North Des Moines High School
Class of 1979
40th Reunion
(July 26, 2019)
Plan Ahead! We are starting a new tradition. Every year we will meet on the first Saturday of the Iowa State Fair! We want to see more of one another and don't want to wait five years in between! It was such fun! Reunion group photos will be online shortly.
Join us at our 40th!
Friday, July 26, 2019
'Time: tbd    
  Riverview Park
710 Corning Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 237-1386

Contact: Mike Swift at
[email protected]
$: tbd
Saturday, July 27, 2019
7:00AM reg
8:00AM Shotgun
  Blank Golf Course
808 County Line Road
Des Moines, IA 50320
(515) 248-6300
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Time: tbd (PM)
Trails End Auto Recycling
1551 NE 44th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 265-5696 or (515) 262-8860
Group Photo?
Group Photo: Stover Photo?
(515) 321-6691
Time: tbd
Join us at our 35th! Saturday, July 26, 2014
  Toad Valley Golf Course
Pleasant Hill, IA
Contact: Mike Swift at
[email protected]
Noodle Zoo
2785 North Ankeny Boulevard
Ankeny, IA 50021
(515) 965-2099
Contact Peggy Hall at (641) 757-0347 or
[email protected]
Group Photo?
Stover Photographic Services?
(515) 981-4217
Time: tbd
Friday, August 14, 2009
5:00PM   Iowa State Fairgrounds
DNR Courtyard-inside the Grand Ave.Gate #11
3000 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA
No cost for event.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Time: 5:00PM   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
Cost: $25.00/person
Group Photo: Stover Photographic
(515) 981-4217
  Photo scheduled for 8:00-8:30PM
35th Reunion taken July 26, 2014
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Identification coming
2nd Row Identification coming
3rd Row Identification coming
Enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo (above)
30th reunion, 2009 30th reunion, 2009
30th reunion, 2009 30th reunion, 2009
30th Reunion taken August 15, 2009 at Chuck's
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Kathy Enzauro, Linda Shipman Deaton Gilbert, Rhonda Bradford-Nagy, Michelle Weeks-Levenhagen, Kim Cox-Sacker, Leslie Rychel, Carin VanMeter Murphy
2nd Row Lee Navin, Kay Harvey Heathcote, Jeanine Kay Donovan Nielsen, Mona Reese Graham, Chris Tallman Oliva, Kathy Bloomquist Tysklind, Pam Hardy Smith, Debbie Mugan, Keely Thompson Hill, Tami Foster, Debbie Harty
3rd Row Mark Whisler, Gary Larson, Marcie Hummer Anderson, Janet Battles Seuferer, Tammy Christensen Pulley, Randy Sample, Tom Elverum, Tracy Jones Swift, Gail Smith Small, Kendra Bassett Sechovec, Shelly McDonald Mitchell, Cindy Bertelsen Brinkman, Peggy Hall
4th Row Tony Addy, Paul Fink, Kelly Duffy, Michael Swift, Michael Rundle, Chris Lind, Joe Rubes, Chris Bell, Lisa Bachman Lockard, David Parrott, Tina Lewis Patterson, David Souders, Terry Nielsen, Cindy Stanford Banse, Debbie Dunshee, Tom Clay, Doug Godwin
Not shown: Billy Dixon, Tony Moulder, Otis Parker, Robert Kappelman
Friday; not
Linda Patterson Eigsti, Kenny Head, Barry Farrell, Bev Michael Letz, Kim Miller, Bill Smith
enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 30th reunion photo
Photo: Compliments of Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999
20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999
20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999 20th Reunion, 1999
20th Reunion taken 1999
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Cindy Stanford, Tammy Christensen, Debbie McBee, Kelly Cox, Teri Downs, Lisa Bachman, Kathy Bloomquist, Leslie Rychel, Pam Hardy, Robin Patterson, Kim Cox, Toby Hobbs, Karen Van Meter, Michelle Weeks, Beckie Woodyard, Chris Tallman, Bill Dixon, Janet Battles
2nd Row Shelley McDonald, Tracy Jones, Kenny Head, Todd Fouch, Gary Larson, Mike Rundle, Tony Addy, Tracy Deaton, Mike Swift, Kerry Claybaugh, Terry Nielsen, Paul Fink, Kim Miller, Debi Runyon, Karla Wigton, Jeanine Donovan, Kay Harvey, Mona Reese
3rd Row Marcy Hummer, Tony Moulder, George Puffett, Otis Parket, Jeff Howard, Mark Elverum, Doug Godwin, Tom Elverum, Tim Baker, Mark Whisler, Lee Navin, Craig Rannels, Greg Baker, Randy Williams, Tim Hedges
enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo
Photo: Compliments of Tracy Jones Swift
Do you have a copy of the class group graduation picture?
Class of 1979 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Names coming.
2nd Row Names coming.
3rd Row Names coming.
Photo: Compliments of
Class Officers
Varsity Football Varsity Football Varsity Football
Varsity Football Varsity Football Varsity Football
Varsity Football Varsity Football Varsity Football
Varsity Football
1st Sherri Robinson-Mgr., Pam Peterson-Mgr.; Billy Jo Dixon, Ricky Christensen, Jerry Carrington, David Coleman, Mike Richards, Gary Larson, Tom Elverum, Steve Clay, Patty Eveland-Mgr.
2nd Coach Bob Peterson, Chuckie Burrell, Willie Taylor, Clifford Watkins, Ed Dorsey, Brian Davey, Mark Elverum, Doug Wike, Todd Graves, Mark Whisler, Bob Davey, Coach Brooks
3rd Coach Jerry Collins, Jeff Pierick, Tim Nutt, Jeff Cooper, Mike Fontana, Brian Thomas, Gary Christensen, Tony Christensen, Bryan Clemens, Randy Frein, Walt Bevel, Doug Harding, Coach McDonald
4th Randy Baker, Jody Gelner, Trent Krueger, Rod Christofferson, Paul Albers, Mike Bruce, Tony Chandler, Rick VanHoever, Leroy Johannes, Russ Ross
Boys' Baseball Boys' Baseball
Boys' Baseball Boys' Baseball
Boys' Baseball Boys' Baseball
Varsity Baseball
1st Manager Lori Turner, Tim Hedges, Rick Christensen, Russ Potts, Bob Lamberti, Scott Miller, Craig Robertson, Manager Lorrie Payton
2nd Loyed Hedges, Coach Fritz, Tim Lindstrom, Jim Brown, Dennis Lutz, Gary Larson, Jerry Carrington, Kirk Caswell, Tom Rider, Randy Vanderleest, Coach Don Sears
Double A Champs Double A Champs
Double A Champs Double A Champs
Marti Stufflebeam
Kim Moses
Lisa Marchael
Jenny Walker
Lorrie Marchael
Girls' Softball
1st Adrean Kurschinski, Terri Cox, Julie Rychel, Jean Madden, Nancy Cook, Cathy Morton, Michelle Weeks
2nd Tracie Foutch, Luanne Cheek, Shelly Ferguson, Julane Winkle, Nancy Swanson, Theresa Dixon
3rd Lisa Kurschinski, Lorrie Lathrum, Leslie Rychael, Kathy Fischer, Shari Wilson, Lisa Marchael, Julie Madison
4th Coaches Larry Harker and Judy Duffy
Girls' Softball Girls' Softball
Girls' Softball Girls' Softball
Varsity Cheerleaders Varsity Cheerleaders
Varsity Cheerleaders Varsity Cheerleaders
Rhonda Miller, Robin Patterson, Lori Turner, Regina Faux, Ruby Bohall   Hear the crowd roar.."Go North!"
Music Theatre Music Theatre Music Theatre
Music Theatre Music Theatre Music Theatre
Music Theatre Music Theatre Music Theatre
Music Theatre
1st Denise Hawthorn, Doug Godwin, Chris Tallman, Linda Shipman, Pam Hardy, Debbie Maier, Leslie Rychel, Rod Christofferson, Kathy Bloomquist, Terry Neilson, Jeanine Donovan, Rhonda Brafford, Martha Stufflebeam
2nd Mona Reese, Tina Lewis, Brad Mundell, Cheryl Mingo, Julie Dunshee, Leila Blackburn, Kelly Duffy (bent over), Liane Jepsen, Tracy Foutch, Mike Allen, Marie Parlee
3rd Lori Turner, Vickie Mingo, Hohn Gillahan, Julie Rychel, Becky Keith, Jim Zimmerman, Lisa King, Kay Harvey, Lorri Payton, Mary Cook, Lisa Cervetti
Photos: Compliments of yearbook of Lisa Kurschinski, class of 1980
Graduates - June, 1979 (numbered 174)
Adams, Peggy Ann Dunshee, Debra Denise Killinger, David Kevin Rider, Thomas David
Addy, Anthony Fromm Durden, Robert Dewayne Knapp, Larry Dee Robinson, Debra Eileen
Bachman, Lisa Anne Elverum, Mark Lee Knox, Martha Ann Rubes,Joseph Charles, ,Jr.
Baily, Doris Denise Elverum, Thomas Scott Lamberti, Robert Anthony Rundle, Michael Page
Baker, Gregory John Estrada, Kirk J. Larson, Gary Lee Runyon, Debra Ann
Baker, Timothy Scott Farrell, Barry Gene Lee, Thai Rychel, Leslie Ann
Baldwin, Weslee Ira Faux, Regina Ellen Hertz Lewis, Tina Louise Semple, Randy Neal
Bassett, Kendra Sue Fife, Connie Sue Lind, Chris John Shipman, Linda Jo
Battles, Janet Louise Fink, Paul Lindstrom, Timothy Alan Sibert, Steven Ray
Baumgartner,Kathleen Ann Finley, Kimberly Lee Luten, Michelle Lynette Simpson, Larry Gene, Jr.
Beavers, Bobbie Fisher, Buddy Jack Madden, Jean Anne Sims, Cheryl Ann
Becker, Gary Wayne Foster, Tammra Kay Maier, Debra Lynn Sitterle, Diedre Laine
Bell,Christopher Ambrose Foutch, Todd Lewis Marchael, Lorrie Anne Smith, Gail Rene
Berry, David Clayton Freerksen,Howard Eugene Marino, Pamela Sue Smith, William Joseph
Bertelsen, Cindy Ann Galbreath,Richard Anthony Mascaro, Tammy Sue Souders, David Ross
Blackburn, Leila Marie Garrison, Allison Fay McBee, Debra Sue Stanford, Cynthia Ann
Blatt, Stephen Jay Garver, Carla Margaret McDonald, Shelley Ann Stout, Brian Wayne
Bloomquist,Kathleen Ann Godwin, Douglas Dee Meyer, Steven Brian Summy, Leland Roger
Bohall, Ruby Ann Graves, Todd Jason Michael, Beverly Anne Swift, Michael Dale
Boucher, David Ray Greer, Bobbi Rochelle Miller, Kimberly Rae Tallman, Christine Marie
Brafford, Rhonda Lynn Grimm, Pamela Sue Mingo, Cheryl Rae Taylor, Alice Collen
Brannon, Michael X. Guisinger, Richard John Morgensen, Cindy Lee Thomkins, Lisa Ann
Breeden, Kelly Jean Hamilton, David Dallas Morris, Robert Allen Thompson, Keely Sue
Brown, James Michael Hansen, Denise Marie Moses, Kimberly Ann Thompson, Pamela Ann
Butts, Lynnette Marie Harding, Anita Louise Moulder, Anthony Eugene Tomlinson, Kathy Sue
Carrington, Jerry Lee Hardy, Pamela Jean Mumford, Patrick Dean Travis, Vincent Harold
Catrenich, Carl Edward Harty, Deborah Kay Murray, Lura Ann Turner, Cindy Lee
Cheshire, Roger James Harvey, Kay Delana Navin, Lee Edward VanMeter, Carin
Christensen, Ricky Dwayne Hastings, Warren Lee Navin, Patrick Joseph Vogel, Laurie Annette
Christensen, Tamara Ann Hastings, Wesley Linn Nichols, Rebecca Sue Walden, Rebecca Jo
Claugh, Kerry Lee Hayes, Margaret Ann Nielsen, Terry Lee Walker, Jennifer Kae
Clay, Steven Mark Hedges, Timothy Norman Parlee,Jeanne Marie-Anne Weber, Forest Clayton
Coleman, David Lee Hobbs, Tobie Ann Patterson, Linda Marie Weeks, Michelle Louise
Coleman,Mary Louise Stogel Holland, Mary Patricia Patterson, Robin Diane Wessel, Robin Jane
Cox, Becky Jean Howard, Jeffery Lynn Phoenix, Robert David Wessel, Ronald Joseph
Cox, Kimberly Ann Hubbard,Michelle Denise Pickett, Kirby William Whisler, Mark Allen
Cunningham, Dean Lewis Johnson, Bill Charles, Jr. Plymesser, Joy Marie Wigton, Karla Rae
Davey, Michael Brian Johnson, Linda Marlene Poage, Kimberly Lyn Wike, Douglas Robert
Deaton, Tracy Allyn Jones, Ricky Leon Poe, Terri Lee Wilson, Shari Ann
Dixon, William Joseph Jones, Tracy Lynn Puffett, George Edward Woodruff, Teresa Jane
Donovan, Jeanine Kay Kanis, DeAnn Leigh Quinn, Danny Ross Woods, Elizabeth Kay
Dorsey, Edward Calvin Keith, Debra Joe Rannells, Craig Scott Zimmerman, Theresa Ann
Downs, Thersa Lynn Kelly, Tammy Sue Reese, Mona Jeanne x
Duffy, Kelly Joseph Kerr, Brenda Kay Richards, Michael Dean x x
In Memoriam
Class of June, 1979
June, 1979
Cunningham, Dean Lewis (d.04/29/05) 2005 Lindstrom, Timothy Alan (d.04/18/18) 2018
Dixon, William Joseph (d.01/06/23) 2023 Mingo, Cheryl R. (d. 09/14/95) 1995
Finley, Kimberly Lee(Reese)(d.09/05/07) 2007 Shipman, Lindo Jo (Barcellano,Deaton,Gilbert) (d.10/29/22) 2022
Fisher, Buddy Jack (d.10/19/04) 2004 Simpson, Larry Gene (d.04/13/07) 2007
Garver, Carla M. (d. 02/14/97) 1997 Wigton, Karla (d.2002) 2002
Hedges, Timothy Norman (d.08/25/07) 2007 x  
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Oldest North teacher Class of 1917 Pictures
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Class of 1924 Pictures
Class of 1925 Pictures
Class of 1926 Pictures
Class of 1927 Pictures
Class of 1928 Pictures
Class of 1929 Pictures
Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
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