North Des Moines High School
Class of 1957
60th Reunion; 2017
January Class (no 60th reunion planned); June Class August 18-19-20, 2017)
(60th Reunion details below)
Class Meetings:
As below.
January Class Below
January, 1957 Class:
Did you join us at your 50th reunion?

September 7-8-9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday Tavern 2 (mixer)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
AM Tour of Old North High (9:00AM at 8th St. entrance)
PM: Golf game for those who wish
PM Willow Creek Golf Course
140 Army Post Road
West Des Moines, IA
(515) 285-4558
Group Photo: 6:45PM/Stover Saturday, Willow Creek Golf Course
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Sunday: Buffet Brunch   Valley West Inn
3535 Westown Pkwy.
West Des Moines, IA  50266-1007
(515) 225-2524
50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class
50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class
50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class 50th Reunion/January Class
January Class - 50th Reunion; September 8, 2007
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Phyllis Ball Kester, Sue Richardson Poppino, Sheryl Ford Wayman, Rosemary Shepard Talarico Kirgan, Rose Broquet Ehl, Carol Lamb Johnson, Betty Moll Chandler, Sheila Osborne Frost
2nd Row Frank Payne, Ted Brown, JoAnn Parks White, Roy Freed, Phyllis Lukehart Fuja, Dean Fiene, Beverly Hewitt, Marcia Carley Everhart Campbell, Jonathan Seaman, Mary Lucas Kalberg
3rd Row Larry Rader, Jack Agnew, Gary King, Glenn Graves, Norman Weathers, Larry Porter
Gary and Mary King
Dean and Judy Fiene Larry and Marge Porter Marcia Carley Campbell
and Paul Campbell
Mary Lucas Kalberg
and John Kalberg
Larry and Karen Drake Phyllis Lukehart Fuja,
Jonathan Seaman
Rosemary Shepard Kirgan
and Pat Kirgan
Bev Hewitt, Sheryl Ford Wayman,
Rosemary Shepard Kirgan
Kay Miller Hedding, Phyllis Ball Kester,
Carol Lamb Johnson
Sheryl Rader, Larry Rader,
Sheila Osborne Frost
JoAnn Parks White,
Roy and Barbara Freed
January Class - 35th Reunion; May 22-24, 1992
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Mary Jo Gerhart Klingbeil, Norman Weathers, Diane Rodine Brobst, Irvin Vidis, Beverly Hewitt, JoAnn Parks White
2nd Row Jack Linn, Gary King, Ted Brown, Jack Agnew, Larry Rader, Dean Fiene, Roy Freed
Photo: Compliments of Jack Agnew
January Class - 25th Reunion, June 19-20, 1982
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Janice King Follmer, Eleanor Winick Wolfson, Beverly Hewitt, Irvin Vidis, Doris Walker Kluesner, Janet Roberts Burke
2nd Row Sue Fenton Critelli, Sheryl Ford Wayman, Rosemary Shepard Kirgan, Maxine Clark, Sherry Albright Sanford, Helen Galenbeck Frangos, Phyllis Lukehart Fuja, Norman Weathers, Gary King, Mary Jo Gerhart Klingbeil
3rd Row Sharon Dengle Watson, Janet Stroh Hiemstra, Shelia Osborne Harms (nearly hidden behind Sheryl Wayman), Marilyn Wilson Lewallen, Mary Anne Ziegler Goodman, Gary Jotzke (behind Helen Frangos), Diane Lyon Marcheschi,
4th Row JoAnn Parks White (hidden behind Rosemary Kirgin), Ted Brown, Jim Hall, Dean Fiene, Jack Agnew, Larry Drake
Photo: Compliments of Jack Agnew
(l-r): Betty Moll Chandler, Rosemary Shepard Kirgan, Mary Jo Gerhart Klingbeil,
Sheila Osborne Harms, JoAnn Parks White, Beverly Hewitt, Maxine Clark, Phyllis Lukehart Fuja
  (l-r) Glenn Graves, Jim Hall
Norman Weathers, Gary King
(l-r) Jack Agnew,
Janet Roberts Burke, Jim Hall
Class of January, 1957 - 25th Reunion
Picnic at Saylorville Lake, June 20, 1982
Photos: Compliments of Bev Hewitt
  (l-r) Tom Hiemstra, Jack Agnew,
Janet Stroh Hiemstra,
Sheryl Ford Wayman
(l-r) Sandra Ashby Jefferson,
Eleanor Winick Wolfson,
Wanda Ashby McClain
  (l-r) Sheila Osborne Harms,
Gary and Marilyn Wilson Lewallen
(l-r) Irvin and Irene Vidis,
Janice King Follmer
Class of January, 1957 - 25th Reunion - June 19, 1982
Dinner/Dance, Hotel Fort Des Moines
Photos: Compliments of Bev Hewitt
January, 1957 Class taken January 24, 1957
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Judy Johnson, Dale Allen, Jim Hall, Jack Agnew, Roy Freed, Jonathan Seaman, Frank Payne, Glenn Graves, Judy Brick
2nd Row Rosemary Shepard, Maxine Clark, Shirley Mardis, Susan Kochhieser, Eleanor Winick, Phyllis Ball, Carol Lamb, Norman Weathers, Elmer McQuitty, Doris Walker
3rd Row Bev Hewitt, Marcia Carley, Donald Reiger, Erleen Myers, Diane Rodine, Betty Moll, Roma Williams, Betty J. Taylor, Janet Roberts, Sheryl Ford
4th Row Irvin Vidis, Janet Stroh, Diane Browning, Gary King, Kay Wilson, Sharon Dengle, Kathryn Conradi, Rose Broquet, Sheila Johnson, Sheila Osborne, Janice King
5th Row Phil Siegel, Sherry Albright, Mary Lucas, Kay Miller, Dennis Ahn, Art Sterrett, Richard Walton, Norva Terrill, Phyllis Lukehart, Esther Ruth Jeannette
6th Row Larry Stevens, Mary A. Ziegler, Marlene Kienast, Sonja Twedt King, Marilyn Wilson-Lewallen, Diane Lyon, Sheila Dixon, Karen Lynn, Wanda Ashby, Sue Fenton
7th Row JoAnn Parks, Jack Linn, Gary Jotzke, Rodney Wilson, Lance Weston, Larry Rader, Bob Allen, Larry Porter, Pat Alexander, Donna Keener
8th Row Clayton Gregersen, Ronald Davis, Dean Fiene, Larry Drake, Mort Staggs, Ken Thornton, Vernie Douglas, Duane Thornton, Larry Winget
  Not shown: Aaron Kiess, Glenda Goodwin-Rousseau, Madelene Wells
Photo: Compliments of Jack Agnew
Identification from the scrapbook of the late L. Maxine Clark
Class numbers 79.
June Class Below
June, 1957 Class:
Are you joining us at your 60th Reunion?

5-10PM Meet and Greet

Donna Reed Theatre
at Woodlands Creek Retirement Center
12675 Woodlands Parkway
Clive, IA 50325
(515) 222-3424
Saturday, August 19, 2017
AM/PM Possible: Iowa State Fair;You might include drive by of old grade and junior high schools, new DM sites like Hy-Vee Hall of Fame, Science Center, Principal Park, State Capitol, East Village, old North High, new DM Public Library, Gateway Park, River Walk, Simon Estes amphitheater, etc, Women's Soldheim Cup Golf Tournament at Des Moines Golf and Country Club. Farmers' Market at downtown core.
5:00PM until ? Felix and Oscar's Restaurant
4050 Merle Hay Road
Urbandale, IA 50322
(515) 278-8887
Group Photo: 7:00PM?
(515) 321-6691
Stover Photographic Services
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Machine Shed
I-80 and Hickman Road (11151 Hickman Road)
Des Moines, IA 50322
(515) 270-6818
June Class - 60th Reunion; August 19, 2017
Felix & Oscar's Restaurant; Urbandale, IA 50322
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row names coming
2nd Row names coming
3rd Row names coming
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
June Class - 55th Reunion; June, 23, 2012
Woodlands Creek Retirement Center, Clive, IA 50235
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Virginia Bolton Smith, Ellie Goodman Radcliff, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Karen Porter Evans, Nancy Dann Salvo, Bertha Kaldenberg Christiansen, Judy McDowell Blankenship, Nancy Newell Penn, Peggy Martin Casper
2nd Row Kae Coppock, Darlene Speck Cocks, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, Skip Bond, Gary Ford, Sue Tamse, Joan Ellis Lockner, Phyllis Wade Hansman, Donna Koehl Schein, Carol Madison Cawley, Judy McMahan Waters, Pat Linnane Hollingsworth, Gerrie Davis Oliver, Madelyn Frits Eberle
3rd Row Karen Silliman Tandy, Woody Bell, Terry Lockner
4th Row Roy Evans, Tom Hall, Eddy Lang, Terry Jackson, Jack Penn, John Cothorn, Ron Huff, Dennis Rhoads, Dennis Brady, Leonard Perry, Matthew Campbell Jim Spratt
enlarged left side of 55th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
enlarged right side of 55th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
June, 1957 Class: Did you join us at your 50th Reunion?
Friday, August 10, 2007
5-11PM Raccoon River Park Nature Lodge
2500 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, IA 50312
(515) 222-3424
Nature Lodge map
Group Photo: 7:00PM
Stover Photographic Services
Saturday, August 11, 2007
AM   Possible bus tour of the New Des Moines; may begin at Hy-Vee Hall of Fame to include drive by old grade and junior high schools, new DM sites like Science Center, Principal Park, State Capitol, East Village, old North High, new DM Public Library, Gateway Park, River Walk, Simon Estes amphitheater, etc.
AM or PM   Possible tour of Capitol (apart from tour suggested above)
AM or PM   Golf (Saturday or Sunday, am)
5:30PM Chuck's Italian & American Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313-4155
  (515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad map
Sunday, August 12, 2007
10:00AM/Brunch Underfer
50th Reunion/June Class 50th Reunion/June Class
50th Reunion/June Class 50th Reunion/June Class
June Class - 50th Reunion; August 10, 2007
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Sharon Lewis Mullin, Sharon Ruemper West, Madelyn Fritz Eberle, Beverly Bailey Jenkins, Gerry Davis Oliver, Judy Lambert Boat, Shari Robinson Linn, Judi Dodd Nielsen, Judy McDowell Blankenship, Shirley Katzenberger, Victor Propes, Patricia Linnane Hollingworth, Bertha Kaldenberg Christiansen, Nancy Newell Coogan, Martha Brodrick Abbas
2nd Row Carolyn Orr Puppos, David Yearian, Tom Hall, Marjorie Burns Heatherington, Wayne Whitney, Charles Wood, Jack Penn, Virginia Bolton Smith, Jim Underfer, Carl McKirgan, Sue Tamse Betsinger, Darlene Speck Cocks, Elaine Brooks Williams, Bob Fong, Kathy Coppock, Nancy Dunn Salvo, Carol Madison Cawley, Donna Koehl Schelin, Terry Beadle, Phyllis Wade Hansman, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Eleanor Goodman Radcliff, Karen Porter Evans, Matthew Campbell, Joan Ellis Lockner, Bob Buss, Judy McMahan Waters, Terry Lockner, Peggy Martin Casper
3rd Row Ed Lang, Dennis Rhoads, Randy Bracken, Dennis Brady, Doug Wiesner, Ron Huff, Jim Spratt, Gary Ford, Woody Bell, Terry Jackson, Skip Bond, Jim Worden, Roy Evans, Jennifer Aitkens Wegner
Absent Not pictured due to late arrival: John Cothorn, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, Mary Lins Sage, Anne Lippincott Reeves, Scott Nicol, Marja Parker Waldon, Leonard Perry, Joyce Sales Shoeman, Georgenna Spencer Wagner
enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of June, 1957 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo; June, 1957 class
Beverly Bailey Jenkins
and Jim Jenkins
David and
Barbara Yearian
James and
Cathryn Worden
Woodrow and
Sandy Bell
Douglas and
Malinda Wiesner
Carol Madison Cawley
and Roger Cawley
Judith Dodd Nielsen
and Dennis Nielsen
Judith Lambert Boat
and X Boat
Frank Linn, Jr. and
Sharon Robinson Linn
Gary and Marna Ford Donna Koehl Schelin
and Jim Schelin
Dennis and Linda Rhoads
Virginia Bolton Smith,
Ronald Huff
Phyllis Wade Hansman,
Robert Fong
Gerry Davis Oliver
and John Oliver
June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002
June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002
June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002 June Class, 45th Reunion, 2002
June Class - 45th Reunion - May 4, 2002
(at home of Jim & Alice Underfer)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Roy Evans, Ann Lippencott Reeves, Kathy Coppock, Bob Fong, Terry Myers, Jim Underfer, Matthew Campbell, Jim Spratt, Gary Ford, Terry Jackson
2nd Row Karen Porter Evans, Karla Rinehart Kruger, Virginia Bolton Smith, Bonnie Schreck Beery, Steve Leazer, Ron Huff, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Dick White, Eleanor Goodman Radcliff
3rd Row Ed Lang, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, Dennis Rhoads, Karen Silliman, Terry Lockner, Joan Ellis Lockner, Skip Bond, Randy Bracken, Jim Worden, Woody Bell, Dennis Brady, Tom Hall
Photo: Compliments of Bob Fong
June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987 June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987
June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987 June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987
June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987 June Class, 30th Reunion, 1987
June Class - 30th Reunion - 1987
Photo by Stover Photographic Services  ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row John Cothorn, Carl McKirgan, Jim Underfer, Robert Plumb, Gordon Schwartz, Tom Hall, Scott Nicol, Lowell Bark, Jim Spratt
2nd Row Karolyn Hays Query, Sue Tamse Betsinger, Julie Ince Anderson, Eleanor Goodman Radcliff, Diane Davidson Crowell-Pena, Karen Silliman Elwell, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Margie Burns Hetherington, Kathy Coppock Groe, Virginia Bolton Smith, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, Judy McDowell Blankenship, Kay Kircher Griffin, Peggy Martin Casper, Darlene Speck Cocks, Shari Robinson Linn (standing)
3rd Row Ann Ruby Winkelhake, Larry Black, David DeBolt, Roy Evans, Steve Leazer, Randy Bracken, Doug Wiesner, William Johnson, Don Butcher, Gary Ford, Harold Johnson, David Mullen, Ron Huff, Dick White, Dennis Brady, Woody Bell, Helen Porter Hoeven, Jim Long, Matthew Campbell, Eddie Lang
Photo: Compliments of Virginia Bolton Smith
June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982
June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982
June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982 June Class, 25th Reunion, 1982
June Class - 25th Reunion - Sunday, June 20, 1982
Picnic; Saylorville Lake
Photo by James T. Kascoutas, Creative Photography
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Lois Breeding Davis, Carla Rinehart Kruger, Peggy Martin Casper, Joyce Sales Shoeman, Nancy Dann Salvo, Eleanor Goodman Radcliff, Woody Bell, Dennis Brady, Kay Kircher Griffin, Jim Underfer, Terry Jackson
2nd Row Bill Mehlhorn, Dick White, Tom Young, Helen Porter Kauffman, Randy Bracken, John Cothorn, Bonnie SchreckBeery, Darlene Speck Cocks, Joan Ellis, Virginia Bolton Smith, Kathy Coppock, Nancy Newell Coogan, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, X, X, Karolyn Hays Query, Shirley Katzenberger, Sharon Ruemper West, Paula Stutsman Michel
3rd Row X, Ron Huff, Jack Penn, Doug Weisner, Eddie Lang, Dick Johnson, Conover Johnson, Dennis Rhodes, Bill Johnson, Tom Hall, Gary Ford, Jim Spratt, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Earl Brown
Photo: Compliments of Virginia Bolton Smith
June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977
June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977
June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977 June Class, 20th Reunion, 1977
June Class - 20th Reunion - August 13, 1977
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Ed Lang, Earl Brown, Nancy Correll Young, Matthew Campbell, Sharon Hammitt Rucker, Jim Underfer, Phyllis Wade Hansman, Leola Upchurch Beem, Kay Norton Mark
2nd Row Tom Hall, Gary Ford, Patsy Hoy Martin, Patti Day Gibson, Peggy Martin Casper, Virginia Bolton Smith, Gerry Davis Oliver, Nancy Dann Salvo, Sallee Accola Schuldt, Phyllis Brackett Spratt, Kathy Coppock, Harold Johnson
3rd Row Dick White, Gayle Olson Collett, Karolyn Hays Query, Christina McClure Thompson, Jim Spratt, Tom Young, Dennis Brady, Jerry Johnson, Karen Silliman Tandy
4th Row Dick Johnson, Terry Jackson, Rick Horrocks, Jim Long, Donna Koehl Schelin, Randy Bracken, Mary Jo Dunn Phelan, Woody Bell, Kay Reichenbacher Pearson, Joan Ellis, Sue Tamse Betsinger, Bertha Kaldenberg Christiansen, Louise Keck, Helen Porter, Doug Weisner
Above Photo: Compliments of Virginia Bolton Smith
June, 1957 Class taken June, 1957
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row names
2nd Row names
3rd Row names
4th Row names
5th Row names
6th Row names
7th Row names
8th Row names
9th Row names
10th Row names
enlarged left side of 1957 June graduation photo
enlarged center section of 1957 June graduation photo
enlarged right side of 1957 June graduation photo

January 1957
Class Officers

Larry Rader
Jack Agnew
Beverly Hewitt
Gary Jotzke
Sheila Johnson
Judy Brick
Jack Linn

June 1957
Class Officers

Marvin A. Bond, Jr.
Douglas Warren Wiesner
Sallee Lucille Accola
Sharon Lee Lewis
Beverly Ann Lewis
Dwight Andrew Sage
Carrie Kathleen Coppock
Robert Chue Fong
Fall Student Council Fall Student Council Fall Student Council
Fall Student Council Fall Student Council Fall Student Council
Fall Student Council Fall Student Council Fall Student Council
Fall Student Council
Row 1 Jim Long, Barbara Jo Moran, Jim Hall, Kay Miller, Tom Hall
Row 2 Mr. Lory, Phyllis Brackett, Virginia Daly, Carol Lamb, Cathy Winter, Madeline Wells, Irvin Vidis, Al Collier, Sallee Accola, Jo Fuller, Linda Bowes, Shirley Phillips, Al Winick, Carol McClellan, Helen Owens
Row 3 Georgianna Sexauer, Phyllis Hall, Kay Reichenbacker, Bob Stewart, Jean Rinne, Kathy Coppock, Nancy Goldberg, Bill Long, Mary Linns, Diane Lyons, John Havnen, Gerri Davis
Row 4 Beverly Bailey, Kathy Conradi, Dave Heefner, Jim Underfer, Jim Spratt, Dave Hubbard, Leon Redko, Jerry Jensen, Richard Bilsland, Joyce Sales, Nancy Britton
Row 5 Gary Jotzke, Russell Olsan, Dick White, Ron Huff, Phil Enabnit, Jim Worden, Don Clay, Roger McKinney, Bob McCauley, Larry Rader. Absent: Jerry Wilhelm
Spring Student Council Spring Student Council Spring Student Council
Spring Student Council Spring Student Council Spring Student Council
Spring Student Council Spring Student Council Spring Student Council
Spring Student Council
Row 1 Russ Darr, Herb Davenport, Russ Francisco, Richard Fox, Doug Rowland, Gordon Black, Jerry Wilhelm, Rex Osborn, Don Clay
Row 2 Mr. Lory, Roswitha Hewerer, Gerrie Davis, Georgianna Sexauer, Peggy Martin, Carol McClellan, Beverly Bailey, Julie Stewart, Jo Ann Miller, Jo Fuller, Jimmye Bond, Nancy Smith
Row 3 Al Winick, Nancy Newell, Kay Reichenbacher, Mary Ruby Goldynne Booth, Kathy Coppock, Mary Ann Hendrix, Marlene Brockmeier, Jennifer Aitken, Dorothy Diehl, Helen Owens, Jean Hamilton
Row 4 Bob Divelbiss, Richard Braumbaugh, Woody Bell, Nelson Pearce, Joe DeFino, Ed Quiner, Eddie Chance, John Cothorn, Jim Little, Dave Heefner, Gary Ford
Row 5 John Nau, Donovan Hanson, Jim Spratt, Doug Weisner, Rick Horrocks, Jack Penn, Jim Underfer, Earl Brown, Harry Hoskins, Shirlie Katzenberger, Tom Mayse. Absent: Nancy Burgeson, Bill Long
Rope Jumpers Rope Jumpers
Rope Jumpers Rope Jumpers
North High Rope Jumpers
Sue Fenton, Kay Reichenbacher, Mary Jo Dunn,
JoAnn Parks, Nancy Newell, Sheila Dixon, Gayle Olson
Boys' Varsity Basketball Boys' Varsity Basketball
Boys' Varsity Basketball Boys' Varsity Basketball
Boys' Varsity Basketball
(best records in last 10 years)
Row 1 Jim Shafto, Harry Scott, Jim Long, Bob McCauley, Jim Hall, Herb Davenport, Larry Black, Tom Hall
Row 2 Coach Jim Lyle, Bob Fong, Ken Richardson, Dave Bennett, Bob Johnson, Louise Hobbs, Doug Rowland, Mike Shelton, Phil Dabner, Bill Westlund
Varsity Baseball Varsity Baseball
Varsity Baseball Varsity Baseball
Varsity Baseball Varsity Baseball
Varsity Baseball
Row 1 Matthew Campbell, Jim Spratt, Doug Wiesner, Earl Brown, Tom Hall, Harry Scott, Jim Underfer, Bob Fong, Warren Yoshida, Garold Plummer
Row 2 George Falk, Bob McCauley, Larry Black, Mike Shelton, Gordon Black, Woody Bell, Tom Young, Richard Johnson, Ron Huff, Dick White, Bill Westlund, Jim Long
Boys' Track Boys' Track
Boys' Track Boys' Track
Boys' Track
(placed first in City Indoor)
Row 1 Coach Harry Mortensen, Harlan Thomas, Marvin Cooper, Don Boyd, Steve Steward, Ron Hougham, Dave Illingsworth, Bill Long, Larry Woods
Row 2 Wallace Gaines, Rick Hutton, Tom Baker, Don Costales, Gary Cozad, Val Keefer, Gary Ordway, Ed Graves, Dennis Boaz
Row 3 Mike Simmons, Fred Bolte, Dick Baldwin, Jim Favors, Ed Carter, Dave Cahow, George Robinson, John Edgren, Joe DeFino, Larry Mertinsdale, Leon Hamilton, Dennis McCraven, Harold Kemp, George Kakos
State Champions
State Champions
Sue Krantz, Mary Jo Dunn, Ann Lippincott, Barbara Jo Moran, Breta James  
Graduates - January, 1957 (numbered 82)
Agnew, John Calvin, Jr. Ford, Sheryl Ann Lukehart, Phyllis Marie Staggs, J. Mort, Jr.
Ahn, Dennis Floyd Freed, Roy James Lynn, Karen Kay Sterrett, Arthur Merle
Albright, Sherry Marie Graves, Glenn Lee Lyon, Diane Kaye Stevens, Larry Clark
Alexander, Patricia Mae Gregersen,Clayton Ludroy Mardis,Shirley Lee Irene Stroh, Janet Bruce
Allen, Dale Hall, James Norman McQuitty,Elmer Thomas Taylor, Betty Jean
Allen, Robert Eugene Hewitt, Beverly Joanne Miller, Jessie Kathleen Terrill, Norva Jean
Ashby, Wanda Lee Jaennette,Esther Ruth Moll, Betty Irene Thornton,Donaldson Duane
Ball, Phyllis Jean Johnson, Judith Ver Myers, Earleen Jean Thornton,Kenneth Preston

Brick, Judith

Johnson, Sheila Kay Osborne, Sheila Ann Vidis, Irvin Martin
Broquet, Rose Ilene Jotzke, Fred Gary Parks, JoAnn Walker, Doris Jean
Browning, Iva Diane Keener, Donna Lea Payne, Frank Marvin Walton, Richard Phillip
Carley, Marcia Ann Kienast, Marlene Kay Porter, Larry G. Weathers, Norman Lee
Clark, Lenore Maxine Kiess, Aaron Rader, Larry Scott Wells,Madelene Josephine
Conradi, Kathryn Ann King, Gary Ray Rieger, Donald Robert Weston, Lance Rodney
Davis, Ronald Lamar King, Janice Kay Roberts, Janet May Williams, Roma Darlene
Dengle, Sharon Joyce King, Sonja Twedt Rodine, Diane Wilson, Kay Barbara
Dixon, Sheila Eleanor Kochheiser, Susan Carol Rousseau,Glenda Goodwin Wilson, Rodney Mohler
Douglas, Vernie Earl Lamb, Carol Jean Seaman, Jonathan Arnold Winget, Larry Lee
Drake, Robert Larry Lewallen,Marilyn Wilson Shepard,Rosemary Catherine Winick, Eleanor Helene
Fenton, Sandra Sue Linn, John Wayne Siegel, Phillip Barry Ziegler, Mary Anne
Fiene, Dean Andrew Lucas, Mary Margaret x x
Graduates - June, 1957 (numbered 196)
Accola, Sallee Lucille Evans, Roy Mac Leazer, Stephen Deane Rice, Delpha Marie
Adams, Ronald Max Fenske, Carol Judith Lenz, Donald William Rinehart, Carla Mae
Aitken,Jennifer Ruth Fong, Robert Chue Lewis, Beverly Ann Robinson, Shari Ervine
Allen, Beverly Ann Ford, Gary Thomas Lewis, Beverly Huisman Rodine, Lorna May
Anderson, Karen Esther Frantz, Dianne Arlene Lewis, Dale Edwin Roller, James Stephen
Andrews, Phyllis Ruth Fritz, Madelyn Lee Lewis, Sharon Lee Roy, Donna Rosalie
Bailey, Beverly Ann Garsh, Don Ray Linnane, Patricia Kathryn Ruby, Ann Patricia
Bark, Lowell Wilber Goodman, Clarice Eleanor Lins, Mary Lucy Ruemper, Sharon Kay
Beadle, Terry Ernest Hall, DeVelma Lippincott, Celia Ann Sackett, Robert Nelson
Bell, Woodrow, Dale Hall, Thomas Richard Lofquist, Michael LeRoy Sage, Dwight Andrew
Bennett, Joanne Audrey Hammitt, Sharon Ann Long, James Rollie Sales, Joyce Louise
Black, Lawrence Dean Hanie, Doris Jean Lutz, Ellaine Jeanette Schneider, Larry Kay
Blakely, Glenn Carlton Hardin, David Wallace Mace, Laramer George Schoondyke, Judith Ann
Bolden, Joann Haycook, Darlene Ruth Marlow, Janice Irene Schreck, Bonita Louise
Bolton, Virginia Lea Hayden, Sandra Sue Marlow, Judith Annette Schwartz, Gordon Ray
Bond, Marvin A., Jr. Hays, Karolyn Sue Martin, Margaret Marie Severaid, Sandra Sue
Boyd, Ann Louise Heefner, David Kerry McClain Paul J. Sigman, Maurice Vern
Bracken, Randall Lee Heiberg, Eric Rolf McClure,Christina Maureen Sillman, Karen Lee
Brackett, Phyllis Jean Heuer, Sandra Anne Mehlhorn,William Bruce Smith, Gloria Ann
Brady, Dennis Harold Hewerer,Roswitha Christel Melso, Eric Carl Smith, John Leslie
Breeding, Lois Jean Hokanson, Barbara Kay Messerly, Joan Audrey Snell, Donna Jeane
Brockmeier,Marlene Louise Holtz, Robert Harold Miller, Ronald Lee Speck, Darlene Kay
Brodrick, Martha Lorraine Hoover, Larry Allen Mitchell, Mary Jayne Spratt, James Henry
Broers, Roy Lee Horrocks, Richard Wendell Monroe, Carol Ann Stanley, Susan Jane
Brown, Howard Earl, Jr. Hoy, Patsy Ann Mullen, David Clyde Starkey, Sharon Lee
Buehrer, Judith Boone Huff, Ronald Overt Murray, Nancy Lee Luella Stewart,Jeannette Louise
Burns, Marjorie Ann Huntoon, Janet Kay Myers, Terry Lee Stotts, Rex Alva Guy
Burns, Michael Arlen Hurd, Marjorie Ann Newell, Nancy Joanne Stutsman, Paula Ann
Buss, Robert Steven Huss, Kathleen Carol Nicol, Scott Brian Tam, Mergie May
Butcher, Donald Eldon Huss, Marilyn Belle Norton, Kathleen Ann Tamse, Susan Marie
Calhoun, Cynthia Ann Ince, Julia Christine Olson, Gayle Christine Taraghi, Goly
Campbell, Joyce Louise Jackson,Terrance Wallace Orr, Carolyn May Thomas, Edward Junior
Chance, Michael David Jacobs, William John, Jr. Osborn, Irvin Rex Triplet, Ada Mae
Christopher, Gary Dean Jensen, Gerald George Owens, Helen Louise Underfer, James Raymond
Clay, Donald Neil Johnson,Harold Conover,Jr. Parker, Marja Lee Upchurch, Leola Margaret
Cooper, Deanna Joyce Johnson, Richard Stone Penn, John Clarence VanWinkle, Gloria Kay
Coppock, Carrie Kathleen Johnson, William Randall Perlenfein,Ramona Anne Wade, Phyllis Ann
Correll, Nancy May Kaldenberg,Bertha Mae Perry, Leonard Leroy Webster, John David
Cothorn, John Arthur Katzenberger,Shirlie Mae Petithory, Jackie Lou Wells, Rhoba Jean
Dann, Nancy Evelyn Keck, Louise Anne Pierce, Jean Rae Wharff, Loretta Grace
Davenport,Hallie Herbert Keller, Robert Arnold Pike, Charles Leroy, Jr. Whitcomb, Sandra Kay
Davidson, Diane Rae Ketch, Rebecca Ann Plumb, Robert Arnold White, Richard Norman
Davis, Gerry Rae Kircher, Katherine Louise Poe, Barbara Ellen Whitney, Wayne Lee
Day, Patricia Ann Knight, Jay Franklin Porter, Helen Dale Wichael, Donald Eugene
Diehl, Dorothy Lorraine Knight, Judith Kay Porter, Karen Joann Wiesner, Douglas Warren
Dodd, Judith Ann Knutson, Beverly Ann Powers, Thomas David Wood, Charles Leslie
Douglas, David Lee Koehl, Donna Marie Propes, Victor Lee Worden, James Hartley
Dunn, Mary Jo Lambert, Judith Elaine Reichenbacher,Anita Kay Young, Nancy Kay
Ellis, Joan Kay Lang, Edward Oran Rhoads, Dennis Alvin Young, Thomas Lee
Graduates - August, 1957 (numbered 11)
Brady, Robert Lee Conner, Pauline Joanne Highland, Shirley Ann Nuckolls,Florence Dell
Brooks, Elaine Corrine Godfroy, Janice Jean Hukill, Richard Lee Yearian, David Lee
Campbell, Matthew Dean Gordinier, Darrell Lee McLaughlin, Lloyd Leroy x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1957
January, 1957
Ahn, Dennis Floyd (d. 05/81) 1981 Payne, Frank Marvin (d.09/07/16) 2016
Albright, Sherry Marie (Sanford) (d.09/17/16) 2016 Porter, Larry G. (d.04/29/15) 2015
Clark, L. Maxine (d. 02/12/97) 1997 Richardson, Susan Audrey (Poppino) (d.01/03/09) 2009
Douglas, Vernie (d. 02/16/01) 2001 Staggs, J. Mort (d. 12/29/02) 2002
Fenton, Sue (Critelli) 2001 Terrill, Norva Jean 1998
Goodwin, Glenda (Rousseau) 1982 Thornton, Donaldson Duane (d. 06/24/15) 2015
Keener, Donna Lee (Scott) (d.10/02) 2002 Vidis, Irvin M. (d. 05/29/99) 1999
King, Gary Ray (d.01/14/21) 2021 Walton, Richard (d. 06/83) 1983
Kochheiser, Susan Carol 1981 Wilson, Rodney Mohler
McQuitty, Elmer Thomas (d.12/23/05) 2005 Winget, Larry Lee (d. 02/12/07) 2007
Moll, Betty Irene (Frank) (d.03/31/13) 2013 Ziegler, Mary Anne (Goodman) (d.02/04/99) 1999
Myers, Earleen Jean (Breeden) (d.07/07/14) 2014 x 1999
June, 1957
Accola, Sallee Lucille (Schuldt) (d. 11/19/85) 1985 Lewis, Sharon Lee (Mullin) (d.01/18/19) 2019
Bark, Lowell Wilber (d.06/23/07) 2007 Lofquist, Michael LeRoy (d.01/12/98) 1998
Black, Lawrence Dean (d. 04/21/98) 1998 McClure,Christina Maureen (Thompson) (d. 11/84) 1984
Bracken, Randall Lee (d.10/04/10) 2010 McKirgan, Carl Lloyd, II (d.02/06/19) (moved jr. year) 2019
Breeding, Lois Jean (Davis) (d.06/98) 1998 Melso, Eric Carl (d.02/03/88) 1988
Brodrick,Martha Lorraine (Abbas) (d.12/14/20) 2020 Norton, Kathleen Ann (Mark) (d.11/19/08) 2008
Broers, Roy Lee (d.09/29/08) 2008 Owens, Helen Louise (Miller)
Brown, Howard Earl, Jr. (d. 12/83) 1983 Penn, John Clarence (d.01/19/21) 2021
Butcher, Donald E.ldon (d.08/29/01) 2001 Pierce, Jean Rae (Chance) (d.02/07/17) 2017
Chance, Michael David (d.12/05/15) 2015 Pike, Charles LeRoy, Jr. (d.04/09/88) 1988
Christopher, Gary Dean (d.05/30/14) 2015 Propes, Victor Lee (d.08/14/15) 2015
Day, Patricia Ann (Gibson) (d. 12/27/04) 2004 Reichenbacher, Anita Kay (Pearson) (d.07/07/88) 1988
Debolt, David R. (d. 08/17/00) 2000 Roller, James Stephen (d.12/02/03) 2003
Douglas, David Lee (d.12/05/20) 2020 Ruby, Ann Patricia (Winkelhake) (d.02/05/12) 2012
Hall, DeVelma (Eubanks) (d.07/15/17) 2017 Ruemper, Sharon Kay (West) (d.06/25/11) 2011
Hays,Karolyn S. (Query) (d. 03/13/99) 1999 Sackett, Robert Nelson (d.03/09/17) 2017
Highland, Shirley Ann (Thomas) (d.10/27/08) 2008 Schoondyke, Judith Ann (Hansen) (d.01/09/05) 2005
Hewerer, Roswitha Christel (Myers) (d.11/13/91) 1991 Schwartz, Gordon Ray (d.12/29/94) 1994
Hokanson,Barbara Kay (Reid) (d.12/04/03) 2003 Smith, John Leslie (d.05/04/09) 2009
Hoy, Patsy Ann (Martin) (d.06/30/90) 1990 Snell, Donna Jeane (Zbito/Burdess) (d.03/11/12) 2012
Hukill, Richard Lee (d. 05/72) 1972 Stotts, Rex Alva Guy (d.06/15/01) 2001
Huss,Kathleen Carol (Waters) (d.04/23/11) 2011 Tam, Mergie May (Christian) (d.03/1968) 1968
Huss, Marilyn Belle (d.03/18/16) 2016 Thomas, Edward Junior (d. 07/19/00) 2000
Ince, Julia Christine (Anderson) (d.10/30/16) 2016 Upchurch, Leola Margaret (Beem) (d.03/15/88) 1988
Johnson, Richard Stone (05/06/05) 2005 Webster, John David (d.09/11/98) 1998
Johnson, William Randall (d. 11/15/97) 1997 Wells, Rhoba Jean (Turner) (d.06/20/93) 1993
Keck, Louise Anne (d.03/14/11) 2011 White, Richard Norman (d. 07/23/04) 2004
Kircher, Katherine Louise (Griffin) (d.04/26/06) 2006 Wiesner, Douglas Warren (d.02/14/11) 2011
August, 1957
Godfroy, Janice Jean (Piper) (d.02/17/12) 2012 Highland, Shirley Ann (Thomas) (d.10/27/08) 2008
Gordinier, Darrell Lee (d.01/20/11 2011 Nuckolls, Florence Dell (Stansberry) (08/05/10) 2010
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
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Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
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Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
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Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
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