North Des Moines High School
Class of 1936
Class Meetings:

Will meet on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 for lunch at 11:30AM at:
North End Diner
5505 Merle Hay Road
Johnston, IA
(515) 276-5151
and then decide where we will be meeting in the future
Recent Get Together Recent Get Together
Recent Get Together Recent Get Together
Recent Get Together Recent Get Together
Recent Get Together Recent Get Together
Get together; July, 2004
Front: Ida Fox, Don Morris, Paul Thielking
Back: Florence Hartman, Ilene Lepler, Ruth Ella Greenlee, Ruth Gustafson, Fred Reeck, Phyllis McLaughlin
Get together; July, 2004
Front: Ida Fox, Don Morris, Paul Thielking
Back: Florence Hartman, Ilene Lepler, Ruth Ella Greenlee, Ruth Gustafson, Fred Reeck, Phyllis McLaughlin
ALT= ALT= ALT= ALT= Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986
Class of 1936 - 50th Reunion - May 9, 1986
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left (run your cursor over person's face, and person will be identified)
1st Row Carolyne Peerboom Warner, Charlotte Kilbourne Kerr, Etha Kooyman Bell, Alice Patton Thomas, Ila Hart Howell, (X), Ilene Udey, Max Light's wife, Jessie M. Light.
2nd Row Dorothy Jean Jarnagin Mathews, LaVonne D. Dalton Reilly, Molly Koufer Sandler
3rd Row Johnie Warner (Carolyne Peerboom Warner's husband) , Charles Merrill, William A. Kerr, (again on far right in last picture), (X), mustache (X ), yellow sports jacket/Gerald (Jerry) A. Matthews, blue suit (X), Stewart Neswold, Max Light, white dress/Alpha Ford Aamoth
Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986
Starting first row, bottom left (run your cursor over person's face, and person will be identified)
1st Row Ellen F. Stites, Florence Peterson Hartman, Clara E. Sims Evans, Sister Charles Marie Cavanaugh, Mary Imogene Holmes Myer, Kate Marsh Goldman, Vera Davis Noble, Barba K. Mayo Elder
2nd Row Joe Pearlman, behind and tall/ Andy Riggs, Bob Gaskill, gray suit (X), Lewis Royal, blue suit (Gino Carrera), Margaret Belvedere, Dorothy Elliston Tate, Jeraldyne L. Bates Lopez, rust jacket/ Wilbur Norman, Charles Noble/Vera Davis Noble's husband, Max Kirby, man behind/Clark L. Allen
Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986
Starting first row, bottom left (run your cursor over person's face, and person will be identified)
1st Row Barba K. Mayo Elder, Hildred E.Clark Stenstrom, Phyllis McLaughlin, Ruth Ella Greenlee, Violet Hartness Murray, Waunetta Gourley Broyles, Virginia E. Agrell Hummer, Gabrielle M. Shaw Jones
2nd Row Max Kirby, man behind Max/Clark L. Allen, blue dress/Betty Ebers Gelwicks,black bow tie/Robet (Bob) R. Hays, Ednamae Bloom, Phyllis Rankin Ashba, man behind Phyllis Rankin is Bob Schaal, man next to Phyllis is Kenny Rank, man behind Kenny Rank is George Hargrove, man in cream colored suit/Art Sutton, red tie/Abe Rissman, man in front in dark suit/George B. Shaw, man behind in dark suit/C. Edwin Johnson, woman in front in cream colored suit/Marjorie Johnson, C. Edwin Johnson's wife,, man behind in tan suit/Merle D. Kirstein, man in glasses/Fred Kardon
Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986
Starting first row, bottom left (run your cursor over person's face, and person will be identified)
1st Row Veneta Hirschler Booth, Phyllis Jacobs Oster, Alice Davis Keeley, Ida Vestine Fox, Georgia Porter Dowd, Mary Jane Crowley Meier, (X), Ethel Kirby (Max Kirby's wife)
2nd Row Morris Balanoff, Elizabeth Smith Sparks, (X), Wilbur R. Nellis, Josephine Korte (Robert Korte's wife), yellow dress/Maxine Terry,, light sports jacket/mustache/man is Woodrow Fox, blue dress (X), man next to Woodrow Fox (X), blue dress/Ruth Turbett Gustafson, Larry Leaverton, red tie/Ted Gurner, Ben Small, Bob Perkins, Victor Schafer
3rd Row Gerald Sparks, Tom Frame, man up higher (X), woman in red dress/Dorothy Hyman Goldberg
Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986 Class of 1936/50th Reunion/May 9, 1986
Starting first row, bottom left (run your cursor over person's face, and person will be identified)
1st Row Jeanne Louise Greendahl, Margaret Hawthorn Fagen, Blanche Snyder White, blue dress (X), Margaret Torgerson Redfield, Justine Asgyle, Margaret Hinrichsen
2nd Row Floyd Ware, James Sandon, behind peeking out (X), black suit is Myron Isenberger, Warren Judd, Victor H. Van Maren, red tie/Ed Welch, Mildred Pratley, beard /Richard F. Thomas, Max E. Dewey, red tie (X), gal in white (X ), Paul Theilking, William A. Kerr
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Photo: Compliments of Phyllis McLaughlin
Graduation Class of January, 1936 Graduation Class of January, 1936 Graduation Class of January, 1936 Graduation Class of January, 1936 Graduation Class of January, 1936 Graduation Class of January, 1936
Graduation Class of January, 1936
Photo: Compliments of Ida Vestine Fox

January 1936
Class Officers
Robert Johnson
Ward Sear
Beverly Mueller
Lila Lee
Florence Peterson
Andrew Riggs
Photos: Compliments of the late Margo Vestine

June 1936
Class Officers
Jack Phillips
Art Sutton
Harriett J. Johnson
LaVonne Dalton
Dorothy Huffman
Chester Hall
Esther Marion Wise
Raymond Moore
Photos: Compliments of Abe Rissman
Graduation Class of June, 1936 Graduation Class of June, 1936 Graduation Class of June, 1936 Graduation Class of June, 1936
Graduation Class of June, 1936
Photo: Compliments of Phyllis McLaughlin
Aged photo papers simply do not withstand the test of time. Necessarily, whenever I receive a photo, I often   spend considerable time on restoration. In the June, 1936 group graduation photo shown above, there were multiple wide white breaks in the photo surface (top to bottom) and many surface scratches and blemishes
where images of individuals affected had to be recreated. Above is an example of a man who decided to not wear his mortar board, but sixty-eight years later, we put his hat on his head!...the wonders of computers!
...Extreme Makeover with Photoshop tools!
Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936
Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936
Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936 Student Council, January, 1936
Student Council; January, 1936
Starting first row, bottom left
  1st Row Kate Marsh, Ted Stevens, Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Mr. S.E. Thompson, James Flatley, Victor Van Maren, Ed Haskamp
  2nd Row Bernard Marks, Ruth Miller, Veneta Hirschler, Harriet Johnson, Molly Koufer, Ednarose Nelson, Delbert Tollenar
  3rd Row Clell Piper, Louise Millsap, Catherine Else, Marjorie Thompson, Margaret Hawthorn, Mildred Bratcher, Roy Addington, Max Light
  4th Row Louis Yazman, Clifford Johnson, Morris Balanoff, Maurine Smith, Marjorie Caldwell, Helen Fletcher, Hazel Roth, Gerva McGeeny, Rhoba Jean Gillam, Joe Ludden, James Roberts, John Farrell, Vernon Wilson
  5th Row Frank Bias, Ralph Bent, James Clark, Lois Thompson, Bud Wilson, Bertha Abel, Harold Sullivan, Joe Pearlman, Max Kirby, Paul Lyon
  6th Row George Hargrove, Bob Hays, John Heggen, Tom Frame, John Phillips, DeVere Thompson, Lewis Royal, Doug Ullrich, Claude Conklin
Honor Society; January, 1936 Honor Society; January, 1936
Honor Society; January, 1936 Honor Society; January, 1936
National Honor Society; January, 1936
Starting first row, bottom left
  1st Row Fred Owens, Catherine Else, Veneta Hirschler, Mildred Bratcher, Mrs. Grace M. Behr, advisor, Florence Peterson, Freida Elliot, Kate Marsh, Ed Haskamp
  2nd Row Ted Stevens, Betty Ebers, Ellen Kuschan, Margery Shipman, Phyllis Jacobs, Janet York, Jeanne Greendahl
  3rd Row Abe Rissman, James Flatley, Helen Rissien, Miriam Mintzer, Marjorie Thompson, Margaret Hawthorn, Rhoda Jean Gillam, Esther Marion Wise, Bette Murphy, Eula Jeanne Shearn, Lewis Royal
  4th Row Lloyd Freshour, Bill Root, Winifred Jones, Ila Hart, Georgia Porter, Ida Vestine, Bud Wilson
  5th Row Lincoln Stewart, Ward Sear, Ambrose Strittmatter, Tom Frame, Elizabeth Schoen, Lila Lee, Virginia Agrell, Dorothy Huffman, Edna House, Beverly Mueller, Lois Knipp, Paul Lyon, Victor Van Maren
LaVonne Dalton LaVonne Dalton
LaVonne Dalton LaVonne Dalton
Ads, June, 1936 Oracle
  LaVonne Dalton; June, '36   Ads, June, 1936 Oracle  
Graduates - January, 1936
January , 1936
(only 127 names shown/pages missing from yearbook)
Asbury, Mary Jane Hawthorn, Margaret Elizabeth Page, Geraldine Iola
Ash, Francis Eugene Hays, Bob Richard Pearlman, Joseph Henry
Baker, Dick Headlee, Garnett Ruth Peterson, Florence Irene
Balanoff, Morris Leo Hill, Kenneth Marvin Plumb, Ruth Ione
Banta, Keith Darrell Hite, Ruth Pearl Porter, Georgia
Barker, Mary Jean Holland, Henry Horace Quetschenbach, Russell Carl
Bentler, William Clifton Hough, Phyllis Illene Rank, Kenneth
Bettis, Genevieve Huffy, Don Rasmussen, Opal Elizabeth
Beyer, Genevieve Beulah Hufnagel, Georgetta Riggs, Andrew J.
Blizuez, Margaret Marie Isenberger, Grace Inger Rissien, Helen Harriette
Bratcher, Mildred Jewell Isenberger, Myron C. Robinson, Virginia Sheryl
Breeding, Paul Earl Jacobs, Phyllis Royal, Lewis Armstrong
Brown, Blythe Marian Johnson, Richard Sarchfield, Betty Jane
Brown, Edna Mable Johnson, Richard Wendell Schaal, Robert Pershing
Brown, Frances I. Johnson, Robert V. Schoen, Elizabeth Elsa
Bullis, Margaret Ann Johnston, William, Jr. Scorpiniti, Charles Clement
Burns, Robert Jon Jones, Bill Sear, Ward S.
Bushnell, Dudley S. Judd, Warren Simms, Leo
Byers, Marjarie Phyllis Kardon, Fred Simon, Gus F., Jr.
Caldwell, Marjorie Eudora Katzenberger, Mabel Maxine Simon, Ruth
Chamberlain, Margaret Frances Keleher, Margaret Nellie Smith, Mary Ellen
Chenoweth, Mary Ellen Kirby, Sidney Maxwell Snyder, Philip Henry
Clark, James William Kuschan, Ellen Louise Spohr, Dorothy Mae
Conklin, Claude, Jr. Lang, Ruth Sprague, Cleo Russell
Coppola, Frank Layman, George Herder Spuzzello, Josephine
Cox, James J. Lee, Lila Juanita Stewart, James William
Cunningham, Charles William Leo, Catherine Stout, Georgia Ann
Dalton, John Joseph Lewis, Osborn Theodore, Jr. Stroh, Leo Henry
Dodd, Wanda Light, Max Teuber, Ross LaVerne
Donner, Richard E.   Linn, Gene Wayne Thompson, James William
Duke, Randolph Littler, Robert Melvin Thompson, Lois M.
Dunlap, Bettie Charolyn Lounsbury, Charles Albert Torrenga, Marianna Louise
Dunn, Raymond Harold Lundy, Louis William Udey, Nellie Ilene
Elliott, Freida Lou Lyman, Nina Adel Vestine, Ida Floriene
Farrell, John Lyon, Paul Vogel, Cordelia Clara
Flatley, James C., Jr. Maine, Dolores Jeannette x Welch, James x
Fowler, Jessie M. Mathews, Gerald Arthur Wells, Russell Morris
Fox, Erbie Bunten Mayo, Barbara Kathern Welshons, Florence Marian
Frame, Thomas Dean McKenzie, Elwin Morris West, Anita Frances
Francisco, Geraldine Louise McLaren, Bette Jane West, Kathleen Louise
Garland, Helen Margaret Millsap, Mable Louise White, Horace
Gaskill, Robert Daniel Millslagle, Gerald White, Mildred Winifred x
Gillam, Rhoba Jean Mintzer, Miriam Beaulah Whitmer, Robert Edward x
Gourley, Waunetta Mueller, Beverly Marne Wickwire, Walter Charles
Grant, Robert Malcolm Murray, Edith Olive Wilmot, Mildred Virginia
Graves, Edna May Nance, Frances Alma Wilson, Adeline Nadine
Greendahl, Jeanne Louise Neal, Gertrude Ilene Wilson, Francis Earl
Gurner, Isidor Norman, Wilbur Frank Wilson, Vernon J.
Hankins, Cecile Lorraine Ogle, William Henry Yazman, Louie Dave
Hart, Ila Ortale, Mike, Jr. Zarifes, Angeline
Hartshorn, Leo Francis Overton, Erma Margaret Zook, Howard
Haskamp, Edward Foster Page, Della Frances x x
Graduates - June, 1936 (numbered 297)
Adams, Marjorie Loree Hartzer, Violet Loleta Patton, Alice Leanore
Agrell, Virginia Eleanor Hatch, Raymond F. Payne, Annabelle Lea
Akes, Dan Raymond Haubert, Frank Payne, Richard D.
Allen, Charles Hawley, Martha Phillips, John Walter
Allen, Clark Lewis, Jr. Heggen, John Pike, Charles Wesley
Allen, Helen Eileen Heidbrink, Lois Marie Powell, Eleanor Rebecca
Allen, Roberta Ruth Heki, Avis June Price, Bob Monroe
Andrews, Sam Herschberg, Susan Price, Richard Daniel
Ashcraft, George William Herzog, Ed August Proctor, Lorraine Ethel
Ballantyne, Selby Heskett, Mary Darlene Ramey, Jackson Lee
Barger, Thursa Louise Hirschler, Veneta June Rankin, Phyllis Virginia
Barnhart, Mack Merwin Hoegh, Charlotte Luverne Raymond, Stanley Joseph
Bates, Jeraldyne Louise Hoffman, Robert Elton Reeck, Frederick Arthur
Beardsley, Mildred Maxine Holland, Gould King Reynolds, Margaret Ann
Begalske, Robert Holmes, Mary Imogene Richardson, Elzada Maxynne
Benfer, Fredric Perry Hopkins, Billy James Riefsnyder, Warren
Berg, Gertrude Elizabeth House, Edna May Riley, William
Bergs, Ralph Howard, Grace Maxine Rissman, Abraham Alan
Bettis, Emma Lee Howland, Isabel Rankin Robb, Weldon
Black, Bernita Merrill Hubbard, Ray Roberts, James Amos
Bloom, Ednamae Huffman, Dorothy Maude Robinson, Harold Crockett
Boggs, Bette Hughes, Bette Ann Root, William Lucas
Boyce, Donald Guy Hulshizer, Edith Rebecca Ross, Rosemany
Boyle, Frank John Hunt, John Robert Rowen, Charles Hamilton
Breiholtz, Ruth Ella Hyman, Dorothy Nettie Royce, Leland A.
Breneman, Warren Reeves Infelt, Gladys Patricia Ryan, Margaret Elaine
Brewer, Don Eugene Jarnigan, Dorothy Jean Saddoris, Ruth Ireene
Briggle, Marjorie Elinore Johnson, Clifford Robert Samuels, Evelyne Virginia
Brim, Ivan Dale Johnson, Edwin Carl Sandon, James (Jimmy)
Brooks, Mary Winifred Johnson, Harriett Jean Scalise, Laurence
Brunia, Marion W. Johnston, Kathryn Schafer, Victor Robert
Burdick, Helen Louise   Johnston, Robert (Bob) Schatz, Mollie Gertrude
Cadwell, Marjorie Malvina Jones, Winifred Irene Schmidt, Margaret Emily
Caldbeck, Mary Frances Juneau, Mary Marcelynne Schroeder, Robin William
Calkins, Maxine Mercedes Keoppel, Maxine Luree Schwartzman, Morris
Campbell Ila Mae Kephart, Charles Berry, Jr. Seaton, Maxine Virginia
Carlson, Warren Kerr, William Allen Sells, Kathryn
Carton, Leah Lucile Kibbee, Mary Eileen Shaw, Gabrielle Marie
Cash, Mildred Alyce Kilbourne, Charlotte Maurine x Shaw, George Bernard x
Catomerisios, George Kilbourne, Ronald Meredith Shaw, Marjorie
Cavanaugh, Margaret Killebrew, Wilburn Strube Shaw, Mildred Faye
Cave, Myrtle Lenora Kirstein, Merle Shearn, Eula Jeanne
Channon, Anne Knipp, Lois Martha Shepherd, Doris Elinor
Chenoweth, Helen Elizabeth Knipp, Robert Raymond Shipman, Margery Louise
Clark, Frances Lorraine Knutson, Gerald Perciful Sims, Clara Ellen
Clark, Hildred Elizabeth Kooyman, Etha Darlene Small, Ben
Clement, Eliene Phyllis Koufer, Molly Smith, Elizabeth Jane
Connelly, Dick James Lamb, Dorothy Stewart Smith, Jane
Conner, Garnett Arlene Lapcheske, Mary Elizabeth Smuleson, Zelma Ailene
Cox, Bette Larsen, Signe x Snyder, Blanche Dorothy x
Cox, Edna Lawhead, Harold Roy x Soldat, Rose
Crittenden, Maxine Rose Leaverton, Larry Edwin Soll, Donald Armin
Crowley, Mary Jane Likes, Anna Elizabeth Soltot, Edith
Cullen, William Lomas, Leonard Barber Sowash, Cliff, Jr.
Dalton, LaVonne Deloris Love, Murry Wayne Speridon, Constance Helen
Daniels, Lillian Darlene Lowe, Wesley Edward Stanley, Thelma Larene
Davey, Charles Austin Ludden, Joseph Thomas Stanzel, Joyce Marjorie
Davidson, Louise Phyllis Lukey, Loren Stenoish, Marcella Dorothy
Davis, Alice Mae Lynn, John Stephens, Walter Riggle
Davis, Vera Pauline MacDougall, David Gregory Stevens, Ted (Edward DeWain)
Davitt, Barbara Philomena MacKinnon, Ross Edward Stewart, Jack
DeHaan, Oliver Dick Maier, Charles Valentine Stewart, Lincoln Anderson
Dengle, Sydney Henry Malmed, Helen Stites, Ellen Fay
Dewey, Max Marsh, Kate Stone, Edward S.
Donelson, Gladys Adelaide Martens, Margaret Helen Stookey, Mildred Jane
Dyer, Tom Mays, Anna Strittmatter, Ambrose Nicholas
Ebers, Elizabeth Louise McGeeney, Gerva Ethelda Strothers, Alice Lucille
Edwards, Wayne Russell McGlothlen, Lois Mae Sullivan, Harold Lee
Eigner, Carl Fredrick McLaughlin, Phyllis Eileen Sutton, Art
Elgar, Merre Virginia McMaster, C. Fulton Talkington, Marjora Ellen
Ellis, Genevieve June McPherson, Burl Tharnish, Bernadette Leola
Elliston, Dorothy Esther Melone, Mary Louise Tharp, Mary Louise
Else, Catherine Ille Merrill, Charles Thomas Thielking, Paul William
Emery, Ellen Marie Michils, Dolores Thomas, Richard Franklin
Evans, Floyd Deloss Miller, Lindin Paul Thompson, Marjorie Carolyn
Fairchild, Jack Mills, Ethelmaye Thornton, Velda Gladys
Felse, June Edith Milton, Jessie May Torgerson, Margaret Helene
Fisch, Florian Moore, Thomas Raymond, Jr. Turbett, Ruth Nadine
Flanders, Marston Moreland, Eleanor Rose Turner, Dorothy Ruth
Fleming, Ward Wright Morgan, Leota Clarice Ullrich, Douglas Alexis
Ford, Alpha Mae Morris, Ben Russell Utterback, William Ferdinand
Foster, Opal Jean Morris, Donald James Van Maren, Victor Henry
Gibson, Dorothy Marie Mulvaney, Lucille Marie Varellas, Florence Louise
Ginder, Charles Ervin Mumma, Mildred Kathleen Wallace, Ardys Mar
Gordinier,Georgia Grace Murphy, Bette Jane Ware, Floyd John
Gould, Loretta Marie Murphy, Betty Warner, Waldo George
Grace, Bill Joseph Naumann, Ralph Arnold Waterbury, Mildred Lucile
Graham, Edna Marie Nellis, Wilbur Roy Weidner, Josephine Ellen
Gray, Geraldine Louise Nelson, Craig Merrill Welch, Edwin Simmons
Gresham, Marguerite Maxine Nelson, Edna Rose Williams, Ruth Bob
Gunn, John Curry Nesmith, Betty Jane Williams, Thomas David
Hafner, Marie Joan Neswold, Stewart Theodore Wilson, Weiser White
Hall, Chester LeRoy Nish, Virginia Katherine Wirt, Betty Catherine
Hall, Lucille O'Grady, Gertrude Estelle Wise, Esther Marion
Hall, Ted Stephen Olsen, Glen Chris Wise, Sam
Hankins, Harriet Deurella Olsen, Marjorie Emma Yeglin, David
Hannan, Wilma Frances Owens, Fred York, Janet Barkley
Hanson, Lorene Winnifred Oxborrow, Mary Virginia Yurich, Mildred Lucille
Hargrove, George, Jr. Patrice, Helen Louise Zavatsky, Minnie
Harsh, Jack Patrick, Marjorie Maxine x
Graduates - August, 1936 (numbered 22)
Andrew, Helen Gail Gilman, John Kind, Anna Loretta
Barker, Fred Wayne Grose, Geraldine Lee, Mary Virginia
Cahill, Esther Elois Grover, Justine Beulah Lunt, Deborah Mildred
Callan, Mary Magdalen Hammer, Albert Millard, Forrest Spencer
Chenoweth, Martha Elaine Harmon, Marion Darrell Ogden, George Standish
Cross, Wahneta (Pat) Hearn, Phyllis Joan Peerboom, Evelyn Carolyn
DeCarlo, Florina Florence Jose, Margot Jane Weir, Clarence D.
Drennen, Robert Hugh x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1936
January/June/August, 1936
(*transferred to specific grad class; i.e., Jan., June, August)
* Agard, Ora L. * Isenberger, Grace I.
* Akes, Dan R. Johnson, Richard
* Allen, Robert R. * Juneau, Mary M.
* Ashbury, Mary Jane Keleher, Margaret N. (Paul) (d.12/19.05) 2005
* Baker, Dick * Kephart, Charles B., Jr.
* Ballantyne, Selby * Kibbee, Mary Eileen
* Banta, Keith Darrell (d. 08/23/06) (June) 2006 Lawhead, Harold R.
* Barnhart, Mack M. Layman, George Herder (d.03/01/42) Jan. 1942
* Begalske, Robert Lee, Charles P.
* Benfer, Fredric Perry Light, Max 2004
* Bloom, Ednamae (Fredrickson) 1998 * Likes, Anna (Brewster)
* Boyce, Donald G. Linn, Eugene W.
* Breiholtz,Ruth Ella (Greenlee) (d.08/09/06) 2006 * Lowe, Wesley E.
* Brewer, Don E. * Maier, Charles V.
* Brim, Ivan D. * Millard, Forrest S.
Brown, Frances I. * Melone, Mary Louise
* Burdick, Helen L. * MacDougall, David G., Jr.
Burns, Robert C. * MacKinnon, Ross Edward (d.08/25/80) 1980
Burns, Robert J. Morris, Donald James (d. 2005) 2005
* Cadwell, Marjorie E. (Flesher) Nance, Frances
* Carlson, Warren R. * Nelson, Craig Merrill
Clark, James W. * Nelson, Edna Rose
Comito, Joe Norman, Wilbur Frank (d. 01/03/96) (Jan.) 1996
Conklin, Claude, Jr. * Ogden, George Standish (d.09/05/76) 1976
* Connelly, Richard J. * Ogle, William H.
* Crittenden,Maxine (Terry) (d.02/22/05)(June) 2005 * O'Grady, Gertrude E.
* Cross,Wahneta(Pat)(Boatwright) (d.09/03/06) 2006 O'Hara, Leonard W. (d.09/16/42 England) 1942
* Crowley, Mary Jane (Meier) (d.04/25/00) 2000 * Olsen, Glen C.
Cunningham, Charles W. * Owens, Fred
* Dalton, John Joseph * Quetschenbach, Russell
Davey, Charles A. * Reynolds, Margaret Ann
DeHaan, Oliver R. * Riggs, Andrew J. (d.11/04/03) 2003
Dodd, Wanda * Robb, Weldon Edward (d.03/11/85) 1985
Dunlap, Bettie C. * Ryan, Margaret E.
* Else, Catherine I. * Scarpiniti, Charles C.lement
* Evans, Floyd D. * Shaw, Gabrielle Marie (Jones) (d. 08/05/06) 2006
Fick, Robert A. * Shaw, Mildred F.
* Flanders, Marston * Shearn, Eula J.
Flatley, Dan C., Jr. (d.09/03/05) 2005 * Snyder, Phillip Henry
* Fleming, Ward Wright (d.11/26/05) 2005 * Sowash, Cliff, Jr.
Garland, Helen M. (Davis) (d. 08/20/06) 2006 * Speridon, Constance H.
Gillam, Rhoba J. Spuzzello, Josephine
* Gilman, John * Stewart, James W.
* Grose, Geraldine * Stone, Edward S. (d.08/15/43) 1943
* Hall, Theodore S. * Ullrich, Douglas A.
Hankins, Harriett D. Wampler, Robert E.
* Hatch, Raymond * Weidner, Josephine Ellen (Korte) (d.08/05/98) 1998
Hightower, Herndon * Weir, Clarence
* Hill, Kenneth M. * Welch, James
* Hoegh, Charlotte L. West, Kathleen L.
* Holland, Henry Horace White, Mildred W.
* Hopkins, William James Wickwire, Walter
* Hough, Phyllis Illene * Wilson, Weiser W.
* Howland, Isabel R. * Yurich, Mildred L.
* Hughes, Betty A. Zook, Howard
* Hunt, John R. x
January, 1936 (working on this file)
Asbury, Mary Jane Overton, Erma Margaret (Norman) (d.03/20/05) 2005
Baker, Dick Pearlman, Joseph Henry (d.08/01/09) 2009
Chamberlain, Margaret Frances (04/18/94) 1994 Peterson, Florence Irene (Hartman) (d.04/03/15) 2015
Balanoff, Morris Leo (d.08/15/09) 2009 Porter, Georgia (Dowd) (d.07/04/09) 2009
Dalton, John Joseph Quetschenbach, Russell Carl
Flatley, James C., Jr. (d.09/03/05) 2005 Riggs, Andrew J. (d.11/04/03) 2003
Fox, Ernie Bunten (d.07/13/97) 1997 Royal, Lewis A. (d.09/28/08) 2008
Greendahl, Jeanne Louise (d.09/08/07) 2007 Scorpiniti, Charles Clement
Hill, Kenneth Marvin Sear, Ward S. (d.09/18/01) 2001
Holland, Henry Horace Snyder, Philip Henry
Hough, Phyllis Illene Udey, Nellie Ilene (Lefler) (d.05/01/13) 2001
Isenberger, Grace Inger Vestine, Ida Floriene (Fox) (d.09/23/08) 2008
Kirby, Sidney Maxwell (d.11/06/09) 2009 Welch, James
Layman, George Herder (d.03/01/42) 1942 Wilmot,Mildred Virginia (Coffin) (d.02/04/08) 2008
Norman, Wilbur Frank (d.01/03/96) 1996 Yazman, Louie Dave (d.04/27/07) 2007
Ogle, William Henry Yazman, Louie Dave (d.04/27/07) 2007
June, 1936 (working on this file)
Agard, Ora L. Likes, Anna (Brewster)
Akes, Dan R. Lowe, Wesley E.
Allen, Robert R. MacDougall, David G., Jr.
Ballantyne, Selby MacKinnon, Ross Edward (d.08/25/80) 1980
Banta, Keith Darrell (d. 08/23/06) (June) 2006 Maier, Charles V.
Barnhart, Mack M. Marsh, Kate (Goldman) (d.03/19/90) 1990
Begalske, Robert Melone, Mary Louise
Benfer, Frederic Perry McLaughlin, Phyllis Eileen (d.01/17/19) 2019
Bloom, Ednamae Nellis, Wilbur Roy (d.04/19/18) 2018
Boyce, Donald Guy Nelson, Craig Merrill
Breiholtz,Ruth Ella (Greenlee) (d.08/09/06) Nelson, Edna Rose
Brewer, Don E. 2006 O'Grady, Gertrude E.
Brim, Ivan D. Olsen, Glen C.
Brunia, Marion W. (d.02/28/05) Olsen, Marjorie Emma (Griffith) (d.10/15/14) 2014
Burdick, Helen 2005 Oxborrow,Mary Virginia (Aldrich) (d.12/04/10) 2010
Cadwell, Marjorie M. (Thresher) Owens, Fred
Carlson, Warren Powell, Eleanor Rebecca (Archer) (d.03/23/13) 2013
Cave, Mrytle Lenora (Lake) (d.10/01/10) Proctor, Lorraine Ethel (d.04/21/00) 2000
Clark,HildredElizabeth(Stenstrom) (d.5/12/10) 2010 Raymond, Stanley Joseph (d.01/01/01 2001
Connelly, Richard J. 2010 Reeck, Frederick Arthur (d.09/02/11) 2011
Crittenden,Maxine (Terry) (d.02/22/05) Reynolds, Margaret Ann
Crowley,Mary Jane (Meier) (d.04/25/00) Rissman, Abraham Alan (d.05/14/14) 2014
Dalton,LaVonne Deloris(Reilly)(d.05/08/12) 2000 Robb, Weldon Edward (d.03/11/85) 1985
Dengle, Sydney Henry (d.08/14/14) 2012 Royce, Leland A. (d.08/87) 1987
Ebers, Elizabeth Louise (Gelwicks) (d.2012) 2014 Ryan, Margaret Elaine
Else, Catherine I. 2012 Shaw, Gabrielle Marie (Jones) (d. 08/05/06) 2006
Evans, Floyd D. Shaw, Mildred F.
Flanders, Marston Shearn, Eula Jeanne
Fleming, Ward Wright (d.11/26/05) Sowash, Cliff, Jr.
Gould, Loretta Marie (Zuendel) (d.10/12/10) 2005 Speridon, Constance H.
Hall, Theodore S. 2010 Stenoish,MarcellaDorothy(Gangl) (d.05/24/09) 2009
Hatch, Raymond F. Stewart, Jack
Heggen, John W. (d.04/18/89 2005 Stone, Edward S. (d.08/15/43) 1943
Hoegh, Charlotte L. 1989 Strittmatter, Ambrose Nicholas (d.11/06/10) 2010
Hopkins, William James (d.10/70) Thielking,Paul W. (d.12/03/10) 2010
House, Edna May (d.12/30/11) 1970 Turbett, Ruth Nadine (Gustafson) (d..05/25/15) 2015
Howland, Isabel R. 2011 Ullrich, Douglas A.
Hughes, Bette Ann Waterbury,Mildred Lucile (Stoddard)(d.12/7/9) 2009
Hunt, John R. Weidner,Josephine Ellen (Korte) (d.08/05/98) 1998
Hyman, Dorothy Nettie Welch, Edwin Simmons (d.01/29/10) 2010
Johnson, Clifford R. Wilson, Weiser W.
Juneau, Marcelynne Wirt, Betty Catherine (Darrimon) (d.03/30/08) 2008
Kephart, Charles Barry, Jr. (d.07/11/85) 1985 Yeglin, David (d.03/02/00) 2000
Kibbee, Mary Eileen 1985 York, Janet Barkley (Bridges/Reese) (d.01/09/09) 2009
Koufer, Molly (Sandler) (d.01/16/14) 2014 Yurich, Mildred L.
Larsen, Signe (Sharp) (d.03/22/11) 2011 x x
August, 1936 (working on this file)
Cross,Wahneta(Pat)(Boatwright) (d.09/03/06) 2006 Millard, Forest S.
Gilman, John Ogden, George Standish (d.08/05/76) 1976
Grose, Geraldine Weir, Clarence D.
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
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Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
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Carolyn Peerboom Warner Charlotte Kilbourne Kerr Charlotte Kilbourne Kerr Etha Kooyman Bell Alice Patton Thomas Ila Hart Howell Ilene Udey Max Light's wife, Jessie M. Light Ellen F. Stites Florence Peterson Florence Peterson Clara E. Sims Evans Sr. Charles Marie Cavanaugh Mary Imogene Holmes Myer Kate March Vera Davis Noble Barba K. Mayo Elder Barba K. Mayo Elder Hildred E. Clark Stenstrom Hildred E. Clark Stenstrom Phyllis McLaughlin Ruthella Greenlee Violet Hartness Murray Waunetta Gourley Broyles Virginia E. Agrell Hummer Gabrielle M. Shaw Jones Phyllis Jacob Oster Veneta Hirschler Booth Phyllis Jacobs Oster Alice Davis Keeley Ida Vestine Fox Georgia Porter Dowd Mary Jane Crowley Meier Jeanne L. Greendahl Margaret Hawthorn Fagen Blanche Snyder White Margaret Torgerson Redfield unidentified Margaret Hinrichsen Justine Asgyle Margaret Hinrichsen Dorothy Jean Jarnagin Mathews LaVonne D. Dalton Reilly unidentified Molly Koufer Sandler Gerald (Jerry) A. Mathews unidentified Charles Merrill Johnie Warner (Carolyne Peerboom Warner's husband) William A. Kerr unidentified Stewart Neswold Max Light Alpha Ford unidentified Joe Pearlman Andy Riggs Bob Gaskill unidentified Lewis Royal Gino Carrera Margaret Belvedere Dorothy EllistonTate Jeraldyne L. Bates Lopez Wilbur Norman Charles Noble Max Kirby unidentified Max Kirby Clark L. Allen Betty Ebers Gelwicks Robert (Bob) R. Hays Edna Mae Bloom Phyllis Rankin Ashba Bob Schall Kenny Rank George Hargrove Art Sutton Art Sutton Abe Rissman George B. Shaw C. Edwin Johnson Marjorie Johnson (C. Edwin Johnson's wife) Merle D. Kirstein Fred Kardon Morris Balanoff Gerald Sparks Elizabeth Smith Sparks unidentified Tom Frame unidentified Wilbur R. Nellis Josephine Korte (Robert Korte' s wife) Dorothy Hyman Goldberg Maxine Terry Woodrow Fox unidentified Larry Leaverton unidentified Ruth Turbett Gustafson Ted Gurner Ben Small Bob Perkins Victor Schafer unidentified Ethel Kirby, Max Kirby's wife William A. Kerr Paul Theilking Floyd Ware James Sandon unidentified Myron Isenberger Warren Judd Victor H. Van Maren Mildred Pratley Richard F.Thomas Ed Welch Max E. Dewey unidentified unidentified Abe Rissman Lou Yazman Ida Vestine Fox