North Des Moines High School
Class of 1937
60th Reunion
June 20, 1997
Class Meetings:
Meets on the third Monday of selected months for lunch at 11:30AM at:
We have not determined a new location yet for our get-togethers
Baker's Cafeteria (Now closed)
73rd and Hickman Road
Des Moines, IA
60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997
60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997
60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997 60th Reunion, 1997
Class of 1937-60th Reunion taken 1997
(Picture by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217)
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
Class of 1937-60th Reunion taken 1997
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Bonnie Stout Hiatt, Al Larsen, Vesta Jacobsen Loy, Darlene Kuhnle Allen, Helen Kuskulis Quinnett, Marion Shostrom Dorr, Mary Ambos Dutcher, Anna Ede Kilgore
2nd Row Helen Yazman Wolf, Arminda Bishop, Arlene Mansfield Webster, Olive Heifner Jones, Shirley Thomas Lamb, Helen Hawkins Wiesner, Helen Cleveland Dickerson, Angie Patrice Owen, Mildred Ogden Hill, Mary Hilley Bennett, Helen Bowlsby Parker
3rd Row Montelle Schenck, Ed Beisser, Sheldon Snelson, Jack Reeve, Larry Robinson, Lawrence Dutcher, Earl Anderson
4th Row Harold Van Cleave, Wayne Fox
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
Class of 1937-60th Reunion taken 1997
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Ruth Tolchinsky Lipson, Eloise Vogel Petersen, Evelyn Nece, Mary Ballard Schenck, Alice Peterson Cook, Ada Simon Weiss
2nd Row Lloydine Stewart Olson, Gladys Gunderson Sweeney, Elizabeth Arenson Sherman, Elizabeth Mitchell Weston, Lucile Banning Powers, Margaret MacKinnon Spraker, Bob Spraker, Herman Grund, Barbara Miller Howard
3rd Row Don Marthaler, Paul Maynes, Don Powers, Margaret McDonald Mitchell, Fred Stewart, Carol Wheeler Lynch, Carlyle Smith, Maxine Gambs McCaw
Photo: Compliments of Mildred Ogden Hill
50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987
50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987
50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987 50th Reunion, 1987
Class of 1937-50th Reunion taken 1987
Photo by Helton's Wedding Photography
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Jack V. Reeve, Beverly Blom Shostrom
2nd Row Elizabeth Arenson Sherman, X, X, X, LaVon Keith Trumper, LaRue Schlotter Pierce, X, Marion Shostrom Dorr, X, X, Ada Simon Weiss
3rd Row X, Herman Grund, X, X, X, X, X, Maxine Gambs McCaw
4th Row X,X, X, Frederick Young, Darrell Kiddie
Photo: Memorabilia of the late Beverly Blom Shostrom

January 1937
Class Officers

Earle Merrill, President
Darrell Kiddie, Vice President
Esther Westlake, Secretary
Tom Saluri, Treasurer
Ada Pearlman, Senior Bd. Member
James McConnell, Senior Bd. Member
Bonnie Stout, Senior Bd. Member
Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937
Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937 Graduating Class of 1937
Graduating Class of June, 1937
(Picture by J.M. Houlette, 910 31st Street, Des Moines, Iowa)
Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of left side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged left side of graduation photo
Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937 Enlarged photo of right side/Graduating Class of 1937
Enlarged right side of graduation photo
Photo: Compliments of Bertha (B.A.) Abel Mierlot
North High Faculty - 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Martha Hutchinson, Gwen Perkins, Nellie E. Baldwin, Alice Geiger, Ruby D. Lucas, E.L. Lory, Donald Schultz, C. R. Stewart
2nd Row Laura C. Long, Florette Bidwell, Martha Swem, Mildred D. Craig, Pearl Hausen, Litta Tumbleson, S.L. Thomas
3rd Row Louise Cotnam, Mabel Parsons, Blanche Calvert, Ruth Tumbleson, Mildred West, Francis Pickrell, Lois Elwood
4th Row Theresa Anderson, Genevieve Moore, Nellie E. Wilson, Clara Foss
5th Row Archie Johnson, H.D. McCullough, F.H. Stewart, Elsie M. Whirry, Helen Grace Adams, Billie Sherman, Walter B. Besley, Wilbur Combs, Donald Reed, Harvey Hill, James A. Gooch, M.A. Jencks, S.E.Thompson (principal)
6th Row A. Vern Cleveland, F.J. Meier, Ray Hartly, Arden McClain, Ruth Rickards, Conway Rhyne, Jack McGuire, A.H. Horsburgh
Honor Society, January, 1937 Honor Society, January, 1937
Honor Society, January, 1937 Honor Society, January, 1937
Honor Society, January, 1937 Honor Society, January, 1937
National Honor Society - January, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Bernard Marks, Sara Marsh, Carol Wheeler, Maxine Gambs, Miss Helen Grace Adams, adviser; Chester Lappen, Frederick Stewart, Alice Peterson
2nd Row Elizabeth Arenson, Nancy Fifield, Marian Shostrom, Helen Hawkins, Mary Ambos, Julia Deegan, Helen Cleveland, Barbara Cox
3rd Row Helen Cramblet, LaRue Schlotter, Esther Westlake, LaVonne Keith, Herma Bellman, Fred Nance
4th Row Earle Merrill, Helen Fletcher, Marjorie Rock, Dorothy Beveridge, Marjorie Osterhout, Ada Pearlman, Shirley Thomas, Betty Gilliland
5th Row Leslie Gifford, Lloyd Freshour, Roy Addington, Bill Sutherland, Betty Ann Purvis, Beverly Bennett
6th Row Frank Bias, Earl Anderson, Ed Hagen, John Davis, Jack Carr
Student Council; January, 1937 Student Council; January, 1937
Student Council; January, 1937 Student Council; January, 1937
Student Council; January, 1937 Student Council; January, 1937
North High Student Council - January, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Ruth Sandquist, Miss Helen Grace Adams, adviser; George Booth, Marjorie Rock, Helen Fletcher, Roy Addington, Jeannine Henson, Bernard Marks
2nd Row Sara Marsh, Ruth Tolchinsky, LaVon Keith, Carol Wheeler, Earle Merrill, Nancy Fifield, Hazel Roth, Helen Cleveland, Beverly Bennett
3rd Row Esther Westlake, Herma Bellman, Evelyn Nece, Norma Aronow, Betty Clark, Amelia Graines, Bill Sutherland, Bonnie Stout
4th Row Virginia Ramsay, Jean Barger, Betty Palmer, Helen Kubacky, Ethel Rushing, Mary Ambos, Maxine Gams, Ada Pearlman, Helen Cramblet, Chester Lappen, Earl Acuff, Louis Morgan
5th Row Robert Herwitz, Helen Hawkins, Beverly Press, Mary Louise Thompson, Bob Scott, Clifton Keller, Mr. S.E. Thompson, administrative adviser
6th Row Bertha Abel, Elizabeth Mitchell, Norma Brauner, Charles Dawson, Ed Hagen, Jack Dawson, Lawrence Dutcher
7th Row Earl Anderson, Frank Bias, Richard Rollman, Lloyd Fleshour, Tom Saluri, Dan Himes, Bob Beers, Marvin Moyer, Dean Peterson, Kenneth Feise, Virgil Pettit
Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937
Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937
Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937 Student Council; June, 1937
North High Student Council - June, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Bill Sutherland, Alice Peterson, Helen Cleveland, Marjorie Rock, Ed Hagen, Earl Anderson, Miss Adams, Russell Miller
2nd Row Don Fowler, Leland Price, Montelle Schenck, Ethel Faaborg, Bertha Abel, Betty Clark, Angie Patrice, Barbara Cox, Irene Wickstrom, Dorothy McKinley
3rd Row Nancy Fifield, Beverly Press, Mary Ellen Halliburton, Shirley Thomas, Mary Ann West, Nancy Brown
4th Row Don Songer, John Davis, Helen Hawkins, Hazel Roth, Helen Bowlsby, Virginia Ramsey, Betty Ann Purvis, Mary Doyle, Harold Goodwin
5th Row Willard Dunn, Norma Brawner, Patsi Diehl, Robert Scott, Chuck McLaughlin, Doris Hall, Mary Ambos
6th Row Dan Marthaler, Paul Alexander, Ted Beard, Merle Clark, Dean Peterson, Ed Branaum, Lawrence Dutcher, Louis Pomerantz
7th Row Bob Jones, Kenneth Feise, Clell Piper, Virgil Pettit, John Fischer, John Moss, Ralph Marks
8th Row Frank Bias, Phil Krell, Richard Rollman, Bob Hurwitz, Jack Diehl; (not pictured): Dorothy Beveridge
Photo: Compliments of Mildred Ogden Hill's June, 1937 Yearbook
First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37
First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37
First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37 First Team Football; 1936-37
First Team Football - January, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Gary Bash, Chet Simms, Louis Gonias, J. Parker, Earl Acuff, R. Rodgers, Lou Pomerantz, Joe Ginsberg, H. Collins, Edward Beisser, H. Van Cleave, Harold Goodwin, Harry Rubin, O. Grimes
2nd Row F. Bushhead, Bob Andrew, Darrell Kiddie, Tom McCauley, George Booth, C. DuVall, Don Smith, S. Enelson, K. Erb, Tom Avant, Wilbur Dockstader
3rd Row W. Ponte, G. Heitman, Milton Pearl, Sheldon Schatz, Stan Little, D. Allen, George Nish, H. Hiby, B. East, D. Howard, Wilbur Dunn, S. Kludjohn
First Team Basketball; 1936-37 First Team Basketball; 1936-37
First Team Basketball; 1936-37 First Team Basketball; 1936-37
First Team Basketball - January, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Lou Pomerantz, Glenn Sutherland, Ed Beisser, Chester Lappen, Jack Howard
2nd Row Wilbur Dockstader, Earl Acuff, George Booth, Gary Bash, Chet Simms, Ed Cranston, Melvin Madison
Two Photos Above: Compliments of Herma Bellman Colwell's January, 1937 Yearbook
Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937
Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937
Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937 Baseball, June, 1937
First Team Baseball- June, 1937
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Stan Little, Bill Milne, Lou Pomerantz, Bill Parker, Fay Francisco, Bob Kissick
2nd Row Bud Collins, John Witzel, Jack Dawson, Harold Van Cleve, Gary Bash, Tom Boudewyn, Earl Pace, Glenn Sutherland
3rd Row John Nish, Ed Broad, Guy Sutton, Ned Miller, Don Webb, Don McLean, Lloyd Morrison
Absent: Ed Beisser
Graduates - January, 1937 (yearbook numbered 157)
Acuff, Earl Clyde Erb, Kenneth William Lester, Robert Wilbur Sanquist, Ruth Arlene
Addington, Roy Farson, Frank Price, Jr. Livingston, Marabell M. Schaffer, Francis
Allen, Arles Flemming, Marie Ruth Louthan, Edward Bryan Schiltz, Clifford Ralph
Allen, Barbara Fletcher, Helen Louise Luker, Betty Ann Schlotter, La Rue Moore
Anderson, Anna Geneva Francis, Don I. Lyle, Charles, Jr. Schmidt, Maurice Severe
Arenson, Elizabeth Freshour, Lloyd Ralph Lyon, Virginia Elizabeth Schneider, Jeanne Althea
Aronow, Norma Jean Friedman, Morrey J. Lyons, Norma Lorraine Schoonver, Charles Lester
Bailey, Frances Elizabeth Gambs, Maxine Mae Malmed, Paul Sidoner, Joe Erven
Baker, Robert Kingsley Gehman, Paul Walters Marks, Bernard Jay Simon, Ada J.
Beers, Robert G. Gifford, Leslie Arthur Marsh, Sara Skow, Dorothy Lucile
Bellman, Herma Annette Gillen, Margaret Jayne Mart, Frank Mahlon Smith, Maurine Roberta
Bent, Ralph Lincoln Gilliland, Elizabeth Ellen McBride, Arthur Smith, Robert Bernard
Betzenhouser, Constance Ginsberg, Joseph A. McConkey, Marjorie Jean Smith, Robert Toler
Blair, Jane Perdette Goodman, Robert McConnell, James Clinton Speridon, Marie Hirsula
Blom, Beverly Mae Gordon, Robert McKissick, Margaret Grace Sprague,Marguerite Angeline
Booth, George Wesley Green, Eleanor Ruth Merrill, Earle B. Stark, L. Darwin
Boyce, Bette Louise Grimes, Helen Marguerite Miller, Ruth Stewart,FrederickHenderson,Jr.
Brandes, Margaret Imogene Grund, Herman Morgan, Lewis Stoner, Lloyd Noel
Brown, Ruth Henson, Jeannine Morris, James Braddie Stout, Bonnie Kathryn
Burford, Thomas Richard Herman, Wilfred Charles Morris, Nelda Stout, Mary Elizabeth
Burr, Richard Harford Hoslen, Lavona M. Moyer, Marvin Stowe, Edith Paula
Bussey, Catherine Elizabeth Howard, Jack C. Murphy, Raymond, Jr. Sulser, Wilma Mae
Buth, Keith Howard, Jack R. Nance, Fred Sherman, Jr. Swartz, Melvin
Buth, Marjorie Korrine Hulshizer, Dora Ruth Nichol, Pete Thompson, D. DeVere
Byes, Betty Hunter, Paul Nichols, Ada Frances Thompson, Mary Louise
Carr, Jack Jacobson, Betty Nuzum, Dick Thorpe, Miriam
Carter, William Lawrence Jenks, Jeanne Galentin Parker, Jack R. Tolchinsky, Ruth
Catomerisios, Art Johnson, Delores Bernadine Pearlman, Ada Turner, Anna Margaret
Cooper, Ruth Charlene Johnson, Helen Frances Peresman, Razel Walther, Earl L.
Cramblet, Helen Pauline Jones, Kenneth Milo Peterson, Nadine Watkins, Harriett Jane
Crumley, Janet Mary Jones, Richard Qualls, James, Jr. Webber, Maxine K.
Current, Nellie Mary Keith, La Von Kathleen Quivey, Maxine Westlake, Esther Gladys
Darnell, Mary Geraldine Kellogg, Roberta Ellen Reed, Kay (Kathaleen) Wheeler, Carol Elizabeth
Davis, Elsie Kiddie, Darrell Arthur Reeve, Jack Vernon Wheeler, Helen Marie
Deegan, Julia Kinney, Mable Louise Reilly, William Leo Wicklund, Dorothy
Dingeman, Betty Kubacky, Helen Ruth Rubenstein, Burrell Wieland, John (Jack)
Eisentraut, Gerald Landess, Ruth Rubin, Harry Williams, Anna J.
Elliott, Claudine Lappen, Chester Irwin Saluri, Tom R. Young, Fredrick Charles
Emerick, Melbourne Latz, Ida Samo, Neva Lucille Zavat, Marvin
Epperly, Margaret Louise x x x
Graduates - June, 1937 (yearbook numbered 286)
Abel, Bertha Viola Eby, Charlotte Evelyn Larsen, Albert Ramsey, Virginia
Adams, Harold J. Ede, Anna Louise Leaming, Enid O. Rarick, Rachel Alice
Agnew, Lois Virginia Eigner, Mary Ann Leonard, Bernice M. Rasler, Dorothy Fern
Ahrold, Dolores M. Epstein, Phillip Levin, Sidney B. Reeves, Edward
Aiken, Lorraine Ruth Evans, Maurice Lucia, Tillie Yolonda Reins, Robert L.
Alexander, Harry Raymond Evans, Shirley Louise Ludtke,Geraldine Lucille Reynolds, Mary Jane
Alexander, Paul H. Everett, William Ludwig, Dorothy Evelyn Ridgeway, Mildred Helen
Ambos, Mary Anna Faaborg, Ethel Lundberg, Lorraine E. Robertson, Vannie M.
Anderson,Catherine Virginia Faidley,Helen Maxine Lyon, Berniece Louise Robinson, Freda Alberta
Anderson, Earl E. Feeley, Joseph Michael Lyon, Homer Cornelius, Jr. Robinson, Lawrence W.
Arnold, Arlene Fifield, Nancy Lou MacKinnon,Margaret Blanche Robinson, Ted (Theodore) E.
Arvidson, Carl Buddy Fisher, John Mansfield, Arlene Rose Rock, Marjorie Annabel
Ashba, Bill Fisher, Neva May Marthaler, Dan Lester Rodgers, Ronald L.
Bailey, Helen Fay Foster, Maxine Marx, Ralph J. Rollman, Richard Fuhrmann
Ballard, Mary Madeline Foulkes, Betty Ann Mason, Virginia H. Roth, Hazel Lucy
Ballard, Theda Madelone Fouts, Margaret Leone Massey, Frank Oscar Sage, Virginia Cleo
Banning, Lucile Fox, Margaret L. Maurer, Jamae Schenck, Montelle F.
Barger, Jean Elizabeth Fox, Wayne Franklin May, Geraldine Louise Schultz, Barbara Marie
Bauer, Arlene Anna Freberg, Patricia Janet Maynes, Paul Hadley Schuster, Rose
Beasley, Andrew H. Fuller, Mavis Evohn McClintic, Edna Earnestine Seward, Glayde Vivian
Beatty, Dorothy Ethel Gay, Helen Felma McDonald,Margaret Virginia Shaffer, Fred Ovid
Beeler, Evelyn Marie Gibbons, Clinton E. McLaughlin, Charles Harlan Sharp, William A., Jr.
Beisser, Edward James Gibson, Lucille McLin, Ruth Elizabeth Shaw, Don Edward
Bennett, Beverly Goodman, Annette McRae, Betty Lou Shostrom, Marian Louise
Berglund, Bernice Allene Goodspeed, Forrest Bob McShane, Helen Siepker, Bill George
Bias, Frank John Goodwin, Harold G. Metier, John Martin Simms, Chester W.
Bierwirth, Jeannette Anna Graef, John Brewer Michael, Donabelle Snelson, Sheldon Ernest
Bird, R. Maxine Grinder, Arthur Miller, Barbara Sonderlieter, Harry Bud
Bishop, Arminda Grace Gripp, Josephine Rosetta Miner, William Frank Songer, Don
Bobb,Viola Catherine Gross, Adeline Mingus, Jane Jo Spraker, Robert Cook
Bogard, Mildred May Guessford, Marvel Mary Mingus, Rhoda Elizabeth Stacy, Ruby Irene
Bond, Gene Arthur Gunderson, Gladys Kathryn Mitchell, Doris Lillian Stader, Al, Jr.
Bowen, Ray L. Gunion, Jack V. Mitchell, Elizabeth Johnetta Steinke, Ruth
Bowlsby, Helen F. Hagen, Edward M. Moffatt, Bob Bruce Stewart, Lloydine
Boyd, Marion Thomas Halliburton, Mary Ellen Moore, Jeanne Hazel Stokesbury, Clara M.
Boyd, Mary Ellyn Hamilton, Charles Morrow, Geneva Anne Sulser, Peter C.
Branaum, Edwin Wiley Hammer, Richard C. Mulky, Don Suter, Betty
Briggs, Stuart E. Harrison, Georgena Ruth Murphy, Kathryn Marie Sutherland, Glenn Richard
Brotchi, Bob Joseph Hawkins, Helen Nece, Evelyn Mae Tallenaar, Delbert G.
Brown, Dorothy Eleanor Heger, Mary Elizabeth Nelson, Arild Taylor, Hulda Darline
Brown, Jeannette Lois Heggie, Ruth Nichols, William Dewayne Tefferteller, Helen May
Burford, Walter Vernon Heifner, Olive Hazel Nizzie, Katherine Mildred Tevebaugh, Beulah Avanelle
Burkhard, Betty Marie Helm, Lyle Burt Ogden, Mildred Elizabeth Thomas, Shirley Lorraine
Burns, David Henry, Lessie Marguerite Olson, Dorothy Lucille Travis, Marguerite
Butcher, Wilma Hicks, Clyde Edward Osterhout, Marjorie A.lice Utley, Charlean Ann
Buth, Wilma Lucille Hilley, Mary C. Parrak, Barbara Ann Van Cleave, Harold D.
Byers, Norma J. Hite, Raymond Wallace Partlow, Leona Ann Van Patten, Gretchen
Cavanaugh,Jean Catherine Holmes, Frank S. Patrice, Angie Versaw, Virginia
Chenoweth, Ruth D. Holstrom, Geraldine E. Patsey, Ruth Ilene Vogel, Eloise E.
Christiansen, Marjorie Hood, Barbara Jean Patterson, Catherine Ware, William L.
Clark, Merle Myron Hoxsey, Juanita Pearl Patterson, Dorothy Webster, Marie Louise
Clay, Arthur Hughes, Lloyd Chalmers Perdue, Maxine Weible, Ken Alfred
Conner, Eva Fay Hulet, Joe Wilson Perkins, Virginia Carol Wells, Betty Jean
Cooper, Gordon C. Humphrey, Thelma Caroline Perry, Betty Ann White, Elizabeth May
Cordes, Charles Herman, Jr. Ireland, Esther I. Peterson, Alice Margaret Wicker, Ellis H.
Cowie, Norlaine Kathryn Isenberger, Nina Bernice Peterson, Dean H. Wickstrom, Mary Irene
Cox, Barbara Lois Iverson, Robert (Bob) C. Peterson, Marjorie May Wieland, Virginia Marie
Cross, Bertie Jacobsen, Vesta Lucille Petropoulos, Mary Wilkerson, Reva Eloise
Davidson, Burton Eugene Jinkens, Alice Josephine Phares, Lorraine Wilkison, Merle
Davis, Ada May Jordan, Louise Pickett, Betty Marie Williams, Bob
Davis, John Darwin Kaldenberg, Mary Jane Pilmer, Virginia Minette Willis, Margaret
Dawson, Marlyn Duane Keeley, Bert E. Plunkett, Edna Virginia Wines, Betty
De Wilde, Gladys Margery King, Alma Mary Ponte, Walter Willard Winget, Eleanor Florence
Dennis, Donald Kenneth Kinnamon, Larry Powers, Donald S. Winkel, Harold R.
Dickey, Eldy Ray, Jr. Knecht, Vera Eloise Prescott, Dorothy Mae Withers, Maxine Bernice
Diehl, Jack Koons, Ward Maynard Press, Beverly Lucille Witt, Alberta Rowena
Divine, Katherine Lawana Kuhnle, Darlene Gertrude Price, Leland Sterling Woodruff, Dorothy Mae
Doyle, Jimmie William Kunz, Mary Agnes Prince, Garnet Irene Woods, Maxine Lois
Doyle, Mary Catherine Kuskulis, Helens Purvis, Betty Ann Wright, Lloyd
Duffy, Mary Virginia Lamb, Charles O. Radosovich, Mary Yazman, Helen Gertrude
Dutcher, John Lawrence Lance, David F. Ramey, Mertie Elizabeth Young, Jean
Eaves, Edward Lane, Vernon L. x x
Graduates - August, 1937 (yearbook numbered 30)
Abbot, Willard Ray Cranston, Edward Robert Jose, Dick (Richard) James Sharp, Jack Oakley
Abrams, Maxwell deRus, Jane Ellen Julander, Anna Kathryn Sheets, L. Frederick
Albrecht, Arnold Clinton Drew, John F. Kellner, Kenneth H. Siegel, Sammy
Amsberry, Maxine Virginia Feeley, Joseph Michael Keul, Marie Ruth Smith, Carlyle
Anderson, Gwendolyn Feiler, Bill King, Anna Loretta Smith, Robert Clark
Berg, Asta Marie Ferrell, Ruth E. Lake, Margaret L. Strong, Jack Newton
Bernstein, Alvin Gill, Nancy Mathews, Dale Wendell Talty, John
Bortell, Kenneth E. Griffin, Marzetta LaVerna McCullough, Coleen Alice Tazioli, Rose Mary
Callen, Williett B. Harmon, Charlotte Pearl Miller, Mary Miranda Tipton, Margaret Dolores
Carpenter, Dorothy R. Hawkins, Edward R. Morlan, Mary Jane Vance, Walter R.
Carpenter, Mary Hunter, Gladys Perman, Ronald J. Vawter, James R.
Christenson, Wanda Louise Hunter, Marian Caroline Saluri, Joe Warren, Ilene
Clevenger, Mary Elizabeth Jackson, Gladys Aileen Seward, Jack C. Wilkerson, Clarence Earl
Cornell, Anna Jones, David Phillip x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1937
Class totaled 496 members
January, 1937 (total class numbered 169)
Addington, Roy (d.10/90) 1990 Louthan, Edward Bryan (d.11/20/03) 2003
Allen, Arles Lyle, Charles, Jr. (d.02/22/07) 2007
Anderson, Geneva (Steinick) (d.10/16/96) 1996 Lyons, Norma Lorraine (McGrew) (d.07/04/03) 2003
Arenson, Elizabeth A. (Sherman) (12/08/12) 2012 Malmed, Paul
Aronow, Norma Jean (Silver) (d.10/01//10) 2010 Marks, Bernard Jay
Bailey, Frances Elizabeth (Nordenson) (d.11/30/09) 2009 Marsh, Sara
Baker, Robert Kingsley (d. 03/72?) 1972 Mart, Frank Mahlon (d.06/87) 1987
Beers, Robert G. (d.03/06/06) 2006 McBride, Arthur A. (d.07/02/00) 2000
Bellman, Herma Annette (Colwell) (d.12/08/07) 2007 McConkey, Marjorie Jean (Frank) (d.02/02/99) 1999
Bent, Ralph Lincoln (d.04/1989) 1989 McConnell, James Clinton (d.03/22/10) 2010
Blair, Jane Perdette (Dutton) (d.09/14/07) 2007 McKissick, Margaret Grace
Blom, Beverly Mae (Shostrom) 2000 Moore, Finley Howard (d.08/17/98) 1998
Booth, George W.esley (d.02/23/04) 2004 Morgan, Lewis
Brandes, Margaret I. (Colwell) (d.09/05/01) 2001 Morris, James Braddie (d.10/01/76) 1976
Brown, Ruth E. (Judd) (d.11/12/04) 2004 Morris, NeldaVirginia (Lamb) (d.06/07/99) 1999
Burford, Thomas Richard (d.02/19/05 2005 Moyer, Marvin (d. 11/77) 1977
Burr, Richard Harford (Pearl Harbor) Nichols, Ada Frances (d.12/16/96) 1996
Bussey, Catherine Elizabeth (Heaton) (d.01/10/06) 2006 Nicol, Peter F. (d.05/07/06) 2006
Carr, Coll Nuzum, Richard (d.11/04/91) 1991
Carter, William Lawrence Parker, Jack R. (d.05/30/88) 1988
Crumley, Janet Mary (d.05/18/08) 2008 Pearlman, Ada (Hershaw) (d. 03/28/03) 2003
Darnell,Mary Geraldine (Kellam) (d.03/24/07) 2007 Peresman, Razel
Davis, Elsie Qualls, James, Jr. (d.07/85) 1985
Deegan, Julia M. (d.05/12/05) 2005 Rebol, Genevieve K. (Kienast) (d.07/25/94) 1994
Dingeman, Betty E. (Barr) (d.07/02/93) 1993 Reed, Kay E. (Jackson) (d.09/01/00) 2000
Elliott, Claudine M. (Davis) (d.07/20/92) 1992 Reilly, William Leo (d.11/65) 1965
Epperly, Margaret (Yoho) (d.02/85) 1985 Rubenstein, Burrell (d.03/16/09) 2009
Erb, Kenneth William (d.07/76) 1976 Rubin, Harry (d.07/08/00) 2000
Farson, Frank Price, Jr. (d.06/03/01) 2001 Saluri, Tom R. (d.08/07/03) 2003
Fletcher, Helen Louise (Johnson) Samo, Neva Lucille
Freshour, Lloyd R. (d.12/01/93) 1993 Sanquist, Ruth Arlene (Steele) (d.10/20/91) 1991
Friedman, Morrey J. (d.03/01/12) 2012 Schiltz, Clifford Ralph (d.12/71) 1971
Gambs, Maxine Mae (McCaw) (d.01/26/13) 2013 Schneider, Jeanne Althea (Miller) (d.03/25/89) 1989
Gehman, Paul (d.02/87) 1987 Sidoner, Joe Erven (d.11/87) 1987
Gifford, Leslie Arthur (d. 06/30/05) 2005 Simon, Ada J. (Weiss) (d.01/05/99) 1999
Gillen, Margaret Jayne Smith, Robert Bernard (Leyte,Phillipines) (12/07/44) 1944
Gilliland, Elizabeth Ellen Smith, Maurine Roberta (Jacobs) (d.04/16/04) 2004
Ginsberg, Joseph A. (d.12/20/01) 2001 Stark, L. Darwin (d.11/16/05) 2005
Goodman, Robert D. (d.11/06/90) 1990 Stewart, Frederick Henderson,Jr. (d.04/19/15) 2015
Gordon, Robert C. (d.01/92) 1992 Stoner, Lloyd Noel (d.07/16/99) 1999
Green, Eleanor Ruth Stout, Mary Elizabeth (Tease) (d.03/83) 1983
Grund, Herman (d.11/05/11) 2011 Stowe, Edith M. (Miller) (d.08/12/02) 2002
Howard, Jack C. (d.11/24/99) 1999 Sulser, Wilma Mae (Fagen) (d. 10/05) 2005
Howard Jack R. (d.1978) 1978 Swartz, Melvin (d.12/10/06) 2006
Hulshizer, Dora R. (Clapper) (d.10/27/93) 1993 Thorpe, Mariam (Snider)
Hunter, Paul E. (d.09/09/94) 1994 Tolchinsky, Ruth (Lipson) (d.04/29/09 2009
Jones, Kenneth M. (d.11/08/99) 1999 Turner, Anna Margaret (Payton) (d.03/19/98 1998
Jones, Richard H. (d.09/01) 2001 Walther, Earl L. (d.02/14/98) 1998
Keilly, William 1965 Watkins, Harriet Jane (Baker) (d.05/03/07 2007
Kellogg, Roberta Ellen (French) (d.12/06/03) 2003 Webber, Maxine K. (d.07/01/97) 1997
Kiddie, Darrell Arthur (d.03/11/97) 1997 Wheeler, Carol Elizabeth (Lynch) (d.11/17/12) 2012
Kubacky, Helen Ruth (Armstrong) (d.04/17/99) 1999 Wicklund, Dorothy
Lappen, Chester Irwin (d.12/18/10) 2010 Wieland, John (Jack)
Lester, Robert Wilbur (d.08/22/89) 1989 Young, Frederick Charles
Livingston,Marabell M. (Anthony) (d.03/06/07) 2007 x
June, 1937 (total class numbered 300)
Adams, Harold J. (d.09/20/86) 1986 Kunz, Mary Agnes (Oakley) (d.11/68) 1968
Agnew, Lois Virginia (Raymond) (d.02/11/10) 2010 Kuskulis, Helen (Quinnett) (d.01/17/98) 1998
Aiken, Lorraine Ruth Lamb, Charles O. (d.05/85) 1985
Alexander, Paul H. (d.10/18/03) 2003 Lance, David Fay
Ambos, Mary Anna (Dutcher) (d.03/24/10) 2010 Lane, Vernon Leroy (d.09/06/92) 1992
Anderson, Earl E. (d.11/04/09) 2009 Larsen, Albert A. (d.04/01/05) 2005
Arvidson, Carl Buddy (d.06/73) 1973 Leaming, Enid O. (McDowell) (d.08/07/06) 2006
Ashba, Bill (d.10/68) 1968 Levin, Sidney B. (d.01/12/98) 1998
Bailey, Helen Fay (Barker) (d.07/19/07) 2007 Ludtke, Geraldine Lucille (Butts) (d.03/12/10) 2010
Ballard, Mary Madeline (Schenck) (d.08/12/08) 2008 Ludwig-Kuhl, Dorothy T. , Dr. (d.08/03/90) 1990
Barger, Jean Elizabeth (McClelland) (d.10/88) 1988 Lundberg, Lorraine E. (Lambert) (d.02/28/95) 1995
Beasley, Andrew H. (d.10/14/10) 2010 Lyon, Berniece Louise (Cook) (d.03/19/04?) 1985
Beisser, Edward James (d.10/07/00) 2000 Lyon, Homer Cornelius, Jr. (d.03/06/81) 1981
Berglund,Bernice Allene (Bergstrom) (d.11/09/87) 1987 Lyons, Norma Lorraine (McGrew) (d.07/04/03) 2003
Beveridge,Dorothy Jean (Robinson) (d.01/13/95) 1995 Mansfield, Arlene Rose (Webster) (d.01/02/11) 2011
Bias, Frank John (d.08/22/02) 2002 Marthaler, Daniel Lester (d.08/06/08) 2008
Bird, R. Maxine (Prince) (d.02/12/87) 1987 Marx, Ralph J. (d.03/18/02) 2002
Bishop, Arminda Grace (d.04/11/17) 2017 Mason, Virginia H.(Clark/Moylan) (d.10/03/12) 2012

Bogard, Mildred May (Kirk) (d.05/10/17)

2017 Massey, Franklin Oscar
Bond, Gene Arthur (d.12/26/87) 1987 Maurer, Jamae (Finnell) (d.03/79) 1979
Bowen, Ray L. Maynes, Paul Hadley (d.06/27/01) 2001
Bowlsby, Helen Frances (Parker) (d.04/03/18) 2018 McDonald, Margaret Virginia (Mitchell) (d.03/12/05) 2005
Boyd, Marion Thomas McLaughlin, Charles Harlan 1996
Branaum, Edwin Wiley (d.03/02/09) 2009 McRae, Betty Lou ( Poggenpohl) (d.07/26/14) 2014
Briggs, Stuart E. Metier, John Martin (d.03/79) 1979
Brotchi, Robert (d.11/72) 1972 Mitchell, Elizabeth Johnetta (Winders/Weston)(d.10/24/06) 2006
Burford, Walter Vernon Moffatt, Bob Bruce 1994
Burkhard, Betty M. (Ward) (d.11/95) 1995 Miller, Barbara (Howard) (d.06/30/03) 2003
Butcher, Wilma (Davis) Nece, Evelyn Mae (d.05/05/08) 2008
Cavanaugh, Jean Catherine Nichols, William Dewayne (d.05/15/94) 1994
Chenoweth, Ruth D. (Peterson) (d.1991) 1991 O'Connor, Michael J. (d.03/09/06) 2006
Christiansen, Marjorie (Bennett) (d.05/21/02) 2002 Ogden, Mildred E. (Hill) (d.02/22/14) 2014
Clark, Merle Myron (d.12/03/06) 2006 Olson, Dorothy Lucille (Sutherland) (d.10/02/00) 2000
Clay, Arthur (d.1993) 1993 Osterhout, Marjorie Alice (VanZante) (d.07/10/97) 1997
Conner, Eva Fay Patterson, Dorothy Verna (McSherry) (d.04/11/09) 2009
Cooper, Gordon C. (d.12/27/00) 2000 Parrak, Barbara Ann
Cordes, Charles Herman, Jr. (d.06/06/96) 1996 Perkins, Virginia Carol (Olds) (d.12/83) 1983
Cowie, Norlaine Kathryn (Nowels) (d.10/16/03) 2003 Peterson, Alice Margaret (Cook) (d.08/02/01) 2001
Cox, Barbara Lois (Gergen) (d.1990) 1990 Pickett, Betty Marie (Drake) (d.08/06/94) 1994
Cross, Bertie (Argo) (d.02/25/06) 2006 Plunkett, Edna Virginia (McPhee) (d.12/29/88) 1988
Davidson, Burton Eugene (d.01/03/02) 2002 Pond, Paul E. (d.03/11/88) 1988
Dawson, Merlin 1993 Ponte, Walter Willard (d.09/09/91) 1991
Dennis, Donald Kenneth (d.01/03/97) 1997 Powers, Donald S. (d.10/05/07) 2007
Dickey, Eldy R. (d.02/06/04) 2004 Press, Beverly Lucille (Rosenfield) 1992
Diehl, Jack 1996 Price, Leland (Lee) A. Sterling (d.11/03/08) 2008
Divine,Katherine Lawana (Hagen) (d.06/14/08) 2008 Prince, Garnet Irene (McCreery) (d.08/10/03) 2003
Doyle, James William Purvis, Betty Ann
Doyle, Mary Catherine (Fitzpatrick) (d.01/06/95) 1995 Radosevich, Mary (Roe) (d.11/86) 1986
Duffy, Mary Virginia (Matson) (d.03/21/02) 2002 Rarick, Rachel Alice
Dutcher, Lawrence John (d.08/17/07) 2007 Reeves, Edward A. (d.06/04/03) 2003
Eaves, Edward (d.03/77) 1977 Reynolds, Mary Jane (Cade) (d.02/08/94) 1994
Eby, Charlotte Evelyne (Lyman) (d.12/11/05) 2005 Ridgeway, Mildred Helen (Woods) (d.12/70) 1970
Ede, Anna Louise (Kilgore) (d.06/18/12) 2012 Robinson, Lawrence E. (d.05/21/05) 2005
Epstein, Phillip (d.05/26/01) 2001 Robinson, Mildred (Woods)
Evans, Maurice (Patterson) (d.11/85) 1985 Robinson, Ted (Theodore) Edward (d.11/15/94) 1994
Evans, Shirley Louise Rock, Marjorie Annabel
Everett, William 1975 Sage, Virginia Cleo (Huston) (d.08/06/08) 2008
Faidley, Helen Maxine (Heniger) (d.06/20/08) 2008 Schenck, Montelle F. (d.01/30/08) 2008
Feeley, Joseph Michael (d.11/10/89) 1989 Schultz, Barbara Marie (Duff) (d.05/11/08) 2008
Fischer, Jack Seward, Glayde
Foulkes, Betty Ann (Harbaugh) (d.10/83) 1983 Shaffer, Fred Ovid (d.01/15/06) 2006
Fouts, Margaret Leone (Campbell )(d.10/14/01) 2001 Sharp, William A., Jr. (d.06/17/95) 1995
Fox, Mary Frances (Dyer) (d.03/16/07) 2007 Shostrom, Marian Louise (Dorr) (d.11/16/01) 2001
Fox, Wayne Franklin (d.06/19/08) 2008 Siegel, Samuel (d.02/01/07) 2007
Freberg, Patricia (Adams) (d.03/02/04) 2004 Siepker, Bill (William) George (d.09/1983) 1983
Gibbons, Clinton Edward (d.02/08/00) 2000 Simms, Chester W. (d.04/09/07) 2007
Gibson, Lucille Snelson, Sheldon Earnest (d.02/21/98) 1998
Goodman (Annette (Jacobson) (d.07/12/02) 2002 Sonderleiter, Harry Bud (d.07/05/05) 2005
Goodspeed, Forrest Robert (Bob) (d.04/26/00) 2000 Spraker, Robert Cook (d.05/07/99) 1999
Goodwin, Harold G. Stacy, Ruby Irene (Carter) (d.03/20/05) 2005
Graef, John Brewer (d.06/73) 1973 Stader, Al, Jr.
Grinder, Arthur Stewart, Lloydine G. (Olson) (d.02/02/04) 2004
Guessford, Marvel Mary (Cain) (d.12/81) 1981 Stokesbury, Clara M. (Clark) (d.12/03/06) 2006
Gunion, Jack V. (d.12/76) 1976 Sulser, Peter C. (d.04/19/93) 1993
Gunderson, Glayds Kathryn (Sweeney) (d.05/22/18) 2018 Sutherland, Glenn Richard (d.07/31/10) 2010
Hagen, Edward M. (d.05/17/95) 1995 Sutherland, William Munro (d.05/05) 2005
Hamilton, Charles William (d.06/12/00) 2000 Taylor, Hulda Darline (Icenhour) (d.08/15/08) 2008
Hammer, Richard C. (d.05/20/00) 2000 Tevebaugh, Beulah Avanelle
Heger, Mary Elizabeth (Rahm) (d.02/27/09) 2009 Thomas, Shirley Loraine (Lamb) (d.11/18/05) 2005
Heifner, Olive Hazel (Jones) (05/25/12) 2012 Tollenaar, Delbert Grover (d.09/03/96) 1996
Helm, Lyle Burt (d.04/99) 1999 Travis, Margy (Carter) (d.09/29/03) 2003
Henry, Lessie Marguerite (Garrett) VanCleave, Harold D. (d.11/24/03) 2003
Hicks, Clyde Edward (d.10/31/01) 2001 VanPatten,Gretchen (Fowler) (d.12/04/02) 2002
Hilley, Mary C. (Bennett) (d.06/16/98) 1998 Vogel,Eloise E.(Swain,Kehret,Peterson) (d.05/24/21) 2021
Hite, Raymond Wallace (d.01/80) 1980 Ware, William L. (d.06/19/91) 1991
Holmes, Frank S. (d.08/03/97) 1997 Webster, Marie Louise
Hood, Barbara Jean (d.03/14/02) 2002 Weible, Kenneth Alfred
Hoxsey, Juanita Pearl (Heater) (d.01/03/04) 2004 Wells, Betty Jean
Humphrey, Thelma Caroline (Griffith) (d.01/11/16) 2016 Wicker, Ellis H. (d.11/13/96) 1996
Hurwitz, Robert (d.02/77) 1977 Wickstrom, Mary Irene (Bachrodt) (d.03/16/14) 2014
Ireland, Esther I. (Sammis) (d.06/95) 1995 Wieland, Virginia Marie (Stoner) (d.07/04/07) 2007
Jverson, Robert (Bob) C. (d.abt 11/05) 2005 Wilkison, Merle
Jacobsen, Vesta Lucille (Loy) (d.05/21/14) 2014 Wines, Betty (Breen) (d.02/23/02) 2002
Jinkens, Alice Josephine Winkel, Harold R. (d.02/20/07) 2007
Kaldenberg, Mary Jane (Willey) (d.09/98) 1998 Withers, Maxine Bernice (Seaburg) (d.04/05/07) 2007
Keeley, Bert E. Woodruff, Dorothy Mae (Grimes) (d.02/19/00) 2000
Kinnamon, Larry Wright, Lloyd
Knecht, Vera Eloise (Briggs) (d.09/20/05) 2005 Yazman, Helen Gertrude (Wolf) (d.08/02/03) 2003
Koons, Ward Maynard (d.08/86) 1986 Young, Jean (Riggs)
August, 1937 (total class numbered 27)
Amsberry,Maxine Virginia (Surber) (d.08/16/04) 2004 Julander, Anna Kathryn
Bernstein, Alvin Perman, Ronald J. (d.09/72) 1972
Carpenter, Dorothy R. ( Russick) (d.08/01/06) 2006 Saluri, Joe (d.08/86) 1986
Carpenter, Mary Seward, Jack C. (d.01/14/93) 1993
Feiler, William (d.03/85) 1985 Sharp, Jack Oakley (d.08/72) 1972
Griffin, Marzetta LaVerna (Burrell) (d.01/03/96) 1996 Siegel, Samuel (Sammy) (d. 02/01/07) 2007
Hawkins, Edward R. (d.11/73) 1973 Smith, Carlyle J. (d.04/26/04) 2004
Jones, David Phillip (d. 05/13/63) 1963 Vance, Walter R. (d.07/11/03) 2003
Jose, Dick (Richard) James (d.07/21/94) 1994 Wilkerson, Clarence Earl 1992
Weiss, Morris (d.10/16/03) 2003 x  
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
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Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
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