North Des Moines High School
Class of 1950
60th Reunion
September 11, 2010

Class Meetings:

January Class meets:
Meets on third Thursday in January, April, July, and October. at 11:00AM at:
Chicago Speakeasy
16th and Euclid (1521 Euclid Avenue)
Des Moines, IA 50313-3010
(515) 243-3141

June Class meets:
Meets on third Thursday in January, April, July, and October. at 12:00PM at:
Chicago Speakeasy
16th and Euclid (1520 Euclid Avenue)
Des Moines, IA 50313-3010
(515) 243-3141
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Time: 5:00-10:00PM
Holiday Inn - Downtown; Tower
I-235 and 6th Avenue (1050 6th Avenue)
  Des Moines, IA 50314-2606
  (515) 283-0151
Group Photo: Stover Photographic
(515) 981-4217
  Photo scheduled for ?
Class of January and June, 1950 taken September 11, 2010
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Patty Brown Wadsworth, Ruby Livingston Wheatley, Darlene Robinson Sullivan, Margene Eng O'Leary, Nancy Williams Lyons, Bonnie Barnett Norcross, Maureen McMillen Henning, Gloryne Shaffer Ruby, Robert Grady Bethard
2nd Row (Will number original when displayed online) 1/Jody Cloud Sparks; 2/Charles Richard Palmer; 3/Barbara Cottington Penquite; 4/Donna Kachelhoffer Peterson; 5/Marcia Pettey Sears; 6/Jerry Bowlsby; 7/Nancy Atwood Wix; 8/Carl O'Neill; 9/Janet Bradley Albright; 10/Robert Wilber; 11/Janet Petty Fletcher; 12/Dan Reece; 13/John Hetherington; 14/Norma Amsberry Stapleton; 15/Max Isaacson; 16/Roger Raines; 17/Don Baldwin; 18/Margaret Shackelford Courter; 19/Jay Hytone
55th reunion of January, 1950 55th reunion of January, 1950 55th reunion of January, 1950
55th reunion of January, 1950 55th reunion of January, 1950 55th reunion of January, 1950
Class of January, 1950 taken October 1, 2005
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Patty Moomaw Winchell, Donna Kachelhoffer Peterson, Gloryne Shaffer Ruby, Darlene Robinson Sullivan, Norma Amsberry Stapleton, Eleanor Tannus Taheny, Roberta Grady Bethard
2nd Row Janet Petty Fletcher, John Hetherington, Omer Thompson, Jay Hytone, Onalee McKean Bambha
55th reunion of June, 1950 55th reunion of June, 1950 55th reunion of June, 1950
55th reunion of June, 1950 55th reunion of June, 1950 55th reunion of June, 1950
Class of June, 1950 taken October 1, 2005
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Dorothy Russell Dougherty, Frances Mikelson Davis, Anne Dallager Broshar, Janet Bradley Albright, Bonnie Barnett Norcross, Sally McGlothlen Roe, Nancy Joy Borg, Nancy Atwood Wix, Jody Cloud Sparks, Barbara Cottington Penquite
2nd Row Roy Dougherty, Robert Edwards, Margene Eng O'Leary, Joyce Acuff Minor, Maureen McMillen Henning, Roger Raines, Lorenzo Duke, Robert Sheets
3rd Row Ron Tyree, Max Isaacson
Not shown Wendell Walker Kempton
Robert Sullivan and
Darlene Robinson Sullivan
Eleanor Tannus Taheny
Donna Kachelhoffer Peterson Janet Petty Fletcher
and John Fletcher
Onalee McKean Bambha, Patty Moomaw Winchell,
Roberta Grady Bethard, Gloyne Shaffer Ruby
Roger and Sara Raines
Above photos by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
January Class of 1950 taken September 30, 2000
Photo by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Darlene (Robinson) Sullivan, Norma (Amsberry) Stapleton, Gloryne (Shaffer) Ruby, Jackie (Mongar) Coellner (deceased), Jane (Betzenhouser) Shever, Gloria (Geppert) Cole, Onalee (McKean) Bambha
2nd Row Patty (Mooma) Winchell, Phyllis (Osmond) Christensen, John Hetherington, Roberta (Grady) Bethard, Jim Lee, Omer Thompson, Janet (Petty) Fletcher, Donna (Kachelhoffer) Peterson
Photo: Compliments of Norma (Amsberry) Stapleton
June & August Class of 1950 taken September 30, 2000
Photo by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Pat (Heefner) Jensen, Joyce (Acuff) Minor, Susan (Hamilton) Wilson, Mildred (Hensley) Biermann, Lois (Moore) Logan, Jo Ann (Jeffries) Sorensen, Beverly Robinson, Sally (McGlothlen) Roe, Margaret Overton, Lenore (Hollingsworth) Markey
2nd Row Dorothy (Russell) Dougherty, Patty (Brown) Wadsworth, Jody (Cloud) Sparks, Maureen (McMillen) Henning, Gloria (Pederson) Lang, Anne (Dallager) Broshar, Roberta Baty, Joyce (Loy) Murtle, Patsy (Smithson) Hancher, Nancy (Williams) Lyons, Nancy (Atwood) Wix, Margene (Eng) O'Leary, Patty (Finley) Varnum
Back Row Bob Wilber, Roy Dougherty, Walt Woody, Max Isaacson, Ruth (Robinson) Reynolds, Paul Slack, Delores (Ringgenberg) Downard, Ira Melaas, Russ Bullard, Barbara (Erb) Davis, Ron Granzow, Jim Saylor, Margaret (Shackelford) Courter, Carl O'Neill, Dick Palmer, Dan Reece, Don Poulson, Bob Edwards, Lorenzo Duke, Janet (Bradley) Albright, Ron Tyree, Dorothea (Butler) Sparks, Barbara (Cottington) Penquite, Roger Raines, Carolyn (Huggins) Stag
Photo: Compliments of Roger Raines
Class of 1950 (January)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Eleanor Tannus, Norma Stapleton, Bill Greaves, Jane Betzenhouser, Myrna Morrison, Doris Elings, Minnette Tull, June Deierling, Faye Chaiken
2nd Row Marilyn Lyon, Krenio Polydoran, Ruth Johnson, Ruth Edgren, Butch Grady, Kathryn Richmond, Gloria Anderson, Jean Short, Patty Mooma
3rd Row Lelida Huffaker, Don Woods, Pat Thomas, Don Tshantz, Georgia Pownell, Carol Jackson, Jerry Howlett, Helen Burrell, Darlene Robinson
4th Row Paul Bosley, Bob Fuller, Doug Hutton, Jerry Callanan, Gloria Westing, Phyllis Osmond, Jim Lind, Wilma Woolsley, Janet Petty
5th Row Bob Barns, Louise Savage, Phil Brown, Barbara Cohen, Connie Carlson, Donna Kachelhoffer, Nadine Andrews, Ruth Herbert, Clara Dunlap
6th Row Jackie Mongar, Charles Springate, Harry Lawdahl, Don Baldwin, Jay Hytone, Jim Lee, Pauline Berry, Omer Thompson, Barbara Mylon
Photo: Compliments of Norma (Amsberry) Stapleton
Class of 1950 (June)
Photo: Compliments of Dorothea (Sparks) Butler and Roger Raines
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Clela Philleo, Barbara Erb, Donald Blakely, Russell Bullard, Wynetta Frakes, Bara Jo Smith, Ruby Livingston, Nancy Haag, Barbara Fisher, Wendell Kempton, Joe McDole, Allen Gilmore
2nd Row Margaret Overton, Marjorie Schnieder, Dorothea Butler, Margaret Shackelford, Charlene Young, Nancy Andreas, Francis Kious, Martha Bowlsby, Rosalie Schillinger, Bonnie Vande Venter, Joyce Acuff, Mary Powers, Marilyn Moser, Kurtis Werner, Colen Scales
3rd Row Jo Ann Smothers, Hal Stookey, Patricia Campbell, Jerry Bowlsby, Perle McMulin, Norman Linn, Joy McWilliams, Tom Davis, Joann Hill, Erma Hopper (?), Beverly Garrison, O'Joy Oaks, Donna Buss, Beverly Jean Lewis, Harriet Lautenbach, Janice Wallace, Robert Coellner
4th Row Bonnie Barnett, Ronald Ewing, Vance Brennan, Fannie Webster (?), Jo Ann Jeffries, Rosemary Freestone, Bill Burgett, Carolyn Renshaw, Donna Hazelwood, Charlene Marcovis, Dorothy Miller, Maxine Norstrum, Ruth Henneman, Jo Ann Sopher, Lenore Hollingsworth, Virginia Boys, Margene Eng, Max Isaacson
5th Row Bruce Nichols, Jim Amend, Delores Hedrick, Denzil Jones, Gloria Pederson, Esther Pace, X(?), Patricia Heefner, Jacqueline Henderson, Beverly Stephenson, Raymond Tait, Jean Pierce, Janette Zavatsky, X(?), Rosemarie Meeks, Donna Shoffner, Delores Riggenberg, Earl Richardson, Roger Raines, Ronald Potts, Richard Palmer, William Poe, William Hayes
6th Row Nancy Joy, Betty Thornes, Nancy Williams, William Kalsow, Kenneth Bobbitt, Delores Glider, Eleanor Specht, Harriet Hoffman, Nancy Atwood, Charlene Rynearson, Margaret Anderson, Sally Jo Strom, Darlene Wildt, Patricia Finley, Mollie Lamar, Joyce Fiscel, Mary Ann Firkins, Carl O'Niell, Robert Wilber, Margo Page, Dolores Ellis, Betty King, Ruth Robinson , Mildred Hensley
7th Row Mary Damon, Carolyn Huggins, Betty Van Dyke, Norma Holton, Jay Roy, William Tew, Robert Edwards, Lee Custer, Patricia Marquette, Patricia Brown, Janet Bradley, Evelyn Pontius, Nan Price, Evelyn Houghton, Marcia Pettey, Joanne Wilson, Donald Tuttle, Donald Bales, Harriet McGlothlen, Sally McGlothlen, Mary Delk, Jacque Morgan, Ann Dallager, Dorothy Knapp
8th Row Jerry Bloom, Marlene Turk, Joy Anderson, William Brown, Dorothy Andrews, James Saylor, Donald Poulson, Ira Melaas, Adeline Robison, Walt Woody, John Hillis, Susan Hamilton, Marilyn Coultas, Roberta Baty, Dorothy Russell, Jody Walther, Richard Brown, Barbara Cottington, Bette Christenson, Beverly Olson, Glenn McClintic, Maureen McMillen
9th Row Lois Moore, Patricia Smithson, Gloria Tingley, Dorothy Williams, Patricia Messer, Joy Mittlestadt, Dennis Denger, Jerry Walter, Cecil Pace, Daniel Reece, Herb Hansen, George Warren, Howard Van Buskirk, Roy Dougherty, Paul Slack, Anita Crivaro, Wayne Tjaden, Beverly Robinson, Darl McCullough, Roland Tyree
Photo identification: Compliments of Roger Raines
There were 198 graduates;
175 in class photo; 23 absent=14 boys, 9 girls
3 not pictured in the Polar Bear Yearbook
Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950
Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950
Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950
Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950 Student Council, June, 1950
Student Council-June, 1950
1st Row Max Isaacson, X, Jo Ann Smothers, Norman Linn, Nancy Joy, Ruby Livingston, Janice Wallace, Barbara Hankins, Nancy Newbiggen, Clela Philleo
2nd Row Don Blakely, Andy Wolder, Delores Riggenberg, Delores Ellis, Nancy Gordon, Jody Cloud, Mollie La Mar
3rd Row Toby Robinson, Bruce Nelson, Bob Hermon, Ann Dallager, Marjorie Berson, Lois Moore, Janet Green
4th Row Dale Lucas, Bill Brown, Paul Slack, Colen Scales, Mary Ann Nance, Rosemary Heritage, Bill Poe
5th Row Gary Scott, Junior Melaas, Wendell Kempton, Bill Newcomb, Gerald Winget, James Gunn, Mr. Lory
6th Row Jim Donovan, Don Paulson, Bill Duffy, Bob Wren, Bob Wright, Kurt Werner, Bill Wright, Carl O'Neill
7th Row Harrison Weber, Ronald Potts, Joe Veverka, Cecil Pace, Vance Brennan, Glenn McClintic
Booster Committee Booster Committee Booster Committee Booster Committee
Booster Committee Booster Committee Booster Committee Booster Committee
Booster Committee
left to right Toby Robinson, Dick Miller, Mary Lou Maltus, Bob Antrim, Geraldine Lundy, Pat Miller, Pat Pomroy, Pat Peterson, Shirley Knorr, Jean Kochheiser, Gladys Howard, Beverly Olson, Carla Payton, Miss Galvin, Andy Wolder
Baseball - First Team; June, 1950 Baseball - First Team; June, 1950
Baseball - First Team; June, 1950
Baseball - First Team; June, 1950 Baseball - First Team; June, 1950
Baseball - First Team
front: Joe McDole, Norman Linn, Lanny Patten, Don DeGrotte, Wendell Kempton, Bob Cabbage, Bob Edwards
rear: Fritz Goreham, Dick Porter, Junior Melaas, Don Poulson, Ron Veverka, Wayne Tjaden, Ben Nefzger, Larry Augspurger, Frank Teske, Bob Antrim, Coach George Falk
Graduates - January, 1950 (numbered 61)
Anderson, Gloria Roena Drucker, Private Robert R. Kachelhoffer,Donna Jane Richmond,Kathryn Cornelia
Andrews, Nadine Joanne Dunlap, Clara Jane Lawdahl, Harry Thomas Robinson, Darlene Joan
Baldwin, Donald Lee Edgren, Ruth Beverly Lee, James David Savage, Harriet Louise
Barnes, Robert Lee Elings, Doris Alda Lind, James Richard Schuetz, Marilyn Lee
Berry, Pauline Ruth Fuller, Robert Owen Lyon, Marilyn Elaine Short, Jean Ann
Betzenhouser,Neelie Jane Grady, Roberta Evelyn McKean, Onalee Marie Springate,Charles Stephen
Golden, Velma Ray Greaves,William Beresford Mongar,Jacqueline Hariett Stapleton, Norma Jean
Bosley, Paul Benjamin Herbert, Ruth Anne Moomaw, Patricia Ann Tannus, Eleanor Ruth
Brown, Philip Merle Hetherington,John Nelson Morrison, Myrna Frances Thomas, Patricia Ann
Burrell, Helen Howlett, Jerry Howard Mylon,Matilda Barbara Jane Thompson, Omer Liburn
Callanan, Jerome Vincent Huffaker, Leila Fern Osmond, Phyllis Ann Tschantz, Donald Leo
Carlson, Constance Joanne Hutton, Douglas Carroll Petty, Janet Charlene Tull, Minnette Ann
Chaiken, Faye Hytone, Jay Maxwell Plummer, Albert C. Westing, Gloria Christine
Coellner, Robert Lee Jackson, Carol Boone Polydoran, Krenio A. Woods, Donald Edward
Cohen, Barbara Ann Johnson, Ruth Elfrieda Pownell,Georgia C.McKinney Woolsey, Wilma Mae
Deierling, June Evalee x x x
Graduates - June, 1950 (numbered 197)
Acuff, Joyce Ann Ellis, Dolores Jane Linn, Ivan Dean Riggenberg,Delores Mae
Amend, Jim George Eng, Margene Joan Linn, Norman Kent Robinson, Beverly Ann
Anderson, Joy Ruth Erb, Barbara Janet Livingston, Ruby Eilene Robinson, Ruth Carol
Anderson, Margaret Elaine Ewing, Ronald Leslie Loy, Joyce Elaine Robison, Adeline Mae
Andreas, Nancy Lee Finley, Patricia Louise Marcovis, Charleen Ann Roy, Jay Ronald
Andrews, Dorothy Ann Firkins, Mary Anne Marquette,Patricia Yvonne Russell, Dorothy Lucille
Atwood, Nancy Ann Fiscel, Joyce Arline McClintic,Glenn Arthur Rynearson,Charlene Ellen
Bales, Mervin Bales Fisher, Barbara Jane McCullough, Darl Gene Saylor, James Russell
Barnett, Bonnie Beatrice Frakes, Wynetta Alice McDole, Joseph Elwood Scales, Colen, Jr.
Baty, Roberta Mabel Freestone, Rosemary McGlothlen,Harriett Louise Schackelford,MargaretViola
Blakely, Donald Curtis Garrison, Beverly May McGlothlen, Sally Ann Schillinger, Rosalie Anne
Bloom, Jerold Merle Gibbens, Donna Marie McMillen, Maureen Joan Schneider, Marjorie Ann
Bobbitt, Kenneth Robin Gilmore, Allen Stafford McMulin, Perle Samuel Shoffner, Donna May
Bowen, Mary Ann Glider, Delores H. McWilliams, Joy Irene Slack, Paul Davis
Bowie, Jimmie Neal Grant, Merion Charlott Meeks, Rosemarie Smith, Bara Jo
Bowlsby, Jerry L. Granzoe,Ronald Luverne Melaas, Ira Joseph, Jr. Smithson, Patricia Ruth
Bowlsby, Martha Joy Haag, Nancy Jane Messer, Patty Lee Smothers, Delores Jo Ann
Boys, Virginia Mae Hamilton, Susan Lynn Mikelson, Frances Ingrid Sopher, Jo Ann
Bradley, Janet Roberta Hansen, Herbert Loye Miller, Dorothy Marie Specht, Eleanor Marie
Brennan, Vance Edward Hayes, William Alonzo Mittlestadt, Joy Stephenson,Beverly Rae
Brown, Gloria Patricia Hazelwood, Donna Lee Moore, Lois Carolyn Stookey, Hal Allen
Brown, Patricia Ann Hedrick, Delores June Morgan, Jacquelyn Lee Strom, Sally Jo A.
Brown, Richard Russell Heefner, Patricia Ann Moser, Marilyn Lu Tait, Raymond LaVerne
Brown, William Kieth Henderson,JacquelineBurdean Nichols, Bruce Eldon Tew, William Franklin
Bullard, Russell Junior Henneman,Ruth Anna Rose Norstrum, Maxine Helen Thornes, Betty Ann
Burgett, William A. Hensley, Mildred Lea O'Neill, Carl Richard Thorpe, Jack Harlan
Buss, Donna Mae Hill, Dolores Joann Oaks, O'Joy Billie Tingley, Gloria Lou
Butler, Dorothea Virginia Hillis, John Bussey Olson, Beverly Ann Tjaden, Wayne Herbert
Campbell, Patricia Ann Hoffman, Harriett Louise Overton,Margaret Jeannette Turk, Marlene Esther
Christensen, Betty Alyce HollingsworthLenore Marie Pace, Cecil George Tuttle, Donald Ries
Christian, Bonnie Lou Holton, Norma Jane Pace, Esther Roberta Tyree, Ronald Wayne
Cloud, Jo Ann Hopper, Erma Jean Page, Margo Jean VanBuskirk,John Howard
Coellner, Robert Lee Houghton, Evelyn Viola Palmer, Audrey Loraine VanDyke, Betty Lou
Cottington, Barbara Ann Hudson, Kenneth LeRoy Palmer, RichardCharlesJames Waldner, Robert Ernest
Coultas, Marilyn Ruth Huggins, Carolyn Rose Pedersen, Gloria Rae Wallace, Janice Louise
Crawford, Joann Ellen Hydock, William George Pettey, Marcia Lee Walter, Jerry Douglas
Crivaro, Anita Mae Isaacson, Max Delmar Philleo, Clela Mae Walther, Joanne Cecilia
Custer, Norman Lee Jeffries, Jo Ann Pierce, Jean Ann Warren, George Allen
Daily, Jack T. Jones, Denzil Dean Poe, William J. Webster, Fannie Mae
Dallager, Anne Louise Joy, Nancy Marilyn Pontious,Evelyn Lucille Werner, Leon Kurtis
Damon, Mary Joanne Junkin, Jack Potts, H. Ronald Wilber, John Robert
Davis, Thomas H. Kalsow, William B. Poulson, Donald Lee Wildt, Darlene Dicus
Dean, Richard Lee Kempton,Wendell Walker Powers, Mary Jane Williams, Dorothy Alice
Delk, Mary Evelyn King, Betty Berneil Price, Nan Ellen Williams, Nancy Jo
Denger, Dennis Charles Kious, Frances Marie Raines, Roger William Wilson, Donna Joanne
Disbrow, Charles Dean Knapp, Dorothy Emma Rasmussen, Alice Marie Woody, Walt John
Donovan, James Francis Lamar, Mollie Elizabeth Reece, Daniel Richard, Jr. Yates, Ronald Lee
Dougherty, Roy Lautenbach,Harriett Lee Renshaw, Carolyn Joyce Young, Charlene Mary
Dray, Alan Obert Lewis, Beverly Jean Richardson, Earl Leroy Zavatsky, Janette Ella
Edwards, Robert Eugene x x x
Graduates - August (numbered 15)
Clearman, Mary Ball Grimm, Donald Dudley Rote,Robert Dean Summy, Donald Gene
Duke, Lorenzo Herman, Sr. Hall, Phillip Wayne Sheets, Robert Harold Treon, Keith Eugene
Edwards, James Robert Hohl, Jimmie Virgil Shepherd, Babara Lou Witt, Josephine Henrietta
Ganoe, Dwight Eugene Morgan, Mattie Sue Spray, William Hugh x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1950
January, 1950
Andrews,Nadine Joanne(Ross) (d.04/18/00) 2000 Jackson, Carol Boone, Sr. (d.08/10/07) 2007
Barnes, Robert Lee (d.06/18/75) 1975 Lee, James David (d.04/06/19) 2019
Bosley, Paul B. (d.06/18/01) 2001 Lind, James Richard (d.12/10/75) 1975
Burrell, Helen 1983 Lyon, Marilyn Elaine (d.08/28/17) 2017
Callanan, Jerome Vincent (d.10/19/67) 1967 Mongar, Jacqueline Hariett (Coellner) (d.05/28/02) 2002
Coellner, Robert Lee (d.05/05/84) 1984 Morrison, Myrna Frances (Dickey) (d.08/02/08) 2008
Cohen, Barbara Ann (Spizman) (d.01/04/15) 2015 Mylon, Matilda Barbara Jeane (d.01/29/07 2007
Drucker, Robert R. (d.09/75) 1975 Plummer, Albert C. (d.09/12/95) 1995
Dunlap,Clara Jane (maiden:Wallukait) (d.10/22/08) 2008 Polydoran, Krenio A. (Wright) (d. 08/10/22) 2022
Elings, Doris Alda (Johnson) (d.03/23/97) 1997 Pownell, Georgia C. McKinney (d.04/01/04) 2004
Fuller, Robert Owen (d.05/22/04) 2004 Robinson, Darlene Joan (Sullivan) (d.01/06/16) 2016
Greaves,William Beresford (d.05/12/06) 2006 Savage, Harriet Louise (Rudkin) (d.04/13/12) 2012
Grossman, Phyllis L. (Weber) (d.07/07/98) 1998 Tannus,Eleanor Ruth (Brownawell/Taheny) (d.11/24/08 2008
Howlett, Jerry Howard (d.06/06/72) 1972 Thomas, Patricia Ann (Belding (12/03/01) 2001
Huffaker, Leila Fern (Miller) Maybe in early 2012 2012 Tull, Minnette Ann (Copeland) (d.02/13/89) 1989
Hytone, Jay Maxwell (d.04/12/17) 2027 Woolsey, Wilma Mae (Hildreth) (d.12/11/06) 2006
June, 1950
Anderson, Margaret Elaine (d.02/22/12) 2012 McMulin, Perle Samuel (d.04/24/04) 2004
Bales, Donald Mervin (d.03/13/91) 1991 McMullin, Maureen Joan (Henning) (d.04/09/16) 2016
Blakely, Donald Curtis (d.06/16/86) 1986 McWilliams, Joy Irene (Colson) (d.12/21/84) 1984
Bloom, Jerold Merle (d.09/17/91) 1991 Meeks, Rosemarie (Tolson) (d.11/18/17) 2017
Bobbitt, Kenneth Robin (d.01/02/97) 1997 Melaas, Ira Joseph, Jr. (d.05/02/05) 2005
Bowlsby, Jerry L. (d.06/08/17) 2017 Messer, Patty Lee (Hutchinson) (d.08/21/01) 2001
Bowlsby, Martha Joy (Calland) (d.02/07/91) 1991 Miller, Dorothy Marie (Bragdon/Beck) (d.09/18/17) 2017
Brennan, Vance Edward (d.04/20/73) 1973 Mittlestadt, Joy (Gusler) (d.09/30/12) 2012
Brown, Richard Russell (d.09/15/99) 1999 Nichols, Bruce Eldon (d.11/08/92) 1992
Brown, William Keith (d.05/26/97) 1997 Pace, Esther Roberta unk
Burgett, William A. (d.04/10/99) 1999 Page, Margo Jean (Vugrinovich) (d.12/15/04) 2004
Crivaro, Anita Mae(Cardamon) (d.12/29/15) 2015 Philleo, Clela Mae 1954
Daily, Jack T. (d.09/07/09) 2009 Poe, William J. (d.05/15/91) 1991
Davis, Thomas Huntington (d.03/26/00) 2000 Pontius, Evelyn Lucille (d.08/24/99) 1999
Delk, Mary Evelyn (Willson) (d.11/03/10) 2010 Potts, H. Ronald (d.12/12/91) 1991
Donovan, James Francis (d.03/25/18) 2018 Poulson, Donald Lee (d.06/26/16) 2016
Ewing, Ronald Leslie (d.12/07/91) 1991 Price, Nan Ellen 1980
Gilmore, Allen Stafford (d.07/28/97) 1997 Raines, Roger William (d.01/17/18) 2018
Grant, Merion Charlotte (McGuire) (d.02/22/08) 2008 Rasmussen, Alice Marie (Gibson) (d.01/13/11) 2011
Hamilton,Susan Lynn(Wilson) (d.02/26/06) 2006 Reece, Daniel Richard, Jr. (d.11/22/16) 2016
Hayes, William Alonzo (d.02/14/91) 1991 Richardson, Earl Leroy (d.12/31/89) 1989
Henneman,RuthAnnaRose (Foster) (d.05/22/15) 2015 Roy, Jay Ronald (d.08/25/16) 2016
Hensley, Mildred Lea (Biermann) (d.07/30/18) 2018 Scales, Colen, Jr. (d.11/69) 1969
Holton, Norma Jean (Burg) (d.01/11/80) 1980 Sopher, Jo Ann (Worsfold) (d.01/13/06) 2006
Hudson, Kenneth LeRoy (d.08/04/90) 1990 Stephenson, Beverly Rae (Swallow) (d.09/08/15) 2015
Hydock, William George (d.03/03/09) 2009 Stookey, Hal Allen (d.05/04/03) 2003
Joy, Nancy Marilyn (Borg) (d. 10/05/06) 2006 Tew, William Franklin (d.08/10/19) 2019
Junkin, Jack Breckinridge (d.02/06/53) 1953 Thorpe, Jack Harlan (d.08/15/89) 1989
Kalsow, William B. (d.11/01/02) 2002 Tjaden, Wayne Herbert (d.05/29/95) 1995
Kempton, Wendell Walker (d.01/06/08) 2008 Tyree, Ronald Wayne (d.08/02/11) 2011
Knapp, Dorothy Emma (Puffett) (d.10/13/23) 2023 Van Buskirk, John Howard (d.09/20/91) 1991
Lautenbach,Harriett Lee (Carlson) (d.11/07/06) 2006 VandeVenter,Bonnie Bethine (Rood) (d.03/03/96) 1996
Lewis, Beverly Jean (Hornyak) (d.01/06/91) 1991 Waldner, Robert Ernest (d.06/15/15) 2015
Marquette,Patricia Y.(Fritz) (d.11/16/84) 1984 Walter, Jerry Douglas (d.10/12/98) 1998
McClintic, Glenn Arthur (d.01/23/05) 2005 Walther, Joanne Cecilia (McGrane) (d.09/05/82) 1982
McCullough, Darl Gene (d.02/10/04) 2004 Werner, Leon Kurtis (d.01/11/60) 1960
McDole, Joseph Elwood (02/01/11) 2011 Young, Charlene Mary (Gourd) (d.06/28/93) 1993
McGlothlen, Sally Ann (Roe) (d.06/07/13) 2013 Zavatsky, Janette Ella (Carey) (d.09/20/03) 2003
Duke, Lorenzo Herman, Sr. (d.04/04/09) 2009 Spray, William Hugh (d.01/09/07) 2007
Hall, Phillip Wayne (d. 01/25/73) 1973 Summy, Donald Gene (d.05/24/04) 2004
Hohl, Jimmie Virgil (d. 04/06/90) 1990 Treon, Keith Eugene (d.10/28/08) 2008
Sheets, Robert Harold (d.04/09/10) 2010 Witt, Josephine Henrietta unk
Hancock, Gene x
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1923 Pictures
Class of 1924 Pictures
Class of 1925 Pictures
Class of 1926 Pictures
Class of 1927 Pictures
Class of 1928 Pictures
Class of 1929 Pictures
Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
    Class of 2010 Pictures
    Class of 2011 Pictures
    Class of 2012 Pictures
    Class of 2013 Pictures
    Class of 2014 Pictures
    Class of 2015 Pictures/names
    Class of 2016 Names
    Class of 2017 Names
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