North Des Moines High School
Class of 1930

Class Meetings:
No class meetings scheduled, but the class of 1932 meets:
January and June classes meet the fourth Thursday of each month at
(new location since Baker's Cafeteria closed?)
Sherwood Forest
73rd and Hickman Road
Windsor Heights , IA 50322-4619
We need the January, 1930 cap and gown photo. Know anyone from that class?
Class of January, 1930
January, 1930 group cap and gown enlarged left side
enlarged left side of photo
January, 1930 group cap and gown enlarged center
enlarged center portion of photo
January, 1930 group cap and gown enlarged right side
enlarged right side of photo
Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930
Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930
Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930 Class of June, 1930
Class of June, 1930
June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; first section from left side of photo
Class of June, 1930
enlarged first section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; second section from left side of photo
Class of June, 1930
enlarged second section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; third section from left side of photo
Class of June, 1930
enlarged third section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo
June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo June, 1930 enlarged; fourth section from left side of photo
Class of June, 1930
Photo by W.L. Baird, Des Moines, Iowa
Photo: Compliments of Virginia Wirt Deuben
, Class of June, 1930
enlarged fourth section from left side of photo
January 1930 Class Officers (do not have appropriate photos yet; these are for January, 1933)
June 1930 Class Officers
June, 1930 Student Council June, 1930 Student Council
June, 1930 Student Council June, 1930 Student Council
June, 1930 Student Council June, 1930 Student Council
Student Council
1st Row Esther Bunge, Marian McClure, Iva Jeanne Signs, Garnet Henderson, Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; William Moore, Robert McColgan, Walter Jewell
2nd Row Belle Hurwitz, Marian Johnson, Virginia Schaal, William Drake, Louis Ogden, Mike Bognanno, Orien Brewbaker
3rd Row Robert Asarch, Chester Arthur, Kathleen Porter, Arnold Knutson, Delbert Sterrett, Robert Laidley, Wilson Burke, Rose Ellison
4th Row Earle Barclay, Frederick Little, Elmer Taylor, William Taylor, Leo Pearlman, Don Hagen, Roy Weston
5th Row Carl Stieper, Joe Naab, William Meyers, Arthur Guile, Cyril Smith, Harrison Bennett
June, 1930 National Honor Society June, 1930 National Honor Society
June, 1930 National Honor Society June, 1930 National Honor Society
June, 1930 National Honor Society June, 1930 National Honor Society
National Honor Society
1st Row Marjorie Moffatt, Jane Kahn, Adele Weiser, Joe Naab, Rose Ellison, Grace Hodson, Wanda Coan
2nd Row James Touissaint, Charlotte Brown, Minnie Silke, Gerene Peterson, Genevieve Fish, Mignon Eaton, Mildred Williams, Bernice Nelson
3rd Row Clifford Fisher, Belle Hurwitz, Gretchen Teuber, Emily Witter, Janet Jones, Wana Jasinsky, Bill Drake
4th Row Gordon Couchman, Walter Rollman, Marian Brewer, Virginia Schaal, Iva Jeanne Signs, Garnet Henderson, Delbert Sterrett
5th Row Orien Brewbaker, Alice Feige, Ella Feige, Ruby Buhrmaster, Francis Knecht, William Myers, Kenneth Stewart, Robert McColgan, Louis Ogden, Esther Bunge, Mary Dudley, Robert Asarch, Sidney Levin, Earle Barclay
Absent Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Dorothy Hickok, Frederick Little, Kathryn Roberts, Elmer Taylor, Roy Weston
Oracle Staff Oracle Staff
Oracle Staff Oracle Staff
Oracle Staff Oracle Staff
Oracle Staff
1st Row Esther Penny, Miss Elizabeth Butler, advertising advisor; Adele Weiser, editor-in-chief; Miss Blanche Calvert, news-writing advisor; Bill Taylor, Ruby Buhrmaster, editor-in-chief; Mr. McCullough, business advisor, Rose Ellison
2nd Row Jane Kahn, Joe Naab, Ellsworth Walker, Louis Ogden, Wana Jasinsky, Johnita Holliday
3rd Row Wilson Hickerson, Charlotte Brown, Maxine Leonard, Ruth Westerman, Gertrude Miller, Janet Jones, Lois Combs
4th Row Blanche Thompson, Gordon Couchman, Francis Bowdewyns, Harold Hockenberg, Burnham Orwig, Herschel Wolk, William Marohn
5th Row Marjorie Dorman, Gertrude Ellis, Florence Turney, Verna Smith, Mignon Eaton, Catherine Wood, Roy Startzer, Georgia Barton, Ben McDonald, Walter Miller, Don Armington
Absent Alice Schaefer, Mabel Hall, Bob Hoffman, Arthur Guile, Ruby Ogilvie, Sam Green, Maxine Calhoun
Vice Presidents and Secretaries Vice Presidents and Secretaries Vice Presidents and Secretaries
Vice Presidents and Secretaries Vice Presidents and Secretaries Vice Presidents and Secretaries
Vice Presidents and Secretaries
1st Row

Randall Conner, Wilma Francisco, Gordon Couchman, Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Wilma Millington, Kathryn Roberts

2nd Row Ray Cummings, Thelma Elliot, Eveline Benson, Doris Stevens, Vivian Himan, Harlan Watkins, Maude Blackledge
3rd Row Jan Kahn, Thelma Norman, Dorothy Linn, Juanita Davis, Gerene Peterson, Wana Jasinsky
4th Row Sarah Siegel, Barbara Isaacs, Gladys Geil, Agnes Slattery, Charlotte Brown, Elizabeth Walker, Clarice Bowman, Wanda Nelson, Josie Sheldon
5th Row William Heggen, Robert Stong, Wilson Hickerson, Lucretia Woods, Eleanor Woods, Kathryn Thelan, Gail Baty, Maxine Mapel, Kathryn Foster, Blanche Thompson, June Asman
6th Row Ellsworth Walker, Sidney Omerod, John Diehl, Alice Booth, Dorothy Brown, Mildred Hatch, Margaret Conley, Julia Snow, Kenneth Stewart, Felix Braden, Dick Work
7th Row Don Evans, Bob Erickson, Amos Jencks, Roy Huntoon, Bob Ticrick, Joe Conkling, Herschel Wolk, Arabelle Flatley, Dorothy McPhail, Jeanne Gordon, Karl Feise
Above photos: North High Oracle of June, 1930;
from memorabilia of Virginia Wirt Deuben; June, 1930
May, 2015: North High Gospel Choir at St. John's Lutheran Church's 150th Year Celebration
With Virginia Wirt Deuben, Class of June, 1930
Virginia Wirt Deuben
Class of June, 1930
Hit song - "On the Sunny Side of the Street"   1930 -- Here comes Mickey!
Graduates - January, 1930 (numbered 138)
Abel, Lucile A. Dewey, Arthur W. Keil, Betty Valarian Rubesh, Irene R.
Adler, Morton S. Dickson, L. Baker Kellogg, C. John Rubin, Evelyn
Aliber, Fanny Dolge, Russell E. Kemp, Charles Russell, Marian Alice
Aliber, Jeannette G. Edwards, Richard Y. Kersey, Maxine Schaket, Gertrude
Allen, Edward R. Efnor, Muriel Kneller, Charlotte A. Seaman, Helen Marie Angeline
Anderson, Dorothy E. Eggenberger, D. Lyle Leonard, Mary Louise Shannon, Billie
Anderson, Leona M. Farrell, Arthur K. Leptor, Helen Sheldon, Emil E.
Anderson, Richard H. Francisco, Margaret (Ann?) Lightnor, Eloise Sherman, Donald
Armstrong, Don H. Frye, Marion C. McCabe, C. Corliss Shipman, Ounida M.
Auestad, Kingsley H. Gallantine, Christine McCullough, Dale H. Shuler, Gertrude M.
Ballantyne, Sam, Jr. Ganschow, Gertrude Louise McDonald, Margaret Siegel, Theodore
Barr, Blanche R. Gibson, Dean J. McFarland, Jean Ellen Siegel, Sidney S.
Barsetti, Lawrence J. Gillmore, Maxine Frances MacGregor, Marian J. Sims, Arvalene Vivian
Bartlow, Albert L. Glass, Katherine Elizabeth McHaffie, Lois B. Smith, Charles J.
Bayle, Salustiano Plurad Glasser, Florence Kingman McKay, Don Smith, Mary R.
Geal, Dale Grant, Ferrold L. McLucas, Harold Smith, Preston G.
Bennett, Charles Arthur Graves, Lawrence Malson, Margaret E'Clair Smith, Ralph N.
Bennings, Lucille Dorothy Graves, Charles Phillip Marshall, Frank D. Spuzzello, Mary
Blackledge, Mary Griffith, Mary Jane Mays, Tommy Stephan, Robert H.
Blount, Rex Gunderson, Gilbert P. Mengis, Josephine Stone, Ray
Bowman, Fay L. Gurner, Woodrow Miller, Arnold F. Streepy, Helen B.
Bradfield, Kathrine Harding, Harrison Wiley Moll, Carl W. Sullivan, William M.
Bragg, Helen Marguerite Hansen, Howard W. Morgan, Elvin Russell Taylor, Leona V.
Brand, Mildred O. Hartman, Robert C. Newcomb, Everett S. Thompson, Jean
Broadston, Freda U. Hayner, Virginia Norton, Helen Warrington, Amy E.
Carlson, Velda Louise Hinshaw, Don C. Oberstein, Franklin Yale Waters, Doris L.
Chaffee, Bonnie Hohl, George W. Overmier, Dale Webley, Harold Wayne
Chambers, Clint C., Jr. Hon, Martha L. Parsons, Myrtle Ruth Wheeler, W. Chester
Chapman, John, Jr. Hoos, Kathleen Stanley Peggs, Harold J. Wilmot, Dorothy Lois
Chenoweth, Don V. Horsley, Frances I. Pennington, Roberta Dell Wilson, Lasrence
Clark, Ruth E. Huff, Frances Halsyan Plantz, J. Harold Woodmansee, Martin E.
Cramer, Carmen Arlene Hulbert, Amy Dale Quaife, Charles D. Yarowsky, Osna
Crane, Frank H. Huncke, Marion B. Reed, Charlotte Elmeta Zimmerli, Wilma Lorene
Cutter, Bob W. John, Robert B. Rees, Roger P. x
Davis, Maxine L. Jones, Frederick Ring, Maurice K. x
Graduates - June, 1930 (numbered 234)
Abel, Lillian L. Eaton, Mignon E. Knutson, Arnold E. Robert, Kathryn
Anderson, Virgil L. Eby, James M. Laidley, Robert A. Robinson, Ted
Armington, Donald R. Eggers, Hugh S. Larsen, Betty Vivian Rogers, Harvey H.
Arnold, Maxine Wilma Elbert, Clark Larson, Ronald Rollman, Walter F.
Arthur, Chester Edward Emmke, Eleanor L. Lashbrook, Thomas S. Roth, J. Harold
Asarch, Robert Evans, Abbie Lazurus, Harry Rouse, Margaret E.
Barnes,Marion Marguerite Evans, Fern Leo, Thoms P. Rowe, LaVere Catherine
Barsetti, Faustino A. Feige, Alice Anna Levin, Sidney Rowen, Elma Elizabeth
Barton, Georgia M. Feige, Ella Louise Lindroth, Cyril C. Rule, George E.
Bash, Marjorie Ellen Filley, Geneva Linn, Jessie D. Sandberg, Jack
Baty,Gail Fingert, Henry Louis Little, Frederick E. Sawhill, Mary Eleanor
Bennett, Harrison B. Finley,Bernice Vaughnceil Lorey, Frederick Robert Schaal, Virginia Louise
Benning, Harold Leon Finn, Betty Ann Lounsbury, William E. Schaefer, Alice M.
Benson, Eveline C. Fish, Genevieve Lyman, Kathryn Schrenck, Jean M.
Berman, Robert H. Fisher, Clifford R. Mapel, Maxine Schwartzman, Fannie
Bingaman,Kathryn Lorraine Fitzgerald, John J. Marohn, William Ernest Shaw, F. Clarke
Biondi, Wilma Ruth Fultz, Helen M. Mattausch,Margaret Maxine Shiffler, H. Kirby
Block, Rose Gabbert, Raymond Mays, Carl M. Shryock, Bernard J.
Bognanno, Mike Galantine, Cecilia Anne McClure, Marian M. Signs, Iva Jeanne
Bowles, Littleton, Jr. Geil, Gladys O. McDonald, J. Ben Silke, Minnie
Bowman, Clarice Gooding, Roberta Vivian McElrea, Samuel J. Sinnard, Marjorie
Braden, Felix Dale Gordon, Louis Edward McMurray, Maurice E. Skinner, John Benton
Brewbaker, Orien M. Green, Sam McRae, W. Arnold Smith, Mary R.
Brock, Louise Charline Gresdal, Lloyd L. Meyrat, Marguerite Marie Smith, Verna M.
Brockerman,Margaret Virginia Griesbaum, Firmin J. Miller, Gertrude, R. Stenoish, Cleo
Brown, Charlotte M. Guile, Arthur A. Miller, Walter R. Stephenson, Leighton
Brundage, Fern O. Hagen, Charles Donald Miller, William H. Stevens, Doris C.
Bucknell, Stanley F. Harlan, Marie C. Millington, Wilma Amy Stevens, Evelyn Jean
Buhrmaster, Ruby E. Henderson, Garnet Mintzer, George Stotts, Emma LaVaun
Bunge, Esther Ruth Henning, Madalyn L. Moffatt, Marjorie R. Stout, Genevieve L.
Burke, Wilson F. Herdman, Genevieve Moore, Marlyss M. Swanson, William Donald
Butler, Pearle C. Herzer, Fred P. Moore, William J. Swarm, Jack
Caldbeck, Wendell L. Hickerson, Wilson K. Moroney, Helen Irene Taylor, Elmer R.
Calhoun, Maxine Hickok, Dorothy Jane Morris, Kenneth Roland Taylor,William M.
Carris, Wilma Frances Himan, Vivian Morris, Robert W. Templeman, Maudell
Carson, William Edward Hockenberg, Harold I. Mudgett, Ruth C. Teuber, Alice Gretchen
Childress, Alpha Seay Hoffman, Robert Murdock, Laura Jean Thompson,Blanche Elaine
Christenson, Doris Marie Hohe, Lawrence J. Naab, Joseph W., Jr. Thompson, Howard W.
Clark, Dorothy Marie Hopkins, Vivian Gertrude Nelson, Wanda Morrisine Toussaint, James T.
Clayman, Abe House, Doris Newby, Gertrude Regena Turney, Florence
Clayton, Henry Webb Humburd, Calvin Ogden, Louis B., Jr. Edy, Richard
Clulow, Eva Gretchen Hurwitz, Belle Ogilvie, Ruby May Van Dranke, Vance
Coan, Wanda Irwin, Lois Olsen, Margaret G. Veenschoten,Frances Louise
Cody, Catherine M. Isaacs, Barbara G. Olson, Delmond R. Vernon,Gwendolyn Imogene
Conley, Margaret A. Jacobs, Audrene Mildred Pace, Viola C. Vessels, Mary C.
Copple, Clarence J. James, Wilma Willetta Parlee, Byrdie E. Vono, Michael P.
Couchman, Gordon W. Jasinsky, Wana Pearlman, Leo R. Walker, Ellsworth
Daitch, David Jenkins, Lucille Peck, Mary Elizabeth Walton, Ruth Elizabeth
Davies, Blodwin Jewell, Walter S. Peterson, Gerene Beatrice Weiser, Adele Kathryn
David, Frances Lucille Johnson, Elma Petty, Edward C. Westerman, Ruth Geraldine
Davis, Juanita Jones, Ruth Rowena Pope, Claire W. Weston, Roy Oliver
Deming, Winifred C. Jury, Leona Porter, Luella Widde, Clarence D.
Diehl, John N. Kahn, Jane Purdy, George E. Wilkison, Harold
Dorn, Wendell Katusa, Anne Louise Reeck, Louis James Winick, Anna
Doty, James Katzenbarger,Rowena Helen Reed, Willa Marie Winner, Libby E.
Dougherty, Helen Marie Kemp, Ruby Elizabeth Reeves, Katherine May Wirt, Helen Virginia
Drake, William B. Ketman, Ruth Evelyn Reinhardt, Bruce Wolk, Herschel M.
Dudley, Mary Frances Knecht, Francis R. Rice, R. Lena Wood, Catherine E.
Duffy, Rose Alice Knight, Delno x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1930
January, 1930
Adler, Morton S. (d.09/26/96) 1996 Graves, Charles Phillip (d.07/08/57) 1957
Barsetti, Lawrence J. (d. 06/79) 1979 Huncke, Marion B. (Williams) (d.02/28/01) 2001
Bennett, Charles Arthur (d.01/12/99) 1999 Miller, Arnold F. (d.06/10/05) 2005
Edwards, Richard Y. Parsons, Myrtle Ruth (Ryg) (d.03/09/10 2010
June, 1930
Armington,Donald R.(d.08/21/00) 2000 Hickerson, Wilson K. (d.09/26/09) 2009
Arthur, Chester E. (d.10/22/98) 1998 Himan, Vivian (Fletcher) (d.02/12/02) 2002
Barsetti, Faustino A. (d.10/22/70) 1970 Ketman, Ruth Evelyn (d.01/87) 1987
Berman, Robert H. Lorey, Frederick Robert (d.02/05/86) 1986
Block, Rose (d.10/31/87) 1987 Naab, Joseph W., Jr. (d.12/12//80) 1980
Bognanno,Michael (Mike) (d.07/21/93) 1993 Nelson,Wanda Morrisine (Katz) (d.12/20/07) 2007
Brewbaker, Orien M. (d.05/07/94 1994 Parlee, Byrdie E. (d.04/05/98) 1998
Caldbeck, Wendell L. (d. 09/06/05) 2005 Peterson,Gerene Beatrice(Eness) (d.01/24/06) 2005
Christenson, Dorie Marie (Peterson) (d.02/21/09) 2009 Reeck, Louis James (d.08/07/06) 2006
Clayton, Henry Webb (d.03/02/93) 1993 Rollman, Walter Fuhrmann (d. 1985) 1985
Clulow, Eva Gretchen (Lassiter) (d.09/84) 1984 Rowen,Elma Elizabeth (Clayton/Anderson) (d.04/03/97) 1997
Copple, Clarence J. (d.02/1974) 1974 Sawhill, Mary Eleanor (d.01/17/12) 2012
Daitch, David (d.10/02/90) 1990 Schaal, Virginia Louise (d.05/02/05) 2005
Diehl, John N. (d.02/1984) 1984 Taylor, Elmer R. (d.01/26/63) 1963
Dorn, Wendell D. (d.03/09/04) 2004 Vono, Michael P. (d. 1956) 1956
Eggers, Hugh S. (d.07/08/03) 2003 Wirt, Helen Virginia (Deuben) (d.06/03/17) 2017
Finley, BerniceVaughnceil (Shepherd) (d.09/05/65) 1965 x 2018
August, 1930
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1929 Pictures
Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
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Helen Virginia Wirt Gerene Beatrice Peterson Walter Fuhrmann Rollman Bernice Vaughnceil Finley Elmer R. Taylor Wilson K. Hickerson Wilson K. Hickerson