North Des Moines High School
Class of 1944
65th Reunion (Final Fling)
June 12-13, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009
Time: Hospitality: 2:00PM on Valley West Inn
  Location posted in lobby
  3535 Westown Parkway
  West Des Moines, IA 50266
  (515) 225-2524     map
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hospitality: all day: 10:00AM Valley West Inn
Time: 6:00PM Social Hour/Cash Bar
Dinner: 7:00PM; Cost: $49.00/per
  Location posted in lobby
  3535 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50266
  (515) 225-2524    map
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Possible Brunch: 8:30AM or so Valley West Inn, WDM, IA

Pictures from the 60th Reunion held 6/4-6/6!

June 4-6, 2004
Valley West Inn,
3535 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50266
60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944
60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944 60th Reunion, Class of 1944
Class of 1944
60th Reunion taken June 4, 2004
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Lola Nelson Bowman, Betty Ostrem Stickler, Lillian Cooper Haynes, Josephine Fitzwilliams Rhoads, Chloris Johnson Ellingson,Paula Mathews Rissman, Rita Berson Levine, Joy Campbell Gimar, Pat Teller Palmer, Janelle Anderson Snyder, Mary Pender Pieart, Helen Campbell Sheets, Joanne Dickey Shidler, Mary Louise Sullivan Hinrichsen
2nd Row Richard Ellingson, Ray Turner, John Milton, Darleen Emrich Thompson, Libby Kimmel Bucksbaum, Thelma Craddock Reeves, Jane Ann Welch Cutler, Donna Bullington Hall, Evelyn Petersen Garness, Marion Browne Hengesteg, Barbara Colegrove Beavers, Constance Peek Moorehead, Barbara McCracken Parkey, Mary Lou Brooks Hobson
3rd Row Harlan Snyder, Bob King, Bill Seid, Lowell Titus, Jack MacDade (McDade), Frank Rice, Bill Koenig, Dave Allen, Ted Feinberg, Dick Strickler, Marty Hanzlik, Wayne Bowen, Gene Cutler
Attending, but not pictured: Evelyn Agee Celandar, Don Cook, Chuck and Mary Alice Johnson, Glenn Tucker
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
left side of photo (enlarged)
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo enlarged right side of 60th reunion photo
right side of photo (enlarged)
Richard Ellingson,
Ray Turner,
Chloris Johnson Ellingson, Dee Turner
Bill and Lanae Seid Lowell and Norma Titus
Bob and Barbara
Colegrove Beavers,
Marilyn Pender Pieart,
Janelle Anderson Snyder
Betty Ostrem Stickler, Libby Kimmel,
Rita Berson Levine
Lowell and Norma Titus,
John Milton, Wayne Bowen
Helen Campbell Sheets, Evelyn Petersen Garness,
Marion Browne Hengesteg, Mary Lou Bear, guest
of Frank Rice, standing
All photos above by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
Compliments of Charles Stover
North High Cafeteria North High Cafeteria
North High Cafeteria North High Cafeteria
Josie, Paula, and Joy Josie, Paula, and Joy
Josie, Paula, and Joy Josie, Paula, and Joy
North High Cafeteria Josie, Paula, and Joy w/polar bear
Photos above by Josie Fitzwilliams Rhoads
Class of January, 1944
50th Reunion taken 1994
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Mary Louise Sullivan, Pat Boyd, Nancy Gilbride, Sara Hough, Joan Shepard, Barb Massman, Alice Kirstein, Libby Kimmel, Barb McCracken, Constance Peek, Dorothy East
2nd Row Wayne McGlothlen, Marion Browne, Mildred Davis, Ruth Lindquist, Margeret Teachnor, Evelyn Petersen, Mary Lou Hoover, Lillian Cooper, Darleen Emrich, Leota Emerich, Barb Laughman, Bill Koenig, Bill Parker, Cecil Brewton
3rd Row Dean Creger, Gene Bullington, John Milton, Lowell Titus, Hal Lockwood, Harold Karp, Wayne Bowen, Dave Allen, Dick Pyers, Bill Seid, John Onnen, Bob Earle
Photo: Compliments of Lowell Titus
50th Reunion taken 1994
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Joanne Dickey Shidler, Lois White Miller, Frances Shiffer, Helen Jones Gilchrist, Ida Gangale Bradley, Betty Tucker Reedy, Thrya Johnson Bond, Evelyn Agee Celander, Donna Bullington Hall, Pat Teller Palmer, Barbara Colegrove Beavers, Anne Royal McMurray, Shirley Whitmer Nissen, Helen Campbell Sheets, Rita Berson Levine, Chloris Johnson Ellingson, Neal Clark, Laura Henry Bates (standing)
2nd Row Pauline Barnhardt Christofferson, Paula Mathews Rissman, Lois Phillips Krause, Thelma Craddock Reeves, Virginia Bales Fenimore, Jacqueline Mease Harris, Harriett Walden Florence, Barbara Bitting Meis, Joey Wise Bishop, Mildred Randle Ewing, Dorothy Snyder Williams, Dorla Jones Sansom, Joy Campbell Gimar, Betty Ostrem Strickler, Beverly Solar Goodman, Ted Feinberg, Lee Faye Rickabaugh Biermann, Josephine Fitzwilliams Rhoads, Bob Johnson, Ray Turner, Jane Welch Cutler, Ruth Sutherland Morrison (peeking), Arlene Hufford Sayers, Jack Troe, Gene Moore, Jacqueline Leigheiser Reindl, Mary Huntoon Cloe, Ruth Lorenz Titus, Charles Johnson (peeking)
3rd Row Gene Cutler, Evelyn Rau Helvig, Joanne Barger Ainley, X, Alice Wieland Johnson
4th Row Bob King, Frank Lorey, X, Walt Bishop, Frank Rice, Bill Parker, Bill Carson, Carmi Smith, Bill Miller, Keith Bullington, Dick Biermann, Cecil Dunn, Jim Kemble, Harlan Snyder, Russ Wilson, Mack Johnson, Richard Ellingson, Betty Jackson Evans
Photo: Compliments of Paula Mathews Rissman
January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class
January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class January, 1944 Class
Class of January, 1944 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Bonnie Atkinson, Darlene Frances Emerich, Mary Louise Hoover, Nancy Gilbride, Patsy Boyd, FloReen Slater, Veryl Wigton, Joanne Shepard, Margaret Buss, Virginia Brooks, Delores Byers, Barbara McCracken, Mary Louise Brooks
2nd Row Rosie Gabriel, Dorothy Randle, Loretta Wilcots, X, Rita Benson, Leota Emerich, Mildred Davis, Doris Mullins, Mary Papian, Barbara Laughman, Ruth Lindquist, Barbara Massman, Elizabeth Kimmel, Constance Peek
3rd Row Edward Massey, Arlene Willey, Lillian Cooper, Dorothy Thomlin, Mary Louise Sullivan, Mary Paros, Gloria Steven, Evelyn Petersen, Alice Kirstein, Nadene Bosley, Sara Hough, Jane Sherman, Rosemary Hilgenburg
4th Row Bill McKinley, Arthur Maxson, Charles Price, Bill Parker, Jack Marriot, Harold Lockwood, Jack Case, Richard Pyers, Bill Koenig, Virginia Bruce, Darlene Willcockson, Bonnie Westburg
5th Row Hutchason Beshears, Dorothy East, Dick McKinney, Tom Caldbeck, Mary Louise Kinzle, Blanche Landis, Margaret Teachenor, Bill Seid, Lula Mae Lee, Gladys Darleen Emrich, Marcellus Vecchi, Bob Earle
6th Row John Bullington, Jack Onnen, Albert Gay, Edwin Renaud, Bill Baldwin, Harold Karp, Frank Anderson, Lowell Titus, Dave Allen, Beverly Nowlin, Don Cook, Wayne Bowen
Not shown Cecil Brewton, Eula Harshorn, Carol McCarthy
In service BudAdkins, Donald Adkins,Jr., Cliff Aldeman, Jimmie Boots, Kenneth Bowman, Eugene Bullington, Luther Clark, Tommy Cox, Dean Creger, Ed Donlin, Bob Dunn, Jack Frasier, Dale Hollison, Charles Lacey, Richard Loll, Everette Lyon , Wayne McGlothlen, John Maynard Milton, Bill Nibel, Jack Novak, Karl Warner,
Photo: Compliments of Alice Kirstein Pyers
ID accomplished by Darleen Emrich, Alice Kirstein, Paula Mathews, Bill Seid, Lowell Titus
June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class
June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class
June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class June, 1944 Class
Class of June, 1944 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Rosella Lachman, Roberta Fastje, Paula Mathews, Betty Ostrem, Jeanette Wright, Betty Tucker, Gene Cutler, Jane Welch, X, X, X, X
2nd Row X, Marlene Neasham, Joan Horton, Lois Weiland, Mardell Jones, Audrey Arney, Walt Bishop, Dorothy Martin, Dan McCoy, Roberta Simpkins, Jim Kemble, Jack Cook, X
3rd Row Fred Gordon, Bob Hill, Helen Jones, Dorla Jones, Max Brown, Joan Dickey, Marjorie McCabeX, X, Frances Epperly, Ted Feinberg, Evelyn Anderson
4th Row Jacqueline Leitheiser, X, Mary Huntoon, X, Elizabeth Richmond, X ,X, X, Laverne Schultz, Bob Johnson, X, Walt Robbins, Bev Whitmer, Shirley Whitmer, Phyllis McGrath, X
5th Row Esther Kroloff, X, Evelyn Rau,Margaret Teefey, X, Evelyn Agee, Jake Farbe, Gene Moore, Mack Johnson, Teddy Erickson, Barbara Silleto, Cecil Dunn
6th Row X, X, Shirley Basset, X, X, Betty Jackson, X, X, X, Bob Lantz, Don Jeeter, Chuck Downing, X, Bill Chambers, Betty William
7th Row Lowell Lee, Bob Fifield, LaVon Selby, X, Janelle Anderson, X, X, X, X, Marjorie Kerr, Mary Lasalle, X, X, Colleen Duffy, Barbara Bitting, Margaret Carlson, Joyce Heeren, X.
8th Row Ruth Sutherland, Alice Abel, X, Mildred Randle, X, Jim Stewart, Pat Teller, Pat Stout, Barbara Colegrove, X, Dorothy Snyder (Frank Lorey) X, X, X, X, X, X
9th Row X, Norman Allen, X, Bob Perdue, X, Chuck Johnson, X, Neal Clark (Sally Hill), X, June Horner, X, Arlene Hufford, Joy Campbell, Helen Campbell, Ann Royal, Ellen Reisetter, 15 X's
10th Row Donna Bullington, X, Bill Carsen, Glen Walker, Marlene Neasham (also identified in 2nd row), Beverly MacNay, Lois Jean White, Helen Jones, X, Gordon Boss, X, Frank Rice
11th Row X, Dick Porter, Dorothy French, Rita Berson, Beverly Solar, Arlene Shirk, ...Lois White...Cordelia Zahler, Marilyn Pender, Audrey Arney (also identified in 2nd row), Josephine Fitzwilliams, Keith Bullington, Joey Wise, Karl Gordinier, Delores Watson
12th Row X, Don Paul...Dick Ellingson
Photo: Compliments of Paula Mathews Rissman
Athletic Committee Athletic Committee
Athletic Committee - January, 1944
Front: Yvonne Marks, Anita Rogers, Dorothy East, Nancy Gilbride, Mildred Randle
Back: Dick Pyers, Bill Pierce, Ted Feinberg, Jim Cox, Bob Garvin, Lowell Titus
Social Committee - January, 1944
Front: Joy Stillahn, Joanne Shepard, Nadene Bosley, Veryl Wigton, Alice Kirstein
Back: Leonard Sayers, Bill Wood, Bob Cherry, Cecil Dunn, Dick Pyers
Tumblers, June, 1944 Tumblers, June, 1944
Tumblers, June, 1944 Tumblers, June, 1944
Tumblers - June, 1944
Mat: June Hill, Jean Anderson, Margaret McKinney, Bonnie Hutchinson, Katherine Relse; Balanced on knees: Muriel Snodgrass, Paula Mathews; Standing: Bob Garvin, Jane Webster; Missing: Janice Anderson
Girls' Golf - January, 1944
Dorothy East, Nancy Gilbride, Muriel Shearer, Evelyn Hart, Barbara Massman, Beverly Harper, Mardell Jones, Nadene Bosley
Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944
Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944 Student Council, June, 1944
Student Council - June, 1944
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Shirley Cohen, Betty Ostrem, Mardell Jones, Joy Campbell, treasurer; Roberta Simpkins, secretary; Bill Gilliam, vice president; Betty DuVall, Jackie Mulchy, Bob Lantz
2nd Row Grace Heggen, Rosella Lachman, Pat Ewart, Ruth Sutherland, Miss Adams, Anita Rodgers, Norene Minor, Helen York, Bill Clay
3rd Row Keith Bullington, Bob Bernhard, Arlene Hufford, Caroline Cooper, Francis Shiffler, Helen Campbell, Jerry Robinson, Louie Carpino, Bob Lewis
4th Row Charles Sullivan, Darrell Eddy, Jay Howard, Bonnie Hyde, Eva Jane Quiner, Jeanette Wright, Beverly McNay, Walt Bishop
5th Row Jim Brown, Bob Denhart, Mildred Randall, Jack Wichman, John Day, Bill Wieters, Robert Hansman
6th Row Jim Fahnauer, Dick Shephard, Walter Robbins, Jerry Schlesselman, Jack Doughman, Jim Kemble, Eddie Grodt, Cecil Dunn, Dick Hurwitz, Howard Johnson, Jack Troe, Mr. Thompson
Office Assistants; June, 1944 Office Assistants; June, 1944
Office Assistants; June, 1944 Office Assistants; June, 1944
Office Assistants; June, 1944 Office Assistants; June, 1944
Office Assistants (June, 1944)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Phyllis Peterson, Esther Kroloff, Helen Melaas, Jean Davies, Dolores Moorehead, Beverly Parmenter, Barbara Ward, Helen York, Doris Dutemple
2nd Row Dolores Newberg, Margaret Young, Lois Phillips, Anna Marie Clark, Jean Berson, Virginia Forney, Marian Grady, Dorla Jones
3rd Row Donna Porter, Chloris Johnson, Dolores Melton, Dorothy Dennis, Marilyn Fogarty, Maxine McIntyre, Harriet Waldon, Mary McCarney
4th Row Mary Ann Evans, Juanita White, Beverly Robertus, Marilyn Buss, Barbara Sinex, Sonja Hansen
5th Row Frances Epperly, Jo Anne Barger, Rosella Lachman, Jeanette Wright, Ruth Lorenz, Joan Horton, Mrs. Porter, Guinevere Graham, Miss West
Citizenship and War Stamp Representatives Citizenship and War Stamp Representatives
Citizenship and War Stamp Representatives Citizenship and War Stamp Representatives
Citizenship and War Stamp Representatives (June, 1944)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Rosella Lachman, Chairman; Anne Royal, Gertrude Small, Phyllis Lorey, Eloise Kamraz, Betty DuVall, Phyllis Farrand, Beverly Whitmer, Lois Jean White, Phyllis McGrath, Mr. Lory
2nd Row Paula Mathews, Audrey Jones, Sorita Caplan, Alice Utley, Jean Berson, Evelyn Hart, Joy Stillahn, Shirley Whitmer, Joy Marjanski
3rd Row Virginia Wise, Patty Brooks, Jean Thorp, Gloria Weller, Alice Underwood, Patty McDermott, Shirley Peters, Anita Rodgers, George Fox
4th Row Karl Gordinier, Sue Foggia, Jo Ann Barger, Harriet McClelland, Gilbert Proudfit
5th Row Mack Johnson, Bill Miller, Schuyler Hales, Dorothy French, Mary Crisp, Betty Johnson, Darrell Brophy, Roger Watts
6th Row Russell Fridley, Dick Wood, Don Werner, Donald Buckingham, Darrell Eddy, Leroy Lawson, Jim Romayne
Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944 Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944 Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944
Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944 Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944 Polar Bear Staff, June, 1944
Polar Bear Staff- June, 1944
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Roberta Fastje, Editor-in-Chief; Joey Wise, Business Manager; Paula Mathews, Editor-in-Chief
2nd Row Shirley Whitmer, Keith Bullington, Catherine Hathaway, Jim Stewart, June Horner
1944 Football Team
Front: Dick Keith, Jack Doughman, Jay Howard, Robert Hansman, Russell Fisher, Dick Skain, Don Prior
Back: Jack Wichman, Rocky Gabriel, Bill Gillam, John Estes
Graduates - January, 1944 (numbered 81)
Allen, Dave Eugene Cornelison, Ruth Laughman, Barbara Rae Peterson, Evelyn Anne
Anderson, Frank Archdeacon Davis, Mildred Jean Lee, Lula Mae Price, Charles Edwin
Atkinson, Bonnie Mae Earle, Bob Glen Lindquist, Ruth Marilyn Pyers, James Richard
Baldwin, Bill East, Dorothy Jane Lockwood, Harold Warren Randle, Dorothy Louise
Benson, Rita Emerich, Darlene Frances Marriot, Jack William Renaud, Edwin Lewis
Beshears, Hutchason William Emerich, Leota Muriel Massey, Edward Thomas Seid, Bill John
Bosley, Nadene Ione Emrich, Gladys Darleen Massman, Barbara Louise Shepard, Joanne Shirley
Bowen, Wayne Anthony Gabriel, Rosie Elizabeth Maxson, Arthur Junior Sherman, Frances Jane
Boyd, Patsy Jeanne Gay, Albert Ira McCarthy, Carol Ione Slater, Flo Reen
Brewton,Cecil Hillard, Jr. Gilbride, Nancy McCracken, Barbara Jane Stevens, Gloria LaVaughn
Brooks, Mary Louise Hartshorn, Eula Fay McKinley, Bill Webster Sullivan, Mary Louise
Brooks, Virginia Mae Hilgenberg, Rosemary McKinney, Dick Donald Teachenor, Margaret Ann
Browne, Marion Rosalee Hoover, Mary Louise Milton, John Maynard Titus, Lowell Dean
Bruce, Virginia Ruth Hough, Sara Rose Mullins, Doris Louise Tomlin, Dorothy Eleanor
Bullington, John Sterling Karp, Harold H. Nowlin, Beverly Jean Vecchi, Marcellus Leo
Buss, Margaret Lucretia Kimmel, Elizabeth Ruthe Onnen, John Henry, Jr. Westburg, Bonnie Jane
Caldbeck, Tom Butler Kinzle, Mary Louise Papian, Mary Angeline Wigton, Veryl Maurine
Case, Jack Richard Kirstein, Alice Eugenia Parker, William McNeil Wilcots, Loretta Estella
Clime, Delores Byers Koenig, Bill Herman Paros, Mary Rose Willcockson,DarleneLodema
Cook, Donald Edward Landis, Blanche Wismer Peek, Constance Fay Willey, Arlene Loveda
Cooper, Lillian Louisa x x x
Graduates - June, 1944 (numbered 233)
Abel, Alice Mae Erickson, Teddy Jean Kroloff, Esther Robbins, Martha Irene
Adair, Ora Jean Erlandson, Alice Louise Laing, Patricia Ann Robbins, Walter Howard
Agee, Evelyn Faun Evans, Mary Ann Lantz, Robert Lee Robinson, Opal
Allen, Norman Keith Evans, Robert A. (US Navy) Lasell, Mary Jean Royal, Anne
Anderson, Evelyn Jane Ewart, Betty Jane Lee, Lowell Arthur Samo, Genevieve Kathryn
Anderson, Janelle Fahnauer, James Edward Leitheiser,Jacquelyn Joy Scalise,Elizabeth Jean
Arney, Audrey Irene Fallgatter, Stuart Walter Lievsay, Betty Jean Schultz, LaVerne Bruce
Baber, Rosemary Ione Farber, Jacob Zadel Lilley, LaDona Jean Selby, LaVaun Evelyn
Bales, Virginia Faye Farrand,Phyllis Josephine Lockwood, Jean Shirley Shiffer, Frances Irene
Barger, Jo Anne Fastje, Roberta Hazel Lorenz, Ruth Shirley Shirk, Arlene Luetta
Barker, Anna Darlene Feinberg, Theodore Jermone Lorey, Elizabeth Phyllis Silletto, Barbara Jean
Barnhart, Pauline Ruth Fifield, Robert Charles Lorey, Frank Carson, Jr. Simpkins, Wanda Roberta
Bassett, Shirley Ann Fischer, Catherine Amanda MacDade, John James Smith, Betty Ann
Benedict, Elizabeth Ariel Fitzwilliams,JosephineLauranna Martin, DeLona Ann Smith, Carmi Jess
Bengston, Carl Arthur Foggia, Sue Rachel Martin, Dorothy Dean Snyder, Harlan Claire
Berson, Rita Lillian French, Dorothy Mae Mathews, Paula Belle Solar, Beverlee Jean
Biermann, Richard Gene Gangale, Ida Madeline McAndrews, Virginia Ann Spangler, Harold Kenneth
Bishop, Walter Laidlaw,Jr. Garton, Barbara Anne McCabe, Marjorie Ann Spike, Charles Kent
Bitting, Barbara June Gatchel, Dorisfaye McCoy, Daniel Arthur Stagg, Betty Jean
Borror, Betty Jane Gerson, Rita Lillian McDonald Larry Rowaine Stewart, James Edward
Boss, Gordon Lee Gilbert, James Barnes McGrath, Phyllis Jean Stiles, Maizie Aldene
Boyd, Vennessee Gilbert, John Barnes McKinney, Neoma Hazel Stillahn, Anna Joy
Brafford, William Russell Glade, Edith Alberta McNay, Beverly Joyce Stout, Patricia Lue
Brown, Max Edward Gordinier, Karl C. Miller, William Theodore Sutherland,Ruth Elizabeth
Broyles, Eugene Darrell Gordon, Fred Benjamin Miner, Constance Luella Teffey, Margaret Lucille
Bruland, Eva Marie Graham, Guinevere E. Molene, Richard Gene Teller, Patricia Ruth
Bullington, Donna Rae Hansen, Sonja Ellen Moore, Eugene Leonard Thode, Delores Rae
Bullington, Keith Raymond Hanzlik,Martin Neuman Murphy, Robert Earl Thorpe, Lenora Jean
Caldwell, Eloise Vondean Harney, Lila Mae Neasham, Marlyne Tucker, Agnes Elizabeth
Campbell, Charlotte Joy Hartson,Marvin Clarence Nelson, Gloria Turner, Raymond, Everett
Campbell, Helen Lavonne Hathawy, Catherine Rae Newberg, Dolores Lulu VanDerHorst,Deloris Maxine
Carlson, Margarett Lorraine Heeren, Joyce Kilmer Newberg, Shirley Anne Vaughn, Mary Louise
Carson, William Richard Henry, Laura Jane Newby, Margaret Joy Vogt, Barbara Jean
Casner, Lorraine Maxine Henry, Phyllis Elaine Newby, Mary Gail Walden, Harriett Lucile
Chambers, William Robert Hill, Robert William Newerf, June Yavonne Walker, Glen Davenport
Cherrington, Shirley Ann Hill, Sally Oachman,Esther Rosella Wallace, Evelyn Mae
Clark, Norris Neal Holmes, Jane Harriett O'Leary,Richard Francis(Vet) Watson, Delores Maxine
Cleeton, Charles Edgar Horner, June Rose Ostrem, Betty Marie Weddell, Blaine Louis
Colegrove, Barbara Ellen Horton, Joan Marilyn Overton,Charles Granville Weiters, WilliamClifford
Conklin, Charles Meiner Hufford, Arlene Ada Panique, Mary Alice Welch, Jane Ann
Connors, Marolyn Frances Huggins, Joe Albert Park, Murray Allen Wells, Geraldine Hope
Cook, Jack DeWayne Huntoon, Mary Louise Parker, William Leroy, Jr. Welsh, Betty Arline
Cooper, Caroline Jean Huss, Virginia Lee Paul, Donald D. Werner, Don Milton
Craddock, Thelma Marjory Jackson, Bette Jeanne Payne, Constance Wesley, Myrtle Beatrice
Crowell, John Wallace Jackson, Doris Mae Pender, Marilyn Ruth Wheeldon, Lois Marie
Cutler, Elliott Gene Jeter, Donald Eugene Penkert, Mary Eleanor White, Lois Jean
Davies, Billie Jean Jewett, Joanna Marie Perdue, Rober t E. Lee Whitmer, Beverley Ruth
Davis, Marion Deloris Johnson,Charles Claude,Jr. Phillips, Lois Aileen Whitmer, Shirley Ann
Dennis, Dorothy Darlene Johnson, Chloris Lucille Phillips, Patricia Ann Wieland, Alice Marie
Dickey, Jo Anne Ernestine Johnson, Mack Charles,Jr. Porter, Richard Eugene Wieland, Marie Lois
Downey, Charles E. Johnson, Robert Earl Powers, Fred Holmes, Jr. Wieters, William Clifford
Duffy, Colleen Clare Jones, Dorla Mae Quiner, Eva Jane Williams, Betty Marie
Duffy, Harold Jones, Helen Marie Randel, Mildred Leon Wilson, James Olaf
Dunn, Cecil Wayne Jones, Mardell Nancy Rau, Evelyn Marie Wilson, Russell H.
Dutemple, Doris Mae Kelley, James Raymond Reisetter, Ellen Eileen Wise, Joey Patricia
Ehlers, Norma Jean Kemble, James William Rice, Franklin Tennant Wright,Jeannette Evelyn
Ellingson, Richard Duane Kerr, Marjorie Frances Richmond, Elizabeth Mae Wright, Phyllis Jean
Ellis, Lowell Ellsworth King, Robert Lee Rickabaugh,Lee FayeMarie Yard, Lois Pauline
Epperly, Marjorie Frances Knapp, Stuart Richard Rittgers, Harry Wayne Zahller, Cordelia E.
Graduates - August (numbered 27)
Amodeo,Frances Elizabeth Chatman, Catherine Yvette Hollebrand,Elizabeth Kathleen Mease, Jacquelyn Ellen
Amos, Duane Charles Cherry, Winnifred Jensen, Homer Roland Perkins, Nellie Naydene
Bell, Turner William Clifford, Harlan Lamount Johns, Robert Henry Thompson, B. Jean
Bole, Ruth Derks, Betty Marie Johnson, Harry Virgil Troe, Jack C.
Bueford, Cora Lee Gibson, Colleen Jeanne Johnson, Thyra Verle Wheeler, Thomas Arthur
Burns, Kathern Irene Hales, Schuyler Dean Kennelley, Lillian Irene Yohe, William Ernst
Caswell, Joyce Hodson, Shirley Ann Lantz, Jeanne Lenore
In Memoriam
Class of January/June, 1944
January, 1944
Anderson, Frank Archdeacon (d. 01/03/96) 1996 Lindquist, Ruth Marilyn (Krieg) (d.10/03/07) 2007
Benson, Rita (Wheeler) (d.03/06/02) 2002 Mariott, Jack William (d.05/08/03) 2003
Bowen, Wayne Anthony (d.11/21/10) 2010 Massey, Edward Thomas (d.08/07/88) 1988
Brewton, Cecil Hilliard, Jr. (d.02/17/16) 2016 Massman,Barbara Louise (Moriarity) (d.11/22/95) 1995
Bruce, Virginia Ruth (Clark) McGlothlen, Wayne F. (d.03/28/99) 1999
Bullington, John Sterling (d.12/67) 1967 McKinley, Bill Webster (d.04/81) 1981
Buss, Margaret Lucretia McKinney, Dick Donald
Clark, Luther E. (d.08/31/90) 1990 Milton, John Maynard (d.04/21/16) 2016
Cook, Donald Edward (d.09/09/10) 2010 Mullins, Doris Louise (Brown) (d.10/12/08) 2008
Cox, Tommy (Thomas) E. (d.09/21/94) 1994 Onnen, John Henry, Jr. (d.05/24/10) 2010
Devlin, Eddie (Edward) (d.10/1983) 1983 Papian, Mary Angeline (d.12/05/05) 2005
Earle, Robert Glen (d.12/24/94) 1994 Parker, William McNeil
East, Dorothy Jane (d.10/20/93) 1993 Pyers, JamesRichard (d.03/20/11) 2011
Emerich, Darlene Frances (Jones) (d.12/15/90) 1990 Seid, William John (d.12/14/12) 2012
Frazier, Jack Slater, Flo Reen Ione
Gabriel, Rose Elizabeth (Juliano) (d.11/21/04) 2004 Spencer, Dale
Gay, Albert Ira (d.12/17/99) 1999 Titus, Lowell Dean (d.06/30/20) 2020
Gilbride, Nancy (Werner) (d.12/21/07) 2007 Tomlin, Dorothy Eleanor (Lumpkin)
Karp, Harold H. (d.11/28/97) 1997 Vecchi, Marcellus Leo (d.06/07/92) 1992
Kinzle, Mary Louise (Gordon) (d.05/06/07) 2007 Wigton, Very Maurine(Cammack)
Landis, Blanche Wismer (Kipe) Wilcots, Loretta Estella (Hall) (d.04/25/10) 2010
Laughman, Barbara Rae(Thomas) (d.08/29/03) 2003 Willcockson, Darlene Lodema
Lee, Lula Mae (Huffaker) (d.12/04/91) 1991 x
June, 1944
Anderson, Janelle (Snyder) (d.03/12/10) 2010 King, Robert Lee (d.12/26/08) 2008
Bengston, Carl Arthur Knapp, Stuart Richard (d.06/21/09) 2009
Biermann, Richard "Dick" Gene (d.09/06/12) 2012 Kroloff, Esther (Sandler) (d.04/02/17) 2017
Bishop, Walter Laidlaw,Jr. Lee, Lowell Arthur
Borror, Betty Jane (Wheeler) (d.01/03/03 2003 Lilley, Ladonna Jean
Boss, Gordon Lee (d.10/78) 1978 Lorenz, Ruth Shirley (Titus) (d.10/20/14) 2014
Boyd, Vennessee Lorey, Elizabeth Phyllis (Flynn) (d. 03/19/12) 2012
Brown, Max Edward (d.02/85) 1985 MacDonald, Larry Rowaine
Broyles, Eugene Darrell (d.01/09/13) 2013 Martin, Dorothy Dean (Schreurs) (d.06/22/12) 2012
Bullington, Keith Raymond (d.04/18/07) 2007 Mathews, Paula Belle (Rissman) (d.05/17/20) 2020
Carlson, Margaret Lorraine (Donovan) (d.03/05/93) 1993 McCoy, Dan Arthur
Chambers, William Robert McGrath, Phyllis Jean
Cherrington, Shirley Ann (d.01/81) 1981 Moore, Eugene Leonard (d.02/05/08) 2008
Clark, Norris Neal (12/20/01) 2001 O'Leary, Richard Francis (Vet) (d.08/05/07) 2007
Colgrove, Barbara Ellen (Beavers) (06/10/11) 2011 Ostrem, Betty Marie (Strickler) (d.08/12/17) 2017
Cook, Jack DeWayne (d.01/29/92) 1992 Overton, Charles Granville (d.07/82) 1982
Davies, Billie Jean (Morrow) Park, Murray Allen (d.09/84) 1984
Davis, Marion Deloris (Teater) (d.04/16/12) 2012 Paul, Donald D. (d.09/25/97) 1997
Dennis, Dorothy Darlene (Hove) (d.10/20/03) 2003 Pender, Marilyn Ruth (Pieart) (d.12/18/14) 2014
Downey, Charles E. Pennington, Walter Lee (left early/mil) (d.09/13/14) 2014
Duffy, Colleen Clare Perdue, Robert E. Lee (d.06/78) 1978
Duffy, Harold Phillips,LoisAileen (Krause) (d.05/23/07) 2007
Dunn, Bob Porter, Richard Eugene (d.01/01/08) 2008
Dunn, Cecil Wayne (d.02/15/96) 1996 Reisetter, Ellen Eileen (Rice) (d.06/28/90) 1990
Ellingson, Richard Duane (d.09/10/12) 2012 Rickabaugh,LeeFay Marie (Biermann) (d.07/21/11) 2011
Ellis, Lowell Ellsworth (d. 12/04/88) 1988 Rittgers, Harry Wayne
Epperly, Marjorie Frances(Churchman) (d.08/77) 1977 Royal, Anne (McMurray) (d.05/25/15) 2015
Evans, Mary Ann (Rowe) (d.12/23/03) 2003 Samo, Genevieve Kathryn
Evans, Robert A. (USNavy) (d.02/20/14) 2014 Schruers, Marvin J. (d.03/05/90) 1990
Fahnauer, James Edward (d.02/14/94) 1994 Scott, Lester G. (d.12/11/02) 2002
Farber, Jacob Zadel (d.05/19/14) 2014 Selby, LaVaun Evelyn
Feinberg, Theodore Jemone (d.03/14/16) 2016 Shirk, Arlene Luetta (Pace) (d.01/29/04) 2004
Fifield, Robert Charles (d.04/01/92) 1992 Simpkins, Wanda Roberta
Foggia, Sue Rachel (Jurovich) (d.12/16/09) 2009 Smith, Carmi Jess (d.02/13/17) 2017
Gilbert, John Barnes Snyder, Harlan Claire (d.07/31/10) 2010
Gordinier, Karl C. (d.04/28/01) 2001 Solar, Beverlee Jean (Goodman) (d.10/04/04) 2004
Gordon, Fred Benjamin (d.12/79) 1979 Spangler, Harold Kenneth (d.02/26/11) 2011
Graham, Guinevere E. (Miller) (d.08/28/07) 2007 Stout, Patricia Lue
Hanzlik, Martin Neuman (d.10/11/12) 2012 Teffey, Margaret Lucille (Jensen) (d.02/03/06) 2006
Hill, Robert (Bob) William (d.01/15/99) 1999 Vaughn, Mary Louise (Morris) (d.03/11/11) 2011
Horner, June Rose (Mulstay) (d.04/02/04) 2004 Walden, Harriet Lucile (Florence)
Howard, Randall (d.03/76) 1976 Watrous, John (d.01/74) 1974
Huss, Virginia Lee (Gray) (d.01/05/94) 1994 Welch, Jane Ann (Cutler) (d.08/25/17) 2017
Jackson, Betty Jean (Evans) 2005 Wesley, Myrtle Beatrice (d.12/27/03) 2003
Johnson, Charles Claude, Jr. (d.10/06/11) 2011 Wieland, Alice Marie (Johnson) (d.12/05/07) 2007
Johnson, Mack Charles (d.06/09/03) 2003 Wieters, William Clifford (d. 11/10/98) 1998
Johnson, Robert Earl Williams, Betty Marie (Swart) (d.06/19/09) 2009
Jones, Dorla Mae (Sansom) (d.09/03/12) 2012 Wilson, Russell H. (d.11/15/96) 1996
Jones, Mardell Nancy Wise, Joey Patricia (Bishop) (d.11/07/04) 2004
Kelley, James (Jim) Raymond Zahller, Cordelia E. (Luginbuhl) (d.10/16/01) 2001
Others: Johnson, Robert Earl
August, 1944
Amodeo,Frances Elizabeth (d.02/06/96) 1996 Peterson,Evelyn Beatrice (Caquelin) (d.03/13/09) 2009
Bole, Evelyn Ruth (Kochheiser) (d.01/82) 1982 Troe, Jack C. (d.09/25/98) 1998
Chatman, Catherine Yvette (Thompson) (d.02/26/97) 1997 Wheeler, Thomas Arthur (d.12/11/01) 2001
Gibson, Colleen Jeanne Yohe, William Ernst (d.07/07/98) 1998
Mease, Jacquelyn Ellen (Harris) (d.01/29/00) 2000 x
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Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
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Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
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Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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