North Des Moines High School
Class of 1941
60th Reunion, 2001

Class Meetings:

Meets on fourth Wednesday in Jan., April, July, and Oct. at 11:30AM
Location has changed.

60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001
60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001
60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001 60th Reunion, 2001
60th Reunion - 2001
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Jean Bray, Helen Lewis Rule, Loretta Moore, Darlene Moorehead, Norma Gillam, Betty M. VanCleave Bails, Mary Kachel, LaRue Gregory, Eleanor Whorton, X
2nd Row Wayne Fiscel, Roy Ives, John Connors, Don Preston, X, Bob DeGan, Darrell Burch, Ozzie Morrow, Fred Fischer, Bill Amsberry, Bob Press, David Barnes, Norman Buihner
Back Row X, X, Dick Smith, Don Huntoon, X, Bob Weddell, Forest Freeman, Norman Christiansen
Photo: Compliments of Ozzie Morrow
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
55th Reunion, 1996 55th Reunion, 1996
55th Reunion, 1996 55th Reunion, 1996
55th Reunion - 1996
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row X, Ozzie Morrow, X, Jack Jones, Bette Jean Walter Jones, X
2nd Row X, X, X, X, X, X, Norma Gillam Burch
3rd Row Don Huntoon, Roy Ives, X, X, X, Eleanor Whorton
4th Row
Photo: Compliments of Helen Lewis Rule
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991
50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991
50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991 50th Reunion, 1991
50th Reunion - May 3, 1991
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row names
2nd Row names
Back Row names
Photo: Compliments of Helen Lewis Rule
Photo by Esquire Photo
30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971
30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971
30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971 30th Reunion, 1971
30th Reunion - 1971
Photo: Compliments of Ozzie Morrow
Photo identification below.
30th Reunion ID 30th Reunion ID
30th Reunion ID 30th Reunion ID
1 Frederic Littleton Miller 29 Pauline Floretta Whipple 57 Robert Morton Taylor 85 X
2 Donald R. Huntoon 30 X 58 Marilyn George 86 Eleanor D.Barthelow
3 Paul C. Mason 31 Pauline LaVerne Albright 59 Winifred Lucille Armour 87 Martha Lelia McGee
4 Wayne Erwin Mitchell 32 Gertrude Claire Boatwright 60 Harold W. Bracewell 88 Hugh L. Harn
5 Gordon Stuart Lundberg 33 Helen L. Lewis 61 Mary Kathryn Senechal 89 Don Rayden Keith
6 X 34 Betty Jeanne Walter 62 Jean Marie Bray 90 Dwight Eugene Busby
7 Ronald Lee Sterrett 35 Mary Kathleen Mulcahy 63 Betty Jane Rash 91 Mary Jean Seymour
8 David Lawrence Barnes 36 Jeanette Ann Dawson 64 Betty Jean Leonard 92 Jeanne Joan Wagner
9 Robert J. Burns 37 Alice Valere Darr 65 Kathryn Arlene Donner 93 Tom Russell McNeal, Jr.
10 Locke J. Macomber, Jr. 38 Benjamin T. Dacus 66 Kathleen Louise Richey 94 X
11 X 39 Charles M. Stroble 67 Eleanor Whorton 95 X
12 Betty M. VanCleave 40 Darrel Jack Burch 68 Norman Christiansen 96 Robert A. Peterson
13 Virginia Louise Boone 41 Jack Richard Jones 69 X 97 X
14 Doris Kahn 42 X 70 Virginia T. Crusan 98 Oz Morrow
15 Donald Wayne Preston 43 X 71 Patricia Jean Garrison 99 Robert Aldred Press
16 Anne Marie Jensen 44 Rita Lorraine Huss 72 X 100 X
17 Harold C. McAfee 45 Pat Strasser 73 Raymetta Darling 101 Ralph Reuben Rayner
18 X 46 Juanita Gimbrall 74 Leona Pearl Sutton 102 Edward H. DePatten
19 X 47 X 75 X 103 X
20 X 48 Mary Mable Kachel 76 Marjorie Darlene Skaggs 104 Raymond Charles Collins
21 Richard Williams, Jr. 49 Joyce Lampman 77 X 105 Charles L. Beasley
22 X 50 Mary Jane Rebuschatis 78 Naomi Juanita Walden 106 LaRue Gregory
23 Carl Andrew Hutchinson 51 Norman Eugene Buihner 79 Gwendolyn De Sleet 107 Delbert E. MacDonald
24 Doris Marie Fergason 52 Norma Maxine Gillam 80 Laretta Mae Moore 108 X
25 X 53 Orvind Richard Jackson 81 Ruth Marilyn Bailey 109 Bob DeGan
26 John Baird 54 Darwin Earl Stanley 82 X 110 Darlene Brodmarkle
27 John Connors 55 X 83 Freeman H. Forrest 111 James C. Selland
28 Alberta Elizabeth Lunn 56 X 84 X 112 Rose Cora Critelli
Do you have a copy of the class group graduation picture? (Need both Jan. and June grad pictures)
Janury class numbered 156; June class numbered 349; August class numbered 17
Class of 1941 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Names coming.
2nd Row Names coming.
Back Row Names coming.
Photo: Compliments of
January,1941 Class Officers
Locke Macomber, president
Wayne Shaffer, vice president
Betty Jane Hall, secretary
Wayne MacPherson, treasurer
Diane Fairfield, treasurer
Betty Russell, historian
Maralyn Spencer, girls' exec member
Tom Egan, boys' exec member
January, 1941 Class Officers January, 1941 Class Officers
January, 1941 Class Officers January, 1941 Class Officers
1st Row Diane Fairfield, Betty Jane Hall, Maralyn Spencer, Betty Russell
2nd Row Wayne Shaffer, Locke Macomber, Wayne MacPherson, Tom Egan
June, 1941 Class Officers
June, 1941 Class Officers
June,1941 Class Officers
Norman Christiansen, president
Daren Schumann, vice president
La Rue Gregory, secretary
Margaret Sutherland, treasurer
Patricia Strasser, exec board
Paul Mason, exec board
Rosalie Smotkin, exec board
Malcolm Bowlsby, exec board
1st Row Norman Christiansen, La Rue Gregory, Patricia Strasser, Daren Schumann
2nd Row Paul Mason, Rosalie Smotkin, Margaret Sutherland, Malcolm Bowlsby
Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941
Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941
Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941 Student Council, January, 1941
Student Council-January, 1941
1st Row Curtis Combs, Phyllis Klinzman, Sara Malin, Darlene Brodmarkle, Lois Smith, Betty Livingston, Doris Popple, Carol Pond, Betty Russell
2nd Row Bob Peterson, Gloria Wyatt, Katherine Landis, Maxine Miller, Alzada Taylor, Shirley Greene, Doris Kahn, Colleen Kelly, Dorothy Emerson, Don Packard
3rd Row Hope Schmidt, Rose Campbell, Eleanor Whorton, Mary Lease, Frances Schreck, Miss H. Grace Adams, David Ash, Paul Mason
4th Row Hubert Anderson, Floyd Pace, Bill Amsbury, Wesley Boofter, Ronald Sterrett, Kenney Horrigan, Ed Struckrath
5th Row Hugh Johnson, Garth Spencer, Tom Morris, Albert Polito, Ozzie Morrow, Bonnie Beaty, Lila Bosley, Jim Troe
6th Row Richard Hickerson, Locke Macomber, Dwight Busby, Paul Todgers, Jim Smith, Bob Healy, Dick Patterson
7th Row Bob Little, Bonnie Wright, Neal Ashby, Eugene McNay, Kenneth Lentz, Bob Press
8th Row Foriste Shaefer, Bob Weddell, Shirley Meacham, Ed Pilmer, Patty Anderson, Gene Thompson, Roy Ives, Joe Staley, Mary Kachel, Norman Christiansen, Ernie Stevens, Don Horton, Bill Patterson
Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941
Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941
Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941 Student Council, June, 1941
Student Council-June, 1941
Photo: Dick Wooters, Photographer; 4602 Sixth Avenue; Phone: 3-6964
1st Row Virginia Standers, Sadie Tomes, Phyllis Klinzman, Ozzie Morrow, Bonnie Beaty, Jim Shattuck, Neal Ashby, Betty Livingston, Wanda Demirjean, Myra Marks
2nd Row Miss Adams, Harriet Meyerhoff, Mary Kachel, Audrey McLaughlin, Lila Bosley, Paul Rodgers, Elizabeth O'Hare, Tommy Porter
3rd Row Betty Walters, Rosalie Smotkin, Shirley Mecham, Mary Taylor, Allen Thompson
4th Row Mr. Thompson, Maxine Miller, Alzada Taylor, Frances Schreck, Suzanne Cullen, Helen Lockard, Douglas Robinson, Paul Mason
5th Row Richard Johnson, Westley Boufter, Marcia Paul, Colleen Kelly, Bill McCarthy, Bill Mack, Jim Troe
6th Row Fred Fischer, John Pilmair, Ruth Ellis, Eleanor Whorton, Jean Bernhard, French Payton, Tom Kelly, Kenneth Lenz
7th Row Frank Bumpilori, Gene Thompson, Bob Stanley, Darrell Burch, Dwight Crosby, Daren Schuman, Foriste Shareffer, Ronald Sterrett, Garth Spencer, Wayne Banta, Don Grooms, Tom Morris, Duane Ellett, Dick Patterson, Tom Morgan
Club Presidents and Advisors Club Presidents and Advisors Club Presidents and Advisors
Club Presidents and Advisors Club Presidents and Advisors Club Presidents and Advisors
Club Presidents and Advisors-January, 1941
1st Row Phyllis Krell, Nellie E. Wilson, Latin Club; A Louise Cotnam, Clifton Royal, French Club; Martha Swem and Rose Critelli, Secretarial
2nd Row Bette Walter, Floretta I. Bidwell, Sub Deb; Betty Rosenberg, Inez I. Hovey, Travel; Dwight Busby, Hi-Y
3rd Row Marjorie Thorp, Helen Wheeler, Hi Teen; Eugene Worden, Science; Moses A. Jencks, Duane Way, Fencing
4th Row Archie Johnson, Mickey Engman, Spanish; Tom Kelly, Science; Dick Wooters, Camera
Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941
Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941
Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941 Swimming Team, January, 1941
Boys' Swimming-January, 1941
1st Row Art Schmidt, Ted Block, Wallace Ash, Paul Kautzke, Ted Lyons, Allen Thompson, Gene Pyers
2nd Row Don Turner, Don Grooms, George Hildebrand, Bill Hillis, Bob Irving, Sam Shiffler, Keith Scott, Freeman Forrest, Bill Chorles, Marty Gabriel
3rd Row Coach McGuire, Huck Knight, Jack Abraham, Malcolm Bowlsby, Doug Robison, Don Boller, Jim Caldbeck, Jack Pershing, French Payton, Gene Taylor
Wrestling-June, 1941
1st Row Frank Riccio, Jim Cave, Don Hill, Harold Bracewell, James MacDonald, Dick Strickler, Bob Armstrong
2nd Row Jim McGrew, Norman Miller, Albert Polito, Richard Johnson, Dale Gabby, Richard Brown
3rd Row Coach Walter Besley, David Streyffeler, John Baird, Ray Hirsch, Dean Byers
Boys' Basketball Boys' Basketball
Boys' Basketball Boys' Basketball
Basketball-January, 1941
1st Row Roy Heggen, Gene Cunningham, Bill Liming, Harold Johnson
2nd Row Richard Williams, Loring Larsen, Jimmy McGuire, Art McCune, Darr Melaas
Baseball, June, 1941 Baseball, June, 1941 Baseball, June, 1941
Baseball, June, 1941 Baseball, June, 1941 Baseball, June, 1941
Baseball-June, 1941
1st Row Bill Martin, Harold Erickson, Richard Milton, Bill Brown, Don Preston, Chuck Besley
2nd Row Frank Riccio, DeWayne Glade, Bill Evand, Harold Johnson, Art McCune, Don Melaas, Milton John, Charles Erlandson, Russell Reel
3rd Row Bob Liter, George White, Coach McClain
Football, Fall, 1940 Football, Fall, 1940 Football, Fall, 1940
Football, Fall, 1940 Football, Fall, 1940 Football, Fall, 1940
Football-January, 1941
1st Row Bill Martin, Joe Howard, Hugh Harn, Bob Williams, Glenn Gard, Marty Gabriel, Chuck Beasley, Harry Sonderleiter, Don Horton, Dan Kroloff, Tom Egan
2nd Row Elmer Synder, Don Gilman, Daren Schumann, Bill Evans, Jack Abraham, Don Grooms, Leo Littleton, Harold Johnson, Jr. Foster, Bob White, Dave Pearl, Harold Erickson
3rd Row Gene Bakros, Johnny Nicholson, DeWayne Glade, Ronald Sterrett, Bill Moore, Harry Byrd, Jim Smith, Darrell Cherry, Bill Brown, Bill Neal, Joe Boitnott, Coach McClain
Journalism 2 Class Journalism 2 Class
Journalism 2 Class Journalism 2 Class
Journalism 2-June, 1941
1st Row Juanita Bumgardner, Eleanor Barthelow, Dorothy Knapp, Hazel Sommer, Rosalie Smotkin, Kathleen Lord, Grace Marlow
2nd Row Gene Storey, Kay Hicks, Betty Rosenberg, Virginia Larch, Jeanne Bernhard, Ronald Saf
3rd Row Duane Ellett, Jack Toulouse, Darrell Burch, Terry Tilley, Richard Williams, Neal Johnson
Golf and Tennis
1st Row Jeane Bernhard, Darlene Peterson, Doris Popple, Anna Jensen, Kathleen Richey, Don Hill
2nd Row Betty Van Cleave, Theresa W. Anderson, Shirley Laing, Joan McIntire, Frieda DeSleet, Marily George, Bob Burns
3rd Row Audrey Luberger, Marcia Paul, Sid Pruce, Albert Polito
4th Row Moses A. Jencks, Walter B. Besley, Ozzie Morrow, Jim Davidson, Bob Fousek, Keith Scott
5th Row Dick Hickerson, Locke Macomber
Office Assistants Office Assistants
Office Assistants Office Assistants
Office Assistants
1st Row Kathleen Freeze, Virginia Standers, Mary Miller, Kathleen Allen, Dorothy Freeman
2nd Row Eileen Moses, Betty Stanton, Lois Smith, Mary McLees, Phyllis Beard
3rd Row Donna Webber, Gertrude Shaw, Patricia West, Delene Klinetobe, Janelle Hull, Betty Smith
4th Row Miss West, Dorothy Brotchi, Norma Gillam, Juanita Harrison, Nadean Lind, La Rue Gregory, Esther Westlake
Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff
Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff
Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff Polar Bear Staff
Polar Bear Staff-January, 1941
1st Row Mary Carpino, Dorothy Dockstader, Rose Moscow, Business Manager; Alberta Lunn, Advertising Manager; Sara Malin, Editor-in-chief; Jeannette Leavitt, Bonnie Broadbent
2nd Row H.D. McCullough, advisor; Mary Jane Morrison, Mrs. Gretchen Galer, advisor; Betty Rosenberg, Nadyne Pettey, Rita Huss, Jean Bernhard
3rd Row J.H. Gooch, advisor; Vernard Greenwood, Neal Johnson, Bill Mack, Roy Ives, Bob Gottfried
4th Row Dick Wooters, Dale Reeser
Photos: Compliments of yearbook from Maralyn Spencer Boland
Graduates - January, 1941 (numbered 156)
Abbott, Ethel Fahy Egan, Thomas Robert Laws, Jack Press, Robert Alfred
Abruzzese, Clara Barbara Elliott, Chloris Leavitt, Jeanette Marie Rebertus, Wayne Douglas
Anderson, Hubert William Emerson, Dorothy Ann Livingston, William T. Reeck, Doris Arlene
Anderson, Ingrid Christine Fairfield, Diane Carol Livingston, Wilma Anne Rice, Kenneth Edward
Armstrong Nellie Marie Freaman, Eleanor M. Loll, Wilma Perlina Richey, Kathleen Louise
Ash, David Wilfred Frederick, Shriley Anne Lunn, Alberta Elizabeth Riglin, Robert Lloyd
Ashford, Elizabeth Gail Fredrickson,Wilbert Thomas Macomber, James Locke, Jr. Roland, Marion Eleanor
Avgerinois, Ethel Gabriel, Martin John MacPherson, Wayne Dean Russell, Betty Jean
Bair, Raymond Eugene Garrison, Patricia Jean Malin, Sara Schmidt, Hope Gwendolyn
Baker, Lorraine Maxine Gottfried, Robert Eli Marks, William J., Jr. Senechal, Mary Kathryn
Banta, Frances May Graber, Bob Leroy Mason, William Russell Shaffer, Wayne Malcolm
Bash, Verna Mary Gray, Mildred June Mauer, Dolly Olivia Janet Shute, Richard Eugene
Baumgartner, Virginia Jean Gray, Roma Jean McAfee, Harold Charles Solar, Everett
Beckley, Billie Louise Greenwood,Vernard Harold McCoy, Rex Ray Spencer, Maralyn Marie
Bestor, Ella Mae Grother, June Helen McGee, Martha Lelia Stapp, Homer Rudy
Bray, Jean Marie Hagen,Jeannette Dorothy McVay, Noreen Netta Stoffle, Margaret Elaine
Bridenstine, Doris Marie Ann Hall, Betty Jane Melone, Paul F. Sutton, Leona Pearl
Briggle, Dale Eugene Harn, Hugh L. Merkel, Paul Henry Swanson, Mary Elizabeth
Bright, Dorothy Maxine Hays, Joy Miller, Doris Lucille Teachenor, Lewis George
Brodmarkle, Darlene Healy, Robert James Miller, Frances A. Thode, Barbara Elizabeth
Bryant, Clair Wesley Heggen, Mary Ann Mitchell, Wayne Erwin Ungerman, Irene
Busby, Dwight Eugene Hickerson, Richard J. Moon, Alyce Maxine Vance, Jack Clyde
Caldbeck, Jame Hicks, Mildred B. Moorehead,MargaretDorothy VanCleave, Betty Maxine
Callahan, Jeanette C. Hood, Kenneth David Morris, John Edward Vermeulen, Gertrude Lois
Campbell, Una Rose Horton, Donald F. Morrison, Delbert William Walden, Naomi Juanita
Carpenter,Marguerite Eggers Howard, Elizabeth Ruth Morrison, Mary Jane Walker, Betty Louise
Carpino, Mary Rose Howard, Joseph Clemens Moscow, Rose Ware, Thomas A., Jr.
Clark, Mabeljune Howard, Marjorie Nan Neuwerth, James Albert Waters, Hubert Harvey
Colbert, Eleanor Josephine Hutchins, Narcissa Ellen Neve, Lila Sylvia Way, Duane Arthur
Combs, Curtis Vernon Hutchison,Carl Andrew, Jr. Oliver, Barbara Lee Weddell, Robert Leo
Coon, Geraldine Mae Jensen, Anne Marie Packard, Donald Eugene Whipple, Pauline Floretta
Coppola, Anthony Johnson, Hugh Mitchell Page, Barbara Jean Wieslander, Oscar Lloyd
Cowie, Betty Jane Johnson, Robert E. Palatnick, Sarah Williams, Robert Wayne
Crum, Eugene Kahn, Doris Patchin, Florence Deloris Wilmot, Wallace Frederick
DeSleet,Gwendolyn Lucretia Kleppe, Bernice Frances Pender, Arthur Harold Wilson, William John
Devine, Fred Herbert Kroloff, Daniel Peterson, Robert A. Winterrowd,Marilyn Bernadine
Dockstader, Dorothy Mae Kuskulis, Louis C. Pierson, Verdella Naomi Wise, Marjorie Ruth
Dow, Doris Iona Landis, Katherine Ruth Pilmer, Edwin Harley, Jr. Wiuff, Phyllis Anne
East, Donald W. Landsberger, John, Jr. Pirtle, George William Wood,Allen William Warren
Graduates - June, 1941 (numbered 349)
Adams, Norman Lee Durschmidt, Mae Florence Liter, Robert Thomas Ritter, Robert Scott
Ade, Jacquelyn Jean Eben, Katherine Louise Little, Marcella Gertrude Rivera, Maria Charlotte
Akes, Helen Jane Egly, John William Little, Mary Elizabeth Rizzuti, Katherine Maxine
Albright, Pauline LaVerne Eisenhart, Ilean Berneese Little, Robert Louis Rizzuto, Rose
Alcox, Annamae Ellett, Duane Walter Logsdon, Gladys Lorraine Roberts, Carolyn Cline
Allen, Mary Kathleen Engman, Milton Conrad Lord, Kathleen Louise Roberts, Dorothy Louise
Amsberry, William Charles Erlandson, David Elias Lund, Margaret Elizabeth Rogers, Bill
Anderson, Gwendolyn Rae Ewing, Ruth Ann Lundberg, Gordon Stuart Rosenberg, Betty Lucille
Anderson, Kent Leon Fairchild, Doris Ellen MacDonald, Delbert Elroy Rosenquist, Frances Pauline
Anderson, Patricia Ann Farnsley, Nedra Darlene MacDougall, Marilyn Jean Royal,Clifton Debevoise, Jr.
Andrews, Dorris Elizabeth Felse, Richard Charles Mack, Wilmoth James Saf, Ronald Verdyn
Armour, Winifred Lucille Fergason, Doris Marie Manning, Barbara Lois Sarchfield, Venna Jean
Ashford, Elizabeth Gail Finn, Mary Elizabeth Manning, Ruth Schneider, Eleanor Frances
Bailey, James Thomas Fiscel, Wayne Harold Marlow, Grace Margaret Schopf, Betty Maxine
Bailey, Ruth Marilyn Fisch, Marguerite Ellen Martin, Paul Allan Schreck, Frances Marie
Baird, John Ramage Fischer, Frederick Carney Martin, Robert John Schumann, Daren Eugene
Banning, Marvel Louise Fisher, Clifford Stanton Martin, Virginia Lee Selland, James C.
Barden, Helen Frances Flora, Roscoe Wesley Mason, Paul C. Seymour, Mary Jean
Barnes, David Lawrence Ford, Bernard Brady Massman, Bill Shackelford, Elizabeth
Barthelow, Eleanor Dorine Forrest, Freeman H. Mastrofski, Jack Milton Shaefer, Foriste Eugene
Basler, Paul E. Foss, Richard Dick Mateer, Harold Wayne Siepker, Earl Michael
Battles, Norma Camille Foster, Oran A., Jr. McCalla, Mildred Maxine Simmons, Albert Leroy
Beard, Phyllis Leona Gabby, Dale Eugene McCarthy, William Russell Skaggs, Marjorie Darlene
Beasley, Charles L. Galloway, Patricia Ruth McClain, Pauline Kathryn Smith, Betty Virginia
Beauchamp, Vinci Mae Gambrall, Juanita Margaret McClure, Margaret Ann Smith, Richard L.
Beeler, Ruth Marie Gammell, Ellyn McClurg, Bruce Miles Smotkin, Rosalie Ethel
Beisser, Charlotte Mary Gayer, Betty May McCoy, Rex Ray Snodgrass, Mildred Ruth
Bennett, Harold Raymond George, Marilyn McCoy, Sue Snook, Greta H.
Bennett, William Russell Gibson, Ward Gene McGuire, James Lloyd, Jr. Sommer, Hazel Fern
Bernhard, Betty Jeane Gillam, Norma Maxine McMaude, Victor Jay Sonderleiter, Harry Frank
Bevis, Gerald Leslie Gilliam, Avalee McNay, Curtis Eugene Spencer, Garth Hall
Bixler, Alice Nellie Gorman, Margery McNeal, Tom Russell, Jr. . Spencer, J. Elaine
Black, Virginia Anne Graham, Marian Lorraine Mead, Virginia N. Staads, Gretchen B.
Blackburn, Maxine Marie Green, David Meng, John Irvin Stanbrough, Howard L.,Jr.
Blatt, Carol Pauline Green, Wayne Forest Mennis, Eleanor Bernice Stanley,Darwin Earl
Boatwright, Gertrude Claire Gregory, Ellen LaRue Meyer, Beverly Reyem Sterrett, Ronald Lee
Bogard, Lois Alene Hallagan, Betty Lou Meyerhoff, Harriett Ann Stevens, Barbara Jean
Boggs, Nellie B. Hamilton, Roy Harry Migneault, Mary Frances Stevens, Ernie R.
Boller, Donald Wayne Hauge, Maynard Luverne Miller, Frederic Littleton Stickler, Betty Jean
Boone, Virginia Louise Hays, Dorothy Alta Marie Miller, Margaret Maxine Stilen, Marjorie Mae
Boots, Eldon L., Jr. Hedrick, Darlene Maxine Miller, Marvin L. Stonehocker, Mary L.
Boots, Robert Charles Herriott, Lois Mae Mills, Eugene Ramon Stoner, Jack Eugene
Bowlsby, Malcolm Thomas Hicks, Kathleen Lois Milton, Richard Harold Storey, Allen Eugene
Bracewell, Harold Wayne Higdon, Ethel June Monger, Lola Jean Strasser, Patricia Marie
Brenneman, Robert Andrew Hill, Alice Luella Moore, Bonnie Jean Streyffeler, David Eugene
Brewer, Bette Jane Holloway, Raphael Joseph Moore, Loretta Mae Stroble, Charlie Mack
Broad, Charles Robert Huffman, Madalyn Jean Moore, Richard Donald Stuckrath,Edward Leroy, Jr.
Broadbent, Bonnie Colleen Hull, Robert Wayne Morgan, Betty Jean Sullivan, Ruth Nadine
Brotchi, Dorothy Madeline Hull, Theda Janelle Morris, Anna Belle Sutherland,Margaret Louise
Brown, Richard G. Huntoon, Donald Raymond Morris, Helen Joy Taylor, Anna Luberta
Brown, Ruth Ann Huss, Rita Lorraine Morris, Tom Harlan Taylor, Marilee
Buihner, Norman Eugene Ives, Roy Glen, Jr. Morrow, Melba L. Taylor, Mary Maxine
Bumgardner, Juanita Deanna Jackson, Helen Virginia Morrow, Orsel McGhee Taylor, Robert Morton
Burch, Darrell Jack Jackson, Orvind Richard Morse, Dolores Marie Taylor, Alzada C.
Burke, Ernest Clyde Jessen, Dean Leeroy Mott, Russel Leonard Tenny, Mary Rozanne
Burns, Betty Frances Johnson, Francis Neal Mulcahy, Mary Kathleen Thomas, Eleanor Kathryn
Burns, Robert Junior Johnson, Harold Eugene Murphy, Marcella Ann Tilley, William Terrence
Butler, Barbara Jean Johnston, Doris Ruth Myser, Luther Reding Tomes, Henry Lee
Butorac, Albert Peter Johnston, John Norman Nelson, Donald Le Roy Toulouse, Orville Jack
Caldwell, Quinman Milton Jones, Bob E. Nicholson, John Junior Troe, James Lee
Callahan, Russell Burnard Jones, Jack Richard Nicholson, Walter Ward Troxel, Stanley Arthur
Campbell, Don Jones, Laurene Jeanette Nickens, Clementene Turner, Donald Keith
Carey, Conrad Lyle Juber, Betty Lue Niswander,TheresaJeannette Underwood, Robert Merle
Carr, Vergie Lee Etta Kachel, Mary Mable O'Connell, Mary Alice VanMaren, Mary Ellen
Chittenden,Virginia Catherine Kaiser, Mary Jo O'Laughlin, Betty Marie Voegtlin, Robert Eugene
Christiansen, Norman Juhl Kautz, Robert W. O'Loughlin, Ida Mae Ann Wagner, Jeanne Joan
Cloud, Peggy Lou Kean, Barbara Jean Osterhout, Alice Pauline Walter, Bette Jeanne
Coon, Margaret Anne Keith, Don Rayden Parr, Myra LaRose Weesner, Dale E.
Cox, Gloria Elding Kelly, Mable Larene Patterson, Richard Westcott Westberg, Marjorie Colleen
Craddock, Edna Sue Kephart, Dalma Darline Payton, French D. Wheeler, Margaret Anne
Crawford, Anna Lea Klinetobe, Delene Sylvia Pendarvis, Leona Grace Wheeler, Patricia Anne
Critelli, Mary Louise Klinzman, Phyllis Ann Pettey, Nadyne Ellinore White, Bob
Critelli, Rose Cora Knapp, Dorothy Frances Petty, Donald Elmer Whorton, Eleanor
Crosby, Dwight Lee Knight, Hurl Phillips, Jeanne Helen Willcockson, Wanda Belle
Crusan, Florence Virginia Knorr, Betty Mae Pilmaier, John Joseph Williams, Richard, Jr.
Dacus, Benjamin T. Kobi, Charles William Pittenger, Norma J. Wood, Erma Louise
Danielson, Alice Cordelia Kramer, Bette Jean Pond, Carol Lillian Woodruff, Shirley Minetta
Darling, Raymetta Krell, Phyllis Maxine Popple, Doris Elizabeth Woods, Vera Arlene
Darr, Alice Valere Kusel, Elaine V. Prather, Mervin Allen Wright, Bonnie Jean
Davies, David M. Lackey, Ivan H. Preston, Donald Wayne Wright, Dolores Elaine
Davis, Jane Aldean Lampman, Joyce Clothielde Quincy, Venita Carmen Wright, William B.
Dawson, Jeanette Ann Larsh, Virginia Mae Randall,Wilma Ruth Wyatt, Gloria Mae
Day, Dolores Merilyn Leffler, Merleen L. Rarick, Mary Jane Yazman, Charlotte
DeBord, Douglas Lentz, Kenneth Eugene Rayner, Ralph Reuben Yazman, Esther M.
DeGan, Earnest Robert (Bob) Leonard, Betty Jean Rebuschatis, Mary Jane Yeager, Grace Idamae
DePatten, Edward Hobart Lewis, Helen Louise Reeves, Betty Magadeline Yelden, Martalyn Ruth
Donner, Kathryn Arlene Liddle, Robert Grant Richardson, Irene Lavinia Zonona, Eva Elsie
Duffy, Kathryn Ann x x x
Graduates - August, 1941 (numbered 17)
Baker, Marian L. Hardaway, Langston J.B. Moyer, Marguerite F. Short, Daisy Imogene
Cockran, Robert P. Henry, Isabella F. Platter, Donald Wayne Stewart, Marjorie Lavon
Collins, Raymond Charles Martin, Mary Millicent Rice, Kathryn Maxine Striver, Raymond David
Gorman, Gertrude E. Mortice, Thomas Edgar, Jr. Robison, Dessa Mae Wheeler, Jack M.
Griffin, Mildred E. x x x x x x
Graduates - Would have graduated, but entered service (numbered 1)
Onnen, Robert Lee xTwining,George Isaac, Jr. x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1941
January, 1941
Bray, Jean Marie (Ward) (d.11/01/18) 2018 Macomber, James Locke, Jr. (d.02/14/98) 1998
Bright, Dorothy Maxine (Collins) Miller, Doris Lucille (Forrest) (d.10/30/19) 2019
Brodmarkle, Darlene W. (Moorehead) (d.09/21/17) 2017 Moorehead,Margaret Dorothy (d.08/23/08) 2008
Busby, Dwight Eugene (d.12/01/80) 1980 Packard, Donald Eugene (d.06/15/10) 2010
Caldbeck, Jim (d.10/05/15) 2015 Peterson, Robert A. (d.12/13/94) 1994
Campbell, Una Rose (Osborne) (d.08/08/17) 2017 Pirtle, George William (d.04/07/08) 2008
Carpino, Mary Rose (DeAngelo) (d.05/25/18) 2018 Press, Robert Alfred (d.02/16/20) 2020
Coppola, Anthony (Tony) (d. 04/30/05) 2005 Richey, Kathleen Louise(Garrett) (d.2003) 2003
Dow, Doris Iona (Crowder) (d.02/17/88) 1988 Russell, Betty Jean (Shaffer) (d.02/10/10) 2010
Greenwood, Vernard Harold (d.08/27/91) 1991 Shaffer, Wayne Malcolm (d.01/12/10) 2010
Grother, June Helen (Fortezzo) (d.02/07/03 2003 Sutton, Leona Pearl (d.01/24/25) 2025
Henry, Isabella F. (Cunningham) (d.02/07/68) 1968 Spencer, Maralyn Marie (Boland) (d.01/03/13) 2013
Howard, Joseph Clemens (d.09/16/00) 2000 Vance, Jack Clyde (d.09./11/44) 1944
Hutchins, Narcissa Ellen (Coultrip) (d.06/17/98) 1998 VanCleave, Betty Maxine (Bails) (d.03/09/13) 2013
Landsberger, John (d. 04/27/06) 2006 Weddell, Robert Leo (d.02/09/09) 2009
June, 1941
Adams, Norman L. (d. 06/05/05) 2005 Jones, Jack Richard (d.04/27/16) 2016
Akes, Helen Jane (Gaut) (d.03/14/15) 2015 Juber, Betty Lue (Mathews) (d.04/07/15) 2015
Allen, Mary Kathleen (Wharff) (d.10/08/11) 2011 Kautz, Robert W. (d.02/85) 1985
Anderson, Patricia Ann (Dew) (d.01/07/00) 2000 Knight, Hurl U. (d.04/28/01) 2001
Ashford, Elizabeth Gail Lampman, Joyce Clothielde (Bucher)
Bailey, Ruth Marilyn (Cole) (d.11/22/13) 2013 Lewis, Helen Louise (Emery/Rule) (d.03/17/24) 2024
Banning, Marvel Louise Liddle, Robert Grant (d.10/18/02) 2002
Barnes, David Lawrence (d.05/15/14) 2014 MacDonald, Delbert Elroy (d.06/25/12) 2012
Barthelow, Eleanor (Nickens) (d. 10/82) 1982 Mason, Paul C. (d.10/05/00) 2000
Beasley, Charles L. (d. 03/24/00) 2000 Mastrofski, Jack Milton (d.01/16/15) 2015
Beisser, Charlotte Mary McClure,MargaretAnn(Cavanaugh) (d. 05/22/06) 2006
Bennett, Harold Raymond (d.10/71) 1971 McGuire, James Lloyd, Jr. (d. 08/20/71) 1971
Black, Virginia Ann (Thompson) (d.08/20/15) 2015 McNeal, Tom Russell, Jr. (d. 07/27/90) 1990
Boatwright,Gertrude Clara (Olson) (d.09/14/22) 2022 Mead, Virginia N. (Knight) (d.02/93) 1993
Bogard, Lois Alene (McDonald) (d.03/22/89) 1989 Miller, Frederic Littleton (d.05/11/17) 2017
Boller, Donald Wayne (d.03/10/12) 2012 Milton, Richard Harold (d.10/04/03) 2003
Boots, Eldon L, Jr. (d.03/04/92) 1992 Morris, Anna Belle
Boots, Robert Charles (d.04/08/10) 2010 Morrow, Melba L.
Bowlsby, Malcolm Thomas Mulcahy, Mary Kathleen (Kelley) (d.1984) 1984
Bracewell, Harold Wayne (d. 04/90) 1990 O'Laughlin, Betty Marie (Lynn)
Broad, Charles Robert (d. 12/07/99) 1999 Parr, Myra LaRose (Sanders) (d.02/22/07) 2007
Buihner, Norman Eugene (d.06/16/12) 2012 Payton, French D. (d.12/71) 1971
Burch, Darrell Jack (d. 01/19/07) 2007 Phillips, Jeanne Helen (Bush) (d.10/10/11) 2011
Burns, Robert Junior (d. 11/02/93) 1993 Popple, Doris Elizabeth (d. 01/87) 1987
Butorac, Albert Peter Preston, Donald Wayne (d.05/16/15) 2015
Caldwell, Quinman Milton Ritter, Robert Scott (d.05/81) 1981
Carey, Conrad Lyle (d. 05/08/99) 1999 Rivera, Maria Charlotte (Gomez) (d.06/04/15) 2015
Critelli, Rose Cora (Stone) (d.12/23/11) 2011 Robertson, Struan Donald (d.10/13/00) 2000
Crosby, Dwight Lee Saf, Ronald Verdyn (d. 07/10/94) 1994
Dacus, Benjamin T. (d. 05/11/99) 1999 Schumann, Daren Eugene (d. 09/29/97) 1997
Darr, Alice Valere (Witt) (d. 08/14/05) 2005 Shackelford, Elizabeth
Dawson, Jeanette Ann (Kabrick) (d.09/26/96) 1996 Smotkin, Rosalie Ethel
DeBord, Douglas J. (d. 05/05/00) 2000 Sommer, Hazel Fern
DeGan, Earnest Robert (Bob) (d.10/06/13) 2013 Sonderleiter, Harry Frank (d. 07/05/05) 2005
Donner, Kathryn Arlene (Hall) (d.07/25/05) 2005 Spencer, Garth Hall (d. 01/05/95) 1995
Ellett, Duane Walter (d.06/22/87) 1987 Spencer, J. Elaine (Bringenberg) (d.04/02/12) 2012
Engman, Milton (d. 02/87) 1996 Staads, Gretchen B. (Contreras) 2005
Erlandson, David Elias (d.08/31/13) 2013 Stoner, Jack Eugene (d.10/05/14) 2014
Fiscel, Wayne Harold (d.10/04/13) 2013 Strasser, Patricia Marie (Ogden) (d. 12/11/97) 1997
Fisch,MargueriteEllen (Kelso) (d.04/27/08) 2008 Streyffeler, David Eugene (d.01/11/08) 2008
Foss, Richard Dick (d.02/19/04) 2004 Toulouse, Orville Jack
Gabby, Dale Eugene (d.11/01/96) 1996 Troxel, Stanley Arthur (d.11/04/14) 2014
George, Marilyn 2003 Underwood, Robert Merle (d.09/15/14) 2014
Gibson, Ward Gene (d.02/58) 1958 Walter, Betty Jeanne (Jones) (d.08/16/17) 2017
Gillam, Norma Maxine (Burch) (d.05/02/13) 2013 Willcockson, Wanda Belle (d.04/08/22) 2022
Graham, Marian Lorraine x Williams, Richard, Jr. (d.07/12/95) 1995
Gregory, Ellen LaRue (Buihner) (d.10/24/21) 2021 Wright, William B.
Huss, Rita Lorraine (Vaughn) (d.08/01/16) 2016 Yazman, Esther M. (Mogolov) (d.08/13/16) 2016
Jackson, Orvind Richard (d.12/07/88) 1988 Zonona, Eva Elsie (Gioffredi) (d.06/11/91) 1991
August, 1941
Collins, Raymond Charles (d.05/26/10) 2010 Mortice, Thomas Edgar, Jr. (d.06/81) 1981
Hardaway, Langston, J.B. Platter, Donald Wayne
Martin, Mary Millicent x
Onnen, Robert Lee (d.02/16/09) 2009 Twining, George Isaac, Jr. (d.07/23/11) 2011
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
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Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
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Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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