[email protected]
North Des Moines High School
Class of 1968
Join us at your 50th Reunion!
45th reunion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Q6b-fNIHY&feature=youtu.be
Monthly Luncheons
Class meets monthly for lunch. email [email protected] for information
We usually meet on the third Friday of each month at 12:30PM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1968NorthHighPolarBears/

Do you have any pictures taken at this 55th reunion?

Friday, September 15, 2023
Time: 6:00PM - 12:00Midnight   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Contact: Eva Grimes Cross: [email protected] or Marilyn Rittel: [email protected]


Friday, October 12, 2018
Time: 7:00PM - 12:00Midnight   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Time: 6:00-1:00AM
Hilton Garden Inn
8600 Northpark Court
Johnston, IA 50131
  (515) 270-8890
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 321-6691
  Photos scheduled for?
Time: 6:00PM   Cocktails
Time: 7:00PM-1:00AM   Dinner/dance/dj
facebook page: [email protected]
Friday, July 26, 2013
Time: 7:00PM - 12:00Midnight   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Time: 6:00-1:00AM
Embassy Suites Hotel
101 East Locust Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
  (515) 244-1700
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 981-4217
  Photos scheduled for?
Time: 6:00PM   Cocktails
Time: 7:00PM-1:00AM   Dinner/dance/dj
40th reunion details...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Time: 7:00PM - 12:00Midnight   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Time: 6:00-1:00AM
Des Moines Marriott
Reserve room at 1-800-514-4681
Des Moines Marriott
700 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309-2705
  (515) 245-5500
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 321-6691
  Photos scheduled for 6:30PM.
Time: 6:00PM   Cocktails
Time: 7:00PM-1:00AM   Dinner/dance/dj
50th Reunion photo - taken October 13, 2018
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 321-6691
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Identification coming
2nd Row Identification coming
3rd Row Identification coming
4th Row Identification coming
Enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged center portion of 50th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo (above)
45th Reunion photo - taken July 27, 2013
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Toni Ebert Robinson, Sherri Griffin Steele, Helaine Oster Damsky, Georgia Millhollin Kauffman, Cindy Olmstead Hughes, Eva Grimes Cross, Bev Barsness McAlpin, Linda Stanfield Hennings
2nd Row Gwen Waterman Eaton, Linda Voegtlin Peterson, Vicki Lind Harm, Mari Rae Schneiderman, Sue Stewart Schmitz, Kathy Cram Scott, Cindy Quick Wilson, Kathy Worster, Debi Nielsen Butterfield, Marilyn Eckman Rittel, Cathy Darlington Cate, Sue Royal Bullis
3rd Row David Thompson, Jim Deeds, Dave Henry, John Winters
4th Row John Helvig, Mike Stitzell, Kreg Kauffman, Phil Gustafson, Don Steele, Lon Spurgin, Kirby Sechovec, Bob Caldwell, Ron Rittel
Enlarged left side of 45th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged right side of 45th reunion photo (above)
40th Reunion, 2008 40th Reunion, 2008 40th Reunion, 2008
40th Reunion, 2008 40th Reunion, 2008 40th Reunion, 2008
40th Reunion photo - taken August 23, 2008
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Deb Degner Haugen, Sally Newton Clabaugh, Raelene Ohm Bemisdarfer, Brenda Molsberry Lambert, Kathy S. Worster, Vicki Lind Harm, Gwen Waterman Eaton, Susan Stewart Schmitz, Bev Barsness McAlpin, Eva Grimes Cross, Gail Willis Brush, Jeannine Schiachitano Carey
2nd Row Cherry Burkholder McElwee, Sherri Griffin Steele, Linda Voegtlin Peterson, Georgia Millhollin Kauffman, Cindy Olmstead Hughes, Vicki Kallansrud Lydon, Kay Bumpilori Bechtel, Carol Bethel Brown, Maggie Rieff Glasscock, Leslie Snedden Akehurst, Sue Royal Bullis, Debi Nielsen Butterfield, Peggy Spates Johnson, Don Steele, Mike S. Stitzell, Lon Spurgin
3rd Row Phil Gustafson, Jim Deeds, Carol Burton Cason, Ruth J. Terrell Roberts, Cathy Darlington Cate, Camille McLeod Valley, Steve Collins, Vince C. Villa, Denny Kelderman
4th Row Tom L. Baird, John Helvig, Craig Bancroft, Mike Lake, Kreg Kauffman, Rick Day, Steve Cate, Dale Hougham, Alan Janssen, Mike Naughton, David Henry, Tim Faller
Absent Garoldine Y. Bryson-Webb, Victor Coleman, Jean Deneson Kohles, Jeff Gillam, Rick Ramsey
Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008 Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo; 2008
Enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo (above)
20th Reunion photo - taken 1988
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Denny Kelderman, Tom Baird, Bob Koons, Scott Faulkner, Julie Hughes, Nancy Ritchie, Cathy Darlington, Maureen Boos, Eva Grimes, Gwen Waterman
2nd Row Sue Taylor, Georgia Ramey, X, Mary Watson, Jean Spratt, X, Kathy Eakins, Vicki Johnson, Mike Naughton, X, Toni Ebert, Tanya Orenford, Pam Bethel?, X, X, X, Diane Johnson, Marcia Gilliland, Cindy Olmstead, Sue Stewart, Vicki Lind, Helaine Oster, Patty Siepman, X, Connie Beckett, Sheryll Swanson
3rd Row X, Joyce VanderLinden, Leslie Snedden, Camille McLeod, Kathy Blomquist, Linda Voegtlin, Mary Greaves, Marta Trout, Kathy Worster, Annmarie Welsh, Maggie Rieff, X, X, Jean Deneson, Pat McCarville, Bev Barsness, Linda Stanfield, Kathy Cram, Sandy Bayles, Jeanne Anderson, Debbie Nielsen, Mary Lou Ashton, Raissa Sarantschin, Laura Milne, Connie Martin, Dave Lewis, Vicki Kallansrud, Pam Bethel?, X, Joe Lombardo, Tom Lorey, Jerry Collins
4th Row Doug Abbey, Tim Faller, Don Steele, Sherry Griffin, Georgia Millhollin, Steve Cate, Craig Nordaker, Jim Ellenberger, Kreg Kauffman, Craig Bancroft, Murray Sauerbrei, Marty Lamberti, Jim Deeds, Lon Spurgin, Alan Janssen, Bob Hennings, Kirby Sechovec, Garry Bergman, Phil Gustafson, X, Dave Henry, Steve Leighter, Steve Routson
Photo: Compliments of Cathy Darlington Cate
Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged left side of 20th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged center of 20th reunion photo (above)
Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988 Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo; 1988
Enlarged right side of 20th reunion photo (above)
Class of 1968 Class of 1968 Class of 1968
Class of 1968 Class of 1968 Class of 1968
Class of 1968 Class of 1968 Class of 1968
Class of 1968 Graduation (graduates pictured 379)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Names coming. (34)
2nd Row Names coming.(29)
3rd Row Names coming.(39)
4th Row Names coming.(34)
5th Row Names coming. (39)
6th Row Names coming.(33)
7th Row Names coming.(35)
8th Row Names coming.(35)
9th Row Names coming.(39)
10th Row Names coming.(20)
11th Row Names coming.(42)
enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged left side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged left side of graduation photo
enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo enlarged right side of 1968 graduation photo
enlarged right side of graduation photo

June 1968
Class Officers

Robert William Hall
Stephen Harper Cate
Kathleen Ann Cram
Sam Joseph Genovese
Margaret Junker
Barbara Ann Hevlin
Merlin Goddard
Marcia Moore
Student Council Officers - Fall Semester
Student Council Officers - Spring Semester
Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football
Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football
Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football Senior Girls' Football
Senior girls football team after beating the underclassmen for the third victory.
Majorettes Majorettes
Majorettes Majorettes
Queen: Peggy Davis
Mr. Football: Rick Ramsey
Row 1 Janis Leary, Judy Rosenberg, Brenda Molsberry
Row 2 Karen Van Dorn, Sheri Mileur, Pat Luedke, Kay Bumpilori
Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming
Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming
Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming Boys' Swimming
Boys' Swimmers Qualify Nine for State
Row 1 George Marchant, Jim Salkiewicz, Cecil Brewton, Gary Bergman, Don Morris, Joel Mortensen, Dale Hougham
Row 2 Bill McDermott, Pat Lajko, Mike Morse, Bill Hunter, Chuck Brewton, Bill Rumme
Row 3 Coach Bob Lawson, Mike Rubino, Leroy Chatfield, Scott McAdam, Larry Wheeler, Scott Faulkner, Ken Webb, Bob Lawson, Coach Harry Mortensen
Row 1 Martha Leo, Diana Leveke, Camille McLeod, Patty Barsetti, Kris Stewart
Row 2 Mary Van Dam, Alice Reardon, Karla Giefer, Margaret Rieff, Debi Walter, Barb Sidoner
Row 3 Debbie Zettle, Terry Huffman, Sheri Watkins, Sue Appell, Ann Salkiewicz
Photos: Compliments of yearbook of Joyce England Bahrenfus
Graduates numbered 481
Abarr, Dennis Cecil Dempewolk,Vera Saline Hughes, Julie Kay Molsberry, Brenda Karen Sechovec,Ralph Kirby
Abbey, Douglas Wayne Deneson, Jean LaVonne Hutchins, Jim Jay Moore, Marcia Lee Shaffer, Fred
Ackiss, Rosa Maxine Diemer, David Michael Ibson, Randolph Gordon Morris, Donald Stephen Shaffer,Margaret Ann
Amos, Albert Russell Dishman, Robert Mark Jackson, Richard Eugene Morrow, James Anthony Shannon, Linda Jo
Amos, Robert (Bob) Earl Dix, Kari Lynne Jackson, Wallace Lee Mortensen, Joel Peter Shearer,Thelma Ann
Anderson, Jeanne Lynn Donahue,Connie Maureen Janssen, Alan Robert Mozee,Phillip Sylvester Shelton, Jack E.
Arnold, Joann Drake, Riley Joseph, Jr. Jefferson, Barbara Jean Mundel, Charles Ray Shogren, Alan Craig
Ashton, Mary Louise Draper, Connie Lee Jewett, Robert W. Naughton,Michael Bruce Shung, Noralie Kay
Baird, Thomas Lee Drzyzga, Gay Lee Johnson,Claudia(Lolly)Kay Neal, David Nicholas Siepmann,Patricia Ann
Baker, Geoge Edward Duncan, Sandra Jean Johnson, Diane Marie Newton, Sally Johanna Simpson,Harold James, Jr.
Baker, Zellee Kay Eakins, Cathy Jane Johnson, Dianne Kathleen Newton, Teari Lin Sirianni, Linda Jo
Bancroft, Craig Michael Ebert, Antonia Victoria Johnson, Harriett Rebecca Nicholas,MarrGenea Lee Slack, Mark Edward
Barba, Peggy Marie Eckman, Marilyn Kay Johnson, Kathleen Ann Nichols, Ronald Leo Slater, Linda Gail
Barsetti, Patricia Ann Edwards, John Milton Johnson,TheodoreGrant, Jr. Nicholson, Sandra Jo Smart,Pauline Elizabeth
Barsness, Beverly Jean Elings, Terry Lee Johnson, Vicki Rae Nielsen,Deborah Diane Smith, Daniel Joseph
Battles, Joseph Paul Ellenberger,James Martin Johnson, Wanda Jean Nielsen,Ingelise Aaby Smith, Eddie Bernard
Bayles, Sandra Lee Elliott, Linda Kay   Jordan, Dennis Dean Niffenegger,Patricia Mae Smith, Linda Lee
Beattie, Sharon Anne Ellis, Donald Paul Jorgenson, Michael Craig Nodland, Beverly L. Smyth, Dustin M.
Beckett, Connie Marie Erickson, Diane Lynn Junker, Margaret Frances Nordaker, Craig Randal Snedden, Don Wayne
Bell, Dennis Linden Erickson,Patricia Grace Jurgens, Kenneth David Nucholls, Derek Thomas Snedden, Leslie Ann
Bennett, Cathy Carol Fairman, Mike Lee Kallansrud, Vicki Diane O'Connor,Karen Kay Spagnolo,Tonia Louise
Bennett, John Perry Faller, Tim C. Kauffman, Kreg Arlen Ohm, Raelene Kay Spates, Peggy Maria
Berger, Terry Lee Farr, Robert J. Kauffman, Susan Marie Oliver, Gale Dwayne Spratt,Elizabeth Jean
Bergman, Garry Lee Faulkner, Scott Richard   Keith, Russell Gerald Olmstead, Cynthia Sue Spurgin,Lon William
Bethel, Carol Jeannette Fett, Shirley Lorene Kelderman,Denny Eugene Olmstead,Ronald Doyle Standing, Linda Lee
Bethel, Pamela Jean Filby, Marsha Lea Kelderman, Gloria Jean Olson, Jerry Gifford Stanfield, Linda Lee
Bettis, Marcia JoLynn   Fisher, Harold Eugene Kennedy, Patrick James Osborne, Nancy L. Stanley, Wayne Lee
Bibbins, Albert L. Forkner, Deanne Mae Kimball, Jeff Benton Oster, Helaine Ann Steele, Donald Lee
Blackcloud, Eileen Formento, Donna Marie King, Diana Lou Ostrem, DeWayne Scott Stewart, Kristin Alexis
Blomquist,Katherine Anne Foster, Dennis Le Ray Kinter, Susan lee Ostring, Joy Marie Stewart, Susan Ann
Boatwright,NickolasWayne.   Foster, Rita Mae Kline, Stephen T. Owens, Van Carson Stitzell,Michael Steven
Bobenhouse, Dan J. Freeman, Michael Klisares, Kim E. Oxenford,Tanya Jolyn Stole,Richard Noel
Bodensteiner,JamesRichard Friedel, Rebecca Louise Kness, Kathy J. Pagano,Charles Anthony Streeter, Danny David
Boese, Ray Agust Gates, Susan Kay Kolling, Janis Lee Parrish,Lynn Diane Swanson,Sheryll Ada
Bogan, Susan Coral Gaudineer,SusanneKay Koons, John Charles Payney, Wilma Swartz,John Edwin
Boles, Steve Edward Gegner, Sue   Koons, Robert Alan Pecina,Larry Oren Sweet, Kathleen Rae
Boo, Carole Rae Genovese,Samuel Joseph Lake, Michael James Pedersen,Robert Dale Switzer,Katherine M.
Boos, Maureen Thea Gibson, Dennis Wayne Lakin, Kathleen Marie Pedersen,Steven Craig Switzer,Kathleen Kay
Bowlby, Tammy Louise Gibson, Patricia D. Lamb, Kathleen Ann Pender, Stephen Michael Taylor,Edward
Bowlsby, Patricia Sue Gibson, Sandra Kay Lamberti, Martin Michael Perry, Shirley Jean Taylor,Judith Elaine
Boyd, Willard Clarence Giefer, Ann Marie   Law, Dan Lee Person, Ron Alan Taylor, Susan Lea
Bracken, Steve Alan Giefer, Karla Kay   Lawler, Pat Mary Peterson, Allen J. Terrell, Ruth
Braklow, James Forrest Gillam, Jeffrey Alan Leary, Janis Lynne Peterson, John Martin Thompson,David Lawrence
Brandt, Elizabeth Ann Gillaspey, John Floyd Lecroy, Gary Richard Phares, Dorothy Marie Thompson, Dixie Lee
Braunschweig, Thomas H. Gilliland, Marcia Ann LeCroy, Michael David Phipps, Marcia Lynn Thoren,Tommy Raye
Brewton, Cecil H. Goddard, Merlin Dale   Lee, Stephen Carl Pickett,Denise Louren Tierney, Kathy J.
Briggle, Rick L. Gordon, Marilyn Kathryn Leighter, Steve H. Pierick, James Allen Tinker, John Frederick
Brodeen, Michele Jill Graney, Michael Patrick Leis, David Michael Pierick, Jane Ann Tisa, Leo Phillip
Brooks, Ronald Eugene Grant, Donald Charles Leo, Martha Jane Pilcher, Beryl Alvin Tomlinson,Charles Edward
Brown, Clyde Edward Graves, James Rudolph Leong, Ambrose Potter, Carol Ann Trout, Marta
Buhrmaster, Lila Kay Greaves, Mary Louise Leong, Sam Wing Powell, Linda Kay Tullis,Douglas Loren
Bump, Steve Gorden Green, Elizabeth Ann Leveke, Dianne Marie Powers, Mary Helen VanHoosear,Lewis LeVern
Bumpilori, Kay Frances Green,Eugene Theodore Lewis, Barbara Lee Quick,Cnythia Jean Vanderlinden,Joyce Diane
Burkolder, Cherry Colleen Green, Joyce Linda Lewis, David Michael Rae, Mari Anne Vaughn,Gerald Eugene
Burnough, Frankie Don Griffin, Sheryl Jane Ligouri, Robert James Ramey, George Lee Veenschoten, Sheryl Lynn
Burrell, Dennis Wayne Grigsby, Karen Rae Lind, Vicki Ray Ramsey, Jon Rickie Vermeys, Randall E.
Burton, Carol Anthony Grimes, Eva Jeanne Linn, Diane Kay Ramsey, Robert Villa,Vincent Charles
Caldwell, Bob Grothe, Laura Lynn Lombardo,Joseph Michael Randall, Pamela Janine Voegtlin,Linda Jean
Calister, Kenneth Michael Gustafson,Philip Vernon Lorey, Thomas Wayne Rayman, Ronald Alan Waggoner,Susan Lorraine
Calkins, Linda Jean Hadley, Sandra Jo Lowe, Wayne, Jr. Reardon, Alice Ann Walker,Edward H.,III
Carlberg, Kurt William Hahn, Kenneth Eugene Ludwick,Stephen Gregory Redic, Delaina Renee Wallace,James Edward
Carley, Lawrence W. Hall, Diane Louise Luedke, Patricia Ann Reed, Kenneth Jason Wallace, Lee Anne
Carter, Dave M. Hall, Marlene Lynch Deanna Lynn Reeves, Dale Richard Walters, Linda Marie
Cate, Stephen Harper Hall, Richard Wayne Marck, Jeffrey Charles Rekmanis, Bob Gunar Waterman,Guinevere Lei
Chesowsky,Stanley Patrick Hall, Robert William Mardis,Catherine Elizabeth Rhoades, Karol Kay Watson, Carole Jean
Christakos, James Ted Hall, Russell Garry Marker,Marguerita DaSalee Richardson,Amy Loise Watson, John T.
Cipale, Carolyn Ann Harmon, John William Marlin, Kay Rieff,Margaret Kathleen Watson, Mary Helen
Clark, Cathy May Harrington,John Kevin Martin, Constance Ann Riggs, Linda Lou Wease,Eugene Kenneth
Clark, Craig Phillip Harshaw, Donald Gene Martindale, Cynthia Lee Ritchie,Nancy Marie Webb,Geroldine Bryson
Clark, Robert William Hart, Linda Carol McCann, Judith Marie Rittel, Ronald Frank Webb-Bey,Juanita Marie
Clyce, Carl Stanley Hata, Joyce Kathleen McCarthy, Helen May Rivers, Charles, Jr. Webb-Bey,Robert E.,Jr.
Clyde,William Lee Havnen, Paul Morgan McCarty, Vicki Ann Roberts, Linda Sue Weber, Girard L.
Colemon, Victor, Jr. Hawkins,Vickie Lynn McCarville,Patricia Eileen Rogers, Craig Allen Weis, Ronald Bruce
Collier, Janice Maureen Hawks, John Carl McClanahan,Rodney Dean Rogers, William Louis Welsh, Ann Marie
Collins, Jerald John Hayes, John Allen McClish, Constance Lee Romick, Roger Dale Westby, Patricia Ann
Collins, Linda Ann Hayes, Judy Diane McCrea, Mary Ann Rosenberg,Judith Susan Western, Donita Rae
Collins, Steven James Hays, Myrna Sue McDonald, Rowana Rossow,James Richard Western, Mike
Comito, Kathy Sue Hayter, Kevin Dale McGrean,Charles Raymond Roush, Deborah Terese Westlake,Sondra Elaine
Comito, Linda Marie Helvig, John Douglas McKelvey, Kerry Lee Roush, Patricia Anne White,Donald William
Coon, Frank Gunter Hennings, Robert Allen McKillop, Joan Marie Routson, Steve Russell White, Linda Kay
Cram, Kathleen Sue Henry, David Allen McKray, Delane Dee Royal, Susan Lynne Wickliff, David Lee
Critchfield,Susan Katherine Henry, Gary L. McLean, Kathleen Rae Rudisill, John David Wilbert,Nancy Alice
Crowell, Linda Diane Henry, Stephen Fredrick McLeod, Camille Ann Russell, Donald Eugene Williams,Annetta Yvonne
Culp, Jerry Wayne Hermann, Diana Lynn McNeley,Suaanne Elizabeth Russell, Jane Elizabeth Williams, Darnell
Daniels, Rose Marie Hernandez, Enedelia Meador, Brenda Carol Russell, Terry Phillip Williams, Richard Lee
Darlington, Catherine Sue Herselius, James Lewis Michelson, Janet Kay Rutan, Becky Jean Willis, Gail Marie
Daugherty, Douglas John Hevlin, Barbara Ann Miles, Dean Martin Rutz, Timothy Friedrich Winters, John S., II
Davenport, Richard Wayne Hickman, Zeola Fay Mileur, Sheri Lyn Salkiewicz, James Wong, William Edward
Davis, Paula Rene Hill, Richard Allan Millard, Annette Mae Sanders, Roger William Wood, Patty Jo
Davis, Barbara Jo Hood, Janie Marie Miller, Constance Marie Sandle, Cathy Sue Wood, Susan Marie
Davis, Francine J. Horton, Clara Jean Millhollin, Georgia Ann Sarantschin, Raissa Worster, Kathy Sue
Davis, Margaret Ann Hougham, Dale Carl Milne, Laura Renee Sauerbrei,Murray Dean Wright, Leanne Ovila
Davis, Rebecca Jo Houseman, Karen Kay Minear, Dennis Craig Schlegel,Dennis Howard Wyman, Paul Michael
Dawson, Dale Paula Howard, Carol Frances Mintle, Michael Wayne Schwab, Penny Dee Young, James Earl
Day, Richard Eugene Howard, Thomas Lyle Mitchell, Carolyn Sciachitano, Jeannine Youngberg,Eric Carroll
Deeds, James Russell Hughes, Joyce Elizabeth Mittag, Ellen Kae Seaton, Camille Elaine Zawistowski,Patricia J.
Degner, Deborah L. x x x x
In Memoriam
Class of June, 1968
June, 1968
Abbey, Douglas Wayne (d.04/25/07) 2007 LeCroy, Gary Richard (d.09/22/03) 2003
Amos, Robert (Bob) Earl (d.07/17/12) 2012 Lecroy, Michael David (d.03/28/88) 1988
Baird, Thomas Lee (d.07/13/11) 2011 Lee, Stephen Carl (d.06/05/22) 2022
Bancroft, Craig Michael (d.05/20/21) 2021 Leighter, Steve H. (d.04/12/21) 2021
Beattie, Sharon Anne (Matthias) (d.01/15/01) 2001 Lewis, David Michael (d.12/18/07) 2007
Blomquist, Katherine Ann (d.05/02/23) 2023 Lorey, Thomas Wayne (d.08/25/20) 2020
Boatwright, Nicholas Wayne (d.03/06/10) 2010 Lowe, Wayne, Jr. (d.01/11/97) 1997
Bobenhouse, Dan J. (d.06/15/20) 2020 Ludwick, Stephen Gregory (d.12/29/17) 2017
Bodensteiner, James Richard (d.06/24/14) 2014 Mardis, Catherine Elizabeth (Groffy) (d.09/19/12) 2012
Boo, Carole Rae (Harrington) (d.02/05/21) 2021 Martindale, Cynthia Lee (Thompson) (d.01/24/84) 1994
Bowlby,Tammy Louise (VanZuilen) (d.09/09/79) 1979 McCrea, Mary Ann (Price) (d.07/31/88) 1988
Boyd, Willard Clarence (d.02/11/23) 2023 McKelvey, Kerry Lee (d.11/03/08) 2008
Braklow, James Forrest (d.07/05/11) 2011 Miles, Dean M.artin (d.06/29/94) 1994
Brown, Clyde Edward (d.12/09/19) 2019 Mintle, Michael Wayne (d.01/13/13) 2013
Buhrmaster, Lila Kay (d.01/05/85) 1985 Moore, Marcia Lee (d.04/01/78) 1978
Bumpilori, Kay Frances (Bechtel) (d.05/07/22) 2022 Mozee, Phillip Sylvester (d.04/12/11) 2011
Burkholder,Cherry C.(McElwee) (d.05/06/20) 2020 Mundel, Charles Ray (d.08/28/05) 2005
Calister, Kenneth Michael (d.02/07/11) 2011 Nichols, Ronald Leo (d.10/23/18) 2018
Cate, Stephen Harper (d.11/28/22) 2022 Niffenegger, Patricia Mae (Garwood) (d.12/07/13) 2013
Chesowsky, Stanley Patrick (d.01/29/22) 2022 Nodland, Beverly L. (Staggs/Carr) (d.04/10/17) 2017
Clyce, Carl Stanley (d.03/12/98) 1998 Nuckolls, Derek Thomas (d.01/22/04) 2004
Collins, Linda Ann (Douglas) (d.11/03/11) 2011 Oliver, Gale Dwayne (d.10/04/69) 1969
Comito, Linda Marie (d.07/20/14) 2014 Olmstead, Ronald Doyle (d.03/06/92) 1992
Critchfield, Susan Katherine (Thompson) (d.05/04/12) 2012 Owens, Van Carson (d.05/15/19) 2019
Culp, Jerry Wayne (d.02/18/12) 2012 Payney, Wilma (d.07/16/92) 1992
Davis, Rebecca Jo (Jones) (d.02/28/17) 2017 Pecina, Larry Oren (d.01/13/06) 2006
Drzyzga, Gay Lee (Jones) (d.06/11/19) 2019 Pender, Stephen Michael (d.10/01/16) 2016
Fisher, Harold Eugene (d.01/15/13) 2013 Perry, Shirley Jean (Snider) (d.10/17/11) 2011
Forkner, Deanne Mae (Frederick) (d.09/11/17) 2017 Person, Ron Alan (d.03/01/69) 1969
Friedel, Rebecca Louise (d.04/10/75) 1975 Pilcher, Beryl Alvin (d.02/28/13) 2013
Gaudineer, Suzanne K. (Minks) (d.10/01/79) 1979 Randall, Pamela Janine (d.02/07/17) 2017
Giefer, Ann Marie (Gourd) (d.06/07/08) 2008 Rogers, Craig Allen (d.08/26/11) 2011
Gilliland, Marcia Ann (Bancroft) (d.07/19/16) 2016 Rossow, James Richard (d.02/05/18) 2018
Goddard, Merlin Dale (d.04/11/20) 2020 Routson, Steve Russell (d.07/20/08) 2008
Green, Joyce Linda (d.04/05/97) 1997 Russell, Jane Elizabeth (Busch) (d.12/11/19) 2019
Gustafson, Philip Vernon (d.06/18/24) 2024 Russell, Terry Phillip (d.04/05/96) 1996
Hall, Diane Louise (Wilkins) (d.09/02/92) 1992 Shearer, Thelma Ann (Jones) (d.06/30/02) 2002
Hall, Robert William (d. 06/05/05) 2005 Slack, Mark Edward (d.01/26/10) 2010
Hall, Russell Garry (d.07/02/10) 2010 Smith, Daniel Joseph (d.06/03/07) 2007
Hayter, Kevin Dale (d.12/16/16) 2016 Smith, Eddie Bernard (d.06/16/11) 2010
Helvig, John Douglas (03/30/16) 2016 Stewart, Kristin Alexis (Abbey) (d.04/16/72) 1972
Hermann,Diana Lynn (Gamble) (d.02/06/21) 2010 Stole, Richard Noel (d.01/18/07) 2007
Hevlin, Barbara Ann (Darnell/Ealey) (d.12/20/14) 2014 Streeter, Daniel David (d. 09/23/11) 2011
Hill, Richard Allan (d.07/29/23) 2023 Switzer, Katherine M. (d.01/17/98) 1998
Hougham, Dale Carl (d.09/19/13) 2013 Switzer, Kathleen Kay (12/17/14) 2014
Hughes, Julie Kay (Pink) (d. 07/01/02) 2002 VanHoosear,Lewis LeVern,Jr.(d.05/20/94) 1994
Jackson, Richard Eugene (d.07/24/99) 1999 Vaughn, Gerald Eugene (d.02/12/02) 2002
Jefferson, Barbara Jean (Green) (d.10/21/86) 1986 Wease, Robert (during senior year-d.11/25/67) 1967
Johnson, Theodore Grant, Jr. (d.11/08/08) 2008 Webb-Bey, Robert Eugene Jr. (d.03/14/14) 2014
Johnson, Vikki Rae (Hanson) (d.03/21/12) 2012 Weis, Ronald Bruce (d.02/02/08) 2008
Jurgens, Kenneth David (d.01/21/12) 2012 Welsh,Ann Marie (Grimm) (d.06/19/20) 2020
Kelderman, Gloria Jean (Clater) (d.07/31/11) 2011 Westby, Patricia Ann (Boal) (d.06/26/09) 2009
King, Diana Lou (Williams) (d.05/04/20) 2020 Williams, Darnell (d.01/24/80) 1980
Law, Dan Lee (d.08/02/20) 2020 x
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (50th reunion), 2025 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
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