North Des Moines High School
Class of 1932

Class Meetings:

January and June classes meet the fourth Thursday of each month at
Baker's Cafeteria
Sherwood Forest
73rd and Hickman Road
Windsor Heights , IA 50322-4619
Dagwell Orchestra, circa 1932 Dagwell Orchestra, circa 1932 Dagwell Orchestra, circa 1932 Dagwell Orchestra, circa 1932
Dagwell Orchestra
Members of Class of 1932;
Dale Crowell, second from left; Ralph Zarnow, third from left; Roy Ramsay, fifth from left
Photo: from personal memorabilia of the late Ralph Zarnow
Zarnow Ambition in 1932 Yearbook:
Dance Band Leader
  Ad appearing in June, 1949 Polar Bear
Ralph Gerald Zarnow, graduation, June, 1932
Ralph Gerald Zarnow, graduation, June, 1932
Zarnow ad in June, 1949 yearbook Zarnow ad in June, 1949 yearbook Zarnow ad in June, 1949 yearbook
Ralph Gerald Zarnow
July 27, 1914-March 20, 1997
  1995 listing:
Zarnow Entertainment & Orchestra Service
1181 9th St., Des Moines
a capella chorus..state champions 1932 a capella chorus..state champions 1932 a capella chorus..state champions 1932 a capella chorus..state champions 1932 a capella chorus..state champions 1932
A Capella Chorus...State Champions 1932
Raymond W. Jones, Director
Forty-nine students compose the contest A Capella Chorus. They are Cynthia Ash, Bessie Caplan, Beverly Buehrer, Adda Blanchard, John Christian, Jack Collins, Bert Diehl, Mayer Enabnit, Ed Nelson, Elwood Glenn, Bob Grubb, Harry Harris, Henry Landis, Sylvanus Landis, Paul Lawhead, Allen Lichty, Arden Lee, George McGlothlen, Marvin Sterrett, Leo Unger, John Wright, Sherman Dyer, Bruce Grant, Bernard Strittmatter, George Shebeck, Grace Clifford, Lois Critchett, Louise Devine, Marian Felt, Agnes Ganschow, Betty Goble, Sarah Hurwitz, Ruth Hodgson, Lucille Kilgore, Margaret O'Brien, Louise McKinley, Rose Mack, Esther Sage, Elizabeth Schmidt, Helen Sear, Daisy Snedden, Margaret Vernon, Julia Wilkinson, Alice Witter, Marjery Zimmerman, Mabel Wise, Maxine Nelson, Doris Warfel, Clara Bell.
1932 Basketball Team 1932 Basketball Team 1932 Basketball Team
1932 Basketball Team

Harold Orrcutt, Cotton Smith, Ray Turner, Chuck Orebaugh, Chuck Kramer

Harold Levin, Jimmie Brumbaugh, Jimmie Lyle, Melvin Overton
Student Council, June, 1932 Student Council, June, 1932 Student Council, June, 1932 Student Council, June, 1932 Student Council, June, 1932
Student Council, June, 1932
1st Row Lois Bumgardner, Eleanor Jepson, Virginia Wheeler, Miss Helen Grace Adams, faculty advisor, Henry Landis, Bob Wallace, Maxine Hume, Gladys Bissig, Signey Sands
2nd Row Betty Heggen, Dick White, Marion Foster, Al Hoffman, Mildred Tobis, Bob Trotter, Hubert Chase, Merel Francisco, Don Hicks
3rd Row Chuck Stevens, Ben Spencer, Dick Irvin, J.G. Snyder, Jack Whitmore, Bob Gooch, Harley Barret, Mary Jane Kiggins, Bob Pennington, Ralph Whitney
4th Row George Earhart, Clare Curtis, Bob Uetz, John Mitchell, Gerald Davey, Wilbur Lawrence, Bob Peck, George Leedham, Dale Growell, Frances Gibson, Jack Faust, Charles Wilson
Absent: Helen White, Harold Scholes
Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932 Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932 Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932 Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932 Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932
Golf and Tennis Teams, June, 1932
1st Row Ruth DeGan, Virginia Bishop, Margaret McCartney, Virginia Wheeler, Mr. Jencks, Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Allison Williams, Mary Louise Rodine, Betty Evans
2nd Row Tillie Yazman, Mary Sarchfield, Helen Maurer, Jeanette Simmons, Marion Foster, Edwyna Lounsbury, Sarah Dawson, Lorraine Stacey, Dorothy Ball, Kathryn Pearlman
3rd Row Jimmy Brumbaugh, Joe Wheatley, Nicholas Bayle, Isadore Friedman
4th Row Victor Pomerantz, Jimmy Watson, Bill Mayer, Myron Schatz, Bob Hulbert, Bob Adams, Vincent Parker, Henry Fries, Bill Jencks
5th Row Bob Riley, James Beardsley, Cedric Coffman, Isadore Ginsberg, Nathan Greek, Harold Levin
1932 State Runnersup (State Champions in 1931)
1st Row Joe Leo, Jimmy Iles, Ed Miller, James Ahern, Jack Haubert, Basil Gray, Phil Hoffman
2nd Row Don Haubert, Kenneth Chenoweth, Earl Dennis, Al Senechal, Merrick DeCarlo, Harry Donahue, Melvin Bowen
3rd Row Keith Kirstein, Johnny Wright, Max Grimes, Don Beal, Howard Shaw, Don Paulson
1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team
1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team
1932 Football Team
1st Row Keith Kirstein, James Ahern, Harold Smith, Don Scott, Jack Faust, Francis Gibson, Stanley Wheatcraft
2nd Row Howard Smith, Ray Turner, Charles Orebaugh, Frank Gallagher, Orlando Johnson, John Wright, Dick Peck, Frank Martin
3rd Row Jerry Morris, George Ogden, Robert Peck, Basil Gray, Kay Shepherd, Dale Clark, George Grooms, Wendell McLaughlin
4th Row Charles Jackson, student mgr.; Ray Pederson, James Main, James Lyle, Al Senechal, Bill Frame, Leland Johnson, Ed Shepherd, Wade Hammer, Earl Fletcher
Above photos: from yearbook of the late Ralph Zarnow
Spanish Club, 1932 Spanish Club, 1932 Spanish Club, 1932
Spanish Club, 1932 Spanish Club, 1932 Spanish Club, 1932
Spanish Club (no identification given in yearbook)
National Honor Society; Oct. 1931 National Honor Society; Oct. 1931 National Honor Society; Oct. 1931
National Honor Society; Oct. 1931 National Honor Society; Oct. 1931 National Honor Society; Oct. 1931
National Honor Society (October 29, 1931)
Photo by John M. Houlette, 910 31st Street, Des Moines, Iowa
1st Row Mary Louise Hoeye, Cynthia Ash, Margaret Nemmers, Eileen Hawkins, Jane Hoos, Eleanor Jepson, Betty Goble, Mary Evelyn Woods
2nd Row LaVerna Goodman, Erma Able, Julia Wilkinson, Gladys Bissig, Kathryn Pearlman, Estelle Karp, Rosamary Bentler, Mary Louise Rodine
3rd Row Kathryn Fletcher, Lillian Saltos, Elizabeth Brand, Marian Feik, Walter Davis, Elizabeth Child, Henry Landis, Ralph Zarnow
4th Row Bob Riley, David Robison, Wilbur Lawrence, Myron Schatz, Tom House, Sheldon Walker, LaDema Twitchell
Above photo : personal memorabilia of the late LaDema Twitchell

Graduates - January, 1932
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools

Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
139 graduating from North High
January 28, 1932
Abel, Margaret R.. Hiatt, W. Eugene Reaves, George B.
Allen, Edgar. Dale Hoss, Helen J. Rehard, Lenore Beatrice
Anderson, Leola M. House, Thomas Hamilton Reynolds, Carroll Walter
Annear, Paul Richard Huston, Robert Bernard Ricker, Vernon Ralph
Asman, Ethel June Hutchins, Robert Dale, Jr. Riggle, Lorene I.
Baker, Louise Jacobsen, Harold William Riggs, Edwin C. W. D.
Barnhart, I. Beth Johnson, Erma Lorene Robinson, Owen Edward
Barrett, Geraldine D. Johnson, Leonard L. Rosen, Annabelle Evelyn
Becker, Francis E. Jones, Priscilla Russell, Maxine Marie
Blaylock, Mary Louise Karp, Estelle V. Salter, Lillian
Bohlender, Wallace Clell Kautz, George Wedel Shaeffer, Benjamin
Breau, Evelynne Kemming, Phyllis Sharon, Dorothy
Brenner, Sidney James Kennedy, Nellie Josephine Shaw, Granville C.
Brewester, Herbert R. Ketman, Carol Kathryn Sheil, Richard Charles
Briggs, Helen Ruth Kimball, Margaret L. Sheldon, Josie G.
Buchacker, Floyd LeRoy Knight, Virginia Kathryn Smith, Cyril Douglas
Bush, Mary J. Larson, L. Vincent Smith, Evelyn Marie
Carman, Anne E. Laughead, Jessie May Smith, F. Raymond
Carter, Mary E. Mahaffa Lenning, Carol Marcine Smith, Martha J.
Christian, Marjorie Leseney, Donald F. Smith, Wayne C.
Clement, Allen K. Lorey, Charles Herbert Sofen, Nora
Coffey, Eileen A. Malum, Donald N. Southers, Jerome
Collins, William Rayfield Mann, Virgil L. Spuzzello, Teresa A.
Costello, Helen Patricia Mason, Julien Gilbert Stout, Vertrice Maxine
Dawson, Mildred G. Matherly, Genevieve Emma Tadt, Dean S.
Dudley, Quincy Lenora McCombs, Dale E. Tatz, Blanche
Duff, Anne C. McCullough, Charles W. Terrie, Arthur James
Dwyer, Frances McKendrick, Dortha Blanche Tharp, Mary R.
Earl, Robert J. McLaughlin, Ruby Elizabeth Thompson, Lee Jane
Eaton, Raymond G.   McNeiley, Clara Mae Tidrick, Bobbie (Robert) Evans
Elder, Stewart Whitehill Miller, Lillian Twitchell, LaDema
Ellis, Eleanor C. Miller, Robert A. VanDam, Martha J.
Evans, Robert Dean Mitchell, Ruby Ileen VanNest, Wayne H.
Fairless, Clyde Joseph, Jr. Montis, Ralph D., Jr. Vernon, Dorothy M.
Fairless, Raymond J. Moore, Herbert Votruba, Ruth Eleanor
Foster, Kathryn L. Nemirovsky, Rose x Walther, Dale Loraine x
Frost, Alberta May Newby, Roberta Fern Waters, Victor Ray
Fuller, Grace E. Norbury, Donald William White, Irvin Lee
Games, Myrtle L. Park, Gwendolyn A. Williams, Catherine Gayle Virginia
Ganschow, John Henry Pearlman, Helen Celia Wilson, Lloyd Henry
Goldenberg, Ethel Elaine Perkins, Harlan E. Witmer, Helen G.
Gordon, Jean Perkins, Mary Ellingson Woodruff, Joe L.
Graef, Hugh J. Pharo, Marion Woods, Mary Evelyn
Hall, Jack Plantz, Jack William Woods, Verly Ellis
Harris, Harold W. Plummer, Russell Winston Worden, Eugene Ralph
Heggen, William H. Pomerantz, Eva x x x
Held, Florence Caroline Powell, Anna Martha x x x
Graduates - June, 1932
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools

Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
266 graduating from North High
June, 1932
Abel, Erma Frances (Gardner) Grund, Evelyn C. Pearlman, Kathryn (Lezy)
Adams, Robert Benton Gude, Rosalind Gertrude Pennington, Robert B.
Allen, Charles Irwin Guise, Benjamin I. Peterson, Haydon
Allen, Mary Gertrude Guy, Martha Leona Pickell, Gwendolyn Marie
Aller, Goldie G. Haag, Lorraine Virginia Poepping, Virginia B. (McCoy)
Anderson, Aileen E. (Stone) Hall, Virginia Ann Porter, Herschel J.
Arthurs, Monica Elaine (Johnson) Hart, Donovan G. Z. Rauwolf, Roberta J.
Asarch, Jack Hartman, L. LaNelle Renner, Emma Pauline
Ash, Cynthia W. (James Chick) Hatch, Helen G. (Jones) Rhinehart, Roberta Jean
Barker, Dempse C. Hartshorn, Rachel M. Riddle, Priscilla E.
Barr, Aven Lee Hawkins, Eileen Riley, Robert H.
Bassman, Tiby Matilda Hawkins, Lorraine H. (Johnston) Robinson, David
Bell, Clara Gertrude Hays, Gladys M. (Edgerton) Rodine, Mary Louise
Benson, Norma M. (Pim) Hicks, Donald K. Rohrer, Dorothy Vivian (Storm)
Bentler, Rosamary Crane (Calice) Hodgson, Olive M. (Waddington) Rosenburg,Gertrude Zelda (Lichtenberg)
Bernstein, Mary (Phil Rubin) Hoeye, Mary Louise Ross, Conrad
Bissig, Gladys A. (Weston) Hoffman, Albert J. Rubinson, Norton
Blanchard, Adda Mae (Lynch) Hoffman, Louise A. Rushing, Lathan G.
Bogle, William Collier Holden, Lucylle Ruvane, Margaret L. (Johnson)
Boller, Bob Holmes, Harry Sanders, Ferne Lucille
Boody, Dick W. Hoos, Jane C. Sands, Sidney
Branaum, Maurice Horne, Lewis D. Sarchfield, Mary Ann (Howerter)
Brann, Mary Elizabeth (Leland West) Howard, Hazel Savereid, Eva Sylvan
Brown, Ruth I. Hume, Lauren Jean Schaffer, Jerry R.
Brundage, Harvey William Hume, Maxine M. (Glen Barger) Schatz, Myron
Burchfield, Ferne L. Hunter, Basil J. Schmidt, Elizabeth G.
Burgus, Homer A. Hurlbert, Wanda Marguerite Schroeder, Noma Georgia (Kendall)
Butler, L. Dorene Ibson, Bob Schwartz, Reuben
Caldbeck, Robert William Irvin, J. Richard Sear, Helen E.
Campbell, Daisy A. Jackson, James Autry Shaw, Howard E.
Campbell, Ethel Bernice   Jackson, Louise Shaw, Mardelle E.
Carr, Bob W. Jared, E. Pauline Sheil, Marie C. (Klemm)
Champlin, John H. Jarnagin, Louise V. (Page) Shepard,Marie Josephine (Art Shepro)
Chase, Russell E. Jepson,Eleanor Mae(Richard Bevier) Shostrom, Wayne L.
Child, Elizabeth Lea Johns, Helen I. Six, Marie B. (Conklin) (Wid)
Clark, Margaret Ann Joyce, Kathryn M. Smith, Donald W.
Cleveland, Richard R. Kempton, Cheryl Marie Smith, Mary Lou (Weidner)
Clifford, Grace Kenne,Catherine M.(Leonard Moeller) x Smith, Maxine I. x
Cohen, Maurice M. Kenne, Lucille Anne (Carl Denning) Smith, Melvin A.
Cooper, Vivian Jane Kiggins, Mary Jane Soltot, Mary L.
Copley, Laura Jean (Westergaard) Kinney,Marcella C.(John C.Peterson) Southworth, Helen Maria (Smith)
Corkham, Evelyn May (Mitchell,Haws) Kinser, Helen Lucille (Earl Clark) Spake, William Robert
Correll, John M. Kramer, Charles E. Spraker, Marybelle
Craig, Louis J. Landis, Henry Hartman Spuzzello, Angeline M.
Curry, Eldon M. Landis, Sylvanus N. Stenoish, Pauline Elizabeth (Miller)
Curtiss, Mary Felicia (Peterson) Lawhead, Paul Henry Sterrett, Marvin D.
Davidson, Georgia Lawrence, Wilbur D. Stevens, Charles J.
Davis, Phil W. Leggee, Betty Jane Stone, Evan H., Jr.
Davis, Walter F. Leonard, F. Cornelia x Taylor, Deva Maude x
DeCarlo, Merrick M. Lenz, Paul W. x Tawney, Elizabeth A.
DeGan, Ruth G. (Rice) Lewis, Doris Audrey Thomas, J. Frederick
Dengle, Bessie Elizabeth (Law) Lindquist, Ruby Henrietta Tobin, Keith
Denny, Doris Elizabeth Ludden, John B. Tollenaar, Myrtle May
Devine, Louise Edna (Monroe) Malson,Evelyn Mae(O.Allen DeVore) Torrenga, Karl Eugene
Dildine, Salmeron Francis Mann, Ruth E. (Orcutt) Townsend, Andrew F.
Dillon, Bruce A., Jr. Marks, Joseph Zelcer Trawn, Violet
Donahue, Thomas J. Marshall, Marcella Louise Tyler, Nita Rozene
Doran, Robert Edward Martin, Arline Romayne Uetz, Bob
Dunn, Mabel Marie (Art Denny) Martinsen, Edward Arthur Underwood, Helene Amelia
Eggers, Neal Robert Marxer, Edward J. Vernon, Margaret Eva (A.Chavannes)
Ehlers, Helen L. Mastrofski, Bernerd Waitz,Mary Lou (Marvin Graybeal)
Ehrensing, Richard Charles Mayer, Frances I. Walker, Sheldon Allen
Emary, Edna M. McDermott, Margaret E. Wallace, Robert Ross
Emery, Donald Bernard McKeeman, Gilbert E. Walsh, John J.
Enabnit, Mayer Sterling McKinley, Louise N. Ware,Helen Agnes (Stan Wetteland)
Erb, Barbara Lorraine (Henry Ogden) Meline, Earl W. West, Dorothy (Bill Rogers)
Erwin, Marion Louise Merriman, Virginia (Talerico) Wheeler, James William
Evans, Betty Meyer, Robert H. Whitaker, Ruby Mae
Fagen, Robert O. Meyrat, Martha C. (Montoya) White, Homer Willard
Fairfield, Marguerite Beatrice Miksell, Paul Delbert White, Howard Marion
Fawkes, Donald G. Miller, E. Maxine (Meredith Gooding) Wilkinson, Julia Anne
Feik, Marian Ruth (James O'Byrne) Millslagle, Ralph L. Willey, Harry B.
Ferstenfeld, Adolph Mitchell, Evelyn Williams, Allison Jeanette
Fideler, Verna Grace Mitchell, John P. Williams, Bernard Howell
Fletcher, Kathryn Evalee Morris, Irene Aleen Williams, Elizabeth L. (Rovner)
Francisco, Merel C. Munzenmaier, Margaret L. Williamson, Chester Leo
Fuller, Paul C. Nash, Alberta A. Wirtz, Prudence C. (Howard Taylor)
Gambrel, Leo Elmer Nelson, Vera Vivian Wise, Mabel
Ganschow,Agnes A.(Dwight Thompson) Nemmers, Margaret Agnes (Neubeck) Wishman, Ferne Ella (Sharr)
Gibbons, Helen Neuhaus, Pauline E. Woodard, Harold C.
Gifford, Sidney E. Northup, Audrey E. Wray, Mildred Louise
Goble, Betty (Richardson) Ogden, Martha Ruth Wright, Vance P.
Godwin, Cora M. Olson, Evelyn Christine Yazman, Abe Edward
Gooding, Meredith C. Osborne, Frances Ann Young, Etha LaVonne (Walter Tew)
Goodman, LaVerna F. (Yazman) Overton, William Melvin Youngquist, Russell L.
Grant, Robert Douglas Palatnick, Jennie Yule, Foster C.
Greek, Nathan B. Parlee, Brady D. Zarchy, Alex C.
Grimes, Paul F. Patten, Ralston Euclid Zarnow, Ralph Gerald
Grove, Gerald E. Peaco, Josephine Mae x x x
Graduates - August, 1932
August, 1932
Bailey, Jean (Dalbey) Fulton, James Immel Nichols, Helen F.
Block, Mary (Rosenberg) Gabriel, Frank Owens,Jack R.
Carlson, Glendoris Jones, Alice May (Floyd Bill Linn) Sage, Esther L. (Russell Sands)
Conner, Robert C. Kirkman, Hazel (Jim Wade) Simpson, Winfred R.
Daugherty, Frances (Bruning) Lipson, Charles Steele, Florence (Bigsby)
Dorn, Rosena M. (Mathias) Meyer, Robert Steepy, James E.
Edrington, Margaurette Nelson, Lois (William Ryan) Wyner, Paul
Above list from personal effects of the late LaDema Twitchell
Enlarged left side of January, 1932 (and some June, 1932 graduates) graduation photo
Enlarged right side of January, 1932 (and some June, 1932 graduates) graduation photo
This montage was received in five separate taped sections, deeply scratched, torn, and
very damaged. Scotch tape had to be removed with adhesive solvent, swabs, tweezers, and
patience. Four separate scans at 600 dpi. Every photo had to be worked individually.
Faces had to be "rebuilt." Restoration took four full days.
Starting first row, top left going across (only five rows identified)
1st Row Max Johnson, John Katizenbarger, Virginia Foster, Jane Perice, Lucille Hunt, Maxine Russell, Doris McDowell, Meredith Gooding, Helen Hatch, Howard White, Bob Wilkins, Helen Elhers, Gladys Bartlow, Guy Link, Homer Burgess, Mary Louise Warty, Julia Wilkinson, Howard Thompson, Helen Johns, Helen Southworth
2nd Row Jack Whitmore, Etha Young, May Kerkendall, Evelyn Olson, John Ludeen, Bob McCarty, Pauline Jared, Hortense X, Howard Roby, Streeter Ashton, Baby Miller, Betty Rumam, Helen Baird, Pauline Steniosh, Sheldon Walker, Thelma Young, Nelbe Osterlund, Clare Reeves, Marie Six, James Griffiths
3rd Row Lenay Buchocer, James Kelly, Allen Clement, Martha Guy, Florence Harburts, Thelma Parr, Dick Cleveland, Jack Everet, Myron Shatny, Loraine Hawkins, Paul Seely, Thomas Donahue, Forrest Holtzinger, Bob Plunket, Emma Anderson, Russell Youngqust, Ed Heckman, Erma Able, Merel Francisco, Karny Rodholm
4th Row Opal Davis, Johnnie David, Doris Lewis, Catherine Williams, Don Weiland, Bessie Dingle, Dewy Tilio, Russell Chase, Eddie Rightner, Foster Yule, Carol Renning, Walter Davis, Pauline Brown, Vivian Cooper, Everrit Bailey, Paul Thomas, Silvan McDonald, Helen Hobson, Clarence Edwards, Donald Hicks
5th Row Mary Cavanaugh, Cecil Dunn, Maxine Smith, Gwendolyn Pickell, Leo Elmer Gambrel, Bob Pennington, Fred Peterson, Genevieve Matherly, Don Todd, Hazel Bowman, Ed Strayer, Christine Rucher, Collier Bagle
Photo: Compliments of Catherine Williams (January, 1932)
Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1
Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1
Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1 Class of June, 1932, section 1
Class of June, 1932
Photo by W.L. Baird; Compliments of Wayne L. Shostrom; June, 1932
This photo is in three sections. This is the far left section
Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2
Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2
Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2 Class of June, 1932, section 2
Class of June, 1932
This photo is in three sections. This is the middle section
Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3
Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3
Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3 Class of June, 1932, section 3
Class of June, 1932
This photo is in three sections. This is the far right section
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1932
(Records as of the 50th reunion in 1982 plus several recent)
January, 1932
Allen, Edgar Dale Heggen, William Howard, Jr. (d.8/3/02) 2002 Reaves, George B. (d.05/07/93) 1993
Anderson, Leola M. (d.06/1970) 1970 House,Thomas Hamilton (d.4/8/92) 1982 Reynolds, Carroll Walter (d.08/68) 1968
Annear, Paul Richard (d.03/06/96) 1996 Huston, Robert Bernard (d.02/23/02) 2002 Riggle, Lorene I. (d.04/25/90) 1990
Baker, Louise (d.03/1978) 1978 Hutchins, Robert Dale, Jr. (06/10/80) 1980 Riggs, Edwin C. (d.02/77) 1977
Barnhart, I. Beth Jacobsen, Harold Wm. (d.01/1984) 1984 Robinson,OwenEdward (d.9/30/73) 1973
Barrett, Geraldine D. Kautz, George Wedel (d.05/70) 1970 Shaeffer, Benjamin F. (d.05/17/98) 1998
Blaylock,MaryLouise(Dewey)(d.10/68) 1968 Ketman,Carol K.(Worden) (d.4/5/06) 2006 Sheil, Richard Charles (d.05/18/97) 1997
Bohlender, Wallace Clell (d.03/30/95) 1995 Larson, L.Vincent (d.03/16/91) 1991 Sheldon, Josie G. (d.10/1993) 1993
Breau, Evelynne Laughead, Jessie May (d.03/80) 1980 Smith, Evelyn Marie (d.9/1993) 1993
Brenner, Sidney James 09/30/81 1981 Lenning, Carol Marcine Smith, Wayne C.
Brewster, Herbert R. (d.07/19/96) 1996 Leseney, Donald F. (d.06/09/90) 1990 Southers, Jerome (d.05/81) 1981
Buchacker, Floyd LeRoy (d.05/15/02) 2002 Lorey, Charles Herbert (d.12/12//85) 1985 Stout, Maxine (d.07/23/94) 1994
Christian, Marjorie (d.07/20/91) 1991 Malum, Donald N. (d.03/12/74) 1974 Tadt, Dean S. (d.08/80) 1980
Clement, Allen K. Mann, Virgil L. (d.05/14/94) 1994 Tatz, Blanche
Collins, William Rayfield (d.03/16/93) 1993 Mason, Julien Gilbert (d.08/82) 1982 Terrie, Arthur James (d.11/78) 1978
Duff, Anne C. Matherly, Genevieve Emma Tidrick, Robert E.vans (d.05/84) 1984
Dwyer, Mary Frances (d.12/27/99) 1999 McCombs, Dale E. (d.08/13/07) 2007 Twitchell, LaDema
Earl, Robert J. (d.03/28/77) 1977 McCullough,Charles W. (d.12/63) 1963 VanDam, Martha J.
Eaton, Raymond G. (d.01/30/08) 2008 Montis, Ralph D., Jr. (d.11/74) 1974 VanNest, Wayne H.(d.10/30/90) 1990
Elder, Stewart Whitehill (d.05/25/92) 1992 Moore, Herbert Vernon, Dorothy M. x
Ellis, Eleanor C. (d.11/1986) 1986 Norbury,Donald William (d.6/11/94) 1994 Waters, Victor Ray (d.01/03/05 2005
Evans, Robert Dean (d.04/01/93) 1993 Patten, Ralston Euclid (d.10/05/05) 2005 White, Irvin Lee (d.09/12/95) 1995
Fairless, Clyde Joseph, Jr. (d.1951,Sicily) 1951 Perkins, Harlan E. (d.11/29/03) 2003 Williams,Catherine Gayle (d.05/20/20) 2020
Foster, Kathryn L. (d.06/04/00) 2000 Plantz, Jack William (d.02/01/91) 1991 Wilson, Loyd Henry (d.08/10/95) 1995
Frost, Alberta May Plummer, Russell Winston (d.7/76) 1976 Woods, Verly Ellis (d.10/18/91) 1991
Ganschow, John Henry (d.09/75) 1975 Pomerantz, Eva Worden,Eugene Ralph (d.03/08/06) 2006
Harris, Harold W. (d.02/76) 1976 x 1976 x 2006
June, 1932
Allen, Charles I. (d.02/21/92) 1992 Goodman,LaVerna F.(Yazman) (d. ) 2003 Sanders,Ferne Lucille (d.02/84) 1984
Aller, Goldie G. Guise, Benjamin I. (d.03/04/99) Sands, Sidney
Asarch, Jack Hart,Donovan G.(d.08/1982) 1999 Sarchfield,Mary(Howerter) (d.09/3/7) 2007
Ash, Cynthia Way (James Chick) 2000 Hatch,Helen G. (Jones) (d.08/12/10) 1982 Schatz, Myron
Barr, Aven Lee.(d.01/87) 1987 Hodgson, Olive M. (d.10/23/89) 2010 Sear, Helen E. 1994
Bassman, Tiby Matilda Hoffman, Albert J. (d:09/22/05) 1989 Shaw,Howard E.(d.07/21/00) 2000
Bernstein,Mary (Rubin) (d.08/11/07) 2007 Horne, Lewis D. (d.04/1987) 2005 Six,Marie (Conklin/Wid) (d.3/8/11) 2011
Bogle, William Collier Howard, Hazel 1987 Smith,Donald W.(d.01/24/93) 1993
Boller, Bob 1988 Irvin, J. Richard (d.08/19/08 2003 Smith, Maxine I.
Brundage,Harvey E.(d.12/06/83) 1983 Landis, Henry Hartman 2008 Southworth, Helen Maria (Smith)
Burchfield, Ferne L. Lawrence, Wilbur D. 1999 Stenoish,Pauline E.(Miller)(d.11/5/94) 1994
Caldbeck,RobertWilliam (d.2/15/02) 2002 Leonard, F. Cornelia 1989 Sterrett, Marvin D.
Campbell, Daisy A. (d.08/04/98) 1998 Ludden, John B. (d.03/01/97) 1997 Stone, Evan H., Jr.
Carr, Bob(d.02/1983) 1983 Martinsen, Edward Arthur 1970 Townsend,AndrewF.(d. 09/24/94) 1994
Champlin,John H.(d.05/11/95) 1995 Mastrofski, Bernerd Trawn, Violet
Cleveland, Richard R. Mayer, Frances I. (d.11/1984) Uetz, Bob
Cohen, Maurice M. Meline, Earl W. (d.02/84) 1984 Vernon,Margaret Eva (Chavannes) (d.02/25/17) 2017
Corkham,EvelynMitchell(d.10/31/05) 2005 Miller,E.Maxine(Gooding)(08/16/07) 1984 Walker, Sheldon Allen (d.05/13/07) 2007
Correll, John M. Millslagle,Ralph L.(d.12/14/96) 2007 Wallace, Robert Ross (d.07/03/95) 1995
Curry,Eldon M. (d.10/19/76) 1976 Miksell, Paul Delbert 1996 Walters, Victor 2005
DeCarlo,Merrick M.(P?) (d.12/15/97) 1997 Mitchell, John P. Walsh, John Joseph (d.09/02/09) 2009
Dengle,BessieElizabeth(Law)(d.6/29/01) Morris, Irene (d.11/78) 1988 Ware,Helen Agnes(Wetteland)(5/86) 1986
Denny, Doris E. Munzenmaier,Margaret(Oberg)(9/22/69) 1978 Wheeler, James William
Dildine,Salmeron Francis (d.12/27/97) 1997 Osborne,Frances Ann (d.09/1986) 1969 White, Homer Willard
Dillon, Bruce Arch., Jr. (d.01/22/90) 1990 Overton, William Melvin 1986 White, Howard Marion (d.11/82) 1982
Doran, Robert Edward Parlee, Brady D. (d.11/19/70) Willey, Harry B.
Eggers,Neal Robert (d.10/30/91) 1991 Patten,Ralston Euclid (d. 10/05/05) 1970 Wirtz,PrudenceC.(Taylor)(d.9/13/6) 2006
Ehrensing,Richard C.(d.08/15/96) 1996 Pennington,Robert B.(d.8/6/91) 2005 Wise, Mabel
Emery, Donald Bernard (d.10/15/07) 2007 Peterson, Haydon (d. 01/24/99) 1991 Woodard, Harold C.
Enabnit, Mayer Sterling (d.05/19/99) 1999 Porter, Herschel J. (d. 02/1984) 1999 Wright,Vance P.(d.03/1986) 1986
Ferstenfeld, Adolph Rauwolf, Roberta J.(Mikschl) 1984 Yazman, Abe Edward (d.02/1976) 1976
Fletcher, Kathryn Evalee 1990 Renner, Emma P.(Snider) (d.01/27/10) Youngquist, Russell L.
Foster-Dwyer, Kathryn L. Riley, Robert H. (d. 03/26/89) 2010 Yule, Foster C.
Fuller, Paul C. (d.06/10/03) 2003 Rodine, Mary Louise 1989 Zarchy, Alexander C. (d.12/68) 1968
Gambrel, Leo Elmer (d.01/02/77) 1977 Rushing, Lathan G. Zarnow, Ralph Gerald 1997
Gooding, Meredith (d.10/30/03) 2003 x 1984 x 1997
August, 1932
x Jones, Alice May (Linn) (d.04/05/01 2001 x Lipson, Charles (d.05/24/07) 2007 x
Others, 1932
Davey, Gerald E. McCartney, Lawrence x x White, Richard
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Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
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Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
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