Phillips, Ojars Arsts, Jim Mayse, Mark Mincks, Dave McLaughlin, Lloyd Graham, Bill Burdick, Arlen Pence, Tom Turner, Mary (Whitson) Greenwald, Margaret Davies, Sandy (Renaker) Kenyon, Steve Sutton, Elizabeth Sutton
8th Row Bill Kern, Gary Jones, Larry Hedgpath, Jim Leseney, Jan (Martin) Roberts, Judy (Cave) Michael, Ron Brewster
9th Row Mary Kitterman, Jerry E. Cooper, Dick VanHouten, Sue (Bruett) VanHouten, unidentified, Rusty Young, Ron Kochheiser, Steve Gibbons
Photo: Compliments of Kathy (Lorenz) Morrison
30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992
30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992
30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992 30th reunion, 1992
30th Reunion/Class of 1962 taken August 8, 1992
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Kathy Williams, LeAnn Sutherland, Linda Rodgers, Betty Jo Parish, Pam Bradley (front) Sharon Oltrogge, Mary Beth Hardin, Diane Wing, Marsha Free, Kathy Lorenz, Terry Prettyman, Lorraine McCoy, Wanda Rick, Penny Parson, Mary Tyler
2nd Row Mary Kay Hinkle, Rich Galloway, Linda Marshall, Nancy Stout, Kathy McConnell, Margie Swain, Donna Nye, Betty Gamble, Nancy Hall, Lonnie Thomas, Ruth Pickett, Judy Fong, Faith Lambertson, Judy Jasper, Maggie Davies, Elizabeth Miller, Chris Lantzy
3rd Row Bev Adams, Carolyn Blake, Donna Savage, Patrick Allen, Maureen Seaboch, Vickie King, Jane Nelson, Myrna Parks, Lynn Crowder, Judy Burch, Carolyn Wilson, Jeannie Pulley, Dorothy Barker, Bob Ketch, Arlen Pence, Ken Boatwright, Bill Hillyard, Linda Gambrel, Janis Martin, Carolyn Smith, Karen Lingwall, Karna Lingwall, Sue Bruett

Back Row

Don Bobenhouse, Gary Marker, Steve Sutton, Rick Reay, David Carlson, Dick Miller, Ed McCollom (behind), Jim Jorgenson, Jon VanDusseldorp, Dan Boyd, Mike Hanna, Jim Leseny, Steve Cervi, Ojars Arsts, Mike Eakins, Mark Mincks, Mike Gallagher, Lloyd Graham, Steve Schneckloth, Dave McLaughlin, Kent Wildrick, Dan Pulley, Jack Porter, Bob Hamman, Jim Aycock, Dick VanHouten
Photo: Compliments of Kathy (Lorenz) Morrison
40th Reunion/ taken August 17, 2002
left to right - seated
Arlen Pence, Larry Hedgpeth, Gary Echternacht, Terry Prettyman, Lloyd Graham
left to right - standing
Bill Burdick, Steve Schneckloth, Ray Rose, Dave Carlson, Tom Turner, Don Bobenhouse, Bob Ketch, Mike Hanna, Mark Mincks
  left to right - seated
Penny Parson, Ruth Pickett, Faith Lambertson, Bobbi Browning,Marsha Free,Judy Fong,Mary Tyler
left to right - standing
Murrill Bishop,Sharon Beals,Mary Sue Bogenrief, Sharon Oltrogge,Lois Valencia,Bev Adams,Nancy Stout,Sue Bruett,Kathy Lorenz,Janet Douglas,Pam Bradley,CarolynSmith,Diane Wing(behind out-of-view/Phyllis Newman),Mary BethHardin,Betty Joe Parish,Sharon Morrow,Lorraine McCoy,Mary Kay Hinkle
Nancy Stout Prizant, Kathy Lorenz Morrison,
Carolyn Smith Carlson
  Don Bobenhouse, Sandy Sevedge Tidwell,
Jerry Tidwell
Janet Douglas Joliff, Marsha Free James   Pam Bradley Harrison, Gary Echternacht
Jim Aycock, Dick Van Houten,
Sue Bruett Van Houten,
Betty Joe Parish Snodgrass
  Mark Mincks, Mary Tyler,
Bill Burdick, Judy Burch Johnson
Bob Hamman,
Jim Leseney
(seated) Arlen Pence, Larry Hedgpeth, Gary Echternacht
(standing; (2nd row): Jack Porter, Mike Callahan
(3rd row): Jim Aycock, Dick VanHouten, Bill Burdick,
Steve Schneckloth, Ray Rose, Dave Carlson
Ruth Pickett Graham,
Faith Lambertson Huitt
Photos above: Compliments of Kathy Lorenz Morrison
Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962
Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962
Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962 Class of January, 1962
Class of January, 1962 (class numbered 88; 87 pictured)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Sandra Jean Lyon Williams, Terri Allen, X, Margaret Lovell, Pat Nicholson, Carolyn Wilson, Pat Costas
2nd Row X, X, Kay Poter, Donna Nye, X, Elizabeth Simmons, Linda Webb, X, Susan Erickson, Bonnie Stone
3rd Row X, Pat Solomon, X, X, X, X, Linda Lee Williams, X, Lynne Crowder, X, Jerry Babcock, Jack Porter
4th Row X, X, Gary Gronert, X, X, Lois Winter, Jane Nelson, X, Betty Gamble, Richard Galloway, Nike Iles, Bob White, X
5th Row Margie Swain, Kathy McConnell, Judy Reynolds, X, Bill Cahow, Judy Burch, Mike Hanna, Janis Person, Jan Newson, X, X, Jim Orvick, X, Ron Mohr
6th Row Maureen Seaboch, X, Bryan Hall, Jerry Cisco, X, Rick Reay, John Ridout, X, Dick Miller, Jim Gaudineer, Bryan Walker, Kent Wildrick, X, Vicky King, Myrna Parks
7th Row Jim Jorgenson, Dave Carlson, Jon Van Dusseldorf, Gifford Rodine, Gilbert Miller, Bill Leach, Jay Whitson, Tom Heatherington, Ed McCollum, Russ Nussbaum, Jay Orr, John Boldes, X, Larry Dorr, Frank Richards, Harold Lettington
Absent: Tom Mortice
enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo
enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo
enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo enlarged left section of January grad photo
enlarged left section of January grad photo
enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo
enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo
enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo enlarged right section of January grad photo
enlarged right section of January grad photo
Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962
Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962
Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962 Class of June, 1962
Class of June, 1962
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Lorraine Wardena McCoy (Winget); Mary Sue Bogenrief (Parker); Judith Ann Johnson (Questchenbach); Sharon Kay Beals (Marchesano); Marsha Carol Free (James); Kathryn Elizabeth Williams (Helm(; Patricia Louise Sheldon (Paul); Diane Marie Lamberti (Phipps); Diana Lucille Wing (Mehling); Ruth Ann Pickett (Graham); Hazel Kathryn Wade; Diana Jo Lydon, Mary Elaine Gutierrez, Nancy Evelyn Hall (Aarons); Joyce Renee Rice (White; X, Mary Raidine Philpott (Benoit); Sue Marie Burgett
2nd Row Larry Thomas Prewitt, Mary Elizabeth Hardin (Moore); Betty Joe Parish (Snodgrass); Carolyn Jean Smith (Carlson); Sandra Jeanne Stong (Bethel); Mary Ellen Osborn (Jarnigan); Mary Lynnette Adams; Judith Kay Royal (Smith); Connie Marlene Hopkins (Cretsinger); Carol Lynn Hopkins (Smith); Janice Gale Lafferty (Thayer); Joye Ethelynda Hawkins, Cheryl Evelyn Slaughter; Barbara Ann Gray (Kilmer); Linda Eiliene Gambrel (VanderLinden); Merry Kay Shaw, Janet Ann Hutchinson; Mary Jo Hamill (VandeVenter); David Lee Bethel
3rd Row Arvel Eugene Windsor, James Edward Carter, Faith Irene Lambertson (Huitt); Barbara Kay Holm, Kiyoko Lois Kataoka (Zegel); Christinea Ann Lantzy (Bertone); Saundra Kay Sandberg (Connet); Judy Ann Curtis (Canney); Janaan Kaye Schroder (Rhinehart); Kay Elizabeth Harjehausen (Richardson); Janet Liddell Douglas (Joliff); Nancy Jo Raleigh (Kurtz); Sharon Louise Jetter, x, Billie Janae Watkins (Martin); Karen Rae Larson, Lora Leaming Barton (Ridout); Pamela Marie Bradley (Harrison); Joe Richard Burgess; Dennis Michael Watkins
4th Row John Ted Russell; Garry Eugene Meyer; Elizabeth Ann Miller; Annette Quinn; Sandra Jean Renaker; Barbara Jean Hanke (Riggs); Judith Ann Jasper (Starkey); Sandra Lee Sevedge (Tidwell); Dorothy Sharon Sinclair (Thomas); Sharon Kay Foster (Surber); June Marie Hall (Golay); Sharon Anne Oltrogge (Born); Judith Nan Jerome (Boshi); Susan Lynn Lytle (Bender); Kathleen Ann Knauth; Katherine Louise Lorenz (Morrison); Leann Sutherland (Andrews); Carol Lee Musso (Grimm); Daniel Fredrick Dyck; Don Ray Bobenhouse
5th Row James Lowell McDonald; James M. Christian; Linda Kay Rogers (Michael); Murriel Mae Bishop (Rudzik); Diana Mae Whitmore (VanCleave); Leota Mae Cecil; Barbara Sue Dann (Keosoff); Wanda Colleen Rick (Jackson); Karen Rae Larson; Linda Sue Strong (McCoy); Mary Elisabeth Tyler; X, Nancy Gene Stone (Carey); Jane Louise Suchy (Knowles); Mary Maize Whitson (Greenwald); Sharon Kae Thomas (Lunesford); Sharon Ann Morrow (Briggs); Pamella Jean Braunschweig; Mary Dale Watts (Willard; Fred David McDonald; Donald B. Hozier
6th Row Lee Alan Phillips; Dennis Norman Jackson; Judith Louise Walker; Marilyn Kay Adair (Porter); Karen Sue Waterman (Adair); Linda Lee Wyant (Reynolds); Kara Louise Ellis (Woodruff); Linda Lee Kapfer (Fortune); Phyllis Lea Moses (Briggs); Beth Alene Jacobe (Roush); Doris Louise Kurtz (Myers); Kathleen Ethel Johnson (McLean); Margaret Ann Davies; Marilyn Kay Caskey; Sharon Kay Zimmerman (Bracewell); x, Judy Kay Fitzgibbon (Bertrand), X, X, X, X
7th Row Leonard Vinston Madison, Jr.; Joseph Thomas Turner; Pam Peterson; Gayla Sharon Griffin (Wobken); Mary Ann Crawford (Kitterman); Bonnie Lynne Mohr (Kahre); Julia Lee Maltas (Kennedy); Margaret Ellen Lewis (Gunn); Sandra Wayne (Kraus); Sandra Kay Divelbiss (Booton); Linda Lee Palik (McCann); Dorothy Jean Barker (Mattson); Karen Ann Elliott (Dewey); Patricia Camillia Allen (Kingery); Diane Marie Sherwood (Eastman); Tracey Lee Moneysmith (Kunzel); Janis Linn Martin (Roberts); Mary Josephine Maxfield (Sledge); Beverly Ann Adams (Taylor); Marcelyn Sue Bruett (Van Houten); Kay Jean Capps (Twit); Stephen Douglas Oliver, Carl Jay Lund
8th Row Richard Lee Spoonholtz; Ernest LeRoy Fisher; Carolyn Sue Blake (Collins); Karna Louise Lingwall (Lennes); Karen Cecile Lingwall (Williams); Suzette LaPole (Rybolt); Penny Sue Parson (Hirschman); Barbara Lin Browning (Slapikas); Linda Joyce Smith (Sharp); Bobbie Ann Lemmons, Barbara Jane Mann, Mary Kay Hinkle (Grodt); Donna Marie Savage (Smith); Linda Lucille Knudsen (Lilly); Barbara Eleanor Emanuel (Carlin); Susan Anne Messenger, Therese Jeanne Roth (Brady); Judith Kay Robinson (Larkin); Kathleen Rae Roach; Linda Rae Oatley; Janet Marie Arlaud (Kelly); Barbara Jean Bertrand (Greenfield); Donald Lynn Bethel, X
9th Row Michael Bert Callahan; Marney Ernest Arnold; Everett Alan Kemp; William Ray Hillyard; Richard Edward Kelley; Steven Allen Cervi; Don Frederick Taylor; Timothy Mark Hansen; Jerry Edward Cooper; Frank Gene Steele; Jim Beals;James Richard Klemm; Malvin Nolan Duncan; Lawrence Hedgpeth; Imants Papedis; Arlen Floyd Pence; William Joseph Oddy; Stephen Andrew Leslie; Lloyd Cecil Grahan, II; James Mark Mincks; Robert Eugene Hamman, II; Gerald Huston; Robert Michael Eakins; David Harold Brown; Michael William Morris
10th Row James Paul Aycock; Ramon Howard Barron; x, x, x, x, James Arthur Heminover; Arthur Francis Arnett; John Dennis Lester; Allen James Crowell; Ronald Roy Flora; Michael Paul Rubel; Kenny Lee Boatwright; Douglas Frank Henwood; William Ray Power; Gary James Echternacht; David James Hawkins; Duane Eldon Perry; Raymond Eugene Nystrom; Sid Franco Berrone; Jimmy Lee Mayse; Leon Thomas Mann, II; X, Daniel Eugene Pulley; Michael Edward Kreitz; James Steven Miller, Richard Warren VanHouten; Stephen Daniel Sutton
11th Row Sherman Henry Dorsey,III; Richard James Phillips; William Colgan Page; Robert James Milinsky; William Franklin Burdick; Ojars Arsts; Gerald Glenn Wright; Robet Warren Brown; Octave VanBuren Baker; James LeRoy Leseny; Robert Mitchel Williamson, Jr.; Larry Steven Tuinstra; Jack Eugene Gordon; Donald Lewis Hammen; X, X, Thomas Michael Hansen; Raymond G. Flick, Gary Thomas Jones; John Twedt Rutherford, II; Gary Raymond Smith; Ronald K. Brewster; Michael Morrell McMahon; David Alan McLaughlin; Robert Allen Ketch; Daniel Lee Mark; Stephen Earl Schneckloth
Not id'd David Bracewell; Robert Clark; Frank Fant; Ruth Fuller; Diane Hackman, Leonard Hudson, William Kern; Ron Kocheiser; Donna Longerbone; Marvin Lund; Dennis Lyons; Phyllis Newman; Karla Pettijohn; Margaret Reynolds; Diana Sammons, Lois Valencic; Eugene Woods; Stacy Whiteside; Ron Ziegler
Not in pic Maggi Bailey; Danny Boyd; James Carter; Larry Cimono; Paul Cook; Sam Deierling; Mary Gutierrez; David Hawkins; Joye Hawkins; Carroll Heaivilin; Sharon Jetter; Beverly Johnson; Carole Johnson; Jim Klemm; Dorothy Leinen; Charles May; John Mayo; Mike McMahon; Connie Phipps; Joyce Rice; Paula Robinson; Ray Rose; Pamela Russell; Sandra Sweet; Sara Stout; Mary Jane Taylor; Bill Vanderlip; Jerry Walton; David Webb; Arvel Windsor
Photo: Compliments of Pam Bradley Harrison
Photo id: Compliments of Jim Mayse
enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo
enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo
enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo enlarged left section of June grad photo
Enlarged left section of June grad photo
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enlarged right section of June grad photo enlarged right section of June grad photo enlarged right section of June grad photo
enlarged right section of June grad photo enlarged right section of June grad photo enlarged right section of June grad photo
Enlarged right section of June grad photo

Photo: Compliments of Pam Bradley Harrison

January 1962
Class Officers

Russ Nussbaum
Jim Gaudineer
Donna Nye
Lois Winter
Jane Nelson
Judy Reynolds
Maureen Seaboch
Bob White

June 1962
Class Officers

Stephen Leslie
Gerald Huston
Kathryn Williams
Mary Whitson
Nancy Raleigh
Karen Elliott
Donna Savage
Diane Wing
Don Bobenhouse
Student Council, Spring 1962 Student Council, Spring 1962
Student Council, Spring 1962 Student Council, Spring 1962
Student Council, Spring 1962 Student Council, Spring 1962
Student Council, Spring 1962 Student Council, Spring 1962
Student Council - Spring
1st Faith Lambertson, Donna Blaney,Esther Larson, Mary DeCarlo
2nd Lois Kataoka, SueBruett, Mary Beth Hardin, Karen Capps, Ruth Ivers, Mary Halferty, Mr. Lory
3rd Ken Boatwright, Steve Lombardo, Dennis Jackson, Bill Hillyard, George Caldwell, Wade Kness, Steve Leslie
4th Clyde Duncan, Sid Berrone, Jack Brown, Bob Ketch, Jack Gordon, Dave Adolphson, Norman Johnson, Tom Ligouri, Gary Jennings
1st Margaret Young, Mary Ellen Osborn, Jim Mason, Marcene Twiss, Pat Sheldon, Kathy Williams
2nd Sharon Oltrogge, Mary Tyler, Mary Whitson, Alice Olson, Rosemary Marshall, Lorrie Waterman, Sandy Sivedege
3rd Denny Robinson, Jeff Mortensen, Jim Mayse, Tom Turner, Kathi Johnson, Penny Parson
4th Jim Miller, Joe Suchy, Tom Dorsey, Bob Parks, Steve Schneckloth, Richard Richie, Pat Moran
Tennis Squad
Front: Bruce Thomas, Roland Rose, Ed Austin, Sid Berrone, Dennis Miller, Mike Campbell, Norman Johnson
Back: Coach Orval Knee, Jim Mayse, Phil Sackett, Scott Livesay, John Nystrom, Tom Ligouri, Bill Burdick, Ron Flora, John Accola
Tennis Captain
Jim Mayse follows through
on forehand delivery
Rope Jumpers Rope Jumpers
Rope Jumpers Rope Jumpers
Dance Band Dance Band
Dance Band Dance Band
Rope Jumpers Dance Band
First in KRNT 's State Fair Talent Search Contest
Front: Connie Galloway, Linda Knudsen, Cheryl Hutchins
Rear: Mary DeCarlo, Sandra Simons, Carol Hopkins, Kathy Williams
1st Howard Steffey,Gary Gray,Donna Swanson,Karen Clauson,Ann St.Clair,Linda Kapfer
2nd Frank Evans,Jim Leseney,Doug Nye, Jeff Martensen,Everett Kemp,Tom Turner,Harold Vinsel
3rd Susan Colwell,Gary Battles,Fred McLaughlin, Jim Mayse, BobKetch
01/29/05: Richard Phillips to lead Iraqi firefighters
Graduates - January, 1962 (numbered 88)
Albright, Kay Ann Glann, Alex Conrad Mick,Mary Lou Cunningham Ridout, John Edward
Allen, Terrie Rae Gronert, Gary Charles Miller, Gilbert Frank Seaboch, Maureen Kay
Babcock, Jerry Lynn Gutierrez, Otto Eugenio Miller, Richard Eugene Shafer, Dona Lynn
Bates, Raymond Leon Hall, Bryan Howard Mohr, Ronald William Simmons, Elizabeth Ann
Beck, Robert Thomas Hanna, Michael Doran Mortice, Thomas Edgar, III Solomon, Patricia Ann
Boldes, John Hetherington,Thomas Olson Nelson, Jane Rae Stone, Bonnie Lee
Burch, Judith Faye Hunter, Mary Alice Nelson, Richard Allen Swain, Margaret Ann
Cahow, William Edward Iles, Nile Meredith Newsom, Marliece Jan Thomas, Patricia Ann
Carlson, David Arnold Jackson, Constance Lou Nicholson, Patricia Ann Thompson, Jeanie Marie
Cisco, Jerry LeRoy Jackson, Opal Lorraine Nussbaum, Russell Lynn VanDusseldorp, Jon Karl
Costa, Patricia Ernestine Jacobe, James Wesley Nye, Donna Jeanne Walker, Bryan Lee
Crowder, Lynne Ann Johns, Judith Ann Orr, John Theodore, II Webb, Linda Louise
DeWell, Virginia Eileen Jorgensen, James Robert Orvick, James Bernard Wells, Carol Ann
Dorr, Larry Eugene King, Vicky Colleen Parks, Myrna Kay White, Robert Edward, Jr.
Duke, Paula Marilee Lajko, Nancy Edna Perry, Ermayne Evans Whitson, Jay R.
Durden, Betty Louise Lee, Roy Buster, Jr. Person, Janis Lee Wildrick, Lonnie Kent
Erickson, Susan Elaine Leech, William Dale Porter, Jack Blaine Williams, Linda Lee
Fowler, Reginald Leon Lettington,Harold Leland,Jr. Porter, Kay Elaine Williams, Sandra Jean
Fox, Alonzo Shannon Lovell, Margaret Jean Pulley, Jeanne Ruth Wilson, Carolyn Louise
Galloway, Richard Harold Marker, Gary Lee Reay, Richard Murray Winter, Lois Jane
Gamble, Betty Eileen McCollom, Ed Robert Reynolds, Judy Kay Woolsey, Marilyn Frances
Gaudineer, James Jay McConnell, Kathryn Ann Richards, Frank William x
Graduates - June, 1962 (numbered 273)
Adair, Marilyn Kay Flora, Ronald Roy Leseney, James LeRoy Reynolds, Margaret Kae
Adams, Beverly Ann Foster, Sharon Kay Leslie, Stephen Andrew Rice, Joyce Renee
Adams, Mary Lynnette Free, Marsha Carol Lester, John Dennis Rick, Wanda Colleen
Allen, Patricia Camillia Fuller, Ruth Helen Lewis, Margaret Ellen Roach, Kathleen Rae
Arlaud, Janet Marie Gambrel, Linda Eiliene Lingwall, Karen Cecile Robinson, Judith Kay
Arnett, Arthur Francis Gibbons, Stephen Dean Lingwall, Karna Louise Robinson, Paula Marie
Arnold, Marney Ernest Gordon, Jack Eugene Longerbone, Donna Jean Rogers, Linda Kay
Arsts, Ojars Graham, Lloyd Cecil, II Lorenz, Katherine Louise Rose, Raymond Joseph
Aycock, James Paul Gray, Barbara Ann Lund, Carl Jay

Roth, Therese Jeanne

Bailey, Maggi Lu Griffin, Gayla Sharon Lund, Marvin Jene Royal, Judith Kay
Baker, Octova Van Buren Gutierrez, Mary Elaine Lydon, Diana Jo Rubel, Michael Paul
Barker, Dorothy Jean Hackman, Diane Mae Lyons, Dennis Keith Russell, John Ted
Barron, Ramon Howard Hall, June Marie Lytle, Susan Lynn Russell, Pamela Jean
Barton, Lora Leaming Hall, Nancy Evelyn Madison,Leonard Vinston, Jr. Rutherford,John Twedt, II
Beals, James Clyde (Jim) Hamill, Mary Jo Maltas, Julia Lee Sammons, Diana kay
Beals, Sharon Kay Hamman,Robert Eugene, II Mann, Barbara Jane Sandberg, Saundra Kay
Berrone, Sid Franco Hammen, Donald Lewis Mann, Leon Thomas, II Savage, Donna Marie
Bertrand, Barbara Jean Hanke, Barbara Jean Mark, Daniel Lee Schneckloth,Stephen Earl
Bethel, David Lee Hansen, Thomas Michael Marshall, Linda Kay Schroder, Janaan Kaye
Bethel, Donald Lynn Hansen, Timothy Mark Martin, Janis Linn Sevedge, Sandra Lee
Bishop, Murriel Mae Hardin, Mary Elizabeth Maxfield, Mary Josephine Shaw, Merry Kay
Blake, Carolyn Sue Harjehausen,Kay Elizabeth May, Charles Steven Sheldon, Patricia Louise
Boatwright, Kenny Lee Hawkins,David James Mayo, John Harvey Sherwood, Diane Marie
Bobenhouse, Don Ray Hawkins, Joye Ethellynda Mayse, Jimmy Lee Sinclair, Dorothy Sharon
Bogenrief, Mary Sue Heaivilin, Carroll Robert McCoy, Lorraine Wardena Slaughter, Cheryl Evelyn
Boyd, Danny Lee Heminover, James Arthur McDonald, Fred David Smith, Carolyn Jean
Bracewell, David Lawrence Henwood, Douglas Frank McDonald, James Lowell Smith, Gary Raymond
Bradley, Pamela Marie Hillyard, William Ray McLaughlin, David Alan Smith, Linda Joyce
Braunschweig,Pamella Jean Hinkle, Mary Kay McMahon, Michael Morrell Spoonholtz,Richard Lee
Brewster, Ronald K. Holm, Barbara Kay Messenger, Susan Anne Stone, Nancy Gene
Brown, David Harold Hopkins, Carol Lynn Meyer, Garry Eugene Stong, Sandra Jeanne
Brown, Robert Warren Hopkins, Connie Marlene Milinsky, Robert James Strong, Linda Sue
Browning, Barbara Lin Hozier, Donald B. Miller, Elizabeth Ann Suchy, Jane Louise
Bruett, Marcelyn Sue Hudson, Runner Leonard,Jr. Miller, James Steven Sutherland, LeAnn
Burdick, William Franklin Huston, Gerald Wendell Mincks, James Mark Sutton, Stephen Daniel
Burgess, Joe Richard Hutchinson, Janet Ann Mohr, Bonnie Lynne Sweet, Sandra Lynn
Burgett, Sue Marie Ihrig, Sandra Kay Moneysmith, Tracey Lee Taylor, Don Frederick
Callahan, Michael Bert Jackson,Dennis Norman Morrie, Michael William Taylor, Mary Jane
Capps, Kay Jean Jacobe, Beth Alene Morrow, Sharon Ann Teele, Frank Gene
Carter, James Edward Jasper, Judith Ann Moses, Phyllis Lea Thomas, Sharon Kae
Caskey, Marilyn Kay Jerome, Judith Nan Musso, Carol Lee Tuinstra, Larry Steven
Cave, Judith Lynn Jetter, Sharon Louise Newman, Phyllis Kaye Turner, Joseph Thomas
Cecil, Leota Mae Johnson, Beverly Jean Nystrom,Raymond Eugene Tyler, Mary Elisabeth x
Cervi, Steven Allen Johnson, Carole Faye Oatley, Linda Rae Valencic, Lois Jean
Christian, James M. Johnson, Judith Ann Oddy, William Joseph VanHouten,Richard Warren
Cimino,Laurence Joseph Johnson, Kathleen Ethel Oliver, Stephen Douglas Vanderlip, William G.
Clark, Robert Floyd Jones, Gary Thomas Oltrogge, Sharon Anne Wade, Hazel Kathryn
Cook, Paul Marvin Kapfer, Linda Lee Osborn, Mary Ellen Walker, Judith Louise
Cooper, Jerry Edward Kataoka, Kiyoko Lois Page, William Colgan Walton, Jerry Dean
Crawford, Mary Ann Kelley, Richard Edward Palik, Linda Lee Waterman, Karen Sue
Crowell, Allen James Kemp, Everett Alen Papedis, Imants Watkins, Billie Janae
Curtis, Judy Ann Kern, William Kenneth Parish, Betty Joe Watkins, Dennis Michael
Dann, Barbara Sue Ketch, Robert Allen Parson, Penny Sue Watts, Mary Dale
Davies, Margaret Ann Klemm, James Richard Pence, Arlen Lloyd Wayne, Sandra
Deierling, Sammuel Knauth, Kathleen Ann Perry, Duane Eldon Webb, David Alvah
Divelbiss, Sandra Kay Knudsen, Linda Lucille Pettijohn, Karla Kay Whiteside, Stacy Aaron
Dorsey, Sherman Henry, III Kochheiser, Ronald Dean Phillips, Lee Alan Whitmore, Diana Mae
Douglas, Janet Liddell Kreitz, Michael Edward Phillips, Richard James Whitson, Mary Maize
Duncan, Malvin Nolan Kurtz, Doris Louise Philpott, Mary Raidine Williams,Kathryn Elizabeth
Dyck, Daniel Fredrick Lafferty, Janice Gale Phipps, Connie Ruth Williamson,Robert Mitchel,Jr.
Eakins, Robert Michael Lamberti, Diane Marie Pickett, Ruth Ann Windsor, Arvel Eugene
Echternacht, Gary James Lambertson, Faith Irene Power, William Ray Wing, Diane Lucille
Elliott, Karen Ann Lantzy, Christinea Ann Prewitt, Larry Thomas Wood, Charles Frank, Jr.
Ellis, Kara Louise LaPole, Suzette Pulley, Daniel Eugene Woods, Eugene Thomas
Emanuel, Barbara Eleanor Larson, Karen Rae Quinn, Annette Wright, Gerald Glenn
Fant, Frank, Jr. Larson, Peggy Ann Raleigh, Nancy Jo Wyant, Linda Lee
Fisher, Ernest Leroy Leinen, Dorothy Mary Reasland, Lewis Henry Ziegler, Ronald Gene
Fitzgibbon, Judith Kay Lemmons, Bobbie Ann Renaker, Sandra Jean Zimmerman, Sharon Kay
Flick, Raymond Gordon x x
Graduates - August, 1962 (numbered 15)
Gallagher, Michael David Miller, Guylene Page, Marleah C. Simpson, Michael L.
Glyde, Susan Ruth Mullins, Connie Jean Patterson, Elenor Elizabeth Slaughter, David DeWayne
Inman, Arthur Kirk Myer, Dennis R. Prettyman,Terrill Wynne Tucker, Dennis Joe
McVay, Harold Edwin, Jr. Nicholson, Shelia Kay Raymond, William Russell x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1962
January, 1962
Babcock, Jerry Lynn (d.05/27/14) 2014 Miller, Gilbert Frank (d.06/04/97) 1997
Burch, Judith Faye (Johnson) (d.07/05/20) 2020 Mortice, Thomas Edgar, III (d.08/12/68) Vietnam 1968
Duke, Paula Marilee (d.01/20/17) 2017 Nussbaum, Russell Lynn (10/03/16) 2016
Erickson, Susan Elaine Parks, Myrna Kay (Nelson) (d.01/18/25) 2025
Hunter, Mary Alice (Powell) (d.10/05/01) 2001 Person, Janis Lee (Waldorf) (d.01/15/09) 2009
Jackson, Constance Lou (Dahleen) (d.06/04/99) 1999 Walker, Bryan Lee (d.09/08/19) 2019
Iles, Nile Meredith (d.06/20/14) 2014 White, Robert (Booby) Edward, Jr. (02/22/11) 2011
Lajko, Nancy Edna (Holmes) (d. 09/09/93) 1993 Woolsey, Marilyn Frances (Cappello) (d.10/13/11) 2011
June, 1962
Arnold, Marney Ernest (d.06/17/95) 1995 Lyons, Dennis Keith
Arsts, Ojars (d.09/06/14) 2014 Mann, Leon Thomas, II (d.06/25/09) 2009
Barton, Lora Leaming (Ridout) (d.08/14/03) 2003 Maxfield, Mary Josephine (Sledge) (d.06/29/15) 2015
Beals,Sharon Kay (Marchesano) (d.09/10/06) 2006 McMahon, Mike Morrell
Bethel, Donald Lynn (d.04/23/06 2006 Miller, Elizabeth Ann (Sutton) (d.06/22/15) 2015
Braunschweig, Pamella Jean (d.08/09/07) 2007 Moneysmith, Tracey Lee (Kunzel)
Caskey, Marilyn Kay Oliver, Stephen Douglas (d.09/25/11) 2011
Cave, Judith Lynn (Michael) (d.03/16/08) 2008 Phillips, Lee Alan (d.05/10/11) 2011
Cecil, Leota Mae (Henderson) (d.10/15/06) 2006 Phipps, Connie Ruth (Weddell) (d.07/04/05) 2005
Cooper, Jerry Edward (d.06/04/24) 2024 Quinn, Annette L. (d.11/30/05) 2005
Crawford, Mary Ann (Kitterman) (d.03/10/11) 2011 Rick, Wanda Colleen (Jackson) (d.01/26/04) 2004
Crowell, Allen James (d. 01/75) 1975 Roach, Kathleen Rae (Lame) (d.04/05/17) 2017
Dann, Barbara Sue (Keosoff) (d.08/04/15) 2015 Savage, Donna Marie (Smith) (d.07/06/05) 2005
Davies,Margaret Ann (d. 04/01/03) (June) 2003 Shaw, Merry Kay (d.05/31/94) 1994
Dyck, Daniel Fredrick (d.08/03/00) 2000 Sevedge, Sandra Lee (Tidwell) (d.07/19/24) 2024
Gambrel, Linda Eiliene (Vanderlinden) (08/24/17) 2017 Sheldon, Patricia Louise (Paul) (d.01/18/06) 2006
Gibbons, Stephen Dean (d.11/07/16) 2016 Sinclair, Dorothy Sharon (Thomas) (d.03/16/09) 2009
Hawkins,Joye Ethellynda (Carrington) (d.04/21/20) 2020 Steele, Frank Gene (d.08/08/01) 2001
Heaivilin, Carroll Robert (d.09/24/09) 2009 Sutherland, LeAnn (Ashbeck) (d.04/07/11) 2011
Holm, Barbara Kay (d.01/24/08) 2008 Tuinstra, Larry Steven (d.02/16/04) 2004
Hudson, Runner Leonard, Jr. (d.08/25/16) 2016 Vanderlip, William (Bill) G. (d. 01//26/82) 1982
Huston, Gerald Wendell, Jr. (d.05/01/19) 2019 Watkins, Dennis Michael (d.09/09/16) 2016
Jones, Gary Thomas (d.05/02/17) 2017 Wease, Frances Kay (Randolph) (d.07/27/91) 1991
Ketch, Robert Allen (d.01/02/16 2016 Whiteside, Stacy Aaron (d. 02/15/94) 1994
Kochheiser, Ronald Dean (d.10/12/15) 2015 Whitmore, Diana Mae (VanCleave) (d.11/26/04) 2004
Kreitz, Michael Edward (d.09/24/14) 2014 Woods, Eugene Thomas (d.04/17/11) 2011
Larson, Peggy Ann (McGuire) (d.05/27/02) 2002 Zimmerman, Sharon Kay (Bracewell) (d.11/07/11) 2011
Lund, Marvin Jay (d.01/04/97) 1997 x 2011
August, 1962
Miller, Guylene (Kelly) Raymond, William Russell (d.11/14/04) 2004
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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