Aged photo
papers simply do not withstand the test of time. Necessarily, whenever
I receive a photo, I often spend considerable time on
restoration. In the June, 1936 group graduation photo shown above,
there were multiple wide white breaks in the photo surface (top to
bottom) and many surface scratches and blemishes
where images of individuals affected had to be recreated. Above is
an example of a man who decided to not wear his mortar board, but
sixty-eight years later, we put his hat on his head!...the wonders
of computers!
...Extreme Makeover with Photoshop tools! |
Council; January, 1936 |
Starting first row, bottom left |
1st Row |
Kate Marsh, Ted Stevens,
Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Mr. S.E. Thompson, James Flatley,
Victor Van Maren, Ed Haskamp |
2nd Row |
Bernard Marks, Ruth Miller, Veneta
Hirschler, Harriet Johnson, Molly Koufer, Ednarose Nelson, Delbert
Tollenar |
3rd Row |
Clell Piper, Louise Millsap, Catherine
Else, Marjorie Thompson, Margaret Hawthorn, Mildred Bratcher,
Roy Addington, Max Light |
4th Row |
Louis Yazman, Clifford
Johnson, Morris Balanoff, Maurine Smith, Marjorie Caldwell,
Helen Fletcher, Hazel Roth, Gerva McGeeny, Rhoba Jean Gillam,
Joe Ludden, James Roberts, John Farrell, Vernon Wilson |
5th Row |
Frank Bias, Ralph Bent, James Clark,
Lois Thompson, Bud Wilson, Bertha Abel, Harold Sullivan, Joe
Pearlman, Max Kirby, Paul Lyon |
6th Row |
George Hargrove, Bob
Hays, John Heggen, Tom Frame, John Phillips, DeVere Thompson,
Lewis Royal, Doug Ullrich, Claude Conklin |
Honor Society; January, 1936 |
Starting first row, bottom left |
1st Row |
Fred Owens, Catherine
Else, Veneta Hirschler, Mildred Bratcher, Mrs. Grace M. Behr,
advisor, Florence Peterson, Freida Elliot, Kate Marsh, Ed Haskamp |
2nd Row |
Ted Stevens, Betty Ebers, Ellen
Kuschan, Margery Shipman, Phyllis Jacobs, Janet York, Jeanne
Greendahl |
3rd Row |
Abe Rissman, James Flatley, Helen
Rissien, Miriam Mintzer, Marjorie Thompson, Margaret Hawthorn,
Rhoda Jean Gillam, Esther Marion Wise, Bette Murphy, Eula Jeanne
Shearn, Lewis Royal |
4th Row |
Lloyd Freshour, Bill
Root, Winifred Jones, Ila Hart, Georgia Porter, Ida Vestine,
Bud Wilson |
5th Row |
Lincoln Stewart, Ward Sear, Ambrose
Strittmatter, Tom Frame, Elizabeth Schoen, Lila Lee, Virginia
Agrell, Dorothy Huffman, Edna House, Beverly Mueller, Lois Knipp,
Paul Lyon, Victor Van Maren |
Dalton; June, '36 |
June, 1936 Oracle |
Graduates - January,
, 1936
(only 127 names shown/pages missing from yearbook) |
Asbury, Mary Jane |
Hawthorn, Margaret Elizabeth |
Page, Geraldine Iola |
Ash, Francis Eugene |
Hays, Bob Richard |
Pearlman, Joseph Henry |
Baker, Dick |
Headlee, Garnett Ruth |
Peterson, Florence Irene |
Balanoff, Morris Leo |
Hill, Kenneth Marvin |
Plumb, Ruth Ione |
Banta, Keith Darrell |
Hite, Ruth Pearl |
Porter, Georgia |
Barker, Mary Jean |
Holland, Henry Horace |
Quetschenbach, Russell
Carl |
Bentler, William Clifton |
Hough, Phyllis Illene |
Rank, Kenneth |
Bettis, Genevieve |
Huffy, Don |
Rasmussen, Opal Elizabeth |
Beyer, Genevieve Beulah |
Hufnagel, Georgetta |
Riggs, Andrew J. |
Blizuez, Margaret Marie |
Isenberger, Grace Inger |
Rissien, Helen Harriette |
Bratcher, Mildred Jewell |
Isenberger, Myron C. |
Robinson, Virginia Sheryl |
Breeding, Paul Earl |
Jacobs, Phyllis |
Royal, Lewis Armstrong |
Brown, Blythe Marian |
Johnson, Richard |
Sarchfield, Betty Jane |
Brown, Edna Mable |
Johnson, Richard Wendell |
Schaal, Robert Pershing |
Brown, Frances I. |
Johnson, Robert V. |
Schoen, Elizabeth Elsa |
Bullis, Margaret Ann |
Johnston, William, Jr. |
Scorpiniti, Charles
Clement |
Burns, Robert Jon |
Jones, Bill |
Sear, Ward S. |
Bushnell, Dudley S. |
Judd, Warren |
Simms, Leo |
Byers, Marjarie Phyllis |
Kardon, Fred |
Simon, Gus F., Jr. |
Caldwell, Marjorie Eudora |
Katzenberger, Mabel
Maxine |
Simon, Ruth |
Chamberlain, Margaret
Frances |
Keleher, Margaret Nellie |
Smith, Mary Ellen |
Chenoweth, Mary Ellen |
Kirby, Sidney Maxwell |
Snyder, Philip Henry |
Clark, James William |
Kuschan, Ellen Louise |
Spohr, Dorothy Mae |
Conklin, Claude, Jr. |
Lang, Ruth |
Sprague, Cleo Russell |
Coppola, Frank |
Layman, George Herder |
Spuzzello, Josephine |
Cox, James J. |
Lee, Lila Juanita |
Stewart, James William |
Cunningham, Charles
William |
Leo, Catherine |
Stout, Georgia Ann |
Dalton, John Joseph |
Lewis, Osborn Theodore,
Jr. |
Stroh, Leo Henry |
Dodd, Wanda |
Light, Max |
Teuber, Ross LaVerne |
Donner, Richard E. |
Linn, Gene Wayne |
Thompson, James William |
Duke, Randolph |
Littler, Robert Melvin |
Thompson, Lois M. |
Dunlap, Bettie Charolyn |
Lounsbury, Charles Albert |
Torrenga, Marianna Louise |
Dunn, Raymond Harold |
Lundy, Louis William |
Udey, Nellie Ilene |
Elliott, Freida Lou |
Lyman, Nina Adel |
Ida Floriene |
Farrell, John |
Lyon, Paul |
Vogel, Cordelia Clara |
Flatley, James C., Jr. |
Maine, Dolores Jeannette |
x |
James |
x |
Fowler, Jessie M. |
Mathews, Gerald Arthur |
Russell Morris |
Fox, Erbie Bunten |
Mayo, Barbara Kathern |
Florence Marian |
Frame, Thomas Dean |
McKenzie, Elwin Morris |
Anita Frances |
Francisco, Geraldine
Louise |
McLaren, Bette Jane |
Kathleen Louise |
Garland, Helen Margaret |
Millsap, Mable Louise |
White, Horace |
Gaskill, Robert Daniel |
Millslagle, Gerald |
Mildred Winifred |
x |
Gillam, Rhoba Jean |
Mintzer, Miriam Beaulah |
Whitmer, Robert Edward |
x |
Gourley, Waunetta |
Mueller, Beverly Marne |
Walter Charles |
Grant, Robert Malcolm |
Murray, Edith Olive |
Mildred Virginia |
Graves, Edna May |
Nance, Frances Alma |
Adeline Nadine |
Greendahl, Jeanne Louise |
Neal, Gertrude Ilene |
Francis Earl |
Gurner, Isidor |
Norman, Wilbur Frank |
Vernon J. |
Hankins, Cecile Lorraine |
Ogle, William Henry |
Yazman, Louie Dave |
Hart, Ila |
Ortale, Mike, Jr. |
Zarifes, Angeline |
Hartshorn, Leo Francis |
Overton, Erma Margaret |
Zook, Howard |
Haskamp, Edward Foster |
Page, Della Frances |
x |
x |
Graduates - June,
1936 (numbered
297) |
Adams, Marjorie Loree |
Hartzer, Violet Loleta |
Patton, Alice Leanore |
Agrell, Virginia Eleanor |
Hatch, Raymond F. |
Payne, Annabelle Lea
Akes, Dan Raymond |
Haubert, Frank |
Payne, Richard D. |
Allen, Charles |
Hawley, Martha |
Phillips, John Walter |
Allen, Clark Lewis,
Jr. |
Heggen, John |
Pike, Charles Wesley |
Allen, Helen Eileen |
Heidbrink, Lois Marie |
Powell, Eleanor Rebecca |
Allen, Roberta Ruth |
Heki, Avis June |
Price, Bob Monroe |
Andrews, Sam |
Herschberg, Susan |
Price, Richard Daniel |
Ashcraft, George William |
Herzog, Ed August |
Proctor, Lorraine Ethel |
Ballantyne, Selby |
Heskett, Mary Darlene |
Ramey, Jackson Lee |
Barger, Thursa Louise |
Hirschler, Veneta June |
Rankin, Phyllis Virginia |
Barnhart, Mack Merwin |
Hoegh, Charlotte Luverne |
Raymond, Stanley Joseph |
Bates, Jeraldyne Louise |
Hoffman, Robert Elton |
Reeck, Frederick Arthur |
Beardsley, Mildred Maxine |
Holland, Gould King |
Reynolds, Margaret Ann |
Begalske, Robert |
Holmes, Mary Imogene |
Richardson, Elzada Maxynne |
Benfer, Fredric Perry |
Hopkins, Billy James |
Riefsnyder, Warren |
Berg, Gertrude Elizabeth |
House, Edna May |
Riley, William |
Bergs, Ralph |
Howard, Grace Maxine |
Rissman, Abraham Alan |
Bettis, Emma Lee |
Howland, Isabel Rankin |
Robb, Weldon |
Black, Bernita Merrill |
Hubbard, Ray |
Roberts, James Amos |
Bloom, Ednamae |
Huffman, Dorothy Maude |
Robinson, Harold Crockett |
Boggs, Bette |
Hughes, Bette Ann |
Root, William Lucas |
Boyce, Donald Guy |
Hulshizer, Edith Rebecca |
Ross, Rosemany |
Boyle, Frank John |
Hunt, John Robert |
Rowen, Charles Hamilton |
Breiholtz, Ruth Ella |
Hyman, Dorothy Nettie |
Royce, Leland A. |
Breneman, Warren Reeves |
Infelt, Gladys Patricia |
Ryan, Margaret Elaine |
Brewer, Don Eugene |
Jarnigan, Dorothy Jean |
Saddoris, Ruth Ireene |
Briggle, Marjorie Elinore |
Johnson, Clifford Robert |
Samuels, Evelyne Virginia |
Brim, Ivan Dale |
Johnson, Edwin Carl |
Sandon, James (Jimmy) |
Brooks, Mary Winifred |
Johnson, Harriett Jean |
Scalise, Laurence |
Brunia, Marion W. |
Johnston, Kathryn |
Schafer, Victor Robert |
Burdick, Helen Louise |
Johnston, Robert (Bob) |
Schatz, Mollie Gertrude |
Cadwell, Marjorie Malvina |
Jones, Winifred Irene |
Schmidt, Margaret Emily |
Caldbeck, Mary Frances |
Juneau, Mary Marcelynne |
Schroeder, Robin William |
Calkins, Maxine Mercedes |
Keoppel, Maxine Luree |
Schwartzman, Morris |
Campbell Ila Mae |
Kephart, Charles Berry,
Jr. |
Seaton, Maxine Virginia |
Carlson, Warren |
Kerr, William Allen |
Sells, Kathryn |
Carton, Leah Lucile |
Kibbee, Mary Eileen |
Shaw, Gabrielle Marie |
Cash, Mildred Alyce |
Kilbourne, Charlotte
Maurine |
x |
Shaw, George Bernard |
x |
Catomerisios, George |
Kilbourne, Ronald Meredith |
Shaw, Marjorie |
Cavanaugh, Margaret |
Killebrew, Wilburn Strube |
Shaw, Mildred Faye |
Cave, Myrtle Lenora |
Kirstein, Merle |
Shearn, Eula Jeanne |
Channon, Anne |
Knipp, Lois Martha |
Shepherd, Doris Elinor |
Chenoweth, Helen Elizabeth |
Knipp, Robert Raymond |
Shipman, Margery Louise |
Clark, Frances Lorraine |
Knutson, Gerald Perciful |
Sims, Clara Ellen |
Clark, Hildred Elizabeth |
Kooyman, Etha Darlene |
Small, Ben |
Clement, Eliene Phyllis |
Koufer, Molly |
Smith, Elizabeth Jane |
Connelly, Dick James |
Lamb, Dorothy Stewart |
Smith, Jane |
Conner, Garnett Arlene |
Lapcheske, Mary Elizabeth |
Smuleson, Zelma Ailene |
Cox, Bette |
Larsen, Signe |
x |
Snyder, Blanche Dorothy |
x |
Cox, Edna |
Lawhead, Harold Roy |
x |
Soldat, Rose |
Crittenden, Maxine Rose |
Leaverton, Larry Edwin |
Soll, Donald Armin |
Crowley, Mary Jane |
Likes, Anna Elizabeth |
Soltot, Edith |
Cullen, William |
Lomas, Leonard Barber |
Sowash, Cliff, Jr. |
Dalton, LaVonne Deloris |
Love, Murry Wayne |
Speridon, Constance
Helen |
Daniels, Lillian Darlene |
Lowe, Wesley Edward |
Stanley, Thelma Larene |
Davey, Charles Austin |
Ludden, Joseph Thomas |
Stanzel, Joyce Marjorie |
Davidson, Louise Phyllis |
Lukey, Loren |
Stenoish, Marcella Dorothy |
Davis, Alice Mae |
Lynn, John |
Stephens, Walter Riggle |
Davis, Vera Pauline |
MacDougall, David Gregory |
Stevens, Ted (Edward
DeWain) |
Davitt, Barbara Philomena |
MacKinnon, Ross Edward |
Stewart, Jack |
DeHaan, Oliver Dick |
Maier, Charles Valentine |
Stewart, Lincoln Anderson |
Dengle, Sydney Henry |
Malmed, Helen |
Stites, Ellen Fay |
Dewey, Max |
Marsh, Kate |
Stone, Edward S. |
Donelson, Gladys Adelaide |
Martens, Margaret Helen |
Stookey, Mildred Jane |
Dyer, Tom |
Mays, Anna |
Strittmatter, Ambrose
Nicholas |
Ebers, Elizabeth Louise |
McGeeney, Gerva Ethelda |
Strothers, Alice Lucille |
Edwards, Wayne Russell |
McGlothlen, Lois Mae |
Sullivan, Harold Lee |
Eigner, Carl Fredrick |
McLaughlin, Phyllis
Eileen |
Sutton, Art |
Elgar, Merre Virginia |
McMaster, C. Fulton |
Talkington, Marjora
Ellen |
Ellis, Genevieve June |
McPherson, Burl |
Tharnish, Bernadette
Leola |
Elliston, Dorothy Esther |
Melone, Mary Louise |
Tharp, Mary Louise |
Else, Catherine Ille |
Merrill, Charles Thomas |
Thielking, Paul William |
Emery, Ellen Marie |
Michils, Dolores |
Thomas, Richard Franklin |
Evans, Floyd Deloss |
Miller, Lindin Paul |
Thompson, Marjorie Carolyn |
Fairchild, Jack |
Mills, Ethelmaye |
Thornton, Velda Gladys |
Felse, June Edith |
Milton, Jessie May |
Torgerson, Margaret
Helene |
Fisch, Florian |
Moore, Thomas Raymond,
Jr. |
Turbett, Ruth Nadine |
Flanders, Marston |
Moreland, Eleanor Rose |
Turner, Dorothy Ruth |
Fleming, Ward Wright |
Morgan, Leota Clarice |
Ullrich, Douglas Alexis |
Ford, Alpha Mae |
Morris, Ben Russell |
Utterback, William Ferdinand |
Foster, Opal Jean |
Morris, Donald James |
Van Maren, Victor Henry |
Gibson, Dorothy Marie |
Mulvaney, Lucille Marie |
Varellas, Florence Louise |
Ginder, Charles Ervin |
Mumma, Mildred Kathleen |
Wallace, Ardys Mar |
Gordinier,Georgia Grace |
Murphy, Bette Jane |
Ware, Floyd John |
Gould, Loretta Marie |
Murphy, Betty |
Warner, Waldo George |
Grace, Bill Joseph |
Naumann, Ralph Arnold |
Waterbury, Mildred Lucile |
Graham, Edna Marie |
Nellis, Wilbur Roy |
Weidner, Josephine Ellen |
Gray, Geraldine Louise |
Nelson, Craig Merrill |
Welch, Edwin Simmons |
Gresham, Marguerite
Maxine |
Nelson, Edna Rose |
Williams, Ruth Bob |
Gunn, John Curry |
Nesmith, Betty Jane |
Williams, Thomas David |
Hafner, Marie Joan |
Neswold, Stewart Theodore |
Wilson, Weiser White |
Hall, Chester LeRoy |
Nish, Virginia Katherine |
Wirt, Betty Catherine |
Hall, Lucille |
O'Grady, Gertrude Estelle |
Wise, Esther Marion |
Hall, Ted Stephen |
Olsen, Glen Chris |
Wise, Sam |
Hankins, Harriet Deurella |
Olsen, Marjorie Emma |
Yeglin, David |
Hannan, Wilma Frances |
Owens, Fred |
York, Janet Barkley |
Hanson, Lorene Winnifred |
Oxborrow, Mary Virginia |
Yurich, Mildred Lucille |
Hargrove, George, Jr. |
Patrice, Helen Louise |
Zavatsky, Minnie |
Harsh, Jack |
Patrick, Marjorie Maxine |
x |
Graduates - August,
1936 (numbered
22) |
Andrew, Helen Gail |
Gilman, John |
Kind, Anna Loretta |
Barker, Fred Wayne |
Grose, Geraldine |
Lee, Mary Virginia |
Cahill, Esther Elois |
Grover, Justine Beulah |
Lunt, Deborah Mildred |
Callan, Mary Magdalen |
Hammer, Albert |
Millard, Forrest Spencer |
Chenoweth, Martha Elaine |
Harmon, Marion Darrell |
Ogden, George Standish |
Cross, Wahneta (Pat) |
Hearn, Phyllis Joan |
Peerboom, Evelyn Carolyn |
DeCarlo, Florina Florence |
Jose, Margot Jane |
Weir, Clarence D. |
Drennen, Robert Hugh |
x |
x |
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August,
1936 |
(*transferred to specific grad class; i.e., Jan.,
June, August) |
* |
Agard, Ora L. |
* |
Isenberger, Grace I. |
* |
Akes, Dan R. |
Johnson, Richard |
* |
Allen, Robert R. |
* |
Juneau, Mary M. |
* |
Ashbury, Mary Jane |
Keleher, Margaret N.
(Paul) (d.12/19.05) |
2005 |
* |
Baker, Dick |
* |
Kephart, Charles B.,
Jr. |
* |
Ballantyne, Selby |
* |
Kibbee, Mary Eileen |
* |
Banta, Keith Darrell
(d. 08/23/06) (June) |
2006 |
Lawhead, Harold R. |
* |
Barnhart, Mack M. |
Layman, George Herder
(d.03/01/42) Jan. |
1942 |
* |
Begalske, Robert |
Lee, Charles P. |
* |
Benfer, Fredric Perry |
Light, Max |
2004 |
* |
Bloom, Ednamae (Fredrickson) |
1998 |
* |
Likes, Anna (Brewster) |
* |
Boyce, Donald G. |
Linn, Eugene W. |
* |
Breiholtz,Ruth Ella
(Greenlee) (d.08/09/06) |
2006 |
* |
Lowe, Wesley E. |
* |
Brewer, Don E. |
* |
Maier, Charles V. |
* |
Brim, Ivan D. |
* |
Millard, Forrest S. |
Brown, Frances I. |
* |
Melone, Mary Louise |
* |
Burdick, Helen L. |
* |
MacDougall, David G.,
Jr. |
Burns, Robert C. |
* |
MacKinnon, Ross Edward
(d.08/25/80) |
1980 |
Burns, Robert J. |
Morris, Donald James
(d. 2005) |
2005 |
* |
Cadwell, Marjorie E.
(Flesher) |
Nance, Frances |
* |
Carlson, Warren R. |
* |
Nelson, Craig Merrill |
Clark, James W. |
* |
Nelson, Edna Rose |
Comito, Joe |
Norman, Wilbur Frank
(d. 01/03/96) (Jan.) |
1996 |
Conklin, Claude, Jr. |
* |
Ogden, George Standish
(d.09/05/76) |
1976 |
* |
Connelly, Richard J. |
* |
Ogle, William H. |
* |
Crittenden,Maxine (Terry)
(d.02/22/05)(June) |
2005 |
* |
O'Grady, Gertrude E. |
* |
(d.09/03/06) |
2006 |
O'Hara, Leonard W. (d.09/16/42
England) |
1942 |
* |
Crowley, Mary Jane (Meier)
(d.04/25/00) |
2000 |
* |
Olsen, Glen C. |
Cunningham, Charles
W. |
* |
Owens, Fred |
* |
Dalton, John Joseph |
* |
Quetschenbach, Russell |
Davey, Charles A. |
* |
Reynolds, Margaret Ann |
DeHaan, Oliver R. |
* |
Riggs, Andrew J. (d.11/04/03) |
2003 |
Dodd, Wanda |
* |
Robb, Weldon Edward
(d.03/11/85) |
1985 |
Dunlap, Bettie C. |
* |
Ryan, Margaret E. |
* |
Else, Catherine I. |
* |
Scarpiniti, Charles
C.lement |
* |
Evans, Floyd D. |
* |
Shaw, Gabrielle Marie
(Jones) (d. 08/05/06) |
2006 |
Fick, Robert A. |
* |
Shaw, Mildred F. |
* |
Flanders, Marston |
* |
Shearn, Eula J. |
Flatley, Dan C., Jr.
(d.09/03/05) |
2005 |
* |
Snyder, Phillip Henry |
* |
Fleming, Ward Wright
(d.11/26/05) |
2005 |
* |
Sowash, Cliff, Jr. |
Garland, Helen M. (Davis)
(d. 08/20/06) |
2006 |
* |
Speridon, Constance
H. |
Gillam, Rhoba J. |
Spuzzello, Josephine |
* |
Gilman, John |
* |
Stewart, James W. |
* |
Grose, Geraldine |
* |
Stone, Edward S. (d.08/15/43) |
1943 |
* |
Hall, Theodore S. |
* |
Ullrich, Douglas A. |
Hankins, Harriett D. |
Wampler, Robert E. |
* |
Hatch, Raymond |
* |
Weidner, Josephine Ellen
(Korte) (d.08/05/98) |
1998 |
Hightower, Herndon |
* |
Weir, Clarence |
* |
Hill, Kenneth M. |
* |
Welch, James |
* |
Hoegh, Charlotte L. |
West, Kathleen L. |
* |
Holland, Henry Horace |
White, Mildred W. |
* |
Hopkins, William James |
Wickwire, Walter |
* |
Hough, Phyllis Illene |
* |
Wilson, Weiser W. |
* |
Howland, Isabel R. |
* |
Yurich, Mildred L. |
* |
Hughes, Betty A. |
Zook, Howard |
* |
Hunt, John R. |
x |
1936 (working on this file) |
Asbury, Mary Jane |
Overton, Erma Margaret
(Norman) (d.03/20/05) |
2005 |
Baker, Dick |
Pearlman, Joseph Henry
(d.08/01/09) |
2009 |
Chamberlain, Margaret
Frances (04/18/94) |
1994 |
Peterson, Florence Irene
(Hartman) (d.04/03/15) |
2015 |
Balanoff, Morris Leo
(d.08/15/09) |
2009 |
Porter, Georgia (Dowd)
(d.07/04/09) |
2009 |
Dalton, John Joseph |
Quetschenbach, Russell
Carl |
Flatley, James C., Jr.
(d.09/03/05) |
2005 |
Riggs, Andrew J. (d.11/04/03) |
2003 |
Fox, Ernie Bunten (d.07/13/97) |
1997 |
Royal, Lewis A. (d.09/28/08) |
2008 |
Greendahl, Jeanne Louise
(d.09/08/07) |
2007 |
Scorpiniti, Charles
Clement |
Hill, Kenneth Marvin |
Sear, Ward S. (d.09/18/01) |
2001 |
Holland, Henry Horace |
Snyder, Philip Henry |
Hough, Phyllis Illene |
Udey, Nellie Ilene (Lefler)
(d.05/01/13) |
2001 |
Isenberger, Grace Inger |
Vestine, Ida Floriene
(Fox) (d.09/23/08) |
2008 |
Kirby, Sidney Maxwell
(d.11/06/09) |
2009 |
Welch, James |
Layman, George Herder
(d.03/01/42) |
1942 |
Wilmot,Mildred Virginia
(Coffin) (d.02/04/08) |
2008 |
Norman, Wilbur Frank
(d.01/03/96) |
1996 |
Yazman, Louie Dave (d.04/27/07) |
2007 |
Ogle, William Henry |
Yazman, Louie Dave (d.04/27/07) |
2007 |
1936 (working on this file) |
Agard, Ora L. |
Likes, Anna (Brewster) |
Akes, Dan R. |
Lowe, Wesley E. |
Robert R. |
MacDougall, David G.,
Jr. |
Ballantyne, Selby |
MacKinnon, Ross Edward
(d.08/25/80) |
1980 |
Banta, Keith Darrell
(d. 08/23/06) (June) |
2006 |
Maier, Charles V. |
Barnhart, Mack M. |
Marsh, Kate (Goldman)
(d.03/19/90) |
1990 |
Begalske, Robert |
Melone, Mary Louise |
Benfer, Frederic Perry |
McLaughlin, Phyllis
Eileen (d.01/17/19) |
2019 |
Bloom, Ednamae |
Nellis, Wilbur Roy (d.04/19/18) |
2018 |
Boyce, Donald Guy |
Nelson, Craig Merrill |
Breiholtz,Ruth Ella
(Greenlee) (d.08/09/06) |
Nelson, Edna Rose |
Brewer, Don E. |
2006 |
O'Grady, Gertrude E. |
Brim, Ivan D. |
Olsen, Glen C. |
Brunia, Marion W. (d.02/28/05)
Marjorie Emma (Griffith) (d.10/15/14) |
2014 |
Burdick, Helen |
2005 |
Virginia (Aldrich) (d.12/04/10) |
2010 |
Cadwell, Marjorie M.
(Thresher) |
Owens, Fred |
Carlson, Warren |
Powell, Eleanor Rebecca
(Archer) (d.03/23/13) |
2013 |
Cave, Mrytle Lenora
(Lake) (d.10/01/10) |
Proctor, Lorraine Ethel
(d.04/21/00) |
2000 |
(d.5/12/10) |
2010 |
Raymond, Stanley Joseph
(d.01/01/01 |
2001 |
Connelly, Richard J. |
2010 |
Reeck, Frederick Arthur
(d.09/02/11) |
2011 |
Crittenden,Maxine (Terry)
(d.02/22/05) |
Reynolds, Margaret Ann |
Jane (Meier) (d.04/25/00) |
Rissman, Abraham Alan
(d.05/14/14) |
2014 |
Dalton,LaVonne Deloris(Reilly)(d.05/08/12) |
2000 |
Robb, Weldon Edward
(d.03/11/85) |
1985 |
Dengle, Sydney Henry
(d.08/14/14) |
2012 |
Royce, Leland A. (d.08/87) |
1987 |
Ebers, Elizabeth Louise
(Gelwicks) (d.2012) |
2014 |
Ryan, Margaret Elaine |
Else, Catherine I. |
2012 |
Shaw, Gabrielle Marie
(Jones) (d. 08/05/06) |
2006 |
Evans, Floyd D. |
Shaw, Mildred F. |
Flanders, Marston |
Shearn, Eula Jeanne |
Fleming, Ward Wright
(d.11/26/05) |
Sowash, Cliff, Jr. |
Gould, Loretta Marie
(Zuendel) (d.10/12/10) |
2005 |
Speridon, Constance
H. |
Hall, Theodore S. |
2010 |
(d.05/24/09) |
2009 |
Hatch, Raymond F. |
Stewart, Jack |
Heggen, John W. (d.04/18/89 |
2005 |
Stone, Edward S. (d.08/15/43) |
1943 |
Hoegh, Charlotte L. |
1989 |
Strittmatter, Ambrose
Nicholas (d.11/06/10) |
2010 |
Hopkins, William James
(d.10/70) |
Thielking,Paul W. (d.12/03/10) |
2010 |
Edna May (d.12/30/11) |
1970 |
Turbett, Ruth Nadine
(Gustafson) (d..05/25/15) |
2015 |
Isabel R. |
2011 |
Ullrich, Douglas A. |
Hughes, Bette Ann |
Waterbury,Mildred Lucile
(Stoddard)(d.12/7/9) |
2009 |
Hunt, John R. |
Weidner,Josephine Ellen
(Korte) (d.08/05/98) |
1998 |
Hyman, Dorothy Nettie |
Welch, Edwin Simmons
(d.01/29/10) |
2010 |
Johnson, Clifford R. |
Wilson, Weiser W. |
Marcelynne |
Wirt, Betty Catherine
(Darrimon) (d.03/30/08) |
2008 |
Kephart, Charles Barry,
Jr. (d.07/11/85) |
1985 |
Yeglin, David (d.03/02/00) |
2000 |
Kibbee, Mary Eileen |
1985 |
York, Janet Barkley
(Bridges/Reese) (d.01/09/09) |
2009 |
Koufer, Molly (Sandler)
(d.01/16/14) |
2014 |
Yurich, Mildred L. |
Larsen, Signe (Sharp)
(d.03/22/11) |
2011 |
x |
x |
1936 (working on this file) |
(d.09/03/06) |
2006 |
Millard, Forest S. |
Gilman, John |
Ogden, George Standish
(d.08/05/76) |
1976 |
Grose, Geraldine |
Weir, Clarence D. |
further input, please email me at [email protected]