North Des Moines High School
Class of 1933

Class Meetings:

No regularly scheduled meetings are being held.

Dorothy Grother Stewart Dorothy Grother Stewart Dorothy Grother Stewart
Dorothy Grother Stewart Dorothy Grother Stewart Dorothy Grother Stewart
Herb Welch,
Jimmy Jay
Chuck Orebaugh, Mary Root Orebaugh,
Lois Bumgardner Hall, and Ben Hall

Dorothy Grother Stewart
Pictures taken at the 60th Reunion, May 7, 1993
Courtesy of Herb and Martha Curtiss Welch
Class of January, 1933 Class of January, 1933
Class of January, 1933 Class of January, 1933
Class of January, 1933 Class of January, 1933
Class of January, 1933
Photo by: John M. Houlette, 910 31st Street, Des Moines
left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads left side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
enlarged left side of photo
center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads center section of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
enlarged center section of photo
right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads right side of enlarged photo, January, 1933 grads
enlarged right side of photo
Above January, 1933 class photo: compliments of the late G. Ethel Stevens (Peacock)
Do you have a June, 1933 group cap and gown photo you could loan me to me to
incorporate into this class page? [email protected]
January 1933 Class Officers
June 1933 Class Officers
Student Council, January, 1933 Student Council, January, 1933 Student Council, January, 1933
Student Council, January, 1933 Student Council, January, 1933 Student Council, January, 1933
Student Council-January, 1933
1st Row Avol Thompson, Michael Costello, treasurer; Miss Helen Grace Adams, faculty adviser; Jack Faust, president; Warren Maple, vice president; Marion Foster, secretary; Virginia Wheeler, Charles Jackson
2nd Row Ted Nugent, Gladdine Henderson, Dorothy Walrod, Ruth Hodgson, Bernice Grant, Dorothy Drake, Jay McKissick, George Earhart
3rd Row Bennie Hall, Earl Dennis, George Leedham, Phil Hoffman, John Snyder, Dale Darland, Don Hatch, Charles Neal, Arden Lee, Margaret DeVinney, James Iles, Sarah Dawson, Daisy Snedden, John Wright
4th Row Claire Curtis, Claude Christenson, Francis Gibson, Bob Gooch, Gerald Morris, Harry Harris, Leonard Rhoades, Bob Trotter, Keith Kirstien, Basil Gray, Charles Orebaugh
Student Council, June, 1933 Student Council, June, 1933 Student Council, June, 1933
Student Council, June, 1933 Student Council, June, 1933 Student Council, June, 1933
Student Council-June, 1933
1st Row Margaret McKain, Mildred Richards, Janie Hoffman, Ruth Hodgson, Jack Faust, Margaret Marchino, Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Mike Costello, Margaret DeVinney, Daisy Sneddon
2nd Row Gladdene Henderson, Charlene Henson, Marjorie Allen, Lois Bumgardner, Charles Orebaugh, Mary Richmond, Dwight Russell, Bob Trotter
3rd Row Beverly Beaty, Mildred McDole, Billie Mason, Michael Moscow, Albert Senechal, Jack Morgan, Ray Pederson, Loren Conklin, Don Hatch
4th Row Don Scott, Robert Denny, Harold Smith, Dale Clark, James Ahern, Russell Barnes, Robert McClish, Jack Frame, Harry Wilmot
5th Row James Lyle, Stanley Wheatcraft, Henry Fries, Dale Darland, George Grooms, Gerald Morris, Beauford Marshall, Harry Harris, Amos Pearsall, John Bognanno, Howard Anderson, Bennie Hall
National Honor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society
National Honor Society National Honor Society National Honor Society
Aelioian Chapter National Honor Society, June, 1933
1st Row Mildred Richards, Phyllis Woods, Doris Hufnagel, Margery Zimmerman, Mrs. Grace M. Behr, adviser; Ruth Hodgson, Serella Rosenbaum, Marguerite Whaley, Lucile Wait
2nd Row Wilma Baker, Evelyn Kramer, Margaret Marchine, Eleanor Guerrero, Lois Bumgardner, Margaret Stiles, Edwina Sheeler, Beverly Beaty
3rd Row Dalen McClintock, Avis Carr, Elizabeth Addington, Glandene Henderson, Betty Bauserman, Betty Stribling, Rachel Ash, Eugenie Curless, Doris McLaughlin
4th Row Dwight Russell, Genevieve Evans, Ann Elizabeth Williams, Francis Barnett, Janet Simmons, Robert McClish, Elizabeth Lamb, Jack Frame, Walter MacGregor
5th Row Charles Wilson, Bill Trotter, Helen Doud, Harry Harris, Ada Graham, Joe Coppola, Ola McCraney, Louise Holmes, Tom Case, Bennie Hall, Francis Brotchi
Faculty; June, 1933 Faculty; June, 1933
Faculty; June, 1933 Faculty; June, 1933
Faculty - June, 1933
Note: Copied names from yearbook, but they are not accurately identified.
1st Row Earl S. Kalp, Josephine F. Willard, Nellie E. Wilson, Martha Hutchinson, Nellie L. Baldwin, Ruby D. Lucas, Gwen Perkins, Litta Tumbleson, Ellsworth E. Lory, Theresa Anderson, Willard J. Combs
2nd Row Ronald H. Lyman, Donald E. Read, H.D. McCullough, Lura C. Long, Mildred D. Craig, Agnes Sears, A. Louise Cotnam, M. Pearl Hansen, Helen Grace Adams, Essie M. Whirry, Mary E. Foley, Blanche A. Calvert
3rd Row H.T. Steeper, M.A. Jencks, James H. Gooch, A.H. Horsburgh, Ruth Tumbleson, Raymond W. Jones, F.J. Meier, F.H. Stewart, Frances G. Pickrell, Helen Halbersleben, Grace M. Behr, George E. Strawn, A. Irene Moroney, Clara Foss, Harvey L. Hill, Adelaide B. Wilson, Lois Elwood, S.L. Thomas, C.R. Stewart, Inez I. Hovey, Walter B. Besley
North's Vocal Groups; June, 1933
Miss Ruth M. Rickards, Director
District Winning Orchestra District Winning Orchestra
District Winning Orchestra District Winning Orchestra
District Winning Orchestra; Mr. Raymond W. Jones, Director
Secretarial Club, January, 1933 Secretarial Club, January, 1933
Secretarial Club, January, 1933 Secretarial Club, January, 1933
Secretarial Club, January, 1933 Secretarial Club, January, 1933
Secretarial Club, January, 1933 Secretarial Club, January, 1933
Secretarial Club; January, 1933
No identification given in yearbook
Life Saving Club, January, 1933 Life Saving Club, January, 1933 Life Saving Club, January, 1933
Life Saving Club, January, 1933 Life Saving Club, January, 1933 Life Saving Club, January, 1933
Life Saving Club; January, 1933
No identification given in yearbook
Oracle Staff; June, 1933 Oracle Staff; June, 1933
Oracle Staff; June, 1933 Oracle Staff; June, 1933
Oracle Staff
1st Row Max Grimes, Harold Smith, Michael Costello, Walter MacGregor, Miss Blanche Calvert, news writing advisor; Mr. H.D. McCullough,
business advisor; George Grooms, Dwight Russell, Keith Fullenwider
2nd Row Zelda Peterson, Mary Hamilton, Zulu Gates, DeWitt Mosher, Carlton Shaw, Jeanne Oliver, Dale Darland, Arline Heinzman, Dorothy Grother
3rd Row Wade Hammer, Donnabelle Walker, Cecil Loty, Grace Murdock, Jean Seamen, Charles Decker, Isidro Valdez, Vernon Jones, Bob Jacobson
4th Row Bernard Bailey, Margaret Rushing, Mary Ortale, Dorothy Martin, Thelma Jones, Richard George, Leo Pidgeon, Kenneth Hart, Scott Miller
5th Row Adelaide Harrison, Bernice Barbee, Harry McMaster, Lawrence Armington, Bill Stogdill, Alice Witter, Genevieve Evans, Harold Davidson, Isadore Friedman, Jack Duffy, Bill Trotter, Leonard Brown, Ernest Butters
1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team
1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team 1933 Baseball Team
1933 Baseball Team (City and County Champions)
1st Row James Ahern, Phil Hoffman, Junior Riggs, Jimmy Iles, Joe Leo, Albert Senechal, Dick Donner
2nd Row Julius Bellomo, Verle Wright, Jack Stein, Keith Kerstein, Harley Barrett, Max Grimes, Don Beal, Leo Barton, Alonda Lucia, Floyd Schreck, Howard Smith
1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team
1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team 1932 Football Team
Don Scott
Fall 1932 Football Team (Class of 1933)
1st Row Keith Kirstein, James Ahern, Harold Smith, Don Scott, Jack Faust, Francis Gibson, Stanley Wheatcraft
2nd Row Howard Smith, Ray Turner, Charles Orebaugh, Frank Gallagher, Orlando Johnson, John Wright, Dick Peck, Frank Martin
3rd Row Jerry Morris, George Ogden, Robert Peck, Basil Gray, Kay Shepherd, Dale Clark, George Grooms, Wendell McLaughlin
4th Row Charles Jackson, student mgr.; Ray Pederson, James Main, James Lyle, Al Senechal, Bill Frame, Leland Johnson, Ed Shepherd, Wade Hammer, Earle Fletcher
Yearbooks: Compliments of Clifford M. Brafford (Class of January, 1933)
Now playing...hit song in 1933...
"Say It's Only a Paper Moon"
from the Warner Brothers movie,
"Too Young to Know"
Do you have a copy of the June, 1933 group cap and gown picture?
Do you know anyone who could supply the website with this picture?
Class of 1933 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Names coming.
2nd Row Names coming.
Photo: Compliments of
Graduates - January, 1933
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools
Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
169 graduating from North High
January, 1933
January, 1933 (class totaled 169)
Adkins, Georgia F. Gooch, George W. Overton, Mildred Jean
Anderson, Axel 2002 Goodsell, Ernestine Jane (Koons) Owen, Paxton James 1990
Anderson, Elden Ray 1996 Gray, Basil H. 2000 Parker, Dorothy Louise
Arenson, Helen Green, Ruth E. Peck, Rober t E.
Arenson, Minnie (Sofen) 1986 Gunderson, Gurena (Pottinger) Povall, Lester Dale 1984
Armstrong, Helen Hamburger, Naomi Powell, Alberta Ellen
Bailey, Doris E. Hamilton, Loretta Regan, George R. 1988
Ball, Dorothy Pearl (Thomas) Harberts, Florence R. Rhoads, Leonard A. 1994
Bassman, Ruben 2002 Hare, Charles M. 2004 Robinson, Leota Adeline
Bayle, Nicolas P. Hartzer, Roger E. 1975 Ross, Ona Maxine
Beach, Bettye Haubert, Jack Schreckengost, Minnie B.
Bickley, Dorothy Irene Henry, Viola Wanda Searcy, Charles Ira
Bliedorn, Juanita O. Hetherington, Helen E. Sherman, Howard Keith 2000
Boitnott, Neill Wilson 1994 Hoff, Edward G. Snyder, John B. 1997
Bonner, Emelyn Iles, Marjory Marium Spear, Virginia Elizabeth
Boudewyns, Mary Louise Jarnigan, Louise Spencer, James B. 2006
Boydston, Jack 2007 Jay, James L. (Jimmie) 1999 Spiwak, Bessie R. (Levine) 1986
Brafford, Clifford Milton 2013 Jessen, Ramona Eilene Sposeto, Pasquale E.
Bright, Rose Eileen Jewell, Kenneth T. Stevens, G. Ethel
Brown, Loretta M. Jones, Burney B. Stephan, Harriett R.
Brumbaugh, James (Jimmie) 1982 Kesterson, Robert Wilson Stotts, Alice May
Buehrer, Beverly L. Kilgore, Lucille I. Tenley, Frances Elizabeth
Butcher, Helen Martha Lawhead, Lorna L. (Williams) Tenley, Norah Loure
Carlson, Edwin Leaverton, Jack D. Thomas, Florence E.
Carlson, Kenneth F. Lee, Arden William Thornton, Violette Mae
Carr, Ferne R. Leedham, George E. Tobin, George L.
Chenoweth, Kenneth William 1978 Lemmon, Dorothy D. V. Tolchinsky, Julius 1982
Christianson, John Alvin 2007 Lenhart, Adaline Priscilla x Tovey, George E.
Clark, Virginia May Levin, Harold Turner, Raymond B. 1944
Clevenger, Wayne F.oster 1980 Lounsbury, Nancy Edwyna(Daggett) Vander Wal, N. Deborah
Clopton, Beatrice Virginia Lyman, Arvis H. (Bill) 2004 Wallace, Lela Ruth
Coffman, Cedric E. 1990 Lyon, Sallie L. Walrod, Dorothy
Colby, Elizabeth Ellen Mack, Rose Ann Walsh, Teresa Clare
Cole, Donald Mains, Leland E. 1981 Walrod, Dorothy
Conner, Robert Clayborn Maple, William Warren Ware, Leon N.
Coontz, Eleanor Ferne Martin, Frank A. Warner, Bette Jayne
Crawford, William R. Mayer, William Michael Webley, Gladine Mildred
Critchitt, Lois Drake (Brown) McCaughtry, Gretchen Welch, Herbert Frederick 2005
Crowell, Dale Dwight 1942 McFarland, Maxine Joanne Welch, Margaret Marie
Dawson, Sarah E. 2005 McKissick, Jay E. Wensel, Thelma Bernice
DeArmond, Gerald 1982 McLaughlin, Lucille May Weyrauch, Ruth Frances
Dennis, Earl C. McNaney, Elizabeth J. Wheatley, Joseph L. 1997
Diehl, Berton E. Medd, Evelyn M. Wheeler, Virginia M.
Drake, Dorothy R. Miller, Fred M. White, Helen Louise (Read)
Dubois, Doris M. Morain, Marjorie C. Whitmore, Jack Ervin 1966
Dumas, Georgia A. Morgan, Rich R. Whitehead, Virginia
Earhart, George A. Neal, Charles V. Williamson, Evelyn M.
Edwards, Clarence Frank Nelson, Edwin J. Wilson, Evelyn E.
Foster, Marion E. (Rickard) 1987 Nelson, Norma L. Woods, Ruth Elizabeth
Frame, William W. Nelson, Ramona Wright, John
Gamble, James DeKalb 1979 Nevonen, Howard E. Yarowsky, Koffey
Gammon, Dorothea M. Nicols, Gretchen E. Yeglin, Lillian
Garth, Mary Etta Nugent, Theodore Luke 1975 Young, Ruth Arline
Gibson, Francis Pickrell Oehlert, Emmett Marion, Jr. Zachary, Alvin L.
Gibson, Ruth M. (Morgan) O'Neil, William H. Zavat, Ida
Glynn, Dorothy Elizabeth Orcutt, Harold Samuel 1987 Zimmerli, Frederick Stanley 1944
Goldberg, Herbert
Graduates - June, 1933
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools
Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
278 graduating from North High
June, 1933 (class totaled 278)
Abruzzie, Louise Jane Gruber, Phyllis Louise Parker, Robert (Bob) W. 1975
Allen, Marjorie Louise Guerrero, Eleonor Maria Patton, Dorothy Marie
Alexander, Helen G. Hagan, Bob (Robert) Henry Paulson, Donald P. 2006
Andrew, William S. 1986 Hall, Ben Payne, Margaret E.
Arlaud, Ned Joseph 1986 Hamilton, Mary Dorothy Petty, Gussie A.
Ash, Rachel Sebley Hammer, J. Wade Pidgeon, Leo L. 1989
Ashton, Streeter Woodrow 2009 Hanthorn, Charles William Price, Eileen Vivian
Baker, Wilma L. Hartman, Dorothy Jo Ragland, Cleo M.
Barnett, Frances Heath, Katherine Reaugh, Letitia R.
Bassman,Jeanette (Dukelsky) 1989 Heggen, Betty E. Reinhardt, Emma Mae
Beaty, Beverly Belle Heimbach, C. Beatrice Richards, Mildred P.
Beavers, A. Maxine Heinzman, Esther Arlene Richmond, Mary Della
Becker, Mildred J. (Olson) 2005 Henderson, Gladene Roberts, Margaret Alice
Beeler, Colette M. Henderson, Virginia Mae Roberts, Pauline
Bem, Ruth M. (Boyd) Heskett, Alice Gertrude Rogers, Pauline Agnes
Benson,MarvelleArlene (Kaloski) 1992 Hinds, Gerald Neven 1994 Rome, Dorothy Marie
Bierwirth, Bernice R. Hoffman, M. Janie Root, Mary Margaret 1996
Borrud, Einar E. 2000 Hoke, Zella Elizabeth Roth, Mary Louise
Boyd, Herbert Raymond 1995 Holden, Marvel Maxine Rouine, Veronica Mary
Boydston, Mary Jane Holmes, A. Louise Row, George R. 1997
Bridenstine, Charles B. Howard, Margaret Louise Russell, Dwight E.
Brosman, Catherine Adele Hubler, Gretchen F. (Wade) Russell, Louis E.
Brotchi, George Francis 1987 Hufnagel, Doris Virginia (Lynn) Saddoris,CatherineLeota(Courtney)
Bruce, Alfred M. 1976 Hunter, Willis S. 2008 Saluri, Rose Carmen (Carroll)
Brunia, Alice (Proudfit) 2004 Imes, Mary Eleanor Sampson, George C.
Buhrmaster,Polly Rae (Warren) 1987 Jackson, Charles Kneeland, III Sapper, Catherine
Bullis, Frederick Raymond 1979 Jacobsen, Clarence Henry Schmidt, William L.
Bumgardner, Lois Elizabeth 2009 Jacobson, Robert Louis 1983 Schoonover, Gertrude E.
Cadwell, Darlene Genevieve 2008 Jaquinta, Kathryn 2003 Scott, Albert C. 2002
Cameron, Wynford Ruth Jenks, Robert Edwin 1981 Scott, Donald R.
Campbell, Germaine Marie 1998 Johnston, Martha E. Scurry, Irene Marie (Breeding) 2006
Caple, Frank Owen 1970 Kemp, Lee O. Sharon, Jesserean
Carpenter, Johna Bethel 2000 Kephart, Vivian L. Shaw, Carlton Boyce 1993
Carr, Avis L. King, Catherine (Ballinger) 1986 Shebeck, George E. 1970
Case, Thomas B. 1985 Klemm, Ruth Ann Sheldon,CeciliaDorothy(Gaffield)
Chrenen, Raymond 2002 Kramer, Evelyn Shryrock,BerniceC. (Hasselbring) 1991
Christian, John R. 1994 Krantz, Clara J. Simmons, Jeanette Leone
Clark, Ruby Fern Lamb, Elizabeth Bonar Smith, Dorothy Irene
Coleman, Florence Ann Larsh, Joseph Rockwell 1995 Smith, Harold Luther
Condon, Beatrice Eva Lawrence, E. Louise Smith, Howard
Conklin, Loren Blair 1980 Lefler, William Nickolas 2002 Sneddon, Daisy Pearl 1997
Conrad, William R. Lenhart, Richard J. Snyder, Claude M.
Cooper, Erma Lela (Clements) Leonard, Robert Eugene 1999 Spratt, Harry Leo 1970
Coppola, Catherine Ulanda 1998 Lichty, Allan Stacey, Lorraine Hope
Coppola, Joseph M. Liden, Marguerite Louise Steadman, Katherine V.
Costello, Michael Joseph 1982 Lineweaver, Catherine B. (Parr) Steely, Maxine
Coy, Donald L. 1987 Linn, Floyd William (Bill) 1991 Stephenson, Ross W. 2000
Cox, Rita Fern Lusk, Dorothy L. Stiles, Virginia Burt
Cullings, Cathryn Lynch, Donald W. 1969 Stitt, Mary Audna
Curless, Eugenie Rachel MacGregor, Walter R.,Jr. 1985 Stubbs, Raymond Wilcox 2003
Darland, Dale M. 1988 MacKay, Doraelva R. Swanson, Clifford
Davies, Gladys Edna (Boals) MacManus, Doris Louise 1996 Swartz, Leo R. 1995
Davis, Helen Mae Maine, James S. 1995 Taylor, Clifford C. 1999
Davison, James Eugene 1988 Malmed, Ruth Tenney, Ruth Maxine
Day, Kenneth Marchino,Margaret Mary (Walsh) Thompson, Dwight Hugh 2001
Dengle, Helen M. Marshall, John M. Thompson, Harriett (Miller)
Dennis, Harry William 1965 Martin, Dorothy Louise Thompson, Howard C.
Denny, Robert Mayo 1997 Mathews, Edwin Dumont 1987 Thornton, Gretchen Naomi
Doud, Helen Gretchen Mayer, Kenneth D. 1961 Thornton, Vivian
Duffy, John (Jack) F. Mays, Irene G. Trotter, William Jordon 1989
Dwyer, Richard W. 1975 McCartney, Margaret E. Turkal, Mary L.
Elliott, Maxine Opal McClintock, Dalen Mignon 1993 Van Nest, Hal
Ellis, Lucille Marjorie McClish, Robert George 1990 Wade, Russell Alfred
Essex, Grace Louise 1975 McCool, Mary Anges Wait, Lucile M.
Evans, Edward O. 1996 McCraney, Ola Walker, Donnabelle
Evans,GenevieveMary(Jennings) McDole, Mildred Mae Walton, Mildred Ann
Faust, Jack G. E. 1986 McKain, Margaret F. Waters, Elsie Lorraine
Finney, Joseph Delbert, Jr. 1991 McKay, Bob W. Webster, Ralph B. 1977
Firkins, Charles W. 1968 McLaughlin, Doris Dale Webster, Ruth B.
Foreman, Julius Edwin 2010 McNees, Darlene Genevieve Weeks, Francis J. 1989
Fouts, Melba Eloise Mefferd, Beryl L. (Fairman) 1991 Weir, Mahlon A. 1987
Frame, John M. Mendenhall, Alice Loriene Welsh, Loretta M.
Frazier, Harold 1986 Mills, Genevieve P. Wheatcraft, Stanley 1983
Freeman, Ruth W.H. Mintle, June E. Wheeler, Edwina Florence
Friedman, Isadore Moscow, Michael 1995 Whetsel, Henry William 2004
Friedmeyer, Marybelle (Reynolds) Mullarky, Virginia White, Dorothy Louise
Fries, Henry Joseph 2003 Mulstay,Mary Charlene (Brafford) 1991 Williams, Ann Elizabeth
Fullenwider, Keith Merle 1986 Murdock, Georgie Grace Wilmot, Harry Lewis 1990
Gates, Zula H. Murphy, Mildred V. Wilson, Charles B., Jr.
Gavin, Mary Helen Murray, William O. Winkel, Don R.
Glass, Frances Irene (Stone) Nizzi, Dora Fern Winkler, Karl Josef 2009
Glenn, Elwood 1996 Norman, Caroline Wise, Arthur
Gonong, Catalino Mangosing O'Connell, Barbara Marie Wolfkill, A. Gail
Goodrich, Helen Jeannette Oliver, Jeanne Wood, Phyllis I.
Grant, Lillian Adele Olson, Edna Virginia Wooter, Alice
Graham, Adda Orebaugh, Charles Carson 2000 Yengst, Craig McClure 2002
Green, Roy Griswold 1987 Ortale, Mary E. (Perez) 2004 Yoder, Betty
Grimes, Max Edwards 1997 Overton, Donald M. 1989 Young, Marion William 1986
Grooms, George V. 1999 Parker, Anita B. Zimmerman, Margery Joy
Gross, Eskil 1995 Parker, Dorothy Ruth Zohbon, Joseph P.
Grother, Dorothy Mae (Stewart) 2002 Parker, Luverne x
August, 1933 (class totaled 47)
Barbee, M. Bernice Harrison, Adelaide M. Panattoni, Rita M.
Baughman, J. Jack Herring, Clyde, Jr. Plambeck, Paul Wandling
Boss, Velma M. Hodges, Violet E. Powers, A. Wendell
Brown, Bob P. Holland, Perry R. Rogers, Pauline
Brown, Robert W. Isackson, Irene Robert Rollins, Harley D.
Burr, Francis P. Kakos, Julia G. Romeo, Carmella
Cartee, Thomas H. Lanpher, Roy Arthur Sanders, Russell Marcellus
Chandlee, Howard M. Levy, Kenneth W. Shaffer, Wanda Lucille
Civitate, Mary T. Lundin, Muriel Vivienne Smith, Richard C.
Cochran, S. Evelyn McCollom, Ray Taylor, Claude H.
Corey, Evelyn Margaret McGrath, Lynwood Toussaint, Margaret Elaine
Currey, Robert Van Anda McKinney, Stephen Berthal Trisler, Louie
DeVinney, E. Margaret Meredith, Dorothy M. Uthe, Deloris Maxine
Ferren, Robert C. Miles, Robert L. Valdez, Isidro de Vera
Hamilton, Alice Mueller, Harry, Jr. Wieland, Florine F.
Hamilton, Susie Christine Neff, Ozelle x
In Memoriam (class as of 05/07/93+)
Class of January/June/August, 1933
January, 1933 (class totaled 169)
Adkins, Georgia F. Levin, Harold (d.06/75) 1975
Anderson, Axel 2002 Linn, Floyd William (Bill) (d.03/04/91) 1991
Anderson, Elden Ray (d.11/19/96) 1996 Lounsbury, Nancy Edwyna(Daggett)
Arenson, Minnie (Sofen) (d.09/86) 1986 Lyman, Arvis H. (Bill) 2004
Ball, Dorothy Pearl (Thomas) Mack, Rose Ann
Bassman, Ruben (d.03/15/02) 2002 Mains, Leland E. (d.03/81) 1981
Boitnott, Neill Wilson (d.06/06/94) 1994 Nelson, Edwin J.
Boydston, Jack (d.02/20/07) 2007 Nugent, Theodore Luke (d.09/22/75) 1975
Brafford, Clifford Milton (d.01/03/13) 2013 Oehlert, Emmett M.arion, Jr. (d.11/12/01) 2001
Brumbaugh, James (Jimmie) (d.12/22/82) 1982 O'Neil, William H. (d.05/20/91) 1991
Butcher, Helen Martha Orcutt, Harold Samuel (d.09/25/87) 1987
Carr, Ferne R. Owen, Paxton James (d.03/25/90) 1990
Chenoweth, Kenneth William (d.01/16/98) 1998 Parker, Dorothy Louise
Christianson, John Alvin (d.11/01/07) 2007 Povall, Lester Dale (d.08/22/84) 1984
Clevenger, Wayne Foster (d.06/18/80) 1980 Powell, Alberta Ellen
Coffman, Cedric E. (d.10/25/90) 1990 Regan, George R. (d.12/20/88) 1988
Cole, Donald Rhoads, Leonard A. (d. 05/17/94) 1994
Conner, Robert Clayborn (d.04/12/00) 2000 Schreckengost, Minnie B.
Coontz, Eleanor Ferne Searcy, Charles Ira (d.03/16/90) 1990
Crawford, William R. (d.08/11/92) 1992 Sherman, Howard Keith (d.12/17/00) 2000
Critchitt, Lois Drake (Brown) Snyder, John B. (d.09/07/97) 1997
Crowell, Dale Dwight (KIA, WWII) (10/16/42) 1942 Spear, Virginia Elizabeth (Hauge) (d.07/23/08) 2008
Dawson, Sarah E. 2005 Spencer, James B. (d.12/03/06) 2006
DeArmond, Gerald (07/82) 1982 Spivak, Bessie (Levine) (d.02/86) 1986
Dennis, Earl C. (d.12/08/01) 2001 Stephen, Harriett R.
Diehl, Berton E. (d.05/01/03) 2003 Stevens, G. Ethel (Peacock) (d. 10/06/06) 2006
Earhart, George A. (d.12/73) 1973 Thomas, Florence E.
Edwards, Clarence Frank (d.01/02/11) 2011 Thornton,Violette Mae(McKirgan) (d. 9/08/03) 2003
Foster, Marion E. (Rickard) (d.02/19/87) 1987 Tolchinsky, Julius (d.11/12/82) 1982
Frame, William W. Tovey, George E.
Gamble, James DeKalb (d. 10/27/79) 1979 Turner, Raymond B. (d.11/18/44) (WWII) 1944
Gibson, Ruth Martha (Morgan) Walrod, Dorothy
Glynn, Dorothy Elizabeth (Owens) (d.05/06/14) 2014 Ware, Leon N.
Goldberg, Herbert Welch, Herbert Frederick (d. 11/23/05) 2005
Goodsell, Ernestine Jane (Koons) Welch, Margaret Marie
Gray, Basil H. (d.06/03/00) 2000 Weyrauch, Ruth Frances
Gunderson, Gurena (Pottinger) (d.12/85) 1985 Wheatley, Joseph L. (d.10/02/97) 1997
Harberts, Florence R. Wheeler, Virginia M.
Hare, Charles White, Helen Louise (Read)
Hartzer, Roger E. 1975 Whitehead, Virginia
Haubert, Jack Whitmore, Jack E.rvin (d.02/26/66) 1966
Hoff, Edward G. Williamson, Evelyn M.
Jarnigan, Louise Woods, Ruth Elizabeth
Jay, James L. (Jimmie) 1999 Yarowsky, Koffey
Jewell, Kenneth T. (05/16/89) 1989 Yeglin, Lillian
Kesterson, Robert Wilson Young, Ruth Arline (Townsend) 2004
Lawhead, Lorna L. (Williams) Zimmerli, Frederick Stanley (d.11/16/44) 1944
Leaverton, Jack D. (d.12/19/03) 2003 x
June, 1933 (class totaled 278)
Andrew, William S. (d.10/86) 1986 Kemp, Lee O., Jr. (d. 02/85) 1985
Arlaud, Ned Joseph (d.04/86) 1986 Kephart, Vivian L.(Dennis) (d.01/01/14 2014
Ashton, Streeter Woodrow (d.03/24/09) 2009 King, Catherine (Ballinger) (d.02/86) 1986
Bassman, Jeanette (Dukelsky) (d.08/89) 1989 Larsh, Joseph Rockwell (d.12/30/95) 1995
Becker, Mildred (Olson) (d.02/19/05) 2005 Lawrence, E. Louise
Bem, Ruth M. (Boyd) (d.01/22/91) 1991 Lefler, William Nickolas (06/04/02) 2002
Benson,Marvelle Arlene (Koloski) (d.03/23/92) 1992 Leonard, Robert Edwin (d.10/05/99) 1999
Bierwirth, Bernice R. Lichty, Allan (d.12/23/98) 1998
Borrud, Einar E. (d.06/25/00) 2000 Lineweaver, Catherine B. (Parr) (d.11/25/04) 2004
Boyd, Herbert R.aymond (d.12/04/95) 1995 Linn, Floyd William (Bill) (d.03/04/91) 1991
Brotchi, George Francis (d.12/22/87) 1987 Lynch, Donald W. (d.06/69) 1969
Bruce, Alfred M. (d.05/76) 1976 MacGregor, Walter R., Jr. (d.08/12/85) 1985
Brunia, AliceW. (Proudfit) (d.07/19/04) 2004 MacManus, Doris Louise 1996
Buhrmaster, Polly Rae (Warren) (d.09/87) 1987 Maine, James S. (d.06/04/95) 1995
Bullis, Frederick R.aymond (d.03/79) 1979 Marchino, Margaret Mary (Walsh)
Bumgardner, Lois Elizabeth (Hall) (d.10/19/09) 2009 Mathews, Edwin Dumont (d.05/87) 1987
Cadwell, Darlene Genevieve (d.09/15/08) 2008 Mayer, Kenneth D. (d.03/61) 1961
Campbell, Germaine Marie 1998 McClintock, Dalen Mignon (d.08/02/93) 1993
Caple, FrankOwen (d.03/70) 1970 McClish, Robert George (d.04/17/90) 1990
Carpenter, Johna Bethel (Mochnick) (d.12/27/00) 2000 McLaughlin, Doris Dale (Warren) (d.03/21/06) 2006
Case, Thomas B. (d.02/85) 1985 Mefferd, Beryl L. (Fairman) (d.08/91) 1991
Chrenen, Raymond (d.03/04/02) 2002 Mintle, June E.
Christian, John R. (d.03/05/94) 1994 Moscow, Michael (d.07/08/95) 1995
Conklin, Loren Blair (d.05/04/80) 1980 Mulstay, Mary Charlene (Brafford) (d.05/91) 1991
Cooper, Erma Lela (Clements) Murphy, Mildred V. (d.08/09/04) 2004
Coppola, Catherine Ulanda (d.10/29/10) 2010 Murray, William O.
Coppola, Joseph M. (d.04/09/98) 1998 Nizzi, Dora Fern
Costello, Michael Joseph (d. 04/82) 1982 O'Connell, Barbara Marie
Coy, Donald L.(d.02/87) 1987 Orebaugh, Charles Carson (d.03/04/00) 2000
Cox, Rita Fern Overton, Donald M. (d.07/17/89) 1989
Curless, Eugenie Rachel (Dillard) (d.06/17/07) 2007 Parker, Dorothy Ruth
Darland, Dale M. (d.10/16/88) 1988 Parker, Luverne
Davies, Gladys Edna (Boals) (d.10/05/05) 2005 Parker, Robert (Bob) W. (d.11/75) 1975
Davison, James Eugene (d.08/13/88) 1988 Paulson, Donald P. (d.01/08/06) 2006
Day, Kenneth Payne, Margaret E.
Dennis, Harry William (d.12/13/65) 1965 Pidgeon, Leo L. (d. 03/17/89) 1989
Denny, Robert Mayo (d.04/28/97) 1997 Roberts, Pauline
Dwyer, Richard W. (d. 02/20/75) 1975 Root, Mary Margaret (d.07/30/96) 1996
Essex, Grace Louise (Hutchins) (d.01/30/75) 1975 Roth, Mary Louise
Evans, Edward O. (d.05/23/96) 1996 Row, George R. (d.01/01/97) 1997
Evans, Genevieve Mary (Jennings) Saddoris, Catherine Leota (Courtney)
Faust, Jack G. E. (d. 01/86) 1986 Saluri, Rose Carmen (Carroll)
Finney, Joseph Delbert, Jr. (d.04/16/91) 1991 Sampson, George C.
Firkins, Charles W. (d. 03/68) 1968 Schmidt, William L.
Foreman, Julius Edwin (d.08/06/10) 2010 Schoonover, Gertrude E.
Frazier, Harold (d.02/86) 1986 Scott, Albert C. (d.11/19/02) 2002
Friedman, Isadore Scott, Donald R. (d.06/28/11) 2011
Friedmeyer, Marybelle (Reynolds) Scurry, Irene Marie (Breeding) (d.03/13/06) 2006
Fries, Henry Jospeh (d.04/17/03) 2003 Shaw, Carlton Boyce (d. 03/22/93) 1993
Fullenwider, Keith Merle (d.01/28/86) 1986 Sharon, Jesserean (Dixon) (d.07/18/13) 2013
Gavin, Mary Helen (d. 02/72) 1972 Shebeck, George E. (d. 04/23/70) 1970
Glass, Frances Irene (Stone) Sheldon, Cecila Dorothy (Gaffield)
Glenn, Elwood 1996 Shryrock,Bernice Cecilia (Hasselbring) (d.04/14/91) 1991
Gonong, Catalino Mangosing Smith, Harold Luther (d.06/18/86) 1986
Grant, Lillian Adele (d. 05/30/01) 2001 Smith, Howard
Graham, Adda Sneddon, Daisy Pearl 1997
Green, Roy Griswold (d.10/19/87) 1987 Spratt, Harry Leo (d.08/08/70) 1970
Grimes, Max Edwards (d.02/02/97) 1997 Steadman, Katherine V. (Benderoff) (d.04/18/13) 2013
Grooms, George V. (d.02/06/99) 1999 Stephenson, Ross W. (d.12/05/00) 2000
Gross, Eskil (d.07/09/95) 1995 Stubbs, Raymond Wilcox (d.01/30/03) 2003
Grother, Dorothy Mae (Stewart) 2002 Swartz, Leo R. (d.04/14/95) 1995
Hagan, Bob (Robert) Henry (d.09/04/96) 1996 Taylor, Clifford C. (d.03/24/99) 1999
Hall, Ben (d.05/08/14) 2014 Thompson, Dwight Hugh (d.01/11/01) 2001
Hanthorn, Charles William Thompson, Harriett (Miller)
Hartman, Dorothy Jo Thompson, Howard C.
Heggen, Betty Elizabeth (Tidrick) (d.03/24/09) 2009 Trotter, William Jordan (d.06/21/89) 1989
Heinzman, Esther Arlene Wade, Russell Alfred
Heskett, Alice Gertrude Webster, Ralph B. (d.04/77) 1977
Hinds, Gerald Neven (d. 10/29/94) 1994 Weeks, Francis J. (d.01/11/89) 1989
Hoke, Zella Elizabeth Weir, Mahlon A. (d.10/02/87) 1987
Howard, Margaret Louise Wheatcraft, Stanley (d.05/08/83) 1983
Hubler, Gretchen F. (Wade) Whetsel, Henry William (d.07/23/04) 2004
Hufnagel, Doris Virginia (Lynn) (d.01/92) 1992 Wilmot, Harry Lewis (d.10/16/90) 1990
Hunter, Willis S. (d.12/19/08) 2008 Winkler, Karl Josef (d.12/17/09) 2009
Jacobsen, Clarence Henry (d.11/03/89) 1989 Wolfkill, A. Gail
Jacobson, Robert Louis (d.12/83) 1983 Yengst, Craig McClure (d.10/02/02) 2002
Jaquinta, Kathryn (Katie) (Fleming) (d.04/17/03) 2003 Young, Marion William (d.10/25/86) 1986
Jenks, Robert Edwin (d.05/25/81) 1981 Zimmerman, Margery Joy (Jolley) (d.11/21/10) 2010
August, 1933 (class totaled 47)
Baughman, John J. (Jack) (d. 01/08/89) 1989 McKinney, Stephen Berthal (d.08/19/90) 1990
Burr, Francis Paul (d.01/21/85) 1985 Miles, Robert L. (d. 01/14/67) 1967
Chandlee, Howard M. (d. 11/08/90) 1990 Mueller, Harry, Jr. (d. 10/76) 1976
Ferren, Robert Charles (d.03/01/07) 2007 Plambeck, Paul Wandling (d.12/26/91) 1991
Herring, Clyde Edsel (d.09/24/76) 1976 Rollins, Harley Donald (d.06/86) 1986
Isackson, Irene Roberta Sanders, Russell Marcellus (d. 01/85) 1985
Levy, Kenneth W. (d.04/06/88) 1988 Taylor, Claude H. (d. 09/76) 1976
McCollom, Raymond L. (d.03/20/90) 1990 Touissaint, Margaret Elaine (Narland) (d.12/07/11) 2011
McGrath, Lynwood M. (d.09/84) 1984 Trisler, Louie E. (d.05/29/87) 1987
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
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Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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